Okay enough chatting about various music tracks.
Unfortunately, due to a busy week, Tumblr was not able to grade your results this round. So, this round will be graded by only Groose, Frost and I. Don't worry though. Tumblr will be able to do it next time. Regardless, be sure to show your appreciation to him!
So...anyways! Here ya go!
[collapse="Swampasaur's Grades"]Legendofrob1
Importance: 9
Popularity: 9
Variety: 9
Fit: 10
Total: 37
Notes: Hey! Some very good choices here. Magnus' and Dark Pit's theme are both incredibly popular and important themes to KI:U. As is the Title Theme. The Reaper's Line of Sight is a good choice as it's popular and important to the series as a whole. Wrath of the Reset Bomb is another good choice not only because it's popular or important but because it's where the stage is based on. The two GB tracks seem popular enough and both seem important. And the Brawl remix is the best choice for a past track in my opinion. Overall, a very good list. I approve!
Importance: 9
Popularity: 9
Variety: 9
Fit: 10
Total: 37
Notes: Boss Fight 1! Possibly the most popular track from Uprising! Thunder Cloud Temple is probably a close second! Good choices there. That First Town isn't a bad choice by any means. I just feel that there are better ones out there. Still a fine choice however. Reset Bomb Forest is good and makes sense while Magnus' Theme is incredibly popular! The Overworld GB track is a good choice from that game and the two past tracks are nice choices as well. Good job!
Importance: 8
Popularity: 8
Variety: 8
Fit: 8
Total: 32
Notes: Hm.... Almost all Uprising music! Interesting. The GB track is a good one. Popular and important. As stated before, Magnus' Theme, Wrath of the Reset Bomb, Thunder Cloud Temple and The Reaper's Line of Sight are all good choices! So let's get to the unique tracks! Return of Palutena could be a good choice. It just needs some rearranging so that it can effectively loop. The track has a potential problem but other than that its not bad at all. Hades' Theme is a interesting choice... I don't think it fits as well as other songs... Boss Battle 2 is an odd case as well. I'm not sure why you chose this one over the much more prominent and popular Boss Battle 1. Either way, you made some good choices.
Importance: 9
Popularity: 9
Variety: 10
Fit: 8
Total: 37
Notes: Golden Sun? Huh... It kinda fits... Main Menu music is a good fit. Opening is an interesting choice. It's really just a medley of other songs... Hm.... Your Reset Bomb medley is a good choice. I feel that those two fit together quite well. Even composition wise! The GB track is a good choice as are your other Uprising tracks! Ya done good!
Shinpichu (Dad)
Importance: 7
Popularity: 8
Variety: 7
Fit: 9
Total: 31
Notes: Well Dad... Looks like you entered this lame contest... You into Nature? Cuz you have a lot of Viridi/ Reset Bomb stuff. Just wait til I tell Mom that is hurt your variety! The Opening and Boss Battle 1 are good choices for this stage. Underworld is a great choice as is Underworld Tower. The Original Medley might not be the best past track though. I feel like the other three past tracks would be a better fit.
Importance: 8
Popularity: 8
Variety: 10
Fit: 9
Total: 34
Notes: Interesting choices... Reset Bomb Forest and Dark Pit's Theme are both great choices. Destroyed Skyworld doesn't seem to stick out that much though. At least not compared to some of the other tracks in the game. Still a good track though. Palutena's Temple is a surprising pick. It certainly fits, and is decently popular as well. Lord of the Underworld is another great choice. It's a pretty popular track and is very important as well. Brawl's Underworld is another great pick! Underworld Tower is a great pick but I'm not seeing it with Battle Theme. It just doesn't seem popular enough and doesn't quite fit the stage... Still great and unique choices though.
Captain Hotcakes
Importance: 9
Popularity: 8
Variety: 10
Fit: 8
Total: 35
Notes: DAYUM! Sin and Punishment! That a surprise. It's an amazing track! Just.... Hm... Not sure how I feel about it. You got some great tracks with Magnus' Theme, Dark Pit's Theme, Reset Bomb Forest, Boss Battle 1 and Underworld (Brawl). The Of Myths and Monsters Medley was a pleasant surprise. It works surprisingly well. Pandora's Labyrinth of Deciet is the oddball choice here but I think it works...
God Robert's Cousin
Importance: 10
Popularity: 9
Variety: 8
Fit: 9
Total: 36
Notes: GRC! Stop having good scores! I don't want you to win every time! All of your songs are good picks though your variety could use some help. Regardless, everything you picked was a good choice...
Stop being good at this...
(Just joking, if you win again then it'll be because you deserve it! :D)
Total: 33
Notes: Some nice choices.... The Main Theme, Reset Bomb Forest, and Dark Pit's Theme were all good choices from Uprising. Underworld was a great one too. I could see the GB Title Theme work. Palutena's Temple while a good one, isn't the best one, in my opinion. Same goes for Viridi's theme. Boss Battle 2 should be replaced with the more popular and prevalent Boss Battle 1. As least, that's what I believe.
Importance: 8
Popularity: 8
Variety: 10
Fit: 8
Total: 34
Notes: Huh... Panel de Pon. Seems a tad too relaxing for the stage. Maybe if it was remixed a bit. Solar Striker is another interesting choice. It seems to fit a bit better. I like it! Dark Pit's Theme is always a good choice! As is Reset Bomb Forest and Reaper's Fortress Theme and Boss Battle 1. The Main Theme is a natural choice and Viridi's Theme works as well. Overall, I kinda enjoyed the different series in this list. Cool!
Importance: 9
Popularity: 10
Variety: 8
Fit: 10
Total: 37
Notes: OMOM Overworld is always nice. (That looks funny!) You got some nice Uprising tracks in here as well. In fact I think all of them are good choices. Your variety needs a little help but when you choose tracks like this I can't really complain. I'm not too fond of At the Sanctum but I can't deny it's a decently popular and important song. Good choices!
Admiral Pit
Importance: 8
Popularity: 9
Variety: 8
Fit: 7
Total: 32
Notes: So much Viridi! You even have her Menu music. The Menu music is really nice and soothing! Just not...quite fit for battle.... There's also Reset Bomb Forest, Viridi's Theme, Reset Bomb Depot.... You should be named Admiral Viridi! I do think that it's a bit too much Viridi though... That will hurt your variety. The Underworld theme is a great choice as is Destroyed Skyworld. Dark Lord Gaol's Castle is a good piece, but it takes a bit for the main melody to play. Overall, lots of good music.
Importance: 8
Popularity: 9
Variety: 9
Fit: 9
Total: 35
Notes: More Golden Sun? I guess people really think its music fits with Kid Icarus. Either way, the Venus Lighthouse theme works surprisingly well here. Lightning Battle is my personal favorite from the game! Though it may have problems with looping. Regardless, its a popular track. The Return of Palutena can work really well if remixed slightly. Dark Pit's Theme and Boss Battle 1 are both great picks, as is Viridi's Theme. The GB track is also very nice. Palutena's Temple doesn't seem to stand out as much as the other tracks but it's good as well.
(By the way, this doesn't affect your score at all, but awesome remix!)
Importance: 9
Popularity: 8
Variety: 10
Fit: 8
Total: 35
Notes: Huh... Only 3 tracks (technically 4) from Uprising. That's pretty surprising! The three tracks from Uprising were all great picks. All are popular and important. The Underworld Brawl remix is always welcome and a new remix of Skyworld (Overworld) would be much appreciated! Fortress is an odd choice but it's...catchy! I like it. Seems important enough. The Title theme medley is also a really cool idea. This is how you do a medley! All three tracks can mess together really well. I love it! Goldie VII? Huh... It's a good theme but I think it's better suited for Pilotwings myself. Still a cool peice of music. Thanks for introducing me to this little gem!
T-J Works
Importance: 9
Popularity: 9
Variety: 9
Fit: 9
Total: 36
Notes: Overworld and Underworld are both good choices from the original game (and technically Brawl). Boss Battle 1, Dark Pit's Theme, Magnus' Theme and Viridi's Theme also all fit well. The Final Boss track fits surpringly well here. Didn't expect that. Love it! Now let's get to the REALLY interesting piece. That medley! DAYUM. You fit a lot of songs in here. You seem to have gotten most of the main themes from the game. A catchy and all encompassing medley. Nice.
Surprsied no one used the Space Pirate music. [/collapse]
[collapse="Groose's Grades"]
Importance: 8
Popularity: 10
Variety: 10
Overall: 36
Notes: Good ‘ol Reaper’s Line of Sight. That song had been around forever and adds importance to the series as a whole. Oh, and it’s very popular. As to your Of Myths and Monsters tunes… they’re not really featured in other games in the series, as OMM is usually ignored. They add great variety and fit (they were handheld tunes), but don’t do much for importance or popularity. Fortunately, the combination of Underworld, Dark Pit, and Magnus makes up for the potential weakness in popularity. I could do with some more stuff drawn from the Forces of Nature section of Uprising, however.
Importance: 10
Popularity: 10
Variety: 10
Overall: 40
Notes: Thunder Cloud Temple. PERFECT choice. Madly popular and adds variety. Since it is the theme of Viridi’s top commander, it fits exceptionally well here, too. Reset Bomb Forest, while obvious, is essentially required in my eyes. Magnus is also a great choice, and the Of Myths and Monsters stuff fits, too. All in all, I take pretty much no fault with your list. The only thing I could think of to improve your list is grouping Underworld and Overworld into a medley and introducing another track. Such is just a suggestion, however; you’ve earned the perfect score in my eyes.
Importance: 9
Popularity: 10
Variety: 10
Overall: 37
Notes: I want to take off and say Hades’ theme doesn’t really fit… but it’s such a great song, and there ARE Underworld forces present at the battle, so… I’ll just commend you instead. Unfortunately, I can’t quite excuse Boss Fight 2… amazing song, but it’s a song pretty much reserved for encounters with Medusa and a certain dramatic fight later in the game. Not really fitting, you know? As I’ve mentioned to others before you, Thunder Cloud Temple is absolutely perfect for this stage. If I may point out, Wrath of the Reset Bomb does NOT play during Chapter 11, but rather Chapter 12… it’s a remix of the theme from Chapter 11, though, so it’s definitely fine in my eyes. The GB track is pretty solid for fit, but not quite as popular or important to the series as your other tracks.
Importance: 9
Popularity: 9
Variety: 9
Overall: 36
Notes: Ah, the Opening song. An excellent medley of the classical Overworld theme and the popular new Boss Battle 1 stuff. Great pick to include two necessities at once. But what’s this madness? You’ve included Boss Battle 1 in addition to it? Great song, but I must dock variety points for that. The Golden Sun track works pretty well here; it fits in my eyes and helps salvage your variety. Someone had used Golden Sun stuff on Skyloft before, but it fits better here. I could have used one more track from the Forces of Nature arc, as well, but you had a pretty solid list.
Importance: 7
Popularity: 7
Variety: 3
Overall: 27
Notes: When you’re designing tracks for this contest, it’s always important to fulfill all of the criteria. You met three of them pretty well… but you have very, very little variety. The Opening Theme contains the Underworld Theme and Boss Battle 1; the Viridi, Goddess of Nature and Wrath of the Reset Bomb are both tracks derived from Reset Bomb Forest, which is already on your list. While all three send your fit to absurd levels… they do absolutely nothing for variety. You would have been fine with just using the Opening Theme and Reset Bomb Forest… and you could have used the four other slots for other popular pieces of music. Where’s Magnus? Thunder Cloud Temple? Dark Pit? Lunar Sanctum? I’m afraid you’ve missed the boat a bit on this list.
Importance: 9
Popularity: 10
Variety: 10
Overall: 38
Notes: The most interesting track on your list is Lord of the Underworld. You may be surprised to hear this… but I think it fits perfectly. Even though Viridi was absent from that chapter… the way the song itself changes suddenly about halfway in works really well if it’s timed to switch when the Reset Bomb goes off and the stage changes. Also, it’s an amazing and popular song. Palutena’s Temple (or Soul of the Goddess, as I know it) works really well as well.. it’s superb for adding variety. Destroyed Skyworld… eh… not quite as fitting in my eyes, but still a great song. I also love your choice of the Battle Theme from Of Myths and Monsters… it fits for some odd reason. I could have used one more track from the Forces of Nature arc, though… Thunder Cloud Temple or Lunar Sanctum were great choices, in my eyes.
Captain Hotcakes
Importance: 9
Popularity: 10
Variety: 10
Overall: 37
Notes: Pandora’s Labyrinth of Deceit, eh? Definitely great for variety… but I don’t really think it fits, you know? The Labyrinth and everything about it were just so different from the rest of the game and the series. Honestly, I think Raid Blue was a better choice than Labyrinth… Raid Blue kind of fits with Kid Icarus. It’s definitely not a perfect track for the stage, but it works pretty well. I like creativity… can’t say this choice helped you much, but it certainly didn’t hurt you. Fortunately enough, your trio of Boss Battle 1, Magnus, and Dark Pit pretty much locks your popularity into a perfect score in my eyes… and as I’m saying to pretty much everyone, I could have done with a second track from the Forces of Nature arc. Thunder Cloud Temple or Lunar Sanctum?
God Robert’s Cousin
Importance: 10
Popularity: 10
Variety: 9
Overall: 39
Notes: There are 253 distinct types of flavor in music. But to pick out each one requires total concentration and use of all the senses. I can tell, Mr. Cousin, that you are an absolute master at doing so. You’ve yet to turn in a list that isn’t incredible. This list is incredibly solid… but not quite perfect. Dark Pit, Thunder Cloud Temple, Underworld, Boss Fight… you’ve got everything I could hope for. My one issue, though, is this: the Opening Theme that you included is pretty much a remixed medley of Underworld and Boss Battle 1… which are both on your list already. I would have liked to see no repeating songs throughout… but that’s really my only complaint. Ditch the Opening theme for the Uprising Title or Silence of the Moon or something… and you would have had a perfect score.
Importance: 9
Popularity: 9
Variety: 8
Overall: 35
Notes: For never having played a Kid Icarus game, you’ve put together a pretty solid list, mein Freund. I have two real issues with your list, though. The first is that you included both Viridi, Goddess of Nature and Reset Bomb Forest; one of the two is pretty much essential in my eyes, but I don’t like seeing both of them. They’re essentially remixes of each other, so including both is kind of a waste. I could have done with a Silence of the Moon or a Thunder Cloud Temple instead; they’re the themes of Viridi’s commanders. My other issue is Boss Battle 2… it’s a rather special tune that only plays in two dramatic moments of the game. It’s a great and popular song… but it doesn’t really fit here. All in all, though, it was a solid effort; I’m sure that had you actually played the game, you would have done even better.
Importance: 7
Popularity: 7
Variety: 9
Overall: 31
Notes: You say Wrath of the Reset Bomb is different enough from Viridi, Goddess of Nature. I respectfully disagree. They have pretty much the same chorus; I’d personally be miffed if they were both there because one is just hogging a space for something more unique. The original boss tune and the Of Myths and Monsters medley were both good choices, but I feel like when you combine that with some of your other tracks, you kind of left Uprising behind in the dust a little bit. SolarStriker was great and fits pretty dang well, in my opinion. It was a good surprise, but... while I do like Thiana… it doesn’t really fit a stage where a friggin meganuclear bomb goes off in the background, and it’s not as popular as some of the stuff you could have included in the end. And no Underworld?
Importance: 10
Popularity: 10
Variety: 10
Overall: 40
Notes: YEEEEEEES! You’re the first one to include At the Sanctum, and I’ve already graded about a dozen entries. It’s a great choice that is pretty popular for its spoof on Star Wars. Best of all, it really fits on the stage, as it took place during the Forces of Nature arc. I can say the same thing about Thunder Cloud Temple. Add in the Reset Bomb Forest tune, and you have a trio of unique songs to the Forces of Nature arc. Then you add in the popular trio of Dark Pit, Magnus, and Boss Fight, spruce things up with some Of Myths and Monsters and… it’s a perfect list. Kudos.
Admiral Pit
Importance: 10
Popularity: 9
Variety: 8
Overall: 37
Notes: Oh, if it isn’t little Pitty Pat! Did you make this list all by yourself, or did you have to have Pretty Palutena come to your rescue? Either way, I have to confess it certainly isn’t bad… but it isn’t as stellar as I was hoping from you. The song that stands out the most in my eyes is Viridi’s Home theme. At first I planned on crucifying you for such a choice, but… it’s deceptive. I listened to it again, and it really, really works. Adds to pretty much every area of judging. If that was your biggest success, including both Viridi, Goddess of Nature and Reset Bomb Forest was your biggest blunder. The two songs are just too similar… as you mentioned, they would indeed work better as a medley so they don’t hog space in the eight track limit. I also respect your decision to not include certain Uprising tracks because they’d work better elsewhere… but I could have used just one more ultra-popular track. All in all, a great list, but not quite perfect.
Importance: 10
Popularity: 10
Variety: 10
Overall: 40
Notes: Lightining Battle… heh. I personally prefer that over Thunder Cloud Temple, but they have the same effect, really. Definitely an excellent choice. Couple that with Boss Fight and Dark Pit… and you’ve already maxed out popularity. Your other Kid Icarus picks are all great, too. The last thing of note is the Venus Lighthouse theme… I like it. It fits surprisingly well and adds a great deal of variety. I have absolutely no complaints, minor or otherwise, with this list. Perfect score for you from me… again. I’m not sure how you’re doing so badly with the other judges… but your lists are usually greater than those of God Roberts in my eyes.
Importance: 9
Popularity: 9
Variety: 9
Overall: 37
Notes: If it works, I’m all for it. And Goldie VII, in my eyes, works. It’s fitting and adds a great deal of variety. Your medley is definitely solid this time around, as well. My main beef with your list comes with you selection of both Viridi, Goddess of Nature and Reset Bomb Forest… they share the same chorus and it really hurts you variety a bit. Take one of them out and replace it with a more unique song in the Forces of Nature Arc, such as Lunar Sanctum or Thunder Cloud Temple…. And you would have had a perfect list.
Importance: 9
Popularity: 10
Variety: 10
Overall: 39
Notes: Dang good list for a Kid Icarus newb. The Of Myths and Monsters medley is spot-on, and you included Overworld and Underworld, two of the songs that define the series. Your reasoning for Dark Pit and Boss Battle is great, and Magnus’ Theme is always welcome. Iwould have preferred Hades’ Final Battle over War’s End, but it’s a great track nonetheless. Overall, I leave with only one complaint… you only chose one song from the Forces of Nature arc. I could have done with a second… preferably Thunder Cloud Temple. Still, impeccable considering it’s for a game you’ve never played. [/collapse]
[collapse="Frostwraith's Grades"]
Importance: 9/10
Popularity: 10/10
Variety: 9/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 37/40
All are good choices for the stage and you've got popular songs from Uprising such as Dark Pit's Theme. While I'd complain about the lack of any of the Chapter 11 themes from Uprising, you have the Wrath of the Reset Bomb theme, which is also a remix of Viridi's theme.
Importance: 9/10
Popularity: 10/10
Variety: 9/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 37/40
Another very good list, with popular songs like Boss Fight 1 and Thunder Cloud Temple. You have the original Reset Bomb Forest song too, which is also remixed throughout Uprising as Viridi's theme, so it's a natural fit. (Pun very much intended. This is Kid Icarus after all! ![Laugh :laugh: :laugh:](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/laugh.gif)
Importance: 8/10
Popularity: 9/10
Variety: 8/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 34/40
First things first: Wrath of the Reset Bomb is from Chapter 12, not the 11th chapter this stage is based off from, but anyway, it's a remix of Chapter 11's themes so, it should fit here too.
The rest of the songs are popular ones and can't say they don't fit, because they do, although you could have used more music from the NES game...
Importance: 8/10
Popularity: 9/10
Variety: 8/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 34/40
I was very close to giving you a perfect score, mainly thanks to the Chapter 11 medley you had and several popular songs from Uprising, however you had some faulty choices.
Uprising's Opening theme could be remixed into something nice, so it's not a bad choice, although I'd prefer if you chose the NES Underworld theme, because the Underworld part isn't very extended and most of the song is the Boss theme, which feels redundant.
The Golden Sun is the one that hurts the importance factor, even though it fits the stage very well. Motoi Sakuraba is one of my favorite VGM composers and also partially composed the Uprising OST, so I understand your reasoning.
Importance: 8/10
Popularity: 9/10
Variety: 6/10
Fit: 10/10
Total: 33/40
You have songs from the three games, but this list is severely lacking in variety. And I really mean severely.
Reset Bomb Forest; Viridi, Goddess of Nature and Wrath of the Reset Bomb are all arrangements of the same theme, then you have Uprising's Opening theme which is a medley of the classic Underworld theme and Uprising's Boss Fight 1, which both are in your list too. See where am I going? Too many redundant choices that hurt your variety, which is a shame, since this has a good balance between the three Kid Icarus games.
Importance: 8/10
Popularity: 9/10
Variety: 9/10
Fit: 8/10
Total: 34/40
You have popular songs and some oddball choices. I think for the Uprising songs, you've chosen too many songs from aerial segments, which sound good in the original context, but get a bit awkward outside of it, but they could, of course, be rearranged to fit the stage, but there are some popular choices you could have put instead.
Destroyed Skyworld is one of my favorite songs from Uprising and actually fits well in the stage and it's also one of the most important songs of the game, in my opinion. You also have Dark Pit's theme and the classic Underworld theme, which are both important and popular.
Captain Hotcakes
Importance: 8/10
Popularity: 10/10
Variety: 9/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 36/40
This is almost perfect. Yep, almost. The Sin & Punishment song is incredibly catchy and could be a good fit, however, it hurts your importance factor.
The Of Myths and Monsters medley is an incredible idea, since it's the least important of the Kid Icarus games, but would still get some nice recognition.
Pandora's Labyrinth of Deceit is another faulty choice, since it hardly fits the stage and you could have gone with a more important song, such as the Main Theme of Kid Icarus: Uprising.
God Robert's Cousin
Importance: 9/10
Popularity: 10/10
Variety: 8/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 36/40
Very good choices and easily one of the best lists of this round, but it has a major fault: Uprising's Opening feels redundant with both Boss Fight 1 and classic Underworld and for that I had no choice but to lower your variety score.
Importance: 9/10
Popularity: 9/10
Variety: 9/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 36/40
Two Reset Bomb songs would feel redundant, indeed, so it was a wise choice you made. You have both songs of the chapter this stage is based on (the songs are "Viridi, Goddess of Nature" and "Reset Bomb Forest"), but it could've been a medley of both songs, since both are different arrangements of the same theme.
Palutena's Temple is a good song, being intense and fitting for a fight and Boss Fight 2 is more dramatic sounding, which isn't bad either.
The Title song from the Game Boy game is a good choice too. All in all, not bad for someone who hasn't played the game.
Importance: 8/10
Popularity: 8/10
Variety: 9/10
Fit: 8/10
Total: 33/40
Personally, I think this list is a bit weak. One one hand, you have fitting and popular Kid Icarus songs such as Dark Pit's Theme and Viridi, Goddess of Nature. On the other hand, you have really odd choices.
Your Myths and Monsters medley works and I think both songs could mix well in one arrangement.
Not only this lists lacks more iconic songs like the classic Underworld theme, it also has both SolarStriker and Panel de Pon songs that could have given the place to more important tunes.
Importance: 8/10
Popularity: 9/10
Variety: 7/10
Fit: 10/10
Total: 34/40
I like this list, even though it lacks tunes from the original NES game. At the Sanctum isn't a bad choice, but could have been replaced with a more iconic song.
Destroyed Skyworld, Thunder Cloud Temple and Reset Bomb Forest fit the stage's atmosphere pretty well and you have popular songs like Dark Pit's Theme and Boss Fight theme. Magnus's Theme is also a good choice, fitting the stage and being a memorable song from Uprising.
Admiral Pit
Importance: 8/10
Popularity: 8/10
Variety: 8/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 33/40
You have both Chapter 11 songs that could have made into a medley, given the stage's progression and the fact that both are arrangements of the same theme.
Dark Lord Gaol's Castle is a fitting choice, but since it gets overridden by Magnus's Theme very quickly, it tends to be a forgettable song and that hurts your popularity factor. Solo Menu (Viridi) fits a Viridi themed stage, but it hardly fits the fast paced gameplay of Smash Bros.
Underworld theme is a must, given this is likely the only Kid Icarus stage on the 3DS.
All in all, it's not bad, but could've been better if you used more iconic songs, instead of relying too much on Viridi-related songs.
Importance: 8/10
Popularity: 9/10
Variety: 9/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 35/40
Another list with a Golden Sun theme, eh? You stated that both GS and KI music sound similar, but there's a good reason for that: both Golden Sun and KI: Uprising had their soundtrack composed by the same musician, Motoi Sakuraba.
Trivia aside, let's get on serious business. Lightning Battle, if arranged so it could loop would be a PERFECT fit for Smash Bros., in my opinion.
You have Viridi, Goddess of Nature, which could be mixed with the Reset Bomb Forest theme for looping and is a song that fit's the stage's progression quite well.
The Return of Palutena is a good song, though it could have been just the classic Underworld theme. There's the looping problem many aerial songs have, but it's not a bad fit.
Palutena's Temple is a good choice for the hectic fights, much like Boss Fight 1. The Venus Lightouse theme fits the stage and gameplay very well, although it could be replaced by another Kid Icarus song.
Importance: 7/10
Popularity: 8/10
Variety: 9/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 33/40
Dark Pit is a good choice, though you went with the more calm version, used in aerial battles. The other version, titled "Dark Pit's Theme", is a better choice for the Smash Bros.'s gameplay.
Viridi, Goddess of Nature and Reset Bomb Forest are arrangements of the same song that could have been a medley. Allow me to explain, the first song is of the aerial section where Pit soars over the warring humans and Viridi drops the Reset Bomb creating the forest, while the second song plays in the land section where Pit lands in the forest and saves the remaining humans and faces against Viridi's forces.
Overworld and Underworld from the NES game are good choices as both are iconic songs.
The Mii Force theme could have been easily replaced by another important and/or popular Kid Icarus song. It's hardly an iconic song and has zero importance to the Kid Icarus series.
Importance: 9/10
Popularity: 9/10
Variety: 9/10
Fit: 9/10
Total: 36/40
NES Overworld, NES Underworld, OM&M medley, Viridi's theme, Dark Pit's Theme, main boss battle music from Uprising, Hades's boss theme and Magnus's Theme, this list has got it all.
Easily one of the best lists of this round, though I'd replace one of the themes (possibly Hades's) with Uprising's main theme, but this is especially good coming from someone who never played a Kid Icarus game. [/collapse]
[collapse="Final Grades"]
Legendofrob1: 110
Brawler610: 114
Croco: 103
Ascended: 107
Shinpichu (Dad): 91
Falkoopa: 106
Captain Hotcakes: 108
God Robert's Cousin: 111
APC99: 98
--- : 111
Admiral Pit: 102
Violenceman: 110
Jumpman84: 105
T-J Works: 111
This round's winner is....
I'll put your list in the wall of fame! As usual you folks have about a day to mull over results. I'll update the new stage tomorrow!