I guess I'll bring this up here. I wouldn't trust Verge on the fact of how much he gets wrong with fighting games and how much he got wrong at E3.
He claimed that there would be two Castlevania game announced at E3. Not only did Konami not show off two games, the one game they did reveal was Hyper Sports R. See:
How I know he was making stuff up is actually something Nintendo Everything pointed out. You can see there tweet here:
There is also Star Fox Grand Prix which didn't happen either. I expect this was a few people getting dupped by a fake logo and didn't bother to check if it was just an edit (which it was).
The reason he was "right" is because either A)He was just guessing which explains how he didn't know certain aspects (all the characters returning) and somethings he said not happening or B)One of the competitors for the International leaked who was in the demo build which included Snake, Ridley and a lot of the DLC characters (why he said no cuts). This is likely why a lot of Resetera people know about Ridley. If either of these is the case, its unlikely he knows any more than you and I do. It's doubtful he has any insider information on Konami as he thought there were two games when there weren't. I could be wrong, but just don't get your hopes up.