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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Smashbordians help. I have an Under The Sea themed party this weekend and need a costume. I was going to go as a Blooper but my costume made me look like a member of a certain racial supremacist group. Any suggestions? I dont wanna go as a boring old fish.

Joke suggestions will also be well recieved depending on hilarity.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I stayed up all night, partially because I'm worried about how much I waste time during the day

And I was so tired from not sleeping all night, I slept all day and now it's night again.

I completely skipped today...


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I stayed up all night, partially because I'm worried about how much I waste time during the day

And I was so tired from not sleeping all night, I slept all day and now it's night again.

I completely skipped today...
This is every week off I get.

I thought I was the only person who did this. I stay up all night due to anxieties about being tired the next day, then crash halfway through the day anyway.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Anyone else playing Kirby Triple D?

If you are having problems with bosses (In a kirby game...) I recommend Leaf

If has a move that shoots a vine from the ground like some kind of spike

I don't know what the move is called, but I call it "Boss wrecker"

Just spam it, it kills bosses like crazy


Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
I stayed up all night, partially because I'm worried about how much I waste time during the day

And I was so tired from not sleeping all night, I slept all day and now it's night again.

I completely skipped today...
I spent a while looking at your avatar before I realized that Ampharos would be an awesome playable character.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Oh hell yeah

Last action hero is on Netflix

It's like, Arnold Schwarzenegger's worst movie

Edit: I like how Spell check knew how to spell Schwarzenegger
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You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
Anyone else playing Kirby Triple D?

If you are having problems with bosses (In a kirby game...) I recommend Leaf

If has a move that shoots a vine from the ground like some kind of spike

I don't know what the move is called, but I call it "Boss wrecker"

Just spam it, it kills bosses like crazy
I finished all the main stuff in that game. While Leaf is powerful, beetle is also pretty good. Beetle has a strong melee attack, a dash attack for chip damage and to escape, and it can grab stars from bosses to throw back at the enemy.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Hrmmm. That's interesting. From what I have been told and have read, people dislike GoW2's multiplayer because of how it strayed from how people played GoW1 competitively, I think it was going from a strategy shooter to an arena based shooter (or was it the other way around, I forget what it was exactly), and how GoW 3 went back to what people liked the how Judgment ****ted on it. But it looks like I have been misinformed.

Gears 1 and 2 focused more on teamwork and guerrilla tactics. 2 REALLY slowed down the running speed, so cover became much more important. Conversely, the newer games (3 and Judgment) put much more emphasis on map control (holding key points/power weapons) and coordination for the varying gametypes. New weapons and mechanics (such as crawling, holding Boom/meatshields, etc.) made for new options, so things consistently changed. Not always for the better, which is why you've probably heard some mixed results that aren't necessarily true or false.

All I know iw. As long as the way I like to play is viable, mediium to long range (basically I prefer to have the Lancer as the main weapon and will shift between the Longshot, Tourque Bow,and Boom Shot for secondary) as I like to be in the back lines sniping people off and providing support for any teammates, I really wouldn't care which is is played the most competitively.

You would absolutely hate the community, if that's the case. Likewise they would hate you.

Since Gears 1, the reigning playstyle has been rushing/close quarters combat (which is understandable considering things like Executions and gore are a major selling point for the series). The weapon of choice? The Gnasher Shotgun. I **** you not, not playing with the above mentioned style/weapon is akin to how people in this community hate having items on. You ask anyone what their favorite weapon/thing about the game is, they will likely tell you the Gnasher. It's to the point that if you use any other weapon/playstyle (even other CQC weapons, like the Sawed-Off, or the Lancer's Chainsaw Bayonet) you will get branded a scrub who can't use the Gnasher like a real man. This all stems from power weapons/rifles previously being weak/unreliable, so the most "consistent" weapon became shotguns. Since Gears 3, the weapons were all buffed significantly, so it actually is a good idea to play mid-long-range support with coordination with your teammates. However that's viewed as "gay and boring" much like camping in any other game. Short of certain power weapons (getting headshots with the Longshot/Torque Bow), most people would rather hold onto and use only their Gnasher, even if it means sure death.

This follows through all games up until Judgment, where rifles actually rival the Gnasher's deadliness now with DBNO out of the picture. You'll still see the majority of people choosing the "honorable" rushing playstyle over using "OP/broken" rifles.

I would probably be content with Horde/Beast/Campaign multiplayer myself but the first 2 are in no way fun by myself and I don;t really know anyone IRL. Live in a RV park, in a online public school (not that I would socalize that much in a regular school seeing as I would basically be a wallflower), and only get to play Smash with people when someone in my region hosts a fest at a reasonable time for me >_>. It really sucks not having a friend irl to hang out with. e_e

I can tell you right now that Horde/Beast/Campaign become infinitely more enjoyable with more people. Same with Multiplayer and real people, but not to the same extent. Having more people actually increases the difficulty (though it's fairly subtle) and offers more options (there'll be different weapon pick ups in Campaign, for example). And yeah, I understand completely. I only really have my sister and nephew to play with IRL, since my old Gears friends and I no longer talk (they kinda just shunned/exiled me after a certain incident).

Wait wait wait. The button layout is vastly different? Like how? There is no way at all to change it to the style I would be more used to?
None whatsoever. And believe me, people ******* to high hell to Epic for not implementing a "classic" button mode.

Basic gist of the changes:

  • Switching Weapons - D-Pad (Gears 1-3) > Y Button (Judgment)
  • Grenades - Up on the D-Pad (Gears 1-3) > LB (previously Tac-Com) (Judgment)
  • Tac-Com - LB (Gears 1-3) > Down on the D-Pad (Judgment)
  • Executions (Campaign/Execution modes only) - X (curb stomp)/Y ("special" and punches)/A (meatshield) (Gears 1/2) > Y (tap for curb stomp, hold for extended)/X (meatshield) (Gears 3) > B (hold for extended, no option for curb stomps anymore) (Judgment)
  • Weapon Load-out/Limits - 4 (Rifle/Shotgun/Pistol/Grenades) (Gears 1-3) > 2 (primary/secondary only with grenades being separate) (Judgment)
  • Boom/Meatshields - Can only be used with pistols (Gears 2/3) > Can be used with any weapon (Judgment)
  • DBNO - No crawl (Gears 1) > Crawling/Self Revive (Gears 2/3) > No DBNO outside of Campaign/Execution (Judgment)
  • Perfect Active Reloads (the damage bonus) - Both Campaign/Multiplayer (Gears 1-3) > Campaign only (Judgment)
  • Frag Grenades - Power Weapons/pick-ups that could be planted on walls (Gears 1-3) > Starting weapons with the new "sticky" feature (meaning they land directly on/stick to people now like Torque Bow arrows), but can no longer be planted (Judgment)
  • Multiplayer factions - C.O.G. vs Locust (Gears 1-3) > Red vs Blue C.O.G. (save for OverRun) (Judgment)

I'm not gonna lie, things like Frags flying everywhere bug the crap out of me now. Same with no curb stomps. The rest is all dependent on what you like better. The game is much more fluid/fast, especially when it comes to switching weapons and respawning. Whether or not that's a good thing depends on whether or not you liked the pacing of previous games' multiplayers/campaigns, as now you'll be dying left and right with even the littlest mistake. At the same time they do a much better job of making you feel like a one-man-army should you get "good" enough (good being subjective, as most people will call you a scrub no matter what).

The one saving grace is the new mode called OverRun, which is like a hybrid of Horde and Beast mode (teams of C.O.G. vs "Beast" Locust). C.O.G. get set roles like Engineers (can build turrets/fix fortifications) and Scouts (run of the mill Snipers who can climb up/over certain walls), while the Locust get things like Tickers/Wretches/humanoid Locust at first, and can unlock "elite" Locust like Corpsers and Maulers if they score enough points (for killing people/breaking stuff). It's an objective based gametype, so it's not just random killing. Both sides get to be both factions, with the "winning" side being whoever has a better overall time/score. Not everybody's cup of tea, but it's sure as hell addicting.

I'll probably get it anyway just for the campaign anyways. But I don't like the sound of a different button layout. But as long as their is a Carmine, honestly the Carmines have been one of my most favorite tropes I have seen in a video game, I'll probably be content. lol
Weeeeeeeeeeeeell about that... Spoilers if you'd rather find out for yourself.

There's no new Carmines, nor is there any Carmine characters in Multiplayer. The only Carmine present is Clayton from Gears 3, and he's only in the secondary "Aftermath" Campaign mode. Basically shows what Baird/Cole/Carmine were doing when Marcus and crew were finding/sneaking the Submarine into Azura.

It's also surprising to hear the a different competitive community had/has a bigger schism then Smash.
Well it's not too uncommon. I'm part of numerous other fighting games communities, and Pokemon, which has the metagame teared apart on a yearly basis. Be it "No Items/Fox Only" here or no Ubers there, there's always schisms.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
WTF is with "The running Man"

Some kind of Hunger Games rip off?

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Of course. Capcom gets to releasing the GB Mega Man games, and they start with the least interesting one.

Just cut the crap and release Xtreme 2 and MMIII-V already. :glare:

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Of course. Capcom gets to releasing the GB Mega Man games, and they start with the least interesting one.

Just cut the crap and release Xtreme 2 and MMIII-V already. :glare:
Or we can just kill Crapcom already since they've been going downhill since the early 2000's. Am I right? :troll:


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I still don't see why they aren't able to release Super Nintendo games in the eshop

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I just want Iwata and Miyamoto to quit playing around and bring us the following for Wii U virtual console!

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart Double Dash
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
StarFox Adventures
StarFox Assault
Metroid Prime
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
I just want Iwata and Miyamoto to quit playing around and bring us the following for Wii U virtual console!

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart Double Dash
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
StarFox Adventures
StarFox Assault
Metroid Prime
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
Yeah those are pretty good ti-
"Shadow the Hedgehog."


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
WTF is with "The running Man"

Some kind of Hunger Games rip off?
The Hunger Games are a Running Man ripoff.

Look, I'm just waiting for the day the GBA games are on the 3DS. Where they belong.
Eh, they could, or they could keep it on the Wii U, bringing in more purchases and more incentives to buy the console.

Also: New BiTF

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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Eh, they could, or they could keep it on the Wii U, bringing in more purchases and more incentives to buy the console.
But I find it ridiculous.
For one, they have done it before.
And yes I understand that it was meant for the Ambassadors. But it's already been 2-3 years, it's about time we got them (heck, we've already gotten some of the NES games. So there shouldn't be an issue).

Two, doesn't it make more sense to put the portable games on the portable console?
It's like putting a glass of water in a bowl. Sure, it works. But wouldn't it make more sense to use a cup?

I just feel like this is ridiculous. Why alienate one fanbase that's been wanting this back since forever and instead bring up another that could care less?

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I still don't see why they aren't able to release Super Nintendo games in the eshop
I want Megaman X and X2. It'd be hype. Throw in Super Metroid and they would roll in the cash.

The Hunger Games are a Running Man ripoff.

Eh, they could, or they could keep it on the Wii U, bringing in more purchases and more incentives to buy the console.

Also: New BiTF

Now that I think about it, E.Gadd would be cool to see in Mario Kart. Maybe one day. But they'd probably make baby Waluigi first.
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stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
But I find it ridiculous.
For one, they have done it before.
And yes I understand that it was meant for the Ambassadors. But it's already been 2-3 years, it's about time we got them (heck, we've already gotten some of the NES games. So there shouldn't be an issue).

Two, doesn't it make more sense to put the portable games on the portable console?
It's like putting a glass of water in a bowl. Sure, it works. But wouldn't it make more sense to use a cup?

I just feel like this is ridiculous. Why alienate one fanbase that's been wanting this back since forever and instead bring up another that could care less?
because it's not feasible. Did you play the Ambassador GBA games? if you did you'd know that they're ****. instead of it being a service like VC games (save states, access to home menu, miiverse, etc.) they were literally a dumped ROM using the DSi CPU downclocked to play GBA games.
Safe to say Nintendo wouldn't want to release them like that which is why they're on Wii U where the VC part of the Virtual Console can easily be done...hell you can even map buttons, change screen settings etc. on Wii U VC.

also the ambassador gba games were never intended for non-ambassadors, it was basically just a bonus, not a promise to bring them later.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical

You would absolutely hate the community, if that's the case. Likewise they would hate you.

Since Gears 1, the reigning playstyle has been rushing/close quarters combat (which is understandable considering things like Executions and gore are a major selling point for the series). The weapon of choice? The Gnasher Shotgun. I **** you not, not playing with the above mentioned style/weapon is akin to how people in this community hate having items on. You ask anyone what their favorite weapon/thing about the game is, they will likely tell you the Gnasher. It's to the point that if you use any other weapon/playstyle (even other CQC weapons, like the Sawed-Off, or the Lancer's Chainsaw Bayonet) you will get branded a scrub who can't use the Gnasher like a real man. This all stems from power weapons/rifles previously being weak/unreliable, so the most "consistent" weapon became shotguns. Since Gears 3, the weapons were all buffed significantly, so it actually is a good idea to play mid-long-range support with coordination with your teammates. However that's viewed as "gay and boring" much like camping in any other game. Short of certain power weapons (getting headshots with the Longshot/Torque Bow), most people would rather hold onto and use only their Gnasher, even if it means sure death.

This follows through all games up until Judgment, where rifles actually rival the Gnasher's deadliness now with DBNO out of the picture. You'll still see the majority of people choosing the "honorable" rushing playstyle over using "OP/broken" rifles.

Well it's a good thing I'm thick skinned and really don't care when people hate me. xD

But by the sound of it. The idea of me getting into multiplayer Gears sounds dead completely now. Since it would be almost impossible to find teammates willing to play with me, or coordinate with me if I just go into random only. lol

Still very sad for me to hear that my preferred playstyle is hated though. That's my big draw to shooters. Being able to snipe people off from a distance when the least expect it. I could never get used to CQC combat in shooters, outside of Halo anyway (and that's only because the campaign forces you basically).

I can tell you right now that Horde/Beast/Campaign become infinitely more enjoyable with more people. Same with Multiplayer and real people, but not to the same extent. Having more people actually increases the difficulty (though it's fairly subtle) and offers more options (there'll be different weapon pick ups in Campaign, for example). And yeah, I understand completely. I only really have my sister and nephew to play with IRL, since my old Gears friends and I no longer talk (they kinda just shunned/exiled me after a certain incident).
I can enjoy campaign by myself and going against bots. But that's about it, still fun enough to enjoy the games and keep on playing them though. I tried Horde and Beast by myself, it wasn't all that fun, if I could have even had bots helping me out I would have probably enjoyed them more lol.

None whatsoever. And believe me, people *****ed to high hell to Epic for not implementing a "classic" button mode.

Basic gist of the changes:

    • Switching Weapons - D-Pad (Gears 1-3) > Y Button (Judgment)
    • Grenades - Up on the D-Pad (Gears 1-3) > LB (previously Tac-Com) (Judgment)
    • Tac-Com - LB (Gears 1-3) > Down on the D-Pad (Judgment)
    • Executions (Campaign/Execution modes only) - X (curb stomp)/Y ("special" and punches)/A (meatshield) (Gears 1/2) > Y (tap for curb stomp, hold for extended)/X (meatshield) (Gears 3) > B (hold for extended, no option for curb stomps anymore) (Judgment)
    • Weapon Load-out/Limits - 4 (Rifle/Shotgun/Pistol/Grenades) (Gears 1-3) > 2 (primary/secondary only with grenades being separate) (Judgment)
    • Boom/Meatshields - Can only be used with pistols (Gears 2/3) > Can be used with any weapon (Judgment)
    • DBNO - No crawl (Gears 1) > Crawling/Self Revive (Gears 2/3) > No DBNO outside of Campaign/Execution (Judgment)
    • Perfect Active Reloads (the damage bonus) - Both Campaign/Multiplayer (Gears 1-3) > Campaign only (Judgment)
    • Frag Grenades - Power Weapons/pick-ups that could be planted on walls (Gears 1-3) > Starting weapons with the new "sticky" feature (meaning they land directly on/stick to people now like Torque Bow arrows), but can no longer be planted (Judgment)
    • Multiplayer factions - C.O.G. vs Locust (Gears 1-3) > Red vs Blue C.O.G. (save for OverRun) (Judgment)
I'm not gonna lie, things like Frags flying everywhere bug the crap out of me now. Same with no curb stomps. The rest is all dependent on what you like better. The game is much more fluid/fast, especially when it comes to switching weapons and respawning. Whether or not that's a good thing depends on whether or not you liked the pacing of previous games' multiplayers/campaigns, as now you'll be dying left and right with even the littlest mistake. At the same time they do a much better job of making you feel like a one-man-army should you get "good" enough (good being subjective, as most people will call you a scrub no matter what).
I'll adapt to it. Just hopefully I'll be able to transition from it to other Gears games without getting confused with the controls from the transition, don;t see why I should since I never had that problem with Smash.

The one saving grace is the new mode called OverRun, which is like a hybrid of Horde and Beast mode (teams of C.O.G. vs "Beast" Locust). C.O.G. get set roles like Engineers (can build turrets/fix fortifications) and Scouts (run of the mill Snipers who can climb up/over certain walls), while the Locust get things like Tickers/Wretches/humanoid Locust at first, and can unlock "elite" Locust like Corpsers and Maulers if they score enough points (for killing people/breaking stuff). It's an objective based gametype, so it's not just random killing. Both sides get to be both factions, with the "winning" side being whoever has a better overall time/score. Not everybody's cup of tea, but it's sure as hell addicting.
Definitely sounds fun.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeell about that... Spoilers if you'd rather find out for yourself.

There's no new Carmines, nor is there any Carmine characters in Multiplayer. The only Carmine present is Clayton from Gears 3, and he's only in the secondary "Aftermath" Campaign mode. Basically shows what Baird/Cole/Carmine were doing when Marcus and crew were finding/sneaking the Submarine into Azura.
Well ****. I can deal with Carmine making a small appearance in campign.

But no Carmine in multiplayer? That ****ing sucks since I always set the Carmine as my skin for multiplayer for the COG side.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Just finished a HUGE list over in the "Predict the Smash 3DS release date" Thread. So... many.... names...


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
I just want Iwata and Miyamoto to quit playing around and bring us the following for Wii U virtual console!

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart Double Dash
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
StarFox Adventures
StarFox Assault
Metroid Prime
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
Twin Snakes... don't forget Twin Snakes.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I still own my Gamecube, and I'm only missing a few games for my "collection", or whatever. Kind of hard for me to get excited about Gamecube games on the Wii-U because of that. But I do like GBA games being on there. Since I don't really own that many myself.
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Trick or Treat

I just want Iwata and Miyamoto to quit playing around and bring us the following for Wii U virtual console!

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart Double Dash
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
StarFox Adventures
StarFox Assault
Metroid Prime
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
Why bother with Twilight Princess? There's a Wii version that could just be played on the Wii U.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
I just want Iwata and Miyamoto to quit playing around and bring us the following for Wii U virtual console!

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart Double Dash
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
StarFox Adventures
StarFox Assault
Metroid Prime
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
That list lacks

So it is a bad list by default.

Why bother with Twilight Princess? There's a Wii version that could just be played on the Wii U.
Same for Metroid Prime as well, arguably, due to the complete trilogy being released for the Wii as well.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I just want Iwata and Miyamoto to quit playing around and bring us the following for Wii U virtual console!

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart Double Dash
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
StarFox Adventures
StarFox Assault
Metroid Prime
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
They all sound like an excellent idea.

Why bother with Twilight Princess? There's a Wii version that could just be played on the Wii U.
Different controls, a different mirror of the world(and Link being left-handed). They dun't ultimately play the same.

Also should have Metroid Prime 2: Echoes on here. Didn't much care about Fire Emblem, but it's not the series for me. Put 'er on there too, sure, why not?


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
As I would like seeing GC games on VC, for me, it doesn't matter anymore. Some games are so good that I'm ok to buy them on ebay and I have like 10 of my best games. (my next priority would be getting twilight princess because yes, I still haven't played it).
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Miles Pierre

Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2005

Gears 1 and 2 focused more on teamwork and guerrilla tactics. 2 REALLY slowed down the running speed, so cover became much more important. Conversely, the newer games (3 and Judgment) put much more emphasis on map control (holding key points/power weapons) and coordination for the varying gametypes. New weapons and mechanics (such as crawling, holding Boom/meatshields, etc.) made for new options, so things consistently changed. Not always for the better, which is why you've probably heard some mixed results that aren't necessarily true or false.


You would absolutely hate the community, if that's the case. Likewise they would hate you.

Since Gears 1, the reigning playstyle has been rushing/close quarters combat (which is understandable considering things like Executions and gore are a major selling point for the series). The weapon of choice? The Gnasher Shotgun. I **** you not, not playing with the above mentioned style/weapon is akin to how people in this community hate having items on. You ask anyone what their favorite weapon/thing about the game is, they will likely tell you the Gnasher. It's to the point that if you use any other weapon/playstyle (even other CQC weapons, like the Sawed-Off, or the Lancer's Chainsaw Bayonet) you will get branded a scrub who can't use the Gnasher like a real man. This all stems from power weapons/rifles previously being weak/unreliable, so the most "consistent" weapon became shotguns. Since Gears 3, the weapons were all buffed significantly, so it actually is a good idea to play mid-long-range support with coordination with your teammates. However that's viewed as "gay and boring" much like camping in any other game. Short of certain power weapons (getting headshots with the Longshot/Torque Bow), most people would rather hold onto and use only their Gnasher, even if it means sure death.

This follows through all games up until Judgment, where rifles actually rival the Gnasher's deadliness now with DBNO out of the picture. You'll still see the majority of people choosing the "honorable" rushing playstyle over using "OP/broken" rifles.

I can tell you right now that Horde/Beast/Campaign become infinitely more enjoyable with more people. Same with Multiplayer and real people, but not to the same extent. Having more people actually increases the difficulty (though it's fairly subtle) and offers more options (there'll be different weapon pick ups in Campaign, for example). And yeah, I understand completely. I only really have my sister and nephew to play with IRL, since my old Gears friends and I no longer talk (they kinda just shunned/exiled me after a certain incident).

None whatsoever. And believe me, people *****ed to high hell to Epic for not implementing a "classic" button mode.

Basic gist of the changes:

    • Switching Weapons - D-Pad (Gears 1-3) > Y Button (Judgment)
    • Grenades - Up on the D-Pad (Gears 1-3) > LB (previously Tac-Com) (Judgment)
    • Tac-Com - LB (Gears 1-3) > Down on the D-Pad (Judgment)
    • Executions (Campaign/Execution modes only) - X (curb stomp)/Y ("special" and punches)/A (meatshield) (Gears 1/2) > Y (tap for curb stomp, hold for extended)/X (meatshield) (Gears 3) > B (hold for extended, no option for curb stomps anymore) (Judgment)
    • Weapon Load-out/Limits - 4 (Rifle/Shotgun/Pistol/Grenades) (Gears 1-3) > 2 (primary/secondary only with grenades being separate) (Judgment)
    • Boom/Meatshields - Can only be used with pistols (Gears 2/3) > Can be used with any weapon (Judgment)
    • DBNO - No crawl (Gears 1) > Crawling/Self Revive (Gears 2/3) > No DBNO outside of Campaign/Execution (Judgment)
    • Perfect Active Reloads (the damage bonus) - Both Campaign/Multiplayer (Gears 1-3) > Campaign only (Judgment)
    • Frag Grenades - Power Weapons/pick-ups that could be planted on walls (Gears 1-3) > Starting weapons with the new "sticky" feature (meaning they land directly on/stick to people now like Torque Bow arrows), but can no longer be planted (Judgment)
    • Multiplayer factions - C.O.G. vs Locust (Gears 1-3) > Red vs Blue C.O.G. (save for OverRun) (Judgment)
I'm not gonna lie, things like Frags flying everywhere bug the crap out of me now. Same with no curb stomps. The rest is all dependent on what you like better. The game is much more fluid/fast, especially when it comes to switching weapons and respawning. Whether or not that's a good thing depends on whether or not you liked the pacing of previous games' multiplayers/campaigns, as now you'll be dying left and right with even the littlest mistake. At the same time they do a much better job of making you feel like a one-man-army should you get "good" enough (good being subjective, as most people will call you a scrub no matter what).

The one saving grace is the new mode called OverRun, which is like a hybrid of Horde and Beast mode (teams of C.O.G. vs "Beast" Locust). C.O.G. get set roles like Engineers (can build turrets/fix fortifications) and Scouts (run of the mill Snipers who can climb up/over certain walls), while the Locust get things like Tickers/Wretches/humanoid Locust at first, and can unlock "elite" Locust like Corpsers and Maulers if they score enough points (for killing people/breaking stuff). It's an objective based gametype, so it's not just random killing. Both sides get to be both factions, with the "winning" side being whoever has a better overall time/score. Not everybody's cup of tea, but it's sure as hell addicting.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeell about that... Spoilers if you'd rather find out for yourself.

There's no new Carmines, nor is there any Carmine characters in Multiplayer. The only Carmine present is Clayton from Gears 3, and he's only in the secondary "Aftermath" Campaign mode. Basically shows what Baird/Cole/Carmine were doing when Marcus and crew were finding/sneaking the Submarine into Azura.

Well it's not too uncommon. I'm part of numerous other fighting games communities, and Pokemon, which has the metagame teared apart on a yearly basis. Be it "No Items/Fox Only" here or no Ubers there, there's always schisms.
While mostly correct a lot of this is inaccurate. I played gears 1 extensively -- all the way up to late 2011. Gears 2 extensively and Gears 3 less so. The Gnasher was the reigning weapon of choice for much of the series but as you move up in skill you start to see more variance in weapon choice. Pistol players were often extremely deadly. Shoot a couple of shots, then rush in and bash the player, or get an elusive head explosion by repeatedly shooting at the face. Saw players were ridiculously deadly and always used. Yeah some people complained (bro types) but everyone still used it frequently. It was a powerful weapon to suppress and kill. The go to weapon was the Gnasher only because it WAS the most versatile/useful weapon in the game, not because the other weapons were noob items. 8 times out of 10 you were going to be face to face with your enemy and the Gnasher was able to provide an instant gib (kill).

The stages encouraged close quarter combat. Narrow hallways, numerous choke-points, cover/obstacles blocking sight and movement ...the shotgun was the most reliable weapon in a face to face encounter. And face to face encounters happened sooner than later because the team without power weapons were sure to loose. Gears 1 and 2 and maybe even 3 were mostly about weapon control. Whichever team had the Boomshot, Torque, Sniper, Hammer, grenades were more likely to win... So the mad dash to your enemy was not really TO your enemy but to the weapons that your enemy would use if you didn't. I really enjoyed Gears 1 and I hope and pray the next iteration is as similar as possible to that game.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
The creator of Hunger games said they are in no way influenced by "The Running Man" or the book (By Stephen King of all people) it was based on

But the similarities don't JUST end with the obvious historical influences
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