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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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Switch FC
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
There's some valid points here, but I feel like obsession over a character can be unhealthy, even if it's in a positive direction
I agree. There are characters I really like (Isabelle, Midna, etc.) but I'm not obsessed. I do feel some fanbases (not saying the entire fanbases as a whole, just some) such as the Isaac and Geno fanbases are...obsessed.

Deleted member

I agree. There are characters I really like (Isabelle, Midna, etc.) but I'm not obsessed. I do feel some fanbases (not saying the entire fanbases as a whole, just some) such as the Isaac and Geno fanbases are...obsessed.
The Zoe "fanbase" is also obsessed

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
It might be more of a "blue haired swordsman" stigma specifically.
Yeah. Actually considering how many blond and blue-eyed characters we have, it's weird people getting so hung up on four characters (three of them related) having same hair color.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
I've said it countless times, but even with all the evidence that Dark Samus might be a playable character after the game was revealed at E3, I maintained that it wasn't confirmed, just that the possibility went from "Never going to happen" to "It might happen." Because I knew how much of a long shot it was even with the evidence, so I left a lot of room for doubt.

And when the Grinch hoax happened, I was surprised at how many people jumped on the "It's confirmed, it's legit" train so quickly, despite all the reasons to question its validity. It couldn't necessarily be disproven, so there was room for hope, but I heavily doubted it based on a number of issues (I laid out a whole friggin' essay about it the night before the Direct). It sucks that so many people got burned by it, which is exactly what the creator wanted to happen, but hopefully that incident will serve as a reminder from here-on-out for people to temper their expectations, so that this kind of thing won't happen again. Hopefully.

You're right, it really isn't that hard.

I've been playing Smash since 2002, and I've never had a character that I really loved be in any Smash game until now. I ended up growing attached to R.O.B., and he was my favorite Smash character for the duration of Brawl and Smash 4, but he wasn't a character that was shown off before Brawl where I went "YES! FINALLY!" or that I had much of a personal history or attachment to, outside of Mario Kart DS (though I do own an actual R.O.B. and Gyromite accessories, which I've played a handful of times over the years, but I can't remember if I got it before or after Brawl).

When Smash 4 came and went, and I didn't get any new characters I liked, I was still excited for them because they made other people happy. Seeing Maximilian and others lose their minds over Cloud and Bayonetta made their inclusions worth it. I like seeing other people's wishes come true, even if it means not all of mine will. When Daisy was announced, I didn't personally care, but I was still excited because I knew that it was a big deal for a lot of other people, so I thought it was awesome. I've never played or cared about Donkey Kong, but I knew K. Rool was a titan in terms of popularity for Smash, so I was hoping he'd get announced, too, if only for everyone else.

Part of that is just recognition of "Beggars can't be choosers." My top two are Dark Samus and Chibi-Robo. Both had little chance of anything. So if neither of them were confirmed, I could just go "Yeah, all right, whatever," because I'm not going to say "This character with little popularity, relevancy, or significance deserves to be in the game damn it, and if they don't get in over Incineroar, I'm not going to buy the game, and Sakurai's a ho." The only case that could've been made for either of them was that, since Ridley was said to not be viable, Dark Samus is the next in line for a Metroid character with plenty of potential and less issues, and Chibi-Robo had a 3DS game in 2015 that gave him a bit more relevancy and moveset potential, but that's it. I wasn't going to pretend that either of them were any more important than they actually were.

Somehow... I got Dark Samus, and Chibi-Robo as a Mii costume. I can't tell you how that happened. I voted for Dark Samus in the ballot, but I didn't think it would work. I guess those 16 years of patience paid off, or something. Even if neither of them are full newcomers and compromises had to be made to include them, the fact that either of them made it in at all is huge. Some people complain that Dark Samus should've been a full character, but it was this or nothing. Echo Fighters are a sign that "We can't justify this character as a full newcomer, but we can at least get them in the game this way," which I can't necessarily disagree with.
Two big takeaways I agree with from here:
  • Keep expectations in check
  • Nothing is confirmed until it's officially announced

The Grinch looked might promising, but putting 100% hope in it was always a bad idea.

Same with all these DLC "leaks." Outrage over Katelina was for nothing, Steve might not be in, and there's a solid chance SE has nothing more to offer us. Not saying there's no chance these sources are correct, but it's not worth buying into them fully when there's always a chance they're wrong. That's how people get upset.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
Why give people like this a platform though? They're spreading misinformation to attack Hitagi's credibility, and by bringing it here you're only aiding in that.
I didn't know it was misinformation. I thought it was real


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
i love it when a voice actor says they got a new gig and literally everyone think it has to be smash and only smash


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
After months of seeing all of you link that "Goku" Wiki article, this is the funniest thing to me.

He's in, lads. We did it.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2018
"Rather, I believe it’s important to have a good balance as a game. In the past titles in the series, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B. and Duck Hunt Dog were some of the examples we offered outside of people’s typical expectations. However, if we don’t have these types of fighters, and we only had typical “hero/heroine” type fighters in the lineup, there’s not much difference. It’s probably not very interesting. Correct?"- Sakurai.

Ya hear that? Yes you, who call for more FE, Pokemon, clones or any of those uninteresting typical characters.

Deleted member

i love it when a voice actor says they got a new gig and literally everyone think it has to be smash and only smash
There are times when I feel parts of this fanbase doesn't know other video games, or other pieces of media period, exist.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
"Rather, I believe it’s important to have a good balance as a game. In the past titles in the series, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B. and Duck Hunt Dog were some of the examples we offered outside of people’s typical expectations. However, if we don’t have these types of fighters, and we only had typical “hero/heroine” type fighters in the lineup, there’s not much difference. It’s probably not very interesting. Correct?"- Sakurai.

Ya hear that? Yes you, who call for more FE, Pokemon, clones or any of those uninteresting typical characters.
Goemon's a typical anime ninja, gee, as if we haven't seen enough anime ninja heroes lately...


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
"Rather, I believe it’s important to have a good balance as a game. In the past titles in the series, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B. and Duck Hunt Dog were some of the examples we offered outside of people’s typical expectations. However, if we don’t have these types of fighters, and we only had typical “hero/heroine” type fighters in the lineup, there’s not much difference. It’s probably not very interesting. Correct?"- Sakurai.

Ya hear that? Yes you, who call for more FE, Pokemon, clones or any of those uninteresting typical characters.
I think Pokemon are interesting and unique. In your opinion, what makes them not?

Also seems a bit insulting to call peoples favorites "uninstresting". I'm not offended, just saying it probably isn't the same for others. Also, what's bad about wanting those characters? :p
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