Okay; fine, you asked for it. Here are my presumed characters for Smash 4, this list is at the current time and I have not yet played the final retail version of the game; however, based on empirical knowledge (and prior experience), I believe the list is fairly accurate.
Ganon is my main.
Link is my secondary.
Zelda is my tertiary.
Lucina is my quaternary.
Dr. Mario is my quinary.
Dark Pit is my senary.
Jigglypuff is my octonary.
I am not sure about my nonary, perhaps Charizard or Zero-Suit Samus, I always wanted to play them more frequently; however, they had unfavorable mechanics attached to them.
It obviously depends on their changes which I have not been able to completely discern. A good potential denary would probably entail using a newcomer, such as Robin, Shulk, or Duck Hunt.
Anyways, we we ran into a problem. I am using these words, but I am not sure if they mean what I think they mean.