Alright guys. Feel honored that im coming down to bless you all with my presence.
Perhaps all of you will play 10x better with me just being there to watch your crappy matches. Obviously im gonna win this tournament, and just to make you all feel special, im gonna do some pre-shoutouts.
Renegade Marth: Dude. I hope your Marth has improved. Least it'll give me some good combo practice..
Wes: Man. You blow so badly at this game. Plz go kill yourself, thx.
RC: Your cool. :o I hope you remain as cool as you were before.
Best101: OMFG dude. You ****ing suck. I bet you've gotten bout' 10x worst since the last time I played you. Please show up to this tournament so I can further humiliate you.
Nite: Dude. Bleaching your skin aint cool man. Not everybody can look like Michael Jackson. With a name like Nite, I bet you were the blackest dude in your neighborhood
Chad: Your ganon is garbage. It taste so bad..disgusting **** dude. Disgusting ****..
Pikachu Chad: Man..your actually pretty cool. I like you. But maybe Smash is'nt your thing.
Cornell: Your slowly gaining some cool points dude. But you still blow at this game.
Laijin: Please quit at life.
112: Your Marth is garbage. But its better than Renegade's. Still..your Marth is gay.
Carter: Go jump of a building plz. Your garbage at life and at smash. thx.
Thats right guys. Im coming to this. So get ready and bring lots of condoms, triple wrap if you have to..cause your gonna need alot of protection for me(if you can even handle all of that. Since ****** is pretty horrible and it feels kinda wrong..)