Sup Silent Wolf?
Turn around JC'ed shines would be cool; you said you were up to 5 at OC3, so I'm expecting at LEAST 6. XD Oh, and I got 5 as well finally. Woooo....
This one should be pretty cool looking; shine, SHDL, doubleshine, reverse SHDL, tripleshine, reverse SHDL, etc... if you mixed turnaround JC'ed shines... ah, that'd be tough, and might even be hard to see what you're doing. But it'd be cool.
Here's a trick I just came up with. Ledgehop from Yoshi's story into a waveland on the platform, walk off and forward+b, platform cancel on the other platform, fast fall off, turnaround shine into up+b ledge cancel.
Quadruple needle cancel with Sheik from full jump + double jump. Jump, needle, cancel, double jump, needle, cancel, needle, cancel, needle, cancel.
Walking off the level into reverse needle cancel edgehog is cool; do that into a ledge hop reverse needle cancel, reverse needle cancel, ledge hog, ledge wavedash, short hop up-air (DI'ing backwards) ledgecanceled into double jump reverse needle cancel reverse needle cancel edgehog. That'd look neat.
Uhh... I THINK you can see what I mean. I can PM if I didn't write that clearly.
With Fox, turnaround shine into a backwards DI'ing short hop up-air repeated a few times would look cool, but that's probably not too hard for you. You could mix up the aerials to look interesting, but I think up-air looks coolest.
Waveshine a Peach in training mode and keep the combo like this: shine, turn around wavedash backwards shine, wavedash backwards out of the shine, turnaround shine, waveshine forwards into a drill--landing behind her-- then two backwards waveshines into a turning up-smash.
Repeatedly running behind an opponent and pivoting jabs looks cool as well.
Repeated platform cancels with Fox's different aerials. It's not very hard on Pokemon Stadium, but it looks alright.
Err... oh, ledgehop Fox's drill so that you DI forwards, then backwards to ledge cancel it. Repeating that is kind of tough.
Try weird walljump tricks on Pokemon Stadium's tree with Sheik. Wall jump, b-air to stop your walljump momentum, DI back, wall jump double jump over the tree and DI so you can wall jump on the other side without having to land. It's doable with Fox on the cliff, if you wall jump at the very top of the cliff, b-air, DI back and then wall jump again.
Shine laser edgehog off the edge? C'mon, this is a skill video. Ledge drop into turn around shine JC'ed into reverse laser grab. Impress us a little.
That's all I got for now.