My main problem with P4A was the sheer imbalance of it and Mitsuru was a prime candidate of that, sadly. I didn't want to play her for a few reasons, mostly because she was just insane.
I'm also godlike with rapier characters in 3D games... but trash as them in 2D games.
In CS:X for me, it was Noel all the way, until I discovered an infinite (untechable) as Jin. In CP, I plan to main Kokonoe. Just because she's Kokonoe. That also seems to be a major recurring theme for me. If I like a character, I will put unbelievable amounts of effort into learning that character, until I stubbornly get good through sheer hours put into them. Noel and Tsubaki in Ce:X are the major people here and I plan to do it with Rosalina in Smash too. (I also did it in Melee with Young Link.)
I bet you mained Raphael and Amy in Soul Calibur, didn't you? ¦D
Anywho...Yeaaah, P4A wasn't exactly pinpoint on the balance line with it's cast. Especially with Misturu, Naoto, Aigis and sometimes...ugh, Kanji. Maybe it was just me, but whenever I closely watched matches with it, it seemed like he just had way too many options and did way too much damage. He's awesome. Too awesome.
Still, none of them matched up to the absolute abomination that was Teddie. I SERIOUSLY hope he's been balanced out now.
Going back to Blazblue, I've always loved Noel as a character gameplay and story wise, but I often had a hard time figuring out her combos.
Blind Ginger Girl Ragna the Hakumen Fangirl Brocon Tsubaki was
extremely easy for me to pick up, but I never really stuck with her since I felt I wasn't enjoying her as much. I still love watching people like Kuresu reek havoc with her, though.
It's a shame, I love Tsubaki's design and fighting style and Asami Imai has a beautiful singing voice...But I absolutely hate her as a character story wise. Especially after CP's story. I will have no sympathy at all if she still ends up dying in the last game somehow.
And yeah, I definitely play, study and learn the characters who I personally like, too. That's why I use Sonic, Mario, Falcon, Marth and Ike most of the time. Though for PM, that list is muuuuch longer...And since I only play PM, I should go by that, but Mewtwo and Roy are definitely high up on the list with those guys alongside Lucario, Wolf and Ganon.