Yea I pretty much play whoever's game came out around that time. Well except Starfox. I just thought Falco was cool so I started using him. Other than that the requirements for my mains are 1. New character. 2. I played a game of theres around that time.
- Kirby Crystal Shards
- I just thought he looked cool
-Diddy Kong Racing DS
-Kid Icarus Uprising
The character that matches my play-style the most is Falco.
I don't like item characters too much. Thats pretty ironic coming from a Diddy main. I also think projectiles are necessary but I really like playing as Kirby. Palutena seems like a pretty campy character which is something I don't like but hey, I just play the characters I like more than anything else.
Ironic that all the characters I like are top tiers. I'm just lucky I guess
. I hope I'll be lucky again heh.. heh...