Guys, let me ask you all
Character you wanted to play the most pre-release

Character you've played the most

Character you're confident the most with so far

Character you picked up you never thought you would

Character you intended to play, but have dropped/put on hold

Veteran from a previous game you've used but aren't clicking with yet N/A
Finally got to play against humans last night, so I can update mine. BTW, goddamn heavyweights in this game (K. Rool, Bowser, Ridley, Incineroar)
Character you wanted to play the most pre-release

Character you've played the most

Character you're confident the most with so far

Like, holy ****, did I NOT lose a single match with thse two, and I used them quite a lot, I mean, even when I was being violated fighting the same guy's K. Rool, I would eventually switch to those two, and only those two until he dropped out, but while we did our K Rool vs, Pit/DS, I won every time.
Character you picked up you never thought you would
Character you intended to play, but have dropped/put on hold
After last night, I officially broke out my Pokemon Trainer, so...
Veteran from a previous game you've used but aren't clicking with yet

This breaks my heart. I never...ever...won a sinlg match legit with either. Lucario never won once, and Greninja won one because the Ridley guy SD'd early in a match.