So what games are you guys playing to pass the time until smash comes?
I plan on getting Layton vs Ace Attorney next month, and this fall I'm getting Danganronpa 2, Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, and Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax. I'm wondering if DBFC or Smash will come out first though.
Mmm, thanks. That was actualy helpful.
Man, my options are blown really large, there's so much to choose from.
;_; no fair I can only buy one... That and I'm really hoping I get a free copy of x&y from my cousin
In my opinion, Awakening is only good for Fire Emblem beginners. I found the plot boring, and the gameplay too easy, and that was on normal difficulty. Kid Icarus lets you change difficulty at any time, and I thought the story was really fun, and I would recommend that game to any one. Check out Ace Attorney Dual Destines if you've played the other 4, because it's as good as the prequels. And of course, judging by your Avatar, you'll be picking up Layton vs Wright this August.
If you have to pick one game, get Uprising if you haven't played Ace Attorney. Pokemon X and Awakening aren't that good compared to the rest of the games I've played in their franchises.