Smash Journeyman
When did Marth go blonde?

For me, what's up right now is two things. First, I caved and bought a Yoshi wired fight pad to use until I can get a gamecube adapter. It actually handles pretty well, and it's not that I'm one of those "gamecube or bust" people, but the gamepad can feel pretty hefty on the wrists after awhile and I don't have 50 bucks to spend on a Pro controller. Besides, the fight pad functions as a classic controller, which I need for VC games and don't have, plus it's a Yoshi controller which is pretty cool.
Second, I got my Yoshi amiibo up to level 50, and I've been doing Yoshi dittos with it all day. This thing has been kicking my butt pretty good, but I've definitely improved as I can take games off it now, and I feel like I'm learning more from it than it is from me. Definitely satisfied with my purchase, and now that I've heard level 50 amiibo have a 1.5x damage multiplier, even if they aren't customized in any way, I feel pretty good about my playing when I can match it's damage dealt with my own.