Hey BrandX drop SGs, pick up a better game. Since almost every fighting game this gen has been better than SGs it should not be too hard.
You'll be happier and your investment will actually mean something (other series actually get sequels!).
I'm not saying this to diss. I'm trying to help you out. If you liked other fighting games and not just one because of a fetish you would not mind people bashing it for being bad.
Also no one cares if you pick up Smash or not. It's your loss on missing such an amazing series. And it's going to sell several millions with or without your help.
Oh lord. OH lord. OH LORD. Holy **** dude. Thanks for making me pee myself with laughter, you are probably the funniest troll I've ever met, holy ****.
Look I'm going to be solid with you, I love pretty much all of the fighting games I have (except SFxT, haven't tried the 2013 patch).
I own SSF4Arcade Edition 2012, Marvel vs Capcom Origins, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Persona 4 Arena, Blazblue, Capcom vs SNK 2, Arcana Heart, Capcom Fighting Evolution, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Darkstalkers 3, King of Fighters 11, Neo Geo Battle Colosseum, Most of the Street Fighter Alpha series, Street Figher 3 Online Edition, Rivals School, Playstation All Stars, the Neo Geo Pocket Fighters, etc, etc, etc, etc
Look, I'm not trying to prove I have a fighting game *** then you, I'm just saying that saying I don't like any other fighting games is absolutely hilarious.
Sure, I play mostly SkullGirls, but I still love playing my other fighting games as well~
So your total argument is invalid. Btw, I'm not going to stop playing SG's, so deal with it <3 I have plenty to play, but SkullGirls is the fighter I love the best over everything else.