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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018

Lol, Pit is that kind of guys saying that Smash Ultimate is just a basic port of Smash Wii U
Pit isn't the brightest spoon but my initial reaction to Daisy was pretty much "when did they make Peach a brunette?"
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Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
Sometimes I wonder if there are characters Sakurai himself doesn’t want in the game. Do you think Sakurai didn’t want to add Ridley but decided he had to?
Maybe he really DID mean to insult Isaac, Waluigi and Ashley fans. Of course, we can’t know for sure, but it’s a possibility.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
Here's the thing about fandom: obsession doesn't have to be negative. A fan being attached isn't a problem; a fan being attached and being a ****ty person is a problem.

Anyone who talks with me regularly knows there are games/characters I love and will talk someone's ear off about if one lets me. But I'm not going to be ****ty about it blowing up someone's Twitter or fighting with someone over the merit or inclusion of my favorite things.

It's not that hard.
There's some valid points here, but I feel like obsession over a character can be unhealthy, even if it's in a positive direction


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Even if the Grinch leak was real, Sakurai unfortunately would still be dealing with an exuberant amount of annoying requests from fans on a daily basis, no matter how good that roster looked.

At this point people need to accept the fact that it wasn't and those characters aren't in, but in the flipside, celebrate at no cuts and the most smash by a country mile. Not to mention we get 6 more characters on top of this.

Like, that SHOULD make everyone happy. And if it doesn't, I suggest to look at smash as a number of playstyles and not a number of characters or representations. We have roughly 74 unique playstyles in a decently balanced fighting game (unheard of) and we are getting in the least 6 more (without expecting anything else on the side or after) unique playstyles.

Seriously, I dreamed of this moment as a kid. It's a ****ing reality.
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Deleted member

Sometimes I wonder if there are characters Sakurai himself doesn’t want in the game. Do you think Sakurai didn’t want to add Ridley but decided he had to?
Maybe he really DID mean to insult Isaac, Waluigi and Ashley fans. Of course, we can’t know for sure, but it’s a possibility.
Well, he definitely meant to insult Waluigi fans.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Sometimes I wonder if there are characters Sakurai himself doesn’t want in the game. Do you think Sakurai didn’t want to add Ridley but decided he had to?
Maybe he really DID mean to insult Isaac, Waluigi and Ashley fans. Of course, we can’t know for sure, but it’s a possibility.
Sakurai gave Ridley important roles for a decade. I think he really likes Ridley and was picky about how to implement him. That's why I never get why Ridley fans acts so personally insulted by his boss appearances, it's better than most characters got.

Same with Isaac, he looks upgraded. Waluigi and Ashley... eh, they are side characters with questionable importance to their franchises, there's nothing weird about giving them supporting roles.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2018
Sometimes I wonder if there are characters Sakurai himself doesn’t want in the game. Do you think Sakurai didn’t want to add Ridley but decided he had to?
Maybe he really DID mean to insult Isaac, Waluigi and Ashley fans. Of course, we can’t know for sure, but it’s a possibility.
I really don't think so, chief.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
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There's some valid points here, but I feel like obsession over a character can be unhealthy, even if it's in a positive direction
There's a point where obsession becomes unhealthy, yes.



Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Sometimes I wonder if there are characters Sakurai himself doesn’t want in the game. Do you think Sakurai didn’t want to add Ridley but decided he had to?
Maybe he really DID mean to insult Isaac, Waluigi and Ashley fans. Of course, we can’t know for sure, but it’s a possibility.

I think it's more that we as a fan base don't understand how tricky or how hard it is to implement characters from scratch with their own movesets, personalities and mechanics, all of which need to be balanced within the constraints of a game where nobody fights the same (unless you are a clone-type character).

Ridley I feel like probably was one of the hardest chasracter Sakurai ever made, as he denied his presence in Smash for years due to his size and complicated looking design.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Again, Gamefaqs is sure a great place.

Curse my curious yet bored mind.
If you like Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, Bayonetta or a Fire Emblem character except Marth and Ike, this place can be great for you, too.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
I'm not trying to expose him, and I'm not saying he is a fake. All I'm saying is this is what this guy said, and this is their message, and I'm just getting this info out to people
Why give people like this a platform though? They're spreading misinformation to attack Hitagi's credibility, and by bringing it here you're only aiding in that.
If the information they convey is fake, it doesn't really matter where the info comes from. There's no functional difference between some creating fake information or someone passing on fake information. Their information is still fake.
But Hitagi didn't spread fake information. He never stated the full list, just Steve, who he's been confident on since October. Therefore, he's spread no fake information. I will concede that creating and passing off false information is similar, but they're not the same. In one case, it's deliberate misinformation, and in the other case it's just someone being an idiot and not double-checking. Hitagi doesn't fall into the latter, so my original point still stands.
The DLCs of those game have been the main marketing point of said game for almost a year, and they are getting a new mode just recently where you play as all of them(A).
In addition, of all the DLC characters (B), she has been the most hyped one so far (C), and even now that's Magolor's wave, even Magolor is getting less hyped because the new mode is stealing the spotlight from him (D).

And it's still a playable character in the most recent Kirby game, where so far there are 13 of them, not that many if you think... the Sonic cast is way larger, for example (E).
I added footnotes into the original post so I can address everything that's wrong here.

A: Superfluous point. It's a recent game mode in one game. By this logic, Splatoon recently got the Octoling Expansion which had much more marketing than Kirby Star Allies update 3, so Octoling is a shoe-in. It is relevant, but does nothing to change the fact that Adeliene is
B: "of all" is the main point here. Adeliene isn't the only one, she's one of 13, each of which has equal spotlight
C: This is an opinion. Unless you have evidence to show she's the most hyped, don't say it.
D: Another opinion without evidence. If you look at the evidence, Smash polls show that Magalor is MUCH more popular in Japan.
E: Superfluous. Again, you prove Adeliene is relevant, but not popular. The point about Sonic's cast makes no sense because many games have larger casts and smaller casts. Earthbound has a much smaller bunch of playable characters, but Ninten isn't a shoe-in, and the Legend of Zelda series has a larger bunch with many notable standouts, none of which have made it into Smash despite their popularity.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I think it's more that we as a fan base don't understand how tricky or how hard it is to implement characters from scratch with their own movesets, personalities and mechanics, all of which need to be balanced within the constraints of a game where nobody fights the same (unless you are a clone-type character).

Ridley I feel like probably was one of the hardest chasracter Sakurai ever made, as he denied his presence in Smash for years due to his size and complicated looking design.
Did you forget, he denied his presence because R.O.B. and Dark Pit stole his slot.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
To be fair, Isaac's fanbase was setting themselves up for major disappointment by not reigning in their expectation. The Grinch leak by itself would've made things bad, but on top of that, we got that mystery item, the September Direct theory, and the picture which was 100% hinting at Golden Sun and a playable Isaac because of the angle the picture was taken.

Sakurai can't disconfirm every popular character at once. He was probably trying to save Isaac as a notable reveal so his supporters would be surprised that his AT was back, but just like we do with everything, we looked at nonexistent cues, jumped the gun, and told ourselves that Isaac was playable.
I've said it countless times, but even with all the evidence that Dark Samus might be a playable character after the game was revealed at E3, I maintained that it wasn't confirmed, just that the possibility went from "Never going to happen" to "It might happen." Because I knew how much of a long shot it was even with the evidence, so I left a lot of room for doubt.

And when the Grinch hoax happened, I was surprised at how many people jumped on the "It's confirmed, it's legit" train so quickly, despite all the reasons to question its validity. It couldn't necessarily be disproven, so there was room for hope, but I heavily doubted it based on a number of issues (I laid out a whole friggin' essay about it the night before the Direct). It sucks that so many people got burned by it, which is exactly what the creator wanted to happen, but hopefully that incident will serve as a reminder from here-on-out for people to temper their expectations, so that this kind of thing won't happen again. Hopefully.

Here's the thing about fandom: obsession doesn't have to be negative. A fan being attached isn't a problem; a fan being attached and being a ****ty person is a problem.

Anyone who talks with me regularly knows there are games/characters I love and will talk someone's ear off about if one lets me. But I'm not going to be ****ty about it blowing up someone's Twitter or fighting with someone over the merit or inclusion of my favorite things.

It's not that hard.
You're right, it really isn't that hard.

I've been playing Smash since 2002, and I've never had a character that I really loved be in any Smash game until now. I ended up growing attached to R.O.B., and he was my favorite Smash character for the duration of Brawl and Smash 4, but he wasn't a character that was shown off before Brawl where I went "YES! FINALLY!" or that I had much of a personal history or attachment to, outside of Mario Kart DS (though I do own an actual R.O.B. and Gyromite accessories, which I've played a handful of times over the years, but I can't remember if I got it before or after Brawl).

When Smash 4 came and went, and I didn't get any new characters I liked, I was still excited for them because they made other people happy. Seeing Maximilian and others lose their minds over Cloud and Bayonetta made their inclusions worth it. I like seeing other people's wishes come true, even if it means not all of mine will. When Daisy was announced, I didn't personally care, but I was still excited because I knew that it was a big deal for a lot of other people, so I thought it was awesome. I've never played or cared about Donkey Kong, but I knew K. Rool was a titan in terms of popularity for Smash, so I was hoping he'd get announced, too, if only for everyone else.

Part of that is just recognition of "Beggars can't be choosers." My top two are Dark Samus and Chibi-Robo. Both had little chance of anything. So if neither of them were confirmed, I could just go "Yeah, all right, whatever," because I'm not going to say "This character with little popularity, relevancy, or significance deserves to be in the game damn it, and if they don't get in over Incineroar, I'm not going to buy the game, and Sakurai's a ho." The only case that could've been made for either of them was that, since Ridley was said to not be viable, Dark Samus is the next in line for a Metroid character with plenty of potential and less issues, and Chibi-Robo had a 3DS game in 2015 that gave him a bit more relevancy and moveset potential, but that's it. I wasn't going to pretend that either of them were any more important than they actually were.

Somehow... I got Dark Samus, and Chibi-Robo as a Mii costume. I can't tell you how that happened. I voted for Dark Samus in the ballot, but I didn't think it would work. I guess those 16 years of patience paid off, or something. Even if neither of them are full newcomers and compromises had to be made to include them, the fact that either of them made it in at all is huge. Some people complain that Dark Samus should've been a full character, but it was this or nothing. Echo Fighters are a sign that "We can't justify this character as a full newcomer, but we can at least get them in the game this way," which I can't necessarily disagree with.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I think quality control makes adding a lot of characters very intensive, and with some of them being so expressive, it can take a lot of time, i guess.
I do wish there had been more characters, but it's silly to let something like that ruin the huge amount of love and fun to be had there.

My main goal with smash ultimate is to have fun with it. :)
Secondary goal, to get good with the characters I like :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014

Playable fighter > assist trophy > sticker...

Rayman and Dixie Kong not even assist trophies? Hmm...

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