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Skies of Arcadia Mafia - Game Over! Indy (AM) Wins!

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012

2. Rake - Have we met before? (Red Ruy here) Tell me about yourself, what experience you have in mafia and who you know for past games.

The only other time i can recall is in the Skies sign up thread, other than that i cannot recall meeting you.

I am a avid reader, I play mafia games oddly and it works half and half, was late confirming because having your arm caught between 2 cars will do that *sigh*. Hope to see an active game , all these hydras mean my reads will be long going I imagine.

For mafia experience , here is the long and short:

1st game: Was mafia, lost my role pm and forgot my role (epic fail ) and played the game out assuming I was null. Apparently my scum-bud asked the mod if he could nk me (insert choice words here) ended the game in a tie.

2nd game: Was town (no experience with it) And was terrible at it imo , but I learned a lot , was the cop (IIRC) and had reads on 2 / 3 mafia members but the game ended before i could do anything with em.

3rd game: Newbie 17, town again, played that one wrong imo and focused my reads sideways. Ended up being NK'd very early into it( I had replaced in ). Spent the rest of my time checking up on the thread and the green room , seeing how i could have played it better.

Current Games: Skies and J's Newbie 18 game. Hoping to last longer in these ones of course.

@everyone : General type question : With all these hydras kicking around , , will you be making reads on each players play for that slot then compare them to determine alliance ? Or do you have your own way to read hydras(have never dealt with them , ergo I'll need all the tips I can fit into my cranium.

Mr Rake, you're viewing the thread. Tell me who, out of this playerlist, would be your best friend this game? If you don't know, you can make a small list. Yeah that'd be swell.

Sword if you read this you're gay.
haha you're gay now
I will say until I have reads going and more posts going on I will remain friendless

@(:xXx11!1!LegOLAAAzz!!11XxX:): Who's your best friend ?

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
Interesting approach to start with questions, i'm assuming you're trying something different for the sake of getting reads? To answer your question there is nobody i'm looking out for and I will just play this game more naturally, however I think out all those people in your list you should keep an eye on Gheb, he can be a really scum when he wants to be and you might want to look further into his intention more than others. I don't usually have a problem reading him but just a heads up for both of you.
I swore off doing gambits with John before this game started.

Doing this without that in our play. I am using this to get reads and see name drops with why. It helps draw early connections to help them form.

For example you drop no names but Gheb here, something to consider for later.

Agree with this assessment, I liked his first post for the most part and hopefully he'll more enthusiasm when it comes to this game. Don't get why people are piling on LAK, he can be of some use if he isn't going to rely on some ****ty gambit for his reads, it seems like they're actually going to try and give effort.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
JTB is the one worries me the most when it comes to inactivity. If his commitment for the game matches his enthusiasm for the flavor he won't be a problem though. You're a notorious problem and I want you dead asap unless you prove to be valuable.

Vote Lovably Adorable Kanine

Pretty serious ...

Your quick to enact a policy lynch here before much has been posted. Why this over others like Orbo who may be similar?

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
I'm not sure what kind of answer you are trying to get here. My main attention is going to waiver and not going to be affected by experience because every game is different. And for your second question, who needs to be looked at the most in what sort of context?

Vote: Gheb
Is there no player your worried about with experience? Why is that?

Most is linked to the question above, since it relates to past experience.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4
I'd say that, as scum, you should look at for Lego*******es if Xonar commits, Gheb/marshmellowman because they have anti-town playstyles as it is, and neither of us can get a consistent bead on Gorf without an investigative to back it up.

So keep an eye on all of them! If J or Soup are scum, they'll probably expose themselves by D3, with a good chance of it being earlier.
How about KevinM?

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Why would I play it differently because there are two players on an account? Hydra's aren't like a mythical new account that can magically write off a contradiction because one player didn't say it.

That said Marshy and Macman hydra'd? That should be pretty tight that means they're like the easiest account to read ever now ;). Hope you all aren't scum I'll find you (macman) and if you're town you'll be super easy to read (marshy). You guys are gonna be my right hand men as usual *brofists*

Is Ryker in this game? Should we lynch him early, or is he going to actually try and play mafia this time instead of the Ryker show in which the games about him but the votes don't matter.

I don't know what the ridiculous Legolas name is but I'm not typing that **** if I try and vote for him and I'd be willing to lynch him based off of the name.. like a policy lynch but literally because the account is douchey.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
JTB you should play League with me.

Omg Ryker/WL hydra... *shudders*. Please no more gambits and trying to control the game from you guys like all the other games I see you guys play. We're gonna play mafia this game ok ;).

Rockin, try and be active this game even if you have a PR role.. if you have a scum role feel free to coast hard like usual tho ok?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York

1. Rockin - Hello Rockin, Let's talk about players you are interested in atm. Who off experience is someone you will keep your eye on?
Mostly Gheb and Marshmellow Man. Both are experienced players, and with Macman joining with Marshy, it'd be difficult to see his play style.

1. but of course
2. im looking for scum idgaf which player it is. im also hoping that you jtb and rockin all die as soon as possible. maybe razieks blessed us with a multishot vig who will shoot you all in his next post

vote rake

Sheesh, I havn't even posted yet and you're making threats to me. You REALLY gotta turn off that vendetta on me, Marshy.

@everyone : General type question : With all these hydras kicking around , , will you be making reads on each players play for that slot then compare them to determine alliance ? Or do you have your own way to read hydras(have never dealt with them , ergo I'll need all the tips I can fit into my cranium.
Eh, nothing fancy. I'd just hold them accountable for either person's post. *shrugs* Hardly played a lot of hyrdras.

Rockin, try and be active this game even if you have a PR role.. if you have a scum role feel free to coast hard like usual tho ok?
If you feel I'm scum, then be sure to add more steam this time Calling me out and not doing anything doesn't mean you were right :B

Also, I was pretty unmotivated that game. A lot of vets in the game and none of them I was buddies with? Lame.

This game is different cause it's SKIES OF ARCADIA! w000000t!

I see a bit of unfamiliars in this game.

Orobo, soup - give me a legitimate reason of why none of you two should be lynched toDay?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, if you're serious about you vote on LAK, then what do you hope to gain from your vote on them?
His death ... unless:

I want you dead asap unless you prove to be valuable.

Your quick to enact a policy lynch here before much has been posted. Why this over others like Orbo who may be similar?

And who said anything about a policiy lynch? There's no 'policy' behind it - at this point in the game you simply are the player I want dead the most, that's all. And I don't get the comparison to Orbo. What does he have to do with all this?


#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
The only other time i can recall is in the Skies sign up thread, other than that i cannot recall meeting you.

I am a avid reader, I play mafia games oddly and it works half and half, was late confirming because having your arm caught between 2 cars will do that *sigh*. Hope to see an active game , all these hydras mean my reads will be long going I imagine.

For mafia experience , here is the long and short:

1st game: Was mafia, lost my role pm and forgot my role (epic fail ) and played the game out assuming I was null. Apparently my scum-bud asked the mod if he could nk me (insert choice words here) ended the game in a tie.

2nd game: Was town (no experience with it) And was terrible at it imo , but I learned a lot , was the cop (IIRC) and had reads on 2 / 3 mafia members but the game ended before i could do anything with em.

3rd game: Newbie 17, town again, played that one wrong imo and focused my reads sideways. Ended up being NK'd very early into it( I had replaced in ). Spent the rest of my time checking up on the thread and the green room , seeing how i could have played it better.

Current Games: Skies and J's Newbie 18 game. Hoping to last longer in these ones of course.

@everyone : General type question : With all these hydras kicking around , , will you be making reads on each players play for that slot then compare them to determine alliance ? Or do you have your own way to read hydras(have never dealt with them , ergo I'll need all the tips I can fit into my cranium.

I will say until I have reads going and more posts going on I will remain friendless

@(:xXx11!1!LegOLAAAzz!!11XxX:): Who's your best friend ?
Yo xonar is this what you mean by clearing players as town?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Rake said:
@everyone : General type question : With all these hydras kicking around , , will you be making reads on each players play for that slot then compare them to determine alliance ? Or do you have your own way to read hydras(have never dealt with them , ergo I'll need all the tips I can fit into my cranium.
No, I'll be reading them on their own play, meta is a scent, but it's not a tell. Why did you specifically ask this question? I realize you might have problems reading hydras but why specifically ask this question?

Gorf said:
]Yo xonar is this what you mean by clearing players as town?
Can't help but agree with Gorf on this one.

Rockin said:
Orobo, soup - give me a legitimate reason of why none of you two should be lynched toDay?
Odd question, You doubt my mafia skills or something? I won't get lynched because i'm town, and i'm certainly not a pushover or someone to get lynched easily anymore, no idea why you felt to call out two players you considered weak without looking at background history.

LAK said:
I swore off doing gambits with John before this game started.

Doing this without that in our play. I am using this to get reads and see name drops with why. It helps draw early connections to help them form.

For example you drop no names but Gheb here, something to consider for later.
Good to consider, but realize some players have nothing to hide and just want to give general advice, I like what you're doing right now, though. Keep it up.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
This game is incredibly lame and nothing interesting is going on, let's see some action sometime soon.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011

4. Orboknown - Orbo, I offer a hand of friendship to join me as my Mrs. Hudson. But I need to gain your trust, tell me about past games and what you learned as town from losses and wins. What do you plan on changing from those games here and why?
Town games are.. FFT(died for ryker D2, learned not to trust gheb helping me>.>)SF(learned that while some people can get the job done by themselves, don't necessarily follow them blindly), Gigabots(learned EE/Glyph is a PITA to read and to trust my initial read on certain people), a game still going on, and newbie 17(learned J can go **** himself as scum :p and that I can really do something when I can get on consistently). I think that's the town ones so far.
Ruy, I have two terms by which you're going to have to abide;

Term 1:
You let Joey play the entirety of Day 1.
don't like this.
Because you are asking him to not do something that he's done in the past and has gotten lynched for as town. I assume that means you have a town read on him and you don't want him to do something stupid that makes town want to lynch him.
I think I like this, will keep watching JTB for now though.
@Anyone and everyone: What do you make of Soup so far, if anything at all?
NUll town. He seems genuine thus far.
@everyone : General type question : With all these hydras kicking around , , will you be making reads on each players play for that slot then compare them to determine alliance ? Or do you have your own way to read hydras(have never dealt with them , ergo I'll need all the tips I can fit into my cranium.
compare them to what wrt underlined?
I think you just read the slot via their actions, don't try meta'ing each head's post because you might be using the meta for the wronng head.
Your quick to enact a policy lynch here before much has been posted. Why this over others like Orbo who may be similar?
why put me in particular?
Orobo, soup - give me a legitimate reason of why none of you two should be lynched toDay?
give me the reason why you keep putting my name like that?
on a serious note, because I plan to be active and help town geet **** done.
Actually @ GBizzle in your position I'd rather be on board with orbo, when surely his activity will make him unreadable, whereas at least LAK is probz town.
Activity should be better here than in SF or gigabots

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Go more into detail as to what you're thinking right now, all you're giving me in your post is underhanded comments without any meat to them.

Lovably Adorable Kanine

Red Ryu|John2k4
Jun 22, 2011
Red Ryu/John2k4

And who said anything about a policiy lynch? There's no 'policy' behind it - at this point in the game you simply are the player I want dead the most, that's all. And I don't get the comparison to Orbo. What does he have to do with all this?

You have singled this slot out.

But why?

You want me dead the most, even in RvS you must have a reason behind this. If you want me ead unless I prove useful what about others players in the game?
Dec 6, 2011
Gheb though, you're obviously not going to actually get LAK lynched, so what's the point of simply putting your vote there? Are you really just using it to express your dislike for that slot? Is there anything else that has caught your attention besides him?

I would still like more opinions on Soup. J, MMMan, WL/Ryker you guys?

LAK you didn't answer my question. Please do so.

@LAK: Sure.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You have singled this slot out.

But why?

You want me dead the most, even in RvS you must have a reason behind this. If you want me ead unless I prove useful what about others players in the game?
If I don't have an idea whom I want lynched / consider scum Ryu's slot is the one that's most beneficial to get rid of.

Gheb though, you're obviously not going to actually get LAK lynched
And why is that?

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