@Flight !
So I just will post the stuff I did on my arch linux because I customised quite a lot.
First, here's something you can do in pretty much most distros (because they miostly install grub by default), this is my bootloader:
This has a custom background I found and hey gorgeous which you can see has broken stuff, but to fix these, I have to edit the font which is quite annyiing so i didn;t do it. To do trhis, you just get a program called grub customiser, it basically do all of this graphically. Tbh, I am even impressed it can load custom fonts, did you ever saw a boot loader do this?
Of course it logs the startup sequence in standard monospace font, but that's fine, what is really interesting is that grub can freaking load custom fonts and you didn;t even started the thing! it even loaded a backgroudn image!
Idk about you but it;s very interesting. Btw, this is a lot better than the windows bootloader because it;s either standard grety on black or since windows 8, a plain background with rectangle......urgh.
Anyway, the only other config I did was making the boot seqeunce appear, but my ssd is so fast you jsut have 1 seconds of time to look (everything says ok so). I consider using a splash screen, but I am not sure of the sue if it's this quick to boot up.
Now, my disaply manager. I chose lightdm because it works for every desktop environemnt and I also noticed it has quite a klot of custom stuff. Here's my login screen:
In hey gorgoeus of course
The fun thing about lightdm is there's spaces in the configuration files that you can put script when ligthdm starts and when you login. So after figuring it out, I found how to play a music on the dm startup and to kill it when I login. I played the TTYD theme when the login appear and I kill it when I login. What this means is not only you have this awesome font and curtain (which I thought was fitting), you also have an awsome music while you login
And there, now this might surprise falkoopa, but here's my desktop environment:
Ok so why I decided to keep cinnamon with all the choices offered to me?
Well, I freaking tested all of them (except mate, but I wasn;t interested THIS much the last time I tried, btu it goes seocnd). I didn;t tried kde because it;s overkill, but I tried gnome, enlightement, lxde, etc.,.... And none of them was as good as cinnamon. Cinnamon is just the best because first, the menu is by default ONLY 2 LEVELS whcih is the max I would ever do (windows xp and its 5 levels lol). The menu is small enough and as for the taskbar, I keep frquents apps right next to the menu because I just love that. The rest is pretty standard except the look and feel and this is where I ahve to explain to fal here.
First, I frekaing love mint-y icon pack, it;s awesome so I installed it thanks to the aur (had to install mint-x too because it's apparently a dependency). I tried to find similar icon packs, but I came to the realisation that mint gives you so much icons that it was also the best choice for me.
Now for the theme......I tried mint-y, but then I realised qucikly it;s not a good idea. My tk version is so recent (3.20) that mint-y has several incompatibility since it is made for gtk 3.18. because of this, toolbars were awfull looking and clearly not pleasing to look at. So I searched and I realised that mint-y is based on arc, I tried it and yeah,. it's really good. They also have a dark version which is what I am using now. I had to do a little fix for firefox so I could see what I am typing in input boxes, but overall, I am very pleased with this theme, I might isntall more in the future becuase it's so easy to switch to them.
Oh btw, my cinnamon theme is minty, a siimple green on black with slight transparency theme, I quite like it
For the console, I could copy the mint colors, but I decided not too because......BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT! So I put the green on black template simply because:
- you actually feel smarter than you are because it looks mroe complicated that way
So yeah, that was a good choice
Now I am not done yet because I got a more convenient update manager which tbh, I only use it because of the update notifier.
I like pacman, but it can;t use the aur, so I got cower which helps to download stuff and check for updates, but then it can;t check for git stuff I ahve and it doesn;t install the packages so i got pacaur which is kind of a front end to cower and it really automates pretty much everything and it of course tells you all the info pacman tells you (you need to know this if there's a problem). pacaur is aweosme, it can check all packages invluding aur, it can check the devel stuff and this is the killer feature, it can if you choose to update the devel stuff verify its cache and if the sources are already up to date, it won't build, it will skip saving probably hours of time of not building dolphin for exampel which takes like 15 minutes to build. It;s perfect, but now the problem is that you do this on console......and you don't know where there's pertinent update unless you check the rss stuff......not a good idea so I searched if people coded a notifer.
And someone did! In fact, it's called argon and the thing is mostly coded in bash which pleased me because I could modify the code. And I did because here's the thign about how it works, after a certain amount of time (you set it), it will check for update and no matter if it finds or not, it will jsut send a notification, but if you know cinnamon, you can miss them as they appear on top right and they ddin';t implemented sound notif (they shoudl btw). So I wasn;t pleased with this so I got to the update modifier code and I added a line that basically plays the pm64 badge get sfx when it finds updates.
So what happens is now everytime I get update, I hear this sounds which gets me excited!
It's a lot mroe exciting to have update on a rolling release because as I explained, everything is kept up to date constantly so there migth be something essential like kermel updates or very core components and it;s fun
So yeah, this si pretty much how I set up my arch linux. I love this distro so far