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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
What? Please elaborate?
After he learned Smash, he found the right combos to beat his opponents and used them in real life.

It turned out all he had to do was chain grab the bullies into a wall for infinity and hit them with a hammer
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I make a lot of typos, and it's not just like a letter.

I write a completely different word sometimes.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Invisible spider. wat!!?!

WTF invisible spider?

Since when are there invisible spiders in minecraft?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Lesson of the day

Don't put a fire pit in a house made of straw


Smash Ace
Apr 28, 2013
How about making Ganon's neutral b the bolt of energy he shoots in Ocarina of time, gimic is that any attack can hit it back to ganon, only ganon can hit it back after that, but it may get stronger or something. Like how link deflected it in the game. Sakurai can tweak this idea to make it more manageable.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
Are you pretending to be me? Or do you actually believe that? If you do, you have GREAT taste in characters.
I'm serious. They are the most fun to play as. That powerful feeling you get when playing as Ganondorf or that feeling of being master of the air when playing as Jigglypuff just feels great.
I recently started to like them the most.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2012
And regardless, he added nothing of interest to the game and was pointless overall beyond a fun boss fight. None of those convince me was a good idea to add to the plot itself. It'd be better if he had nothing to do with Zant at all, and randomly grabbed Zelda when her power was gone. Making him related to Zant cheapened him to a lame background guy. He didn't even have any real significance at all to the plot beyond "Zant got his power from him."

Also, does it matter what is most memorable? He was still not worthwhile overall as an important character in TP. Zant was. I hated Ganondorf's appearance in it from the start, and any role he had in the plot was fully stupid in my opinion. That's my final answer. If the Triforce had any real significance and physically existed(not just the power, but was the main part of the plot), I think he might've been interesting as an addition. But without it(being key to the plot), I see no reason for Ganon or Ganondorf to exist in the game. Note, that's also the stance of Aonuma. I just agree with it.
Now we're getting into full on opinion territory. For the record, I dislike EVERYTHING about the story in Twilight Princess. I think it's an entirely uninteresting and unengaging waste of time. I don't like Twilight Princess in general. That doesn't make TP any less important, nor does it change what happened in the game, nor does it change what other people got out of the game.

Yes, what was most memorable matters to a lot of people. If it doesn't matter to you, that's fine, but by the same tolken there are people for whom what matters to you(who was more important in the plot) doesn't matter the slightest bit. All I'm arguing is why Ganondorf's in TP matters to some people. By all means state your opinion on things, but whether it matters to you, or Aonuma, or Sakurai has nothing to do with anything I'm saying.

And Sakurai likely doesn't care about solely about fan opinions. We're talking about what could happen. I'm being realistic and know it wasn't going to be used in Melee, and for good reasons. I'm glad he got in in the first place.
You're talking about what could happen, I'm not, as I've said a couple times now. My purpose when originally responding to you was to explain why people want Ganondorf to have a sword. Not evidence for why he'll have a sword, not any sort of comment about what I or anyone else thinks will happen at all. Just why fans want it. I am talking EXCLUSIVELY about fan opinions. Of course that's not the only thing Sakurai cares about, but I'm not talking about what Sakurai cares about.

It's not whether NB likes it or not, it's whether Sakurai considers it equivalent to transformations. They are the same thing overall, just done differently, namely the action it takes to go into that new form/mode. Otherwise, identical in practice. Sheik is pretty much a different playstyle for Zelda(before 4), no different from a stance.
I only mentioned NB because I was referencing a post you made earlier saying the character split might have been due to NB's influences. Anyways there's a lot of differences between transformations and stance changes. You don't change character models or even their physical appearance outside posture/holding a weapon, which is very different from a technical and an aesthetic standpoint. Stance changes usually don't change the entire moveset, transformations do. Stance changes are often more fluid transitions, to the point where you can change stances mid combo, and there are often many different ways to switch from one stance to another. Transformations are stored as entirely separate characters on the disk, stance changes aren't because it's the same character. Also in the literal sense, transformations involve a transformation(even Samus has a transformation sequence), stance changes don't. Of course Sakurai might still consider them transformations after all that. All I'm saying is it's also possible he doesn't.

We don't know if he wanted transformations gone because he wants one main moveset per person. That's a very possible thing. I wouldn't put it past him either. It could be technical issues too, as Brawl showed.
That is entirely possible. I never said it wasn't. Just that it's not guaranteed.

Ganon and Ganondorf are always separate entities in how they fight. Ganondorf is a human who was a pure magic user, but also could ride a horse. It wasn't till WW he could wield a weapon(he was likely trained in twin swords style in OOT due to being a Gerudo, but that was it). In TP, he used the sword he pulled out of him instead(I haven't played that fight in ages, so correct me if I'm wrong. No, Zelda Wiki didn't mention it, so...). To be clear, it's only likely he used the sword because it was there, he had no other. It was just convenient for him at that point. That said, Ganondorf existing doesn't mean he will use a weapon automatically. OOT proves that's not always in the plans. In fact, we see a knife sheath on him, his more likely weapon, but hey, thieves.
If we're talking about Ganon and Ganondorf separately...you realize you're saying that Ganondorf is a human who only uses magic and didn't wield a weapon...until his second appearance. It's not exactly like Windwaker broke a longstanding tradition. It's the same as Ganon like you mentioned below where he starts using a weapon starting with his second game. And there's now more games where he uses a sword than where he doesn't, and honestly the dude fights very differently in every single game he's been in(not that he's been at all many). Of course Ganondorf doesn't need to have a sword, but he can.

As for the sword yes, it's the one the sage stabbed him with. It's not like he pulls in out in desperation or something though. He takes it out, brings it with him to Hyrule, apparently makes a sheath for it that matches his armor, waits for Link in his throne room with the sword on his lap, and then keeps it on him for the whole fight as they travel out to the plains and uses it for the final battle against Link. Before Link shows up he had access to the entirety of Hyrule castle which I assume has weaponry, and he could have switched it out with anything since normal weapons have no trouble clashing with the master sword and his sword was never shown to have special powers. Or he could have fought Link with his fists at the end, or used his magic assuming he hadn't run himself dry by that point. He also seems damn happy to swordfight Link at the end. It definitely doesn't come across as desperation or convenience, he wanted to swordfight Link in that final battle. The fact that he chose the sacred sword actually makes it more interesting. Perhaps he took perverse pleasure in using the sage's sword for evil. Or maybe he just liked it cause it looks really powerful and I heard that's a thing Ganondorf is into.

I'll take OOT over it any day. Anyway, the one thing to note about Ganondorf is he always starts off with some kind of magical move and the final fight has swords in it. The problem is? It's not Ganondorf always wielding the sword. This is why I can't really say the sword is integral to him like the Trident is often integral to Ganon(Only in the first game does he fight without one, but the NES likely couldn't handle the trident itself when the made it, or they never thought of it yet. His fight is somewhat similar to ALttP, where he shoots tons of fireballs at you while teleport spamming. They're still quite different, but a similar concept is there). For the most part, I've noticed his 2D Ganon fights tend to be ALttP clones to a degree. In 3D, Ganondorf always does something with magic, but not always a sword. And there's the kicker; The sword is not integral to him, magic is. First, let's note Ganondorf never officially wielded a sword in any game till WW, a game after Melee. It's obvious why he didn't get a sword, he never actually had one. The tech demo means little at this point. That was never a game overall. It was just a fun idea. It used the OOT Ganondorf model, so Sakurai threw it in as a bonus, to the point it was fully in the game and could be on his model. As in, the programming is there. Now, I would normally say "maybe he considered having the sword in", and that makes sense, but he made it clear in the Japanese website he ultimately found him fine as a clone overall and went with that. If not literally the main reason he was in(popularity was another).
Again, it's not that the sword is integral to him that I'm arguing, it's just a lot of people want him to have a sword. The tech demo means nothing at this point because most people don't remember it existed, but at the time it meant something because people cared about it. It doesn't matter if it's important to Sakurai or Nintendo, it doesn't matter if Ganondorf ever gets a sword in Smashbros, the point I'm making is that people like Ganondorf with a sword, they want him to have one in Smashbros., and there are reasons why.

Here's the problem with the Hijacked by Ganon situation; It only goes off well if Ganondorf acts like a mastermind. He was a mindless monster in TP, having enough mind to take control of Zelda's body. He had enough thought, but he never really did anything but act out of a blind rage at best. It was a pointless addition to me. If he really honestly acted way more like his OOT or WW self, I'd like him more. But he bored me to tears in TP. Again, the fight itself was fun, but his role in the story, to be frank, sucked.
This is all opinions again, but just to state my opinion; I like ganondorf as a villain, but the only game where I ever though Ganon/Ganondorf was actually interesting or worthwhile as a character was Windwaker. I found him completely uninteresting in OoT aside from being cool and menacing, which is what he was in TP as well. He's basically the exact same character in TP as in OoT (which makes sense, he didn't have much opportunity for character growth). He just started in a very different situation in TP. Basically he was at rock bottom and had to crawl his way back up, he didn't have time for complex schemes. After he gets somewhat of a handle on things his immediate preoccupation is to go about seeking vengeance and try to take out the only possible threats to him which is exactly what I'd expect OoT Ganondorf to do in that situation. Yes it's not the role he usually plays but he wasn't at all out of character, that's just how that character would react in that situation. As much as I dislike Twillight Princess, I much prefer them do something different with Ganondorf and have him deal with something different than have him be in essentially the same position AND be the same character as in OoT. Though I still think that game handled...basically everything terribly. As for Zant, the moment he got any character development(which he did not get much of" I was like-"that there is a pawn of a larger villain" though I wasn't sure it was Ganon at that point. He didn't come across as someone who ordered the presence for something like that, As opposed to Vatii in Minish Cap who I actually believed might be the end all be all(and he was...until 4 swords adventures).

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Now we're getting into full on opinion territory. For the record, I dislike EVERYTHING about the story in Twilight Princess. I think it's an entirely uninteresting and unengaging waste of time. I don't like Twilight Princess in general. That doesn't make TP any less important, nor does it change what happened in the game, nor does it change what other people got out of the game.
That's the funny thing; I loved TP's story outside of Ganondorf. That's the only thing I thought was overall bad about the game. The rest was amazingly done. One of the best I've seen. It's not WW or MM levels to me, but excellent none the less. Zant did everything beautifully. I loved it, even his breakdown. It was great. ...Then Ganondorf came along and invalidated everything that made Zant great, a powerful overlord, a master mind... nope, he's just a guy under the Gerudo. The only thing I can at least say is that Zant was clearly in control of his actions regardless of Ganondorf, and him what appears as during the ending, killing Ganondorf(very up to interpretation), saved Zant's characterization. It made him still important. Thankfully.

Yes, what was most memorable matters to a lot of people. If it doesn't matter to you, that's fine, but by the same tolken there are people for whom what matters to you(who was more important in the plot) doesn't matter the slightest bit. All I'm arguing is why Ganondorf's in TP matters to some people. By all means state your opinion on things, but whether it matters to you, or Aonuma, or Sakurai has nothing to do with anything I'm saying.
Fair enough.

You're talking about what could happen, I'm not, as I've said a couple times now. My purpose when originally responding to you was to explain why people want Ganondorf to have a sword. Not evidence for why he'll have a sword, not any sort of comment about what I or anyone else thinks will happen at all. Just why fans want it. I am talking EXCLUSIVELY about fan opinions. Of course that's not the only thing Sakurai cares about, but I'm not talking about what Sakurai cares about.
I get that. I disagree with him having it unless his moveset isn't severely changed and it's purely aesthetics overall. Keep in mind that's fully how I view it when it comes to Smash. I hate huge changes to a previous character's regular moveset.(I don't count transformations being gone as a huge change)

I only mentioned NB because I was referencing a post you made earlier saying the character split might have been due to NB's influences. Anyways there's a lot of differences between transformations and stance changes. You don't change character models or even their physical appearance outside posture/holding a weapon, which is very different from a technical and an aesthetic standpoint. Stance changes usually don't change the entire moveset, transformations do. Stance changes are often more fluid transitions, to the point where you can change stances mid combo, and there are often many different ways to switch from one stance to another. Transformations are stored as entirely separate characters on the disk, stance changes aren't because it's the same character. Also in the literal sense, transformations involve a transformation(even Samus has a transformation sequence), stance changes don't. Of course Sakurai might still consider them transformations after all that. All I'm saying is it's also possible he doesn't.
That's only from the programming point. My point is that they're the same concept. A different moveset is being used. This is why I don't think it's likely it'll happen. However, I will gladly take that over Ganondorf moveset being turned into a completely new one. I don't like those kind of overhauls.

That is entirely possible. I never said it wasn't. Just that it's not guaranteed.
I actually honestly think we aren't getting stance changes at all at this point. Outside of say, a Soul Calibur character being the Bandai-Namco choice, respectively. No, I don't think that's likely. I think it's obvious that the likeliest one of their choices is Pac-Man. And him having a stance change doesn't make sense. He barely has a lot for a unique moveset period.

If we're talking about Ganon and Ganondorf separately...you realize you're saying that Ganondorf is a human who only uses magic and didn't wield a weapon...until his second appearance. It's not exactly like Windwaker broke a longstanding tradition. It's the same as Ganon like you mentioned below where he starts using a weapon starting with his second game. And there's now more games where he uses a sword than where he doesn't, and honestly the dude fights very differently in every single game he's been in(not that he's been at all many). Of course Ganondorf doesn't need to have a sword, but he can.
I think the major difference is that Ganon from LoZ could not have been given one anyway, while OOT Ganondorf clearly had no trouble having one, it just wasn't in the plans.

As for the sword yes, it's the one the sage stabbed him with. It's not like he pulls in out in desperation or something though. He takes it out, brings it with him to Hyrule, apparently makes a sheath for it that matches his armor, waits for Link in his throne room with the sword on his lap, and then keeps it on him for the whole fight as they travel out to the plains and uses it for the final battle against Link. Before Link shows up he had access to the entirety of Hyrule castle which I assume has weaponry, and he could have switched it out with anything since normal weapons have no trouble clashing with the master sword and his sword was never shown to have special powers. Or he could have fought Link with his fists at the end, or used his magic assuming he hadn't run himself dry by that point. He also seems damn happy to swordfight Link at the end. It definitely doesn't come across as desperation or convenience, he wanted to swordfight Link in that final battle. The fact that he chose the sacred sword actually makes it more interesting. Perhaps he took perverse pleasure in using the sage's sword for evil. Or maybe he just liked it cause it looks really powerful and I heard that's a thing Ganondorf is into.
If it's a sword that could nearly kill him, using it was the smart option. I still think it was more out of convenience than "I should fight with a sword" anyway. He saw Link has a sword. He knows how to fight with one period, since Gerudos teach that(and he was raised by his Mothers and a tribe, so...). But yeah, there's lots of reasons. Now, I have a good feeling his magic was out. Look at how he needed the Triforce piece(that the Gods gave to him, despite never opening the door and properly releasing them) just to transform into Ganon.(alternatively, it was always required, not counting his Puppet form which isn't a real Ganon. Ganon is a Pig monster and explicitly organic. Puppet Ganon looked far more like an inorganic monster to me. From what I could tell, Ganondorf used his immense magical power to create it, and stayed inside the body to fight Link. Albeit, I didn't see the cutscene in a while. I think he transformed, without the Triforce Piece's power in itself, instead of summoning it, well, like a robot he went inside).

Again, it's not that the sword is integral to him that I'm arguing, it's just a lot of people want him to have a sword. The tech demo means nothing at this point because most people don't remember it existed, but at the time it meant something because people cared about it. It doesn't matter if it's important to Sakurai or Nintendo, it doesn't matter if Ganondorf ever gets a sword in Smashbros, the point I'm making is that people like Ganondorf with a sword, they want him to have one in Smashbros., and there are reasons why.
Again, I get that. I don't agree, but I get that.

This is all opinions again, but just to state my opinion; I like ganondorf as a villain, but the only game where I ever though Ganon/Ganondorf was actually interesting or worthwhile as a character was Windwaker. I found him completely uninteresting in OoT aside from being cool and menacing, which is what he was in TP as well. He's basically the exact same character in TP as in OoT (which makes sense, he didn't have much opportunity for character growth). He just started in a very different situation in TP. Basically he was at rock bottom and had to crawl his way back up, he didn't have time for complex schemes. After he gets somewhat of a handle on things his immediate preoccupation is to go about seeking vengeance and try to take out the only possible threats to him which is exactly what I'd expect OoT Ganondorf to do in that situation. Yes it's not the role he usually plays but he wasn't at all out of character, that's just how that character would react in that situation. As much as I dislike Twillight Princess, I much prefer them do something different with Ganondorf and have him deal with something different than have him be in essentially the same position AND be the same character as in OoT. Though I still think that game handled...basically everything terribly. As for Zant, the moment he got any character development(which he did not get much of" I was like-"that there is a pawn of a larger villain" though I wasn't sure it was Ganon at that point. He didn't come across as someone who ordered the presence for something like that, As opposed to Vatii in Minish Cap who I actually believed might be the end all be all(and he was...until 4 swords adventures).
Well, OOT made him still interesting to me. Namely because at least we saw him being manipulative when he lied to the King. It's not much. TP, he had no characterization of note. I'd say it was even weaker than OOT.

Anyway, yeah. Ganondorf, if he returns, needs to be interesting again. If he's going to be the man behind the man, he has to not just have a personality, but actually be more than just a power giver alone. More than a boss fight. To be perfectly honest, I felt that in TP, he was as notable of a character as he was in perhaps LoZ and Zelda II combined. Was always there, and is the main problem, but somebody else(sometimes more powerful) always existed. Let's be honest, Patra Level 2 is way harder than Ganon in the first game period(just doesn't need a more powerful weapon to beat. Literally. That's the only thing that makes Ganon more notable than it. Not counting the main Villain bit. I don't know if the BS Zelda game(remake of the first) gave monsters more story, though.

Mr. Mumbles

Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2013
I have no idea what you're even trying to say, and you are still making me feel bad!
Sorry, just feeling nostalgic over a dead thread. This place is very different then it, and thus what I'm used to. Perhaps what I'm used to is a strange land, but this place certainly is too.

Then it does exist.

If we allow these ideas of good and evil to control and dictate our lives, then they are real. We may have created those concepts but they exist. Good and Evil is very real.

Often relative, but real.
By this logic, are not imaginary friends and the delusions of the psychotic also real, since they both to some extent dictate the lives of others?

I know taking someone's position to an absurd extreme is often used as a technique to refute someone without actually presenting any evidence contrary to their position, but neither is this extreme absurd per se nor am I trying to refute you.

Strangely, I find myself curious of your views, and I dare not extrapolate them myself. And I've actually wondered before if such things aren't real in some sense, though I never really came to any conclusions.

I suppose it's a terminology issue of how one defines real. If anything with the power to shape our shared perceptions is real, then, what isn't real? Only that which no one has imagined I suppose.

By this definition of real and assuming existence and reality go hand in hand, proving the existence of God is trivial.... but also useless. I don't think anyone doubts whether or not there are people who believe in God. I wouldn't even know what to call that. An atheistist perhaps? That is to say someone who doesn't believe in theists?
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
There is no such thing as 'right' or 'wrong'. There is no such thing as 'good' or 'evil', but most people are plebeian to believe they do exist, therefore laws get made. Religions also use this to control their followers' actions and lives as well.

Basically, 'right'/'wrong', 'good'/'evil' don't exist, but the average person think's they do, therefore they let the very concepts govern their lives and thoughts.

And as for your question, I consider nothing is 'wrong'. I follow the philosophies of Frederick Nietzsche, Nicolo Machiavelli, and and Jean Paul Sartre. You should really look them up, especially Nietzsche. He believed that morality was a fiction used by the many inferior men to hold down the many superior men. Which is a summation of his "Master/Slave Morality"

Give his philosophies a look.
I'm actually very familiar with these philosophies. Morality is a Chain, granted, but it's a chain that keeps me bound to my humanity, not to another man.

So nothing is wrong? What about ****? Murder? Thievery?

3DS or Wii U online? Listing both either way:

Wii U
Wii Sports Club (Only Bowling)
Dr. Luigi
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

Nintendo 3DS
Steel Diver: Sub Wars (Free Version)
Pokémon X
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Mario Kart 7
Tetris Axis
Nice. Thinking about getting MK8?
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Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
So yesterday I was playing Animal Crossing New Leaf, and I finished paying off two major debts. One being the 98,000 bells with the second house expansion, the other being a suspension bridge.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Question: In your opinion, what is the greatest invention of all time?

I'd go with the Printing Press, invented in 1450. Some consider it's invention the start of heading toward the information age with live in now.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
Question: In your opinion, what is the greatest invention of all time?

I'd go with the Printing Press, invented in 1450. Some consider it's invention the start of heading toward the information age with live in now.
Oh, things were rotten
In the land of cotton
Until Whitney made the Cotton Gin...
Now old times there
Will soon be forgotten
For it did the work of a hundred men...

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Question: In your opinion, what is the greatest invention of all time?

I'd go with the Printing Press, invented in 1450. Some consider it's invention the start of heading toward the information age with live in now.
The first working toilet should be up there. Maybe the car.
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