Hello Reimu fanbase,
I have my own little tradition between smash games where I give a shot to video game series I've never played before so I can have several characters to support for future smash games.
When Ultimate came for exemple I had found myself as a WarioWare fan and started to support Ashley in addition to Ridley.
I spent a pretty good time here thanks to that.
However with Ridley now playable I find myself with only one character to support : Ashley, meaning that I had to start my search as I once did after the release of Smash 4.
My hopes were on the Crash, Crash Team Racing & Spyro remakes since Crash & Spyro were once upon a time my favorites video game series, but while those games were as fun as I remembered when I was a kid, I do not really care about Crash or Spyro joining smash.
A few days ago, as I was listening to video game music on youtube, I was recommanded Necrofantasia from Perfect Cherry Blossom and I have been listening to a lot of Touhou music since then.
Now I've known of the Touhou series for as long as I've first had access to the internet 12 years ago, the very first forum I ever joined actually had a thread to see who could get the highest scores but I didn't pay it any attention back then, shoot'em up were of no interest to me and the nail in the coffin was my unability to understand the game language.
I picked a few things over the years of course even with never playing the Touhou series, hard to be on the internet and never hear UN Owen was her (even more with the Ran Ran Ru meme), Bad Apple, Cirno's perfect Math class or learn a few characters names like Reimu, Marissa, Cirno, Yukari, Sakuya or Flandre.
So I figured, "eh, why not give a try ?".
Imagine my surprise when I found out that the Touhou series was far bigger than I expected , that there is Touhou games sold on Nintendo systems (fan games if I understand well) and that there is a demand for a Touhou character in Smash.
So, here I am, 12 years after first learning of Touhou's existance to finally give the series the shot it deserves and possibly join you in asking for Reimu in smash but for now I am in need of your advice Reimu fans, I know that the Touhou series is difficult, so which game would be the easiest for a complete beginner like me to start with and which ones should I avoid for now ?