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Social Shulk Social : Starting to feel it!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 24, 2014
Fury's Core
Well while you guys are out playing Roy and Ryu, I'm here playing Story Mode for KI. It's better than the story for Smash 4.


You're outta luck, buddy
Jul 17, 2014

FINALLY some glimpse at how the English dub will sound.
I really really like how Lin's voice sound so far, it's cute!

Starts @ 3:27:30
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You're outta luck, buddy
Jul 17, 2014
Yep totally. I hope the rest of the English dubbing will sound as good. It'd be even better if NoA and NoE got together and used their own VAs throughout the game.

Deleted member

Pretty good voice acting from what I've heard... I honestly expected something a bit worse to be honest...
It's just a shame that we have to let go of the British voice acting. :(


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Let me get this straight...
I just finished StoryMode in Smash 4.
After the initial Plotline of the great sacrifice (let's call it the climber era),they started a greatwar.
The war was so great, that even the other continent got involved, unleashing a great terror known as PuckMan.
Other countries tried to call Dr. Mario, which gathered his friends R.O.B. and Olimar, to help him building a super fighting robot, which would fight against the terrible beast.

The legendary heroes tried to buy time, and brought back a legendary tactican from the future, to aid them against the legions of PuckMan. Even the worst Nobles with red hair tried to help, but he rather chose to fight along his friends instead of leading their people, inspiring many. The Gods theirself heared from the war, and decendend with help where they could find it, even from the dark. They tried to help the ultimate life form to find it's way to the others, but they were blocked of from an insanely dashing appearance of a blond guy with a weird sword. The goddess wasn't allowed to life, since
he wished for a world without gods
so a great fight broke out, which was ended by someone with a true fighting spirit, who seeks out challanges where he could.
After agreeing with the ultimate lifeform to fight after the war, they journeyed to the big battle-field. All of them weren't able to stop the great army, led by their cerberus and a duck. As all seems to be lost, the super fighting robot was finished, and blasted the army away, giving time to breathe, until the terrible PuckMan appeared personally.
The Fit Trainer of his army was fighting viciously against our strongest boxer, a fight that would be told after millenia,with no real conclusion, as PuckMan grew tired of waiting and simply attacked.
The fight lasted eons, or just a day,the hardest bossfight in histroy, as suddenly, a shadowmario appeared, and blinded the great PuckMan. The great princess from space channeled her power and let it rain cute stars onto him, buying time for the forces of justice, but she was hit by an evil watersplashing ninja. Who was defeated by a single star of her afterwards.

As everything seems to be lost, a simple Villager appeared, and simply planted a tree, which was draining all of PuckMan's evil powers, before he fell it.
The land was at peace, but what they didn't knew, was that the villager was corrupted by the evil powers by now, plotting to kill everyone.
Oh, and lucas came back to visit his childhoodfriend, Ness.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2015
Pallet Town
EDIT: Okay so my internet screwed up and delete half my post. Give me a bit. Wow I had to write this for the 3rd time now my feathers are getting a little ruffled.
So I played on the miiverse stage and let me tell you some cringe worth qoutes:
"Shulk is gay."
"Shulk sux."
"Xenosaga was better."/I know its not that cringe worthy and is more of an opinion but I still found it funny./
And don't get me started on all the poorly drawn monados and Shulks.
At least we know the release date of XenoX. 'v'
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Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
I do find it laughable to believe the Xenosaga trilogy is superior to Xenoblade Chronicles, though. . . Keep in mind I do own the trilogy myself, and went to go replay it some last year. The pacing. . . Well, it's just not that great. Haha. I stopped partway through as I said to myself "Well, at least I already have beaten these games before." Xenogears I do prefer to Xenosaga myself, but even then both games have their problems of being rushed, incomplete or whatever (due to reasons). Anyhow, an opinion is an opinion, of course, but I really feel Xenoblade Chronicles stands above them all (and I'm just assuming from what I've seen of XCX that I'll still prefer the original, too).

Edit: That being said, December 4th excitement! Stilla while away, but without my precious Zelda in my life, XCX will surely do until then, hopefully. ;w;
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
EDIT: Okay so my internet screwed up and delete half my post. Give me a bit. Wow I had to write this for the 3rd time now my feathers are getting a little ruffled.
So I played on the miiverse stage and let me tell you some cringe worth qoutes:
"Shulk is gay."
"Shulk sux."
"Xenosaga was better."/I know its not that cringe worthy and is more of an opinion but I still found it funny./
And don't get me started on all the poorly drawn monados and Shulks.
At least we know the release date of XenoX. 'v'
Go to Parental Controls. Block Miiverse. No more posts pop up.

oooohhhh myyyyy BIONIIIIIIS!
Jun 8, 2009
I heard someone fell to Miiverse's stupid antics.

Someone spoiled Game of Thrones to the players. Salt happens. Whelp


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2015
Pretty good voice acting from what I've heard... I honestly expected something a bit worse to be honest...
It's just a shame that we have to let go of the British voice acting. :(
I had a feeling they might ditch the British voice acting trend. AMATEURS.

I heard someone fell to Miiverse's stupid antics.

Someone spoiled Game of Thrones to the players. Salt happens. Whelp
One match I had yesterday on the Miiverse Stage, I got a KO with Ryu and a post saying 'For the watch!!' appeared in the background. Gah
Jun 8, 2009
I have a good amount of experience against :4megaman: and :4yoshi:

Feel free to ask me about how to go against them. I guess. I'm willing to help

Deleted member

I have a good amount of experience against :4megaman: and :4yoshi:

Feel free to ask me about how to go against them. I guess. I'm willing to help
What are their weaknesses? How can I beat them?
I'm not just asking for Shulk, but in general any character. Mega Man the character that I struggle the most against, no matter what.
Jun 8, 2009
What are their weaknesses? How can I beat them?
I'm not just asking for Shulk, but in general any character. Mega Man the character that I struggle the most against, no matter what.
Against Yoshi, jump, speed, or buster works. I'd say shield is fine if they don't have the egg launch custom but it would probably still be fine if you're quick enough with art switching. Yoshi's egg spam can be bypassed by using speed or jump. Just make your way around it using your mobility. In regards to dealing with his mobility, make sure you read his aerial movement and intercept him with your aerials. Tbh, I only went full aggro against Yoshi and it worked especially if you know how to mix up really well (and ofc, control his mobility well). Buster works too only if you're close enough. The idea with buster doesn't change. Just apply mid-range pressure on Yoshi and get in once the time is right. I think the eggs can be swatted using f-air but idk. I kinda forgot about that but I remember something like that happening while I was using buster. Once he's out of range, just switch out to jump or speed. Yoshi's weakness imo is that his KO's require some sort of read or set up. U-air is deadly but you need to set up into the aerial. U-smash and f-smash are kind of not that hard to telegraph. Shield helped me with exploiting that kinda hard then with rage, you can kill Yoshi earlier than usual.

As for Mega Man, he has issues with racking up damage since he needs to work hard for it in general. To do that, he needs to perform a good keep away which generally all Mega Mans are good at doing. In the match up (this applies for every character), your main objective is to get into range and rush into Mega Man at the right time. Once you're in, you make sure that you tack on as much damage as possible. With Shulk, I immediately make the switch from speed to buster once I'm in range. Shulk's b-air is also good in this match up and so is his f-air if you space it right since they're both safe on shield. N-air is good if you time it right. I suggest you use n-air once the Mega Man immediately pulls out metal blade. As always, you're on the offensive so more capitalization on jump and speed art. Learn how to walk/dash > shield and space your tilts at the right time because as opposed to your aerials, your tilts come out earlier and are generally safer (and a more unpredictable option) than rushing down with an aerial. Not saying that you shouldn't use your aerials because you definitely should but you need to mix it up from time to time. Should also note that with speed, you become the fastest walker in the game so abuse that walk speed against Mega Man. BUT as for the general knowledge of the match up and regardless of which character you choose against Mega Man, you're always gonna rush in. Just noticed that among your characters (Luigi, Robin, Shulk, C.Falcon, Kirby), the only one there good against MM or at least even if anything is Shulk. The rest of your characters kind of get bopped easily.


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Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
This might be better for a Q&A thread if there's one on the Shulk boards but this should suffice.

Is it common knowledge for Shulk's Vision to fail after activation? And I don't mean it whiffing/missing. I mean someone hitting Shulk during the counter frames of Vision so he says either 'a vision!' or 'I see it' then before he pulls off the attack he gets hit out of it. I would show a replay as an example but I never got around to recording it and with the recent patch, all of my old replays are gone.

To my recollection, I was Rosalina & Luma and my cousin/opponent was Shulk. I'm pretty sure I dash attacked him and he countered it and he got hit before his counter could hit me. I'm guessing he countered Rosa's dash attack and Luma's hit him before he could finish the counter? I don't know. It was on Lylat Cruise if the stage matters at all. Wish I recorded and uploaded the replay but laziness got the better of me :/

Maybe this is common knowledge but it just seemed odd to me since I was pretty sure characters with counters are invincible for the duration of their counter attacks.
Jun 8, 2009
This might be better for a Q&A thread if there's one on the Shulk boards but this should suffice.

Is it common knowledge for Shulk's Vision to fail after activation? And I don't mean it whiffing/missing. I mean someone hitting Shulk during the counter frames of Vision so he says either 'a vision!' or 'I see it' then before he pulls off the attack he gets hit out of it. I would show a replay as an example but I never got around to recording it and with the recent patch, all of my old replays are gone.

To my recollection, I was Rosalina & Luma and my cousin/opponent was Shulk. I'm pretty sure I dash attacked him and he countered it and he got hit before his counter could hit me. I'm guessing he countered Rosa's dash attack and Luma's hit him before he could finish the counter? I don't know. It was on Lylat Cruise if the stage matters at all. Wish I recorded and uploaded the replay but laziness got the better of me :/

Maybe this is common knowledge but it just seemed odd to me since I was pretty sure characters with counters are invincible for the duration of their counter attacks.
Shulk is only invincible when he performs the forward variation of counter. Standard/aerial variation is only invincible while he steps back. Once he tries to attack, he's not invincible.

Also, counter is useless against RosaLuma because of Luma. This is common knowledge. You can hit Shulk out of vision with anyone if you're somehow fast enough (which is really REALLY unlikely due to the slowing effect if you directly trigger his counter).
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Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Shulk is only invincible when he performs the forward variation of counter. Standard/aerial variation is only invincible while he steps back. Once he tries to attack, he's not invincible.

Also, counter is useless against RosaLuma because of Luma. This is common knowledge. You can hit Shulk out of vision with anyone if you're somehow fast enough (which is really REALLY unlikely due to the slowing effect if you directly trigger his counter).
Oh, well I was unaware of that. Also, what exactly do you mean by 'forward variation'? Sounds like it'd be similar to Greninja's counter with the differences caused by directional inputs or MKs dimensional cape attacks.
Jun 8, 2009
Oh, well I was unaware of that. Also, what exactly do you mean by 'forward variation'? Sounds like it'd be similar to Greninja's counter with the differences caused by directional inputs or MKs dimensional cape attacks.
When you trigger Shulk's vision while he's on the ground, the Shulk player can move the control stick forward to perform another variation. What makes this variation different is that Shulk goes through the opponent. The hitbox appears faster and it also appears behind Shulk's back so it sends opponents flying the other way (behind Shulk). It's also more powerful in terms of damage and knockback.


Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
When you trigger Shulk's vision while he's on the ground, the Shulk player can move the control stick forward to perform another variation. What makes this variation different is that Shulk goes through the opponent. The hitbox appears faster and it also appears behind Shulk's back so it sends opponents flying the other way (behind Shulk). It's also more powerful in terms of damage and knockback.
o.o I was not aware of that either. So he basically has access to a Lai Counter of sorts whenever he successfully lands a grounded Vision. I take it this applies to his Dash and Power Vision's as well?
Jun 8, 2009
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Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
This may or may not get lost into the next page, but. . .
Our man Takahashi himself is on record saying that you won't receive a "Skell" (Mech) in Xenoblade Chronicles X until around 30 hours of game time (although I've heard a few player testimonies stating around 30 - 50 hours). He goes on to claim that having access to the Skell too early wouldn't allow players to quite realize the vastness of this open-world, and it will be a natural progression towards it. While those kinds of hours may seem intimidating to a lot of non J-RPG / open world game players, I believe and agree with what Takahashi is saying (especially when you consider that this game has around 300 + hours of content, as stated by himself previously. . . 1 / 10th of that to receive your Skell makes sense).

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
This may or may not get lost into the next page, but. . .
Our man Takahashi himself is on record saying that you won't receive a "Skell" (Mech) in Xenoblade Chronicles X until around 30 hours of game time (although I've heard a few player testimonies stating around 30 - 50 hours). He goes on to claim that having access to the Skell too early wouldn't allow players to quite realize the vastness of this open-world, and it will be a natural progression towards it. While those kinds of hours may seem intimidating to a lot of non J-RPG / open world game players, I believe and agree with what Takahashi is saying (especially when you consider that this game has around 300 + hours of content, as stated by himself previously. . . 1 / 10th of that to receive your Skell makes sense).
It's just like being able to fly around the world very quickly immediately, you won't appreciate something if there's no effort put into it


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
It's just like being able to fly around the world very quickly immediately, you won't appreciate something if there's no effort put into it
I don't know... I think atleast ONE mission with a standard or cheap model would have been pleasant, to show what is ahead.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
When you trigger Shulk's vision while he's on the ground, the Shulk player can move the control stick forward to perform another variation. What makes this variation different is that Shulk goes through the opponent. The hitbox appears faster and it also appears behind Shulk's back so it sends opponents flying the other way (behind Shulk). It's also more powerful in terms of damage and knockback.
I thought we concluded that Forward Vision is only faster than regular Vision and that the minimum damage is higher. Otherwise the damage multiplier is the same.
Jun 8, 2009
I thought we concluded that Forward Vision is only faster than regular Vision and that the minimum damage is higher. Otherwise the damage multiplier is the same.
That's precisely what I meant. Base damage for forward vision 13/10%. Base damage for standard vision 10/7%. KBG for forward vision is 94 and for standard vision, it's 84.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2015
This may or may not get lost into the next page, but. . .
Our man Takahashi himself is on record saying that you won't receive a "Skell" (Mech) in Xenoblade Chronicles X until around 30 hours of game time (although I've heard a few player testimonies stating around 30 - 50 hours). He goes on to claim that having access to the Skell too early wouldn't allow players to quite realize the vastness of this open-world, and it will be a natural progression towards it. While those kinds of hours may seem intimidating to a lot of non J-RPG / open world game players, I believe and agree with what Takahashi is saying (especially when you consider that this game has around 300 + hours of content, as stated by himself previously. . . 1 / 10th of that to receive your Skell makes sense).
If there really is 300+ hours worth of gameplay, then 30 honestly isn't that bad. Goodbye outside world in December.

Also, how on earth are Telethia returning, with the race having such a special connection with the Bionis?
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2015
Because **** you Shulk asked too much money and the Telethia were happy to just be there

The High Entia don't exist as they're from the first game's universe, so how can Telethia exist. GG.

Also no playable Nopon. That's the most upsetting part.

Ah yeah, thanks for the heads up Ryuga. Sorry mods!
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