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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2018
Curses, a good argument!
Also, sidenote Moy, is it their or they're that I should use? Not too sure so I felt maybe I should ask

I may not have class but I DO have ***
I won't pretend to know what those asterisks mean but good for you I guess.

Bee Card

Smash Ace
Oct 28, 2018
I don't think anyone got the joke
Robin is the final boss, Grima. Don't ask me how the **** that works, I only know this because my older brother loved that game to bits/
English isn't my native language so sometimes I think I'm not clear lol.
It's just that some players have the joke to consider that the "true" corrin is the female one and they would have preferred female corrin to be the one representing the character in the characters select screen rather than the classic male-over-the-female representation. So for the joke we consider the male version the bad guy of the FE characters.
Idk if I'm more clear now lol ^.^'
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I love Palutena's Guidance and this is one of the best ones.

I missed the discussion earlier on Isaac fans apparently throwing a temper tantrum. In my opinion, I think it was very damn justified. Not their actions, but it's justified that they were pissed.

The fact that Isaac. along with many fan favorites, wasn't spotted yet which gave people hope of the character, only for them to be shown off in the final direct. Then, to add insult to injury, we got a ****ing Piranha Plant as our first DLC character. I think the reason most fans (including me) were pissed isn't because the characters were deconfirmed, but that they waited until the final direct to deconfirm all these fan favorites, then show of their new DLC which was literally a generic enemy from Mario

Yeah, I feel their pain, I felt it myself, and alot of you probably also did.
I feel like people should have dropped "not disconfirmed yet"="confirmed" line of though a while ago.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
I feel like people should have dropped "not disconfirmed yet"="confirmed" line of though a while ago.
Even if people didn't have that line of thought, they stlil probably got their hopes up of their favorite not being seen as an AT yet, especially after Dark Samus and Isabelle.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
Based on the last few pages I feel like blocking someone might be a valid option in this case.

Also did a little reading in the Isaac thread. It's not horrific by any means, but only re-enforces my belief that people become way too attached to fictional characters. Some people just take this stuff way too seriously. And I'd love to say these attitudes are because of the younger age group participating in discussions, but then I get reminders that some of the most unreasonable/obsessive people here are 30+
People are...sometimes too obnoxious about their character, Sure, I'm happy that 'Roar is in, but I may not care that much about him, At this point, I am just ready to play the game with my friends or somebody who wants to have fun. I know it felt sad to lose a character but people are boycotting this game just because of their character not being in as an character; as an top tier, they could be hated, or low tier, the same thing. I just want the game, that's all. No long to be mean to others if your character don't get in. Just have fun. That's what this game is about. FUN.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I missed the discussion earlier on Isaac fans apparently throwing a temper tantrum. In my opinion, I think it was very damn justified. Not their actions, but it's justified that they were pissed.

The fact that Isaac. along with many fan favorites, wasn't spotted yet which gave people hope of the character, only for them to be shown off in the final direct. Then, to add insult to injury, we got a ****ing Piranha Plant as our first DLC character. I think the reason most fans (including me) were pissed isn't because the characters were deconfirmed, but that they waited until the final direct to deconfirm all these fan favorites, then show of their new DLC which was literally a generic enemy from Mario

Yeah, I feel their pain, I felt it myself, and alot of you probably also did.
To be fair, Isaac's fanbase was setting themselves up for major disappointment by not reigning in their expectation. The Grinch leak by itself would've made things bad, but on top of that, we got that mystery item, the September Direct theory, and the picture which was 100% hinting at Golden Sun and a playable Isaac because of the angle the picture was taken.

Sakurai can't disconfirm every popular character at once. He was probably trying to save Isaac as a notable reveal so his supporters would be surprised that his AT was back, but just like we do with everything, we looked at nonexistent cues, jumped the gun, and told ourselves that Isaac was playable.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Based on the last few pages I feel like blocking someone might be a valid option in this case.

Also did a little reading in the Isaac thread. It's not horrific by any means, but only re-enforces my belief that people become way too attached to fictional characters. Some people just take this stuff way too seriously. And I'd love to say these attitudes are because of the younger age group participating in discussions, but then I get reminders that some of the most unreasonable/obsessive people here are 30+
Here's the thing about fandom: obsession doesn't have to be negative. A fan being attached isn't a problem; a fan being attached and being a ****ty person is a problem.

Anyone who talks with me regularly knows there are games/characters I love and will talk someone's ear off about if one lets me. But I'm not going to be ****ty about it blowing up someone's Twitter or fighting with someone over the merit or inclusion of my favorite things.

It's not that hard.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
To be fair, Isaac's fanbase was setting themselves up for major disappointment by not reigning in their expectation. The Grinch leak by itself would've made things bad, but on top of that, we got that mystery item, the September Direct theory, and the picture which was 100% hinting at Golden Sun and a playable Isaac because of the angle the picture was taken.

Sakurai can't disconfirm every popular character at once. He was probably trying to save Isaac as a notable reveal so his supporters would be surprised that his AT was back, but just like we do with everything, we looked at nonexistent cues, jumped the gun, and told ourselves that Isaac was playable.
There's also that. I was pleasantly surprised when Isaac returned but most of his support thread was like "they wouldn't bring him just to make an AT", even though we know Sakurai don't see assist characters as a bad thing.
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Deleted member

I missed the discussion earlier on Isaac fans apparently throwing a temper tantrum. In my opinion, I think it was very damn justified. Not their actions, but it's justified that they were pissed.

The fact that Isaac. along with many fan favorites, wasn't spotted yet which gave people hope of the character, only for them to be shown off in the final direct. Then, to add insult to injury, we got a ****ing Piranha Plant as our first DLC character. I think the reason most fans (including me) were pissed isn't because the characters were deconfirmed, but that they waited until the final direct to deconfirm all these fan favorites, then show of their new DLC which was literally a generic enemy from Mario

Yeah, I feel their pain, I felt it myself, and alot of you probably also did.
As someone who initially got really angry at the Direct for these reasons...

Don't. It is attaching way, way too many personal feeling onto a fictional character. Sakurai and Nintendo did not do this to offend you, nor was it a "slap", as even I initially called it; it was marketing. They distributed the info on the game the way they wanted to, and because they waited a little while, people decided that must mean something's up. And that's the key word here, "people". Sakurai did not tease anything, did not indicate anything, and all around did nothing to falsely raise expectations. Fans are the ones that crafted elaborate theories that made characters "locks" when there was no evidence of any such thing, and convinced themselves it was a done deal.

While I feel for people who don't get their favorites, this is a lesson for both me and others that you should not assume anything is 100% unless the guy who's making the game says so. It's also a lesson not to be overly dramatic about a fictional character. Being bummed is one thing, but to get legit angry? Take it from me, it's a silly way to behave, and you'll regret it down the line.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Here is a news about Sakurai discussing something in terms of Smash Ultimate Content:

"This time, I worked with the same company and same team that worked on Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS titles. And in those titles, we were able to include quite a few fighters. So I thought, if we work a bit harder, we can make the dream of including all fighters come true, so we went for it.

There will be people who might feel disappointed if fighters that appeared in a previous title are not included. I didn’t want any players to feel that way, so we worked really hard to make this happen.

But what I learned is that regardless of doing our utmost, no matter how hard we try, and no matter how many fighters we include, there will always be people who feel that way."
Glad he has such a wise and healthy outlook on this. He does his best to please as many people as possible, but of course, you can never please anyone. Many people will take such constant negativity to heart and make them either bitter or depressed, rather than recognize it as a vocal minority amongst the countless positivity. In his position, this is especially important, given the significance and popularity of his work.

Happens to a lot of YouTubers. They'll focus more attention on the few negative, jerkish comments they get, rather than the countless praise and love they otherwise receive, and then let that dominate their perception of themselves, their work, and their audience.

So good to hear that Sakurai knows that haters are just part of the job, but that most people who love and play Smash don't feel that way.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
I'm incredibly confused, I was under the impression they/them were your preferred pronouns, which is why I asked about that
But... "their" and "they're" are both forms of "they", so it sounded more like you were asking about grammar than pronoun preference. :p

I don't have any preferred pronouns, though. I don't really care what you call me; someone else has probably called me worse at some point in time. :p


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
Here's the thing about fandom: obsession doesn't have to be negative. A fan being attached isn't a problem; a fan being attached and being a ****ty person is a problem.

Anyone who talks with me regularly knows there are games/characters I love and will talk someone's ear off about if one lets me. But I'm not going to be ****ty about it blowing up someone's Twitter or fighting with someone over the merit or inclusion of my favorite things.

It's not that hard.
often people are rude, and I don't get why.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
But... "their" and "they're" are both forms of "they", so it sounded more like you were asking about grammar than pronoun preference. :p

I don't have any preferred pronouns, though. I don't really care what you call me; someone else has probably called me worse at some point in time. :p
I knew about grammar since primary school lmfaooo

Aaah. Just wanted to make sure cause everyone's gender identity is valid. Even if your taste in video games isn't


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I missed the discussion earlier on Isaac fans apparently throwing a temper tantrum. In my opinion, I think it was very damn justified. Not their actions, but it's justified that they were pissed.

The fact that Isaac. along with many fan favorites, wasn't spotted yet which gave people hope of the character, only for them to be shown off in the final direct. Then, to add insult to injury, we got a ****ing Piranha Plant as our first DLC character. I think the reason most fans (including me) were pissed isn't because the characters were deconfirmed, but that they waited until the final direct to deconfirm all these fan favorites, then show of their new DLC which was literally a generic enemy from Mario

Yeah, I feel their pain, I felt it myself, and alot of you probably also did.
Honestly I think the issue to begin with is the fact that they saw what happened to Isaac as something that constitutes an "insult."


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I like that Sakurai has done a better job at telling the backstory here than anyone has done with Metroid ever.

I mean, his reveal trailer did a better job at conveying his personality than, uh, Metroid games in general.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
Honestly I think the issue to begin with is the fact that they saw what happened to Isaac as something that constitutes an "insult."
it may not have been intended as an insult, as it definitely wasn't by Sakurai and his team, but it really did feel like salt on the wound when Piranha Plant showed up as the first DLC character after all the mass deconfirmations.
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Deleted member

Isaac fans got it bad?

Try being a Shadow fan and seeing Knuckles as an Assist, no sign of Shadow, and not only multiple Echo Fighters, but multiple third-party Echo Fighters. :p

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Seeing this makes me smile. Not only do they explain the different Ridleys (some I didn't know about), but Pit's kind words acknowledging how powerful Samus is, that and well, my shipping fuel featuring :ultpit::ultzss: has been reignited! At the same time, he wasn't picked on at all by Palu and Viridi.

But now wondering about his reaction towards Dark Samus, especially when he mistaken Daisy for Peach (I sometimes wonder who writes this stuff)...


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
it may not have been intended as an insult, as it definitely wasn't by Sakurai and his team, but it really did feel like salt on the wound when Piranha Plant showed up as the first DLC character after all the mass deconfirmations.
Yes, but they could react better?
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