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Sigma Busters (Name Pending): Official Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
So essentially alongside every character having their A button be neutral attacks and B button be special attacks, pressing both together can enhance the specials into "meter attacks." That is what I am gathering from your ideas.
That's... not quite what I had in mind. My thought process is that there isn't a special attack button. The A button is used for light normals, and the B button is used for heavy normals. You can then perform a motion input and use a button to perform a special - for example, if we had a Ryu-type character here, then QCF->A would be a less powerful and slower Hadouken, but QCF->B would be a more powerful and faster Hadouken. If you pressed both together, ie, QCF->A+B, then you'd get "meter attacks" (EX specials).

The Hypermax balancing issue is tricky since each level of hypermax is quite different and has their own utility, so I don't know HOW to order them. I also think having the front left trigger be grabs, the front right trigger be shields, and back left trigger for dodges, and the back right trigger for strafing, would possible be the best choice for control sequence.
Hypermax balancing will ideally come with time - it's probably a good idea to work out controls first!

Also, I think this might be a little... overcomplicated.

If characters already face each other by default (like Ryu, Ken, Terry and Kazuya in Smash), then strafing is automatically sorted. Additionally, you could easily just map dodges to the shield button and a direction like Smash - but instead of a shield, you have a block, and instead of spot-dodging by tapping down, you crouch-block.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
That's... not quite what I had in mind. My thought process is that there isn't a special attack button. The A button is used for light normals, and the B button is used for heavy normals. You can then perform a motion input and use a button to perform a special - for example, if we had a Ryu-type character here, then QCF->A would be a less powerful and slower Hadouken, but QCF->B would be a more powerful and faster Hadouken. If you pressed both together, ie, QCF->A+B, then you'd get "meter attacks" (EX specials).
I see, I am just trying to find a compromise since I don't want to alienate people. I want to have a control scheme that is simple to learn but hard to master, I just make these comparisons since I see the tilt/ariel attacks as the "weak" attacks while the specials fill in the role of "strong" attacks. By performing a command or pressing the strong and weak attack buttons at the same time, you perform a hyper attack, an enhanced version of a strong attack.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I actually came across Combo Devils fairly recently because of its directional shield system, which I honestly think is really fun - airdashes are honestly kind of interesting to me, because on the one hand they'd probably be a great fit into a platfighter, but on the other hand giving everyone an airdash means everyone also has an additional recovery tool, making games arguably last longer. It'd need tweaking, but I think it has potential.
That's actually where their damage meter comes in. When it's full, you lose the ability to tech, so getting knocked into a wall becomes a death sentence instead of a chance to save yourself. We still don't know a whole lot of details, but overall, I'm really excited to see how Combo Devils turns out.

I honestly love it too, Third Strike handles this really well and it's a great way to add an additional degree of strategy.
I suppose one we forgot to mention was Smash itself actually. Not really the best example since it's not consistent across the cast, but on occasion you get stuff like the weird extra "joke" attacks on :ultluigi::ultgreninja::ultkazuya:

This sounds really fun! I think the idea of blocking still having vulnerabilities but being useful is fun, and a mana system sounds like a really unique but cool way of exploring a dual-defense system. Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen something like that before!
I'd like to say that I thought of it first, but then Street fighter 6 came out, and it does something pretty similar with the Drive System by tying Drive Rush and Parrying to the same meter (plus I'm sure there are other examples floating around that I just don't know of). The mana bar in my project is tied to the barrier (shield), rave dash/air dash (wave dash), and burst. The idea was basically to have one meter for defense and mobility, and another for offense, being the traditional super/ex meter.

Honestly, this is true - traditional life-bars would probably be a way better fit for something like this, and I reckon you could even make an argument for a "ring out" to take all of an opponent's health if you give them ample opportunity to recover from it with things like walljumps and the like.
It's not exactly a traditional fighter or plat fighter (kind of occupies its own space as a fun little anomaly) but the PS2 Naruto Ultimate Ninja games actually had a ring out/blast zone system similar to this. You could carry opponents offscreen with air combos and make it back onto the stage with a sort of double jump air dash. The player on the receiving end would fall into the "blast zone" and respawn in the middle of the stage kind of like Smash, but the ring out penalty was like 30-35% of their health if I recall correctly.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
I see, I am just trying to find a compromise since I don't want to alienate people. I want to have a control scheme that is simple to learn but hard to master, I just make these comparisons since I see the tilt/ariel attacks as the "weak" attacks while the specials fill in the role of "strong" attacks. By performing a command or pressing the strong and weak attack buttons at the same time, you perform a hyper attack, an enhanced version of a strong attack.
I wouldn't say you're alienating anyone at all! You're just trying to find what works best, and that's more than fine.

Kirbeh's mention of NASB2 should work as a good indication of what I mean by "light" and "heavy" normals - I'll link SpongeBob's moveset for you, which should hopefully help a little with visualisation.

That said, I've... not mentioned a "hyper attack" performed by inputting A and B simultaneously yet, but I feel like it'd be an added level of complication that'd be kind of unnecessary, at least in my opinion. If you wanted to be able to enhance normals, you could go for directional inputs, or even tap/holds, but I think the latter would be kind of unnecessary too.

To clear things up - I'll list what I reckon would be in a moveset.

Grounded Light Normals
  • A (Light Neutral Normal)
  • A + Forward (Light Forward Normal)
  • A + Up (Light Up Normal)
  • A + Down (Light Down/Crouching Normal)
  • A while Dashing (Light Dash Attack)
Grounded Heavy Normals
  • B (Heavy Neutral Normal)
  • B + Forward (Heavy Forward Normal)
  • B + Up (Heavy Up Normal)
  • B + Down (Heavy Down/Crouching Normal)
  • B while Dashing (Heavy Dash Attack)
Aerial Light Normals
  • A while Airborne (Light Neutral Air)
  • A + Forward while Airborne (Light Forward Air)
  • A + Back while Airborne (Light Back Air)
  • A + Up while Airborne (Light Up Air)
  • A + Down while Airborne (Light Down Air)
Aerial Heavy Normals
  • B while Airborne (Heavy Neutral Air)
  • B + Forward while Airborne (Heavy Forward Air)
  • B + Back while Airborne (Heavy Back Air)
  • B + Up while Airborne (Heavy Up Air)
  • B + Down while Airborne (Heavy Down Air)
Other Normals
  • A while Floored (Light Floor Attack)
    • Only accessible if your character has been knocked over
  • B while Floored (Heavy Floor Attack)
    • Only accessible if your character has been knocked over
Grabs, Pummels & Throws
  • L or R (Grab)
  • A while Grabbing (Light Pummel)
    • Repeat to pummel more
    • Opponents can still mash out of grab state
  • B while Grabbing (Heavy Pummel)
    • Repeat to pummel more
    • Opponents can still mash out of grab state
  • Forward while Grabbing (Forward Throw)
  • Back while Grabbing (Back Throw)
  • Up while Grabbing (Up Throw)
  • Down while Grabbing (Down Throw)
  • ZL or ZR while Standing (Block)
    • Specifically blocks upper attacks
    • Doesn't block attacks to the legs or from behind
    • You still take chip damage through a block
    • Taking too much damage in a block results in you getting stunned
  • ZL or ZR while Crouching (Crouch Block)
    • Specifically blocks lower attacks
    • Doesn't block attacks from above or from behind
    • You still take chip damage through a block
  • ZL and ZR simultaneously while Grounded (Spot Dodge)
    • Momentary intangibility, acting as a spot-dodge
    • Does not move you horizontally or vertically on use
    • Has low endlag, promoting options immediately out of the roll
  • ZL and ZR simultaneously while Airborne (Air Dodge)
    • Effectively the same as a spot-dodge but airborne
    • Still doesn't really change your momentum
    • Slightly higher endlag than a grounded spot-dodge
  • Forward or Backward while Blocking and Grounded (Dodge Roll)
    • Momentary intangibility
    • Useful as a method of positioning or resetting neutral
    • Consecutive use nerfs the attack like in Ultimate to prevent spam
    • Has low endlag, promoting options immediately out of the roll
  • ZL and ZR and a direction while airborne (Directional Air Dodge)
    • Moves you in the direction you input
    • Can only be used once while airborne
    • Even higher endlag than an air-dodge, but...
    • ...allows for wavedashing as a positional tool.
  • Release ZL or ZR as an attack hits (Parry)
    • Works akin to Ultimate's take on this
    • Allows you to act earlier and counterattack opponents
    • Opponents' attack is also given additional hitstun
    • Promotes high-risk/high-reward gameplay
Specials & Supers
  • Command Input -> A or B (Special Attack)
    • The specific command input can differ from special to special
    • The attack uses only A or B, not both at the same time
    • Usually, using A or B can result in slightly different versions of the same special
    • Some characters may have more specials than others, most will have at least three
  • Same Command Input as above -> A and B (EX Special Attack)
    • Input A and B simultaneously on use
    • Usually a more powerful form of an ordinary Special Attack
    • Will use up a given amount of Meter when used...
    • ...but is more powerful than an ordinary Special Attack
  • A larger Command Input -> A and B (Hypermax Attack)
    • Will be a different input to any Special Attacks - could perhaps double up, such as a double QCF
    • Uses a given amount of Meter when used (not necessarily all of it, but probably a big chunk of it)
    • Characters have access to multiple of these at any given time, using different inputs to access them
Additional Elements
  • R3 or L3 (Taunt)
    • Unlike Smash, taunts serve an actual purpose here
    • Some characters' taunts buff them in certain ways, or debuff the opponents
    • You can't stack buffs or debuffs, however
    • This system is loosely based on Street Fighter III and Art of Fighting
    • Introduces an additional layer of strategy
Note: if I've forgotten anything, please let me know, this is just what immediately springs to mind
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I see, I am just trying to find a compromise since I don't want to alienate people. I want to have a control scheme that is simple to learn but hard to master, I just make these comparisons since I see the tilt/ariel attacks as the "weak" attacks while the specials fill in the role of "strong" attacks. By performing a command or pressing the strong and weak attack buttons at the same time, you perform a hyper attack, an enhanced version of a strong attack.
Okay, I got really excited talking about other fighting games and remembering my childhood Naruto games, but to get back on task: control scheme.

Since you're still trying to figure out the exact controls you want to have and want to keep the "simple to pick up" idea held by most platform fighters, I think sticking closer to Smash's existing controls with minor tweaks would probably work best. The "hard to master" part can come from mastery of individual characters and the game mechanics rather than input execution.

For the sake of keeping the projects scope in check and for my own and any interested sprite artists' sanity I will recommend sticking to 1 attack button, and one special button like Smash. Then you have a jump, grab, and guard/shield? (idk how you want defense to work)

To create a more combo heavy experience we can substitute different button strengths for comboing tilts into each other and using Smash attacks as launchers and combo enders.

We'll allow simple directional inputs for specials to preserve the easy to pick up nature. However, motion inputs will also be available for more skilled players with some added benefit for performing them like more meter gain or slightly more power, etc. (Other games like Idol Showdown already do this.)

To keep things simple for casuals and newbies, one button will be used as an EX-modifier and for supers. To get newer players accustomed to using multiple button inputs, they will need to press special and ex together to perform an ex move. Special input EX moves will have some slight benefit like their normal counterparts to compensate motion players.

Hypermax moves will be tied to the same EX button, but in combination with the attack button instead of the special button. This will keep them from getting too complex and preventing accidental EX inputs. This is where I also recommend sticking to less complex motion inputs in order to make the transition from simple controls easier.

So, using modern console controllers as our example we have 4 face buttons, 4 back buttons (shoulder/triggers) and a d-pad to work with if you so desire.

So far, we have attack, special, jump, grab, shield, and ex for 6 different inputs. That leaves two for either additional commands/mechanics you want to implement, or we leave them blank for more flexible control mapping. And the d-pad is still there too unless you want to use it as an alternative movement option (might actually be a good idea too since a lot of fighting game players on pad like to use it for motion inputs.) And with 2 free buttons we could actually move Smash attacks onto their own button if you really want to.

What do you think?
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Okay, I got really excited talking about other fighting games and remembering my childhood Naruto games, but to get back on task: control scheme.

Since you're still trying to figure out the exact controls you want to have and want to keep the "simple to pick up" idea held by most platform fighters, I think sticking closer to Smash's existing controls with minor tweaks would probably work best. The "hard to master" part can come from mastery of individual characters and the game mechanics rather than input execution.

For the sake of keeping the projects scope in check and for my own and any interested sprite artists' sanity I will recommend sticking to 1 attack button, and one special button like Smash. Then you have a jump, grab, and guard/shield? (idk how you want defense to work)

To create a more combo heavy experience we can substitute different button strengths for comboing tilts into each other and using Smash attacks as launchers and combo enders.

We'll allow simple directional inputs for specials to preserve the easy to pick up nature. However, motion inputs will also be available for more skilled players with some added benefit for performing them like more meter gain or slightly more power, etc. (Other games like Idol Showdown already do this.)

To keep things simple for casuals and newbies, one button will be used as an EX-modifier and for supers. To get newer players accustomed to using multiple button inputs, they will need to press special and ex together to perform an ex move. Special input EX moves will have some slight benefit like their normal counterparts to compensate motion players.

Hypermax moves will be tied to the same EX button, but in combination with the attack button instead of the special button. This will keep them from getting too complex and preventing accidental EX inputs. This is where I also recommend sticking to less complex motion inputs in order to make the transition from simple controls easier.

So, using modern console controllers as our example we have 4 face buttons, 4 back buttons (shoulder/triggers) and a d-pad to work with if you so desire.

So far, we have attack, special, jump, grab, shield, and ex for 6 different inputs. That leaves two for either additional commands/mechanics you want to implement, or we leave them blank for more flexible control mapping. And the d-pad is still there too unless you want to use it as an alternative movement option (might actually be a good idea too since a lot of fighting game players on pad like to use it for motion inputs.) And with 2 free buttons we could actually move Smash attacks onto their own button if you really want to.

What do you think?
To be honest I kind of like this control scheme, btw, so your saying that for every special these fighters have, they have the option to augment it into an EX attack. I quite like this, and could give some more creativity to the movesets.

KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 you control scheme is good too, but way to complicated for this game, would work better in a more traditional fighter but not a platfighter specifically.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
To be honest I kind of like this control scheme, btw, so your saying that for every special these fighters have, they have the option to augment it into an EX attack. I quite like this, and could give some more creativity to the movesets.

KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 you control scheme is good too, but way to complicated for this game, would work better in a more traditional fighter but not a platfighter specifically.
Honestly, KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 's control scheme would work just fine, but it's well outside the scope for a project that's quite honestly already too ambitious for just 2 people with 0 exp. If anything, it's really not far off from what I presented, especially if Smash attacks get put on their own button.
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Glubbfubb Glubbfubb
Question. You opened up this thread with 14 character slots. Did you already have 14 characters in mind or are you making them up as you go? If the latter, am I allowed to contribute character ideas too?


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Glubbfubb Glubbfubb
Question. You opened up this thread with 14 character slots. Did you already have 14 characters in mind or are you making them up as you go? If the latter, am I allowed to contribute character ideas too?
I have general playstyles planned, and then I develop a character that fits the concept the best. So if you have any ideas that fit the aesthetic please tell me, after all you are my partner.

Going to bed btw.
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I have general playstyles planned, and then I develop a character that fits the concept the best. So if you have any ideas that fit the aesthetic please tell me, after all you are my partner.

Going to bed btw.
Good night then, I should probably head off as well. I'll bring it up the day after tomorrow. I likely won't be online tomorrow night since I have an evening/night shift.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Random thought, you know that one attack Rayman could do in the orignal game that had him put up a scary face to scare away opponents, I think that could work as Aremi's lowest level Hypermax Attack Paralyzing Scream. Basically Aremi would put up a scary face that can paralyze oppoennts is hit in point blank range. It's takes quite a small amount of meter to do compared to other level 1 Hypermaxes and its main purpose is to be a combo starter/weak get off me tool, how does the attack sound?


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Here is my proposal for the attack types

There are four types of normal attacks one can dish out: Standard, Special, Burst, Hyper. Standard Attacks are the neutral special equivalents, fast and usually without special properties, Special Attacks are well, the Special Attacks, they are more complicated and signature to each character, Burst Attacks are equivalent to smash attacks, being that they are chargeable moves that are slower but stronger than standard attacks, finally the Hyper Attacks are linked to your Hyper Meter, and you use them by performing a Special Attack at the same time as holding down the grab trigger, and there is a unique one for each Special Attack. When you use a Hyper Attack you spend some meter and perform a stronger than average attack. There is a fifth attack type in Hypermax Attacks, each character has three levels of Hypermax Attacks and each are performed by hitting the Standard Attack button and grab trigger at the same time. These are the strongest moves in each character's kit and offer either offensive or defensive benefits. You have three different Hypermax Attacks per character, each one of three levels, and you perform higher level Hypermax Attacks by filling up more your meter.

How does that sound so far?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Curies design WIP


Her design inspiration for both her appearance and the normal moves I'll be spriting for her are as follows (so far):
Jedah - Darkstalkers
Edea/Adel/Ultimecia - Final Fantasy 8
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I quite like this one, looks pretty cool, what's that dripping object though
Her whole schtick is being made of/manipulating mercury, isn't it? I figured that while she can take solid form, she could still have some liquid/goopy feeling to her for some things. In this case, it's also partially inspired by KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 's suggestion for a move where she can leave puddles on stage that can then serve as traps/active hitboxes by turning them into spikes and other objects/obstacles. Also, I just thought it'd look cool for the concept art.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Her whole schtick is being made of/manipulating mercury, isn't it? I figured that while she can take solid form, she could still have some liquid/goopy feeling to her for some things. In this case, it's also partially inspired by KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 's suggestion for a move where she can leave puddles on stage that can then serve as traps/active hitboxes by turning them into spikes and other objects/obstacles. Also, I just thought it'd look cool for the concept art.
Yeah, she is more focused on being MADE of Mercury, which is an important design to have.

Also what do you think of my other messages btw?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Also, what do you think of my other messages btw?
I haven't really got much to say about Paralyzing Scream, I think it's a fine idea for a level 1, though I can't say I'm familiar with what you're referencing as I've only played a bit of the UbiArt Rayman games.

Here is my proposal for the attack types

There are four types of normal attacks one can dish out: Standard, Special, Burst, Hyper. Standard Attacks are the neutral special equivalents,
I assume this was a typo, but I'll ask anyway just for clarity.

fast and usually without special properties, Special Attacks are well, the Special Attacks, they are more complicated and signature to each character, Burst Attacks are equivalent to smash attacks, being that they are chargeable moves that are slower but stronger than standard attacks, finally the Hyper Attacks are linked to your Hyper Meter, and you use them by performing a Special Attack at the same time as holding down the grab trigger, and there is a unique one for each Special Attack. When you use a Hyper Attack you spend some meter and perform a stronger than average attack. There is a fifth attack type in Hypermax Attacks, each character has three levels of Hypermax Attacks and each are performed by hitting the Standard Attack button and grab trigger at the same time. These are the strongest moves in each character's kit and offer either offensive or defensive benefits. You have three different Hypermax Attacks per character, each one of three levels, and you perform higher level Hypermax Attacks by filling up more your meter.

How does that sound so far?
Aside from that one portion I don't really have much to comment on either. It's a good standard attack set like most other fighters.

Standard = Normal
Special = Special
Burst = Smash Attack
Hyper = EX Special
Hypermax = Super

That's pretty much the breakdown, right?


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I haven't really got much to say about Paralyzing Scream, I think it's a fine idea for a level 1, though I can't say I'm familiar with what you're referencing as I've only played a bit of the UbiArt Rayman games.

I assume this was a typo, but I'll ask anyway just for clarity.

Aside from that one portion I don't really have much to comment on either. It's a good standard attack set like most other fighters.

Standard = Normal
Special = Special
Burst = Smash Attack
Hyper = EX Special
Hypermax = Super

That's pretty much the breakdown, right?
This is the face I am talking about, sorry I can't find a full animation, it is found in the game though.

Also, yeah I meant to say that Standard attacks are the basic attacks of the game. And yeah that is the breakdown on all the type of moves in the games.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Btw, I think I have ideas for Aremi's Level 2 and 3 Hypermax Attacks

Level 2
Cluster Seed
Aremi spits a giant seed that splits into 4 smaller seeds diagonally which then splits into 4 more even smaller seeds in the 4 cardinal directions.

Level 3
Big Fiery Gourd
Aremi's head grows to a massive size, then she bowls her head like a bowling ball that pushes people off the stage, after a while the pumpkin will explode into purple soul fire to power up some of Aremi's attacks.

How do these Hypermax Arracks look?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Here's one of my own character concepts.

Name: Erycles - Derived from a combination of the name Heracles and his fourth trial of legend, the Erymanthian Boar.

Species: Sus Scrofaha - Derived from sus scrofa, the wild boar, and the Sanskrit varaha also meaning boar, but also being an avatar of Vishnu in Hindu mythology.

Playstyle: Mid-to-long range bruiser/pseudo zoner

Character Inspiration: Dhalsim, Birdie Street Fighter, Earthquake Samurai Showdown, Bowser Super Mario/Super Smash Bros., Ganon The Legend of Zelda, Roadhog Overwatch, Scorpion Mortal Kombat

Erycles works as a delivery man, using his transport ship to deliver all sorts of goods across the galaxy to just about anywhere- for the right price. While he tries to keep his hands clean, he does on occasion take jobs from more "risky" clients, and in the past was also known to be a wanted man. Formerly a hired gun, running with several different outfits before deciding to retire from such business.

He's no saint and has made a lot of mistakes in the past, but at heart he's a good man.

With his past seemingly behind him and largely unknown to the community he now calls home, he's become a well-liked figure of the small port town on Vaharus. However, trouble brews when some of the locals, a group of teens/young adults seeking riches and adventure, recklessly head out to seek out the Double Sigma for themselves.

Worried for their safety and at the behest of his community, Erycles heads out after them, hoping to drag them back home before they can reach their destination or encounter any other dangers along the way.

Move List
Normals - WIP, I'll add descriptions and sketches over time. I know what the moves are in my head, so far now I'm only including move names, so I remember when I come back to this.

Jab Combo

Forward Tilt - Backhand Knuckle

Up Tilt - Tough Tusk

Down Tilt - Grazing Chain

Dash Attack - Shoulder Crash

Burst Attacks - WIP

Forward Burst - Pig-Headed

Up Burst - Arcing Chain

Down Burst - Round Trip Chain

Aerials - WIP

Neutral Air - Big Body Splash

Forward Air - Hook Slasher

Back Air - Backhand Swing

Up Air - Rattler

Down Air - Swinging Hook

Throws - WIP


Neutral Special: Spitroast

A short-ranged fire-breathing attack. The angle can be adjusted by tilting the control stick.

Side Special: Meat Hook

A ranged attack where Erycles throws his hook forward. In addition to dealing damage, you can press the special button again to "hook" the opponent and drag them towards Erycles.

The angle can also be adjusted by tilting the stick diagonally upward or downward. The low version will travel along the ground and drop off of stage ledges and platforms. The high version can be used to ground opponents jumping towards Erycles.

Can also be used as a tether for recovery.

Up Special: Grappling Hook

Similar to Meat Hook, Erycles will throw out his hook, but aim it much higher. Off stage, this can be used to recover. On stage, it becomes a command grab where he grapples the opponent, pulling them from out of the air and then slamming them down into the ground.

Down Special: Boar's Head/Haunch Crash

When grounded, Erycles will charge forward a short distance, delivering a strong headbutt. In the air, this becomes a stall and fall move where he drops quickly with a ground pound style move.

Hypermax Moves - WIP

Concept Sketch

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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Here's one of my own character concepts.

Name: Erycles - Derived from a combination of the name Heracles and his fourth trial of legend, the Erymanthian Boar.

Species: Sus Scrofaha - Derived from sus scrofa, the wild boar, and the Sanskrit varaha also meaning boar, but also being an avatar of Vishnu in Hindu mythology.

Playstyle: Mid-to-long range bruiser/pseudo zoner

Character Inspiration: Dhalsim, Birdie Street Fighter, Earthquake Samurai Showdown, Bowser Super Mario/Super Smash Bros., Ganon The Legend of Zelda, Roadhog Overwatch, Scorpion Mortal Kombat

Erycles works as a delivery man, using his transport ship to deliver all sorts of goods across the galaxy to just about anywhere- for the right price. While he tries to keep his hands clean, he does on occasion take jobs from more "risky" clients, and in the past was also known to be a wanted man. Formerly a hired gun, running with several different outfits before deciding to retire from such business.

He's no saint and has made a lot of mistakes in the past, but at heart he's a good man.

With his past seemingly behind him and largely unknown to the community he now calls home, he's become a well-liked figure of the small port town on Vaharus. However, trouble brews when some of the locals, a group of teens/young adults seeking riches and adventure, recklessly head out to seek out the Double Sigma for themselves.

Worried for their safety and at the behest of his community, Erycles heads out after them, hoping to drag them back home before they can reach their destination or encounter any other dangers along the way.

Move List
Normals - WIP, I'll add descriptions and sketches over time. I know what the moves are in my head, so far now I'm only including move names, so I remember when I come back to this.

Jab Combo

Forward Tilt - Backhand Knuckle

Up Tilt - Tough Tusk

Down Tilt - Grazing Chain

Dash Attack - Shoulder Crash

Burst Attacks - WIP

Forward Burst - Pig-Headed

Up Burst - Arcing Chain

Down Burst - Round Trip Chain

Aerials - WIP

Neutral Air - Big Body Splash

Forward Air - Hook Slasher

Back Air - Backhand Swing

Up Air - Rattler

Down Air - Swinging Hook

Throws - WIP


Neutral Special: Spitroast

A short-ranged fire-breathing attack. The angle can be adjusted by tilting the control stick.

Side Special: Meat Hook

A ranged attack where Erycles throws his hook forward. In addition to dealing damage, you can press the special button again to "hook" the opponent and drag them towards Erycles.

The angle can also be adjusted by tilting the stick diagonally upward or downward. The low version will travel along the ground and drop off of stage ledges and platforms. The high version can be used to ground opponents jumping towards Erycles.

Can also be used as a tether for recovery.

Up Special: Grappling Hook

Similar to Meat Hook, Erycles will throw out his hook, but aim it much higher. Off stage, this can be used to recover. On stage, it becomes a command grab where he grapples the opponent, pulling them from out of the air and then slamming them down into the ground.

Down Special: Boar's Head/Haunch Crash

When grounded, Erycles will charge forward a short distance, delivering a strong headbutt. In the air, this becomes a stall and fall move where he drops quickly with a ground pound style move.

Hypermax Moves - WIP

Concept Sketch
I quite love this concept, he could be a good medium-heavy weight like Wario. Also pigs are always cool to have and he reminds me of that one pig guy from Beyond Good and Evil

btw, I made a concept for a full moveset for Aremi, aside from grabs. I tried to make her a kick-based fighter since she saves her hands for her fire spells, and I think this set gives her a lot of personality. How does this moveset look? Is it sketchable?


Role: Setplay

Aremi has a tether grab

Jab: A quick set of kicks, one after another. They are quite weak but are fast enough to form a standard combo.
Forward Tilt: Creating a small wick of flame from her hand, Aremi pokes with a flaming finger jab, has a sweetspot that launches foes back farther.
Down Tilt: A stomp to the ground, designed to crush toes. Has a bit more knockback than a standard down tilt, but is a bit weaker to compensate.
Up Tilt: With both hands, Aremi creates a flame upwards, dealing multiple hits of weak damage.
Dash Attack: Aremi trips over, the fire in her head creating a small damaging wave, the trip itself doesn't deal much damage, instead its the fire.

Neutral Air: A jumping kick attack, very safe and reliable
Forward Aerial: Aremi spits a small fireball in front of her, has a sourspot between her and the fireball, but the sweetspot deals good damage.
Back Aerial: Aremi whips frantically backwards with her vines.
Up Aerial: Aremi's head spins the the air like a tornado, which deals strong knockback upwards, good as a kill move.
Down Aerial: A quick stomp to the ground that allows Aremi to quickly get back to the stage.

Side Charge: Aremi grows a bladed thorn on one her vines that she whips out like a.. whip, is quite disjointed.
Down Charge: Aremi spews fire on the ground, acting as a keep-away tool more than a kill move.
Up Charge: Aremi smashes her head with a powerful headbutt, ie her head explodes into pumpkin puree, luckily it grows back. Her best kill move on the ground.

Up Special:

Aremi chucks her own head in an arch; it deals more damage and is tossed farther than her Pumpkin Bombs, but this attack doesn't explode. Rather when it lands, Aremi forms a new body in the landing site, having her old body burn away, damaging any opponent who contacts her. When her head enters one of her fires, she gains a temporary speed boost.

Up Hyper:
Pyro Meteor

Aremi's head moves faster and is immune to being reflected. Otherwise it has the same effects as the base version's attack.

Neutral Special:
Seed Shot

Aremi spits out seeds; these seeds deal weak but consistent damage and have no knockback. The longer this move is used, the faster the seeds shoot out. When she shoots through a fire left behind by a Pyro Pumpkin, the seeds will alight and deal more damage and gain a small knockback effect.

Neutral Hyper:
Seed Burst

For a bit of meter, Aremi spits a cluster of 6 seeds together in a close bundle. Like the normal seeds, these seeds can be enhanced by entering a soul fire left behind by a Pyro Pumpkin.

Side Special:
Pyro Pumpkin

Aremi tosses a small pumpkin infused with Pyronite in a small but noticeable arch; the pumpkin leaves behind a lingering fire as a trap.

Side Hyper:
Pyro Disk

Instead of a pumpkin, Aremi spews a disk of fire like a boomerang, dealing multiple hits of weak damage. The attack is faster than a Pyro Pumpkin but doesn't leave behind a fire for Aremi to use.

Down Special:

Aremi fills her head with soul fire to speed herself up, she can use this up to three times to increase the speed boost but the boost lasts shorter to compensate.

Down Hyper:
Burning Rage

This sudden boost in fiery rage is strong but requires timing to master, as failing to do so can both waste meter and damage herself. When she times the attack correctly she gains the max level speed boost from a standard Hothead but lasts as long as the lowest level speed boost.

Hypermax Attacks:

Level 1:
Paralyzing Scream

Aremi would put up a scary face that can paralyze opponents if she hits them in point blank range. Due to its weaker power compared to other Level 1 Hypermax Attacks this attack takes up less meter to use.

Cluster Seed
Aremi spits a giant seed that splits into 4 smaller seeds diagonally which then splits into 4 more even smaller seeds in the 4 cardinal directions.

Aremi's head grows to a massive size, then she bowls her head like a bowling ball that pushes people off the stage. After a while, the pumpkin will explode into purple soul fire to power up some of Aremi's attacks.
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I quite love this concept, he could be a good medium-heavy weight like Wario. Also pigs are always cool to have and he reminds me of that one pig guy from Beyond Good and Evil

btw, I made a concept for a full moveset for Aremi, aside from grabs. I tried to make her a kick-based fighter since she saves her hands for her fire spells, and I think this set gives her a lot of personality. How does this moveset look? Is it sketchable?


Role: Setplay

Aremi has a tether grab

Jab: A quick set of kicks, one after another. They are quite weak but are fast enough to form a standard combo.
Forward Tilt: Creating a small wick of flame from her hand, Aremi pokes with a flaming finger jab, has a sweetspot that launches foes back farther.
Down Tilt: A stomp to the ground, designed to crush toes. Has a bit more knockback than a standard down tilt, but is a bit weaker to compensate.
Up Tilt: With both hands, Aremi creates a flame upwards, dealing multiple hits of weak damage.
Dash Attack: Aremi trips over, the fire in her head creating a small damaging wave, the trip itself doesn't deal much damage, instead its the fire.

Neutral Air: A jumping kick attack, very safe and reliable
Forward Aerial: Aremi spits a small fireball in front of her, has a sourspot between her and the fireball, but the sweetspot deals good damage.
Back Aerial: Aremi whips frantically backwards with her vines.
Up Aerial: Aremi's head spins the the air like a tornado, which deals strong knockback upwards, good as a kill move.
Down Aerial: A quick stomp to the ground that allows Aremi to quickly get back to the stage.

Side Charge: Aremi grows a bladed thorn on one her vines that she whips out like a.. whip, is quite disjointed.
Down Charge: Aremi spews fire on the ground, acting as a keep-away tool more than a kill move.
Up Charge: Aremi smashes her head with a powerful headbutt, ie her head explodes into pumpkin puree, luckily it grows back. Her best kill move on the ground.

Up Special:

Aremi chucks her own head in an arch; it deals more damage and is tossed farther than her Pumpkin Bombs, but this attack doesn't explode. Rather when it lands, Aremi forms a new body in the landing site, having her old body burn away, damaging any opponent who contacts her. When her head enters one of her fires, she gains a temporary speed boost.

Up Hyper:
Pyro Meteor

Aremi's head moves faster and is immune to being reflected. Otherwise it has the same effects as the base version's attack.

Neutral Special:
Seed Shot

Aremi spits out seeds; these seeds deal weak but consistent damage and have no knockback. The longer this move is used, the faster the seeds shoot out. When she shoots through a fire left behind by a Pyro Pumpkin, the seeds will alight and deal more damage and gain a small knockback effect.

Neutral Hyper:
Seed Burst

For a bit of meter, Aremi spits a cluster of 6 seeds together in a close bundle. Like the normal seeds, these seeds can be enhanced by entering a soul fire left behind by a Pyro Pumpkin.

Side Special:
Pyro Pumpkin

Aremi tosses a small pumpkin infused with Pyronite in a small but noticeable arch; the pumpkin leaves behind a lingering fire as a trap.

Side Hyper:
Pyro Disk

Instead of a pumpkin, Aremi spews a disk of fire like a boomerang, dealing multiple hits of weak damage. The attack is faster than a Pyro Pumpkin but doesn't leave behind a fire for Aremi to use.

Down Special:

Aremi fills her head with soul fire to speed herself up, she can use this up to three times to increase the speed boost but the boost lasts shorter to compensate.

Down Hyper:
Burning Rage

This sudden boost in fiery rage is strong but requires timing to master, as failing to do so can both waste meter and damage herself. When she times the attack correctly she gains the max level speed boost from a standard Hothead but lasts as long as the lowest level speed boost.

Hypermax Attacks:

Level 1:
Paralyzing Scream

Aremi would put up a scary face that can paralyze opponents if she hits them in point blank range. Due to its weaker power compared to other Level 1 Hypermax Attacks this attack takes up less meter to use.

Cluster Seed
Aremi spits a giant seed that splits into 4 smaller seeds diagonally which then splits into 4 more even smaller seeds in the 4 cardinal directions.

Aremi's head grows to a massive size, then she bowls her head like a bowling ball that pushes people off the stage. After a while, the pumpkin will explode into purple soul fire to power up some of Aremi's attacks.
Reading this over honestly gave me even more ideas. I'd like to run them by you in another post a little later if that's okay. As for being sketchable? I think so. I have an idea of what they should look like based on your descriptions though there are a few that I might be interpreting differently from what you're intending.

HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64 Show yourself lurker! (If you want to)


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Reading this over honestly gave me even more ideas. I'd like to run them by you in another post a little later if that's okay. As for being sketchable? I think so. I have an idea of what they should look like based on your descriptions though there are a few that I might be interpreting differently from what you're intending.

HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64 Show yourself lurker! (If you want to)
Yeah Aremi probably is the most odd of the roster since their core concept changes so much, first they were a plaugue doctor zoner, then a pumpkin girl set up character, then a mix of zoner and set up, now they look look like a tradtional mix up. Really the only thing that stayed the same is that Aremi is a girl and she uses fire, that's it.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
How do you make a Hyper Attack out of a counter, like how do you enhance something like that. Especially since the two counters I have, Levi's weaker counter with freezing capabilities, and Wynnie's more powerful but less safe counter, have their own contrasts with one another.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
How do you make a Hyper Attack out of a counter, like how do you enhance something like that. Especially since the two counters I have, Levi's weaker counter with freezing capabilities, and Wynnie's more powerful but less safe counter, have their own contrasts with one another.
In Levi's case I would say the solution is to actually nerf his standard counter. Freezing the opponent in place for a free combo sounds like it might be too strong as the reward for landing a standard counter. I'd recommend taking a page from Street Fighter V and giving Levi a frost/freeze mechanic like Kolin's. Rather than freezing the opponent outright, give Levi a few attacks (including the counter) that apply frost to an opponent. This would apply a freezing status which can be represented by a bar. As you land more frost attacks, the bar will fill and when full, the opponent will be frozen solid.

As for the opponent, they need only not get hit by more frost attacks to remove the status. The freeze bar will drain over time as the opponent "thaws."

Now, for the hyper version, the freeze bar fills completely as a reward/compensation for landing the hyper and spending resources. This makes the hyper strong and rewarding to land, while also scaling back the regular counter to feel a bit less oppressive/cheap.

Similarly, Wynnie as Levi's counterpart could apply a burning status. Given her likely more aggressive style, my idea for the burning status is to be a bar applied to the opponent already full but drains quickly. As for the effect, burning would affect an opponent's shield. When they put up their shield, it would appear to be burning and drain at a much faster rate making defense a lot trickier and making it that much easier for Wynnie to break their shield.

So, in regard to the counter, because it now applies the burning status, it's power would be scaled back to balance things out and the hyper version would now be the one packing the explosive power.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
In Levi's case I would say the solution is to actually nerf his standard counter. Freezing the opponent in place for a free combo sounds like it might be too strong as the reward for landing a standard counter. I'd recommend taking a page from Street Fighter V and giving Levi a frost/freeze mechanic like Kolin's. Rather than freezing the opponent outright, give Levi a few attacks (including the counter) that apply frost to an opponent. This would apply a freezing status which can be represented by a bar. As you land more frost attacks, the bar will fill and when full, the opponent will be frozen solid.

As for the opponent, they need only not get hit by more frost attacks to remove the status. The freeze bar will drain over time as the opponent "thaws."

Now, for the hyper version, the freeze bar fills completely as a reward/compensation for landing the hyper and spending resources. This makes the hyper strong and rewarding to land, while also scaling back the regular counter to feel a bit less oppressive/cheap.

Similarly, Wynnie as Levi's counterpart could apply a burning status. Given her likely more aggressive style, my idea for the burning status is to be a bar applied to the opponent already full but drains quickly. As for the effect, burning would affect an opponent's shield. When they put up their shield, it would appear to be burning and drain at a much faster rate making defense a lot trickier and making it that much easier for Wynnie to break their shield.

So, in regard to the counter, because it now applies the burning status, it's power would be scaled back to balance things out and the hyper version would now be the one packing the explosive power.
So your saying making the current versions of the counters the hyper attack versions, I quite like that. So for their base versions I am considering giving Levi the better timing, meaning his counter lasts longer and therefore is easier to use, while Wynnie's lasts shorter than Levi's but has a more raw damage multiplier, making it riskier but more rewarding. Does that sound fair?


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Remade both Levi's and Wynnie's movesets. Tried to contrast them in some areas like their fighting styles and Hypermax attacks, if you can give feedback and make the moveset more interested please comment.


Role: Spacer

Gimmick: Tipper
Levi's sword has a tip that deals extra knockback

Gimmick: Frostbite
Certain attacks by Levi can give opponents frostbite, which if the status gets accumulated enough will freeze the target solid, making them immobile for a few seconds.

Jab: A horizontal slash from left to right diagonally, it should be noted that Levi is left-handed.
Forward Tilt: A minor downwards slash, tip of the sword most noticeably outward.
Down Tilt: A poke to the feet with Levi's sword, the little bits of ice that get release produce a small amount of frostbite.
Up Tilt: Levi uses the spines of his head crown to poke foes upwards.
Dash Attack: A long wide slash that release cold energy, dealing a bit of frostbite. It is wide but also quite slow, but it is also rewarding upon hit.

Neutral Air: Levi performs a midair spin, good for keep-away and can be a nice kill move at high percent
Forward Aerial: Levi swings his sword forward in the air, creating a downward shower of icy wind to give opponents frostbite
Back Aerial: A kick from the back, the suddenness gives this attack speed but also some end lag and a bit of a wonky hitbox, however it is quite powerful.
Up Aerial: A cresant-shaped slash from above, one that is quite fast, a very safe attack to use, though it is quite weak of an attack that is best used in combos.
Down Aerial: A downward slash with a slight diagonal angle, the slash leaves behind cold energy to give frostbite.

Side Charge: Levi gives a forward thrust that has some slow start-up, but great power if you can hit the sweet spot.
Down Charge: Levi bends back to release a downward thrust that erupts with ice, giving some frostbite, also good for edge-guarding.
Up Charge: A spinning motion like a blizzard, sends foes upwards and inflicts frostbite.

Up Special:
Cryo Slash

Levi leaps up with his ice-coated sword, performing a great vertical slash. While the slash doesn't have much height, it is one of the best moves at giving frostbite.

Up Hyper:
Cryo Buster

A slash with even greater vertical height, and it can be used again to send Levi downwards in a diagonal slash.

Neutral Special:

A charged forward thrust, the longer the charged to longer the thrust. Good move for horizontal recovery.

Neutral Hyper:
Icicle Rocket

The dash is now instant and travels a longer distance, it also deals frostbite now.

Side Special:
Icecap Crash

A slash aimed for the backside of the opponent deals bonus damage when it hits the back of someone; it also shatters shields.

Side Hyper:
Berg Blitz

If you hit the back of the opponent with this move, you freeze them in place; however, the attack is slower than Icecap Crash, thereby being more risky.

Down Special:
Cold Counter

A counterattack, when you get hit you instead deal 1.2x damage of what you would of gotten to the attacker, also pauses your midair momentum.

Down Hyper:
Freezing Stop

The counter now instantly freezes the opponent, however it also lasts for a shorter time than the standard attack.

Hypermax Attacks:

Level 1:
Diamond Slash

A great cleaving motion Levi produces that is impossible to interrupt due to the presence of super-armor, deals bonus damage to those in shields.

Level 2:

Levi's sword gets coated in ice and will perform a slash will instantly freeze the opponent.

Level 3:
Leviathan's Blizzard

Levi's fighting spirit transforms him into the Leviathan Serpent, who conjures a tornado made of sharp icicles to push the opponent off the stage.


Role: Spacer/Zoner

Gimmick: Tipper
The head of Wynnie's axe deals much more damage and knockback than just hitting at the hilt, which deals much less knockback.

Jab: A one-two horizontal axe slash, followed by a open-palm strike to knock foes back.
Forward Tilt: Wynnie gives a nice bash with the hilt of her axe, the power of her elbow makes up for the weakness of the hilt.
Down Tilt: An overhead slash, strong for a down tile but quite committal.
Up Tilt: Wynnie lifts the foe with her head horns upwards to launch them, a decent kill move at high percents.
Dash Attack: A spinning tornado attack with her axe, has longer range than most dash attacks at the cost of end-lag.

Neutral Air: An overhead slash that speeds Wynnie's descent.
Forward Aerial: A bashing motion with Wynnie's horns.
Back Aerial: A kick from the back, the force gives this power but also some start lag and a bit of a wonky hitbox, but is more powerful than Levi's back air.
Up Aerial: A single brash slash upwards with Wynnie's axe.
Down Aerial: A stop and drop attack straight down, pounding the ground with her head horns.

Side Charge : A powerful head horn bash, curtousy of Wynnie's horns, quite high knockback.
Down Charge: A fiery stomp to the ground, leaving a puddle of flames behind to burn Wynnie's opponents.
Up Charge: A slow but powerful upwards slash, having slow start up but fast end lag and great power.

Up Special:
Charge Blade

Wynnie charges for an upwards slash, the longer the charge the higher the distance, however with great power comes great strain and the attack can damage Wynnie from the recoil if charged for too long.

Up Hyper:
Magma Buster

Pure fiery spirit causes Wynnie's slash to now propel her forwards due to a diagonal arch, with the flames underneath causing extra damage.

Neutral Special:
Flaming Cyclone

Wynnie charges her axe and tosses it, the longer the charge the higher it goes, luckily it returns back to her like a boomerang.

Neutral Hyper:
Magma Wheel

Wynnie now travels along with the axe, acting more like a forward dash attack.

Side Special:
Fault Line

A leaping slash downwards the opens up a crevice in the earth, causing Wynnie to send ground bound flames forward from the aftershock.

Side Hyper:

Now the attack summons a rock that launches foes into the sky Wynnie to combo into.

Down Special:
Burning Counter

A counterattack, when you get hit you instead deal 1.5x damage of what you would of gotten to the attacker, unlike Levi's counter the window to use it is shorter, trading power for reliability.

Down Hyper:
Counter Nova

The counter has much more increased and explosive knockback than before, and it can burn opponents, meaning their shields will degrade faster than normal.

Hypermax Attacks:

Level 1:
Asteroid Slash

A great cleaving motion Wynnie produces that is impossible to interrupt due to the presence of super-armor, it is best used in the air due to the hitbox dealing bonus damage to midair opponents.

Level 2:

Wynnie's axe becomes larger and coated in magma so hot that it burns the target on the spot.

Level 3:
Wyvern's Eruption

Wynnie's fighting spirit transforms her into the Wyvern Dragon, who conjures a cone of burning white flames from her mouth.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I just came to the realization that, with the rework we are giving to movesets, I may need to rework Weevle's blood meter again, since it would be too complicated to both sacrifice a blood meter to use certain attacks and sacrifice a different meter to enhance those attacks.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I just came to the realization that, with the rework we are giving to movesets, I may need to rework Weevle's blood meter again, since it would be too complicated to both sacrifice a blood meter to use certain attacks and sacrifice a different meter to enhance those attacks.
The blood meter was basically EX moves under a different name, but I think a rework is possible if you want to retain it. You could turn her into a glass cannon type of character.

The blood could be used to buff her normal and burst attacks instead, still at the cost of damage to herself if she hasn't collected any blood or at the cost of blood from the meter if she has. In addition, if she saves the blood instead and achieves a full meter, she enters a sort of frenzied berserker state where she becomes faster and stronger until the blood meter drains itself. The frenzied state would play into the glass cannon archetype by having her also take extra damage while in that state. To counteract the extra damage she'd be taking from frenzy mode and any uses of enhanced attacks at a blood deficit, she'd still be able to rely on her command grab and maybe a few other attacks to drain health from opponents and build more blood meter.

Alternatively, you could just remove the blood meter since EX moves achieve what the original set out to do. Depends on how you want to approach her play style.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
The blood meter was basically EX moves under a different name, but I think a rework is possible if you want to retain it. You could turn her into a glass cannon type of character.

The blood could be used to buff her normal and burst attacks instead, still at the cost of damage to herself if she hasn't collected any blood or at the cost of blood from the meter if she has. In addition, if she saves the blood instead and achieves a full meter, she enters a sort of frenzied berserker state where she becomes faster and stronger until the blood meter drains itself. The frenzied state would play into the glass cannon archetype by having her also take extra damage while in that state. To counteract the extra damage she'd be taking from frenzy mode and any uses of enhanced attacks at a blood deficit, she'd still be able to rely on her command grab and maybe a few other attacks to drain health from opponents and build more blood meter.

Alternatively, you could just remove the blood meter since EX moves achieve what the original set out to do. Depends on how you want to approach her play style.
My only other idea is to rework Weevle completely into the Pichu of the game. She has very VERY strong KO power for her speed, but most of her best attacks damage herself and she is again the lightest character in the cast. Her grabs, however, have the unique ability of healing herself when she damages an opponent, though to compensate for their potency, they could be Melee Kirby tier grabs, meaning she benefits more from pummels than the rest of the cast.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Random, tangentially related note - specifically on controls - I've come across something that might be of interest? Namely: Uchu Mega Fight, a free, browser-based indie fighting game inspired by Joy Mech Fight! The main reason I bring it up is because - beyond just having three character styles (inspired by Street Fighter, Joy Mech Fight and Smash Bros.), it's also got a really simplified movelist system that could make for a much more achievable game - should you want to scale it back. Might be worth a look!


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
You guys think I should a non-humanoid to the roster, like I have monkey, but that is still quite humanoid. The concept I was going for was a giant bacteria, or amoeba, based off the classic Toho Monster movie, Space Amoeba Yog. Basically, in that move a giant space blob crashed landed on earth and mutated various island animals into kaiju. My concept mixes that with the summoner archtype, mainly Zappa from guilty gear, basically you need to use your weak normal attacks to collect the dna of the opponent so that you can summon various mutated wildlife to assist you. Does that sound like a cool fighting game character concept, how can I expand on this idea?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
You guys think I should a non-humanoid to the roster, like I have monkey, but that is still quite humanoid. The concept I was going for was a giant bacteria, or amoeba, based off the classic Toho Monster movie, Space Amoeba Yog. Basically, in that move a giant space blob crashed landed on earth and mutated various island animals into kaiju. My concept mixes that with the summoner archtype, mainly Zappa from guilty gear, basically you need to use your weak normal attacks to collect the dna of the opponent so that you can summon various mutated wildlife to assist you. Does that sound like a cool fighting game character concept, how can I expand on this idea?
I agree on adding some less humanoid characters to add some more variety to the roster (have a couple ideas myself actually), but this concept feels like it could get very complex, very quickly. On the pure basis of our lack of manpower, I'd say it'd be best to shelve that until you can find more artists or save it for an update/DLC/sequel once you've got more experience and again, an actual team.

A summoner with multiple assist creatures means exponential sprite work compared to other characters. And on the programming side you have to add behaviors and other parameters for each one as well.

Remember that the scope of the project should be kept on the smaller side, especially when you're basically a one man dev team learning to program with a rando volunteer artist from a message board.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I agree on adding some less humanoid characters to add some more variety to the roster (have a couple ideas myself actually), but this concept feels like it could get very complex, very quickly. On the pure basis of our lack of manpower, I'd say it'd be best to shelve that until you can find more artists or save it for an update/DLC/sequel once you've got more experience and again, an actual team.

A summoner with multiple assist creatures means exponential sprite work compared to other characters. And on the programming side you have to add behaviors and other parameters for each one as well.

Remember that the scope of the project should be kept on the smaller side, especially when you're basically a one man dev team learning to program with a rando volunteer artist from a message board.
Good point, maybe I could instead focus on the virus part of this amoeba and basically have a fighter that is essentially a giant living virus, it could give fighters the flu that can slow down their meter getting filled up, and is slow on the ground but very fast in the air like an actual virus. How does that sound?


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Good point, maybe I could instead focus on the virus part of this amoeba and basically have a fighter that is essentially a giant living virus, it could give fighters the flu that can slow down their meter getting filled up, and is slow on the ground but very fast in the air like an actual virus. How does that sound?
I guess at that point you'd need to question what the "flu" effect would look like? Maybe a particle effect would work (and an overlay on their sprites) but you'd probably struggle if you wanted to have opponents sneeze as their idles (given they'd all need new sprites for it.)

As for the concept otherwise though, sounds pretty neat - the playstyle reminds me a little of Mobius Ahab?

But yeah, like Kirbeh said - it's important you ensure this is kept to a reasonable scope, because overscoping could result in the experience as a whole really suffering for it. Not to sound rude, but even having 14 base-roster characters is a lot! One thing that might help (though this is purely the gamedev student side of me talking) is some more solid documentation beyond just movesets - fighting game system mechanics can go pretty deep, and making sure all of those fit well is pretty much essential.
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