I want to just say, even if things still seem pretty unfavouring towards Toad (Captain or not), let's just appreciate the fact that he keeps on becoming more loved and loved as of years. I'm still amazed they showed CAPTAIN TOAD as Nintendo's big Mario-game of E3 2014. (honestly Mario Maker feels like a sideline thing). IMO, in Smash or not, Toad's resurging big time in Nintendo's hands.
I mean, compare when he was a mere "one of them all" and the usual helper dude for Mario in the games back in 2003-2010:
Anyway, I think I finally found something that lets us see this whole "The Toad"-debacle from a new angle:
Skip to 6:41
We always tried to see or find ways to distinguish "The Toad" from other Toads. In Mario Golf: World Tour, it appears that The Toad is the one that other Toads consider their "leader"?. They celebrate for him big time when he scores Hole-In-Ones or less, and try to cheer him up when he's down after doing Bogeys. They act as Toad's supporters in his animations.(And look, there's even Red Toads in the mix!).
If looking back at the whole concept of "Toad Brigade", with the red-vested Toad being the "Leader" to them, it might be that Toads follow and consider The Toad as a representative to all of them. Since SMG1-artwork showed this being The Toad, The Toad being cheered upon and supported solely all makes sense now.
By these, I could say that whenever Toads follow a Toad as their leader, THAT ONE is "The Toad". I guess because he's, frankly, their hero and representative of his kin. Why? Could it be due SMB2? Wario's Woods? Mario Sport Spinoff Representative? Who knows. But what's clear is that he's looked up upon, and supported when he's down. They must see something great in him.
In anycase, I think this would finally cut down any confusion and tingle-tangle debates with The Toad-debacle. In short, if you wonder who's "The Toad", look for the one who's their "
leader" in the games.
Whether a Captain, red-vested, or just in his iconic blue vest-polkadot shroom attire, The Toad is the one that others follow, most likely due being looked upon (probably through his iconic adventures throughout the years we also remember.
Is Captain Toad "The Toad"? From Mario Golf: World Tour showing that Toads follow and support who they see as their "Leader", credits in Super Mario 3D World (leader to other Toads) and Super Mario Galaxy showing him as the leader of Toad Brigade... yes. Most likely.
Captain Toad is The Toad. Mario Golf: World Tour shows us that Toads follow a leader, as he is cheered upon and supported when he's down. Galaxys and 3D World had Captain Toad lead other Toads, which Galaxy also labels as "The Toad" (trademark blue-vest-polka-dot look in SMG1-artwork, later on red-vested in Galaxy 2-artwork). 3D World in particular though has Captain Toad be more distinguished from others, and was in E3 2013-trailer, shown as "The Toad".
Lastly, this all makes sense, as he's leading them on to helping Mario and company. In general, he's looked up upon, probably due his status and achievements in the past we know- which finally goes to us players that also see him as the representative to them in the spinoffs and some of his playable/graphic media appearances (comics, cartoons, etc) since the 80's. Obvious, I know.
So no more looking at colours, japanese names or other weird jazz: instead, check who's leading the rest. Mario Golf: WT shows that "The Toad" is the one supported and followed by others, for he's the one leading them when Mario and friends need help in his biggest adventures (Galaxy-games most prominently, with 3D World distinguishing The Toad's Captain-look even more.
So yes. I hope this finally got cracked. Cheers!
*still waits to be added as a supporter*