Just thought I'd start spreading this around.
So have any of you guys heard of that Smash Fan-game I'm working for, Smash Bros Unity.
Well, I used to be the head of that team, but I was impeached in favor of a more sane leader (and understandable decision).
But when I was leader, I demanded that we have Billy Mays as a playable character.
Because it's Billy f****ing Mays.
It was unanimously voted against, and I went into a deep, spiraling depression.
That Smash Bros Crusade game found out and I'm a laughingstock over there, not that I care.
After @
APC99 foolishly told the publicly we onced considered Billy Mays because of me, the audience became interested.
Frequent Smash World Forums user @
said "would main the first day."
Even a user by the name of @
noahk777 felt the need to make a Change.org petition, pleading us to add Billy Mays riding Ridley.
So I ask of you fine folk of the internet, sign this petition so my hopes and dreams may not die in vain.