Oh man, Weezing/Blissey was amazing. Weezing resists fighting, has 120 base defense, a ground immunity, and willowisp.
Such a good partner to blissey. Not to mention haze, flamethrower, pain split, you name it. The only things that they couldn't stall were handled by porygon 2, it was amazing.
Dragonite with Sub/Dclaw/roost/DDance was op as ****. Bulky Gyar with Ddance/waterfall/EQorBounce/taunt was also really good. swapped them around depending on the meta.
Yanmega with a life orb could one shot azelf with bug buzz : ). If it had a focus sash, I'd be faster by the next turn if I wasn't already xD I ran Bugbuzz/Air slash(flinch hax wins games)/HPground (ohko heatran)/protect(speed hax)
It was a damn good team. I miss it dearly. At least they put genesect back in ubers >.> The power creep has just gotten too strong. They need to go back and buff old pokemon imo.
I don't hate BW and XY, their metagames are great, but the balance that Gen 4 provided will be missed. Oh well, players still play Gen 4 on PO, so I can go there and battle.
It is amazing. It's like they're expecting Skarmory to be sent out. However, if someone predicts well, Weezing could be damaged a lot. Psyshock didn't exist back then, nor did Eviolite, so Blissey took special hits as if they were nothing.
Also, did I ever say that Life Orb Flygon was another amazing thing? When the opponent thinks of Flygon, they think it's holding a Choice Scarf, but when they get hit by a STAB Draco Meteor which is further boosted by the Life Orb, it's bound to hurt. Then comes Fire Blast, which takes out Steel-types that were expecting a Draco Meteor.
SubRoost Dragonite with Dragon Dance? Heh, the bulk of a Pokémon was great back in Gen 4. 91/95/100 Defensive stats was considered bulky.
I haven't really used Genesect, but from what I have heard, its U-turn was too good, Download was another reason for its ban.
Jirachi was the "god" of Flinch hax. It made opponents quit matches and stuff. This doesn't happen in XY now that there are a lot of ways to stop Jirachi (Body Slam's paralisis doesn't affect Electric-types, Steel-types got nerfed with Ghost doing neutral damage, etc.)
Anyways, there's this user on vStream (at least, this is what I heard) and the user wants everyone to talk like a Pokémon. The user says things like this every single time:
"pachi pachi"
"pachi (what do you think of me pre-ordering super smash bros 3ds)"