1. Name: Dr. Wily’s Castle
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man 2 (NES, 1989)
Reasoning: It’s Wily’s Castle, of course you’re going to see one of the most iconic themes in gaming history appear on a stage COMPLETELY DEDICATED to it. Since the remix is present in the medley, I’m betting we’ll see the original as a track as well.
2. Name: Spark Man
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man 3 (NES, 1990)
Reasoning: While I much prefer Snake Man, we’ve seen this song included in the Direct, so it’s no wild guess to say it’ll be a track for Wily’s Castle. And it’s an amazing remix at that.
3. Name: Mega Man 2 Medley
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man 2 (NES, 1989)
Reasoning: Besides being confirmed for the game, this literally takes the best from MM2 and mashes it together in a remix so beautiful my ears are melting.
4. Name: The Yellow Devil
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man (NES, 1987)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HCCr6EKlkM (The Yellow Devil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIKISh2lJGA (Fire Man’s Theme)
Reasoning: The Yellow Devil is a boss on the stage, so I thought his own theme would appear. I’ve linked the Powered Up version, but I imagine it’ll be a remix of the original, similar to this. Another idea I had for it, is to make it a bit more presentable, at certain moments (I’d say around the 0:40 mark of the first video) you mix in the first 30 seconds of Fire Man’s theme, and then go back to the chaotic Yellow Devil music. Continue this pattern. It’s a great way to represent Mega Man 1 while still keeping in touch with the stage. BUMO BUMO BUMO, BUMO BUMO.
5. Name: Skull Man
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man 4 (NES, 1992)
Reasoning: Skull Man is an iconic Robot Master, and has by far the best track in Mega Man 4. Tying into the fact that Wily’s Fortress is indeed a giant skull, theming made sense.
6. Name: Wily Machine 9
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man (WiiWare, 2008)
Reasoning: This is the definition of amazing boss themes. I think it'd fit in perfectly with the stage, and Mega Man 9 needs some love anyway.
7. Name: Robot Museum
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man 7 (SNES, 1995)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-YuRnf3KPc (Robot Museum)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAblzmf2els (Cut Man Remix)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QJTv6ZSTUg (Quick Man)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4c5Fmvp7dY (Tornado Man)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMR7Bdaln1k (Pharoah Man)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUS_n6njK-Q (Sheep Man)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAwZS6Ksw0Q&feature=kp (Shadow Man)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22qJa6tZfXA (Elec Man)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM9XF8Z_lNE (Hornet Man)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-beO-S0HMDM (Slash Man)
Let’s face it, if you’re going to have a Mega Man stage, you’ll need as many Robot Master themes as possible. I think extending the existing themes and adding a few more of the iconic ones into a remix of the Robot Museum theme from Mega Man 7 (Cut Man, Elec Man, Quick Man, Tornado Man, Shadow Man, Pharaoh Man, Slash Man, Hornet Man, Sheep Man, all good pieces to add.) much like how songs in Brawl took parts from other songs (Go KK Rider, Song of Storms) would really add to the experience. Besides, we see that Mega Man 7’s getting it’s fair share of content.
8. Gravity Man
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man 5 (NES, 1992)
Reasoning: Gravity Man’s theme, remixed with a combination of orchestral and punk rock, would actually add an interesting piece to Wily’s Castle. I linked the Complete Works arrangement, mainly because the original seemed a bit too confusing.
9. Whistle Concert/Proto Man’s Theme
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man 3 (NES, 1990)
Reasoning: This is the anthem of Mega Man fans. This theme is likely the most emotional track of the classic series, and it would be the counterpart of Midna’s Lament on Bridge of Eldin. Still mentioning Zelda, I envision this theme with the same instruments as the Ocarina of Time Medley, making a very nice remix while staying true to the original.
10. Name: Central Highway
Universe: Mega Man
Game of Origin: Mega Man X (SNES, 1993)
Reasoning: So, this is my "strange" pick.
Mega Man is a highly diverse series of video games. The Blue Bomber has taken several forms over the years, as has his music. While classic Mega Man is by far my favorite video game series, the evolution of a series really shows how much love and hard work was put into the character, from classic, to X, to Battle Network, to Legends, to Star Force, to Zero, to Mighty No. 9. Inafune’s creation lives on in many forms, whether it be the classic Blue Bomber, the Maverick Hunters X and Zero, or as the spiritual successor, Beck. Central Highway, as a stage, was the introduction to this. This was evolution. A small robot became a more powerful one. Characters die. Time goes on. The legacy of Mega Man? It lives on, even if the character himself isn’t a official Mega Man, or even part of Capcom. They are the Mega Men, every Proto Man, every Zero, every Bass, every .EXE, every Maverick, every Robot Master, every Roll, every Beck and Call, they are as much Mega Man as any other. What opened this door to the legacy? A trip down a highway. With a blue robot. Becoming stronger as he progresses to bring justice to the world and stop the infected Mavericks. This was no longer just one hero, this was a generation of them. Central Highway introduced millions of gamers across the world to an expanded universe, one that is a complete story, in many different formats. You are there when Mega Man is born, and you’re there when he finally falls. And with the Blue Bomber being revived, I think that having a song that introduced us all to the next chapter of the Mega Man Legacy is deserving of this spot.