R1 - BYE
R2 vs.
- Not much to say here. Really solid player and he got me. Kept shielding my aerials - I need to learn. He went on to place 3rd.
R3 vs.
- I didn't have too much trouble, luckily. Arcfire is annoying.
R4 vs.
- I was kind of interested to battle this guy because I knew he'd spent a large amount of time learning to perfect pivot. I was also a little worried taking Shulk against Fox since I'd not played one and knew the matchup wasn't ideal... but I didn't have much trouble with Fox in the end. I don't want to sound rude, but I think he overestimates how useful perfect pivoting is. Maybe Shulk has the range to hit within Fox's pivot distance? He swapped to Link and I kept running into boomerangs, but Speed and (surprisingly for me) Jump served me well.
R5 vs.
- ZSS is quick, I'm worried... within 10 seconds I'm on 60%. Air combos, oh my god, this is terrifying. We had to do a reset because someone had changed the control scheme registered for my name. We quit and adjusted, I let him put me to 60% and we started again. He kept landing dash grabs on my back-rolls, pulling grabs off the Paralyser shots... man. I put up a decent fight in the first match but he took me to town. Second match, he unfortunately SD'd near the start. I didn't make the most of it... by the time he brought me to 1 stock, he was on about 50%. I managed to take this match. Third match, he SD'd again and I think it really hurt his morale. He made a lot more mistakes, plus by now I'd worked out what to look out for. I feel bad for him, but I'll take the win... I dread my next battle with a Zero Suit Samus.
R6 vs.
- Local metagame, Falcon and Sheik. This guy told me he'd only played Falcon mirror matches the whole day. I've been trying to learn this match up. He takes the first match fairly cleanly. Second match, is going just as badly... but I'm on about 160% when he's on 30%, both on last stock... and I manage to carry him off-stage with Jump fairs and take the match. Praise Meyneth! Turning certain loss into a win! Third match, I don't remember much... I think I got a lot of early damage with Buster and landed a Vision on his fsmash to kill him at 80%. May have been a SD involved.
R7 vs.
- This guy told me he'd actually been wanting to battle me during the last few local tournaments to fight against Shulk, so I'm strangely flattered. Fortunately as I saw him playing King Dedede, I relaxed a bit because I know Shulk does well against the fatties. He pulled out some unexpected quick moves (like fast fall nair -> utilt) and used the Gordos really well. I got a spike at the peak of his up-B. I think I should learn to drop shield and Vision when I see huge Smash attacks coming. Certainly an interesting match. As a sidenote, try not to be a "backseat driver". I'd heard someone complain this guy was spectating matches and saying what the players should be doing. I laughed internally when he said "Oh, I wouldn't recommend Buster for that situation" while I was fighting him in Buster. Don't try to help me to beat you
! Luckily I don't mind a bit of a chat during matches, but it did annoy some other players.
R8 vs.
- I cry internally whenever I see someone pick Link, but I think I've started to learn the matchup fairly well by now. I beat his Link pretty solidly in the first match. Then he swapped to Sheik... oh boy. Two-stocked me. By the third match, I'd learned a few of Sheik's tricks and what the player tried to do, but kept eating fairs and jab combos. I think I possibly could've taken this match, but I died to the classic "I thought I still had my second jump".