People like seeing big numbers nowadays. Those numbers give them a sense of pride and accomplishment. Signifies that they're no longer a scrub. The like/view/whatever count is the essence of what makes our society so addicted to social media. That essence is what drives people to either be really smart or really stupid, to be the best at something, to BE something.
For me, I don't really care if anyone likes/dislikes or even sees my posts. I post what I want I want when and how I do it no matter what. If I'm gonna be left in the dust, so be it. In fact, I kinda like it when I'm in the minority group because it makes me feel a bit more unique. I don't want to be driven by numbers or trends or "the next big thing:" I want to be driven by my own free will.
Huh, hope that didn't sound too touchy. Just stating my opinion on social media
P.S. Capitalism is destroying our society