Welcome to the Social Thread! Here you can talk about orgasms, religion, furries, Madoka, or none of those things! Here are some of our most notable members!
, the guy who just won't shut up about the competitive scene!
, the creepy guy who hides in the attic!
Kermit the Ninja, who won't stop using Madoka gifs! EVER.
Jason the Yoshi
, the outspoken not-furry!
Chucklehead Tom, the funny guy!
MisterVideoGaming, everyone's favorite Substitute!
Rocket Raccoon
, there ain't no thing like him, cept him!
, the guy who draws *****es and ****s!
Moon Monkey, the meme generator!
, the swag master!
, the guy with the gargantuan vernacular!
and who could forget @
Soul Blazer, if you don't like what he likes, you can leave!
All these fabulous people and more, in a family-friendly environment where you can have any opinion! Enjoy your stay!
Because you can never leave.