1. How the **** did Pyroloserkid become a Smash Director?
2. @Youko
This is going to be a long and probably unnecessary post but I'll make it anyway...
Prior to 12 hours ago, I had never taken the time to listen to the SWF podcasts, nor did I believe it was worth my time to listen to since regular posting and such was going on daily. Yesterday, however as I was procrastinating from getting a stupid problem set that was due this morning (God I hate junior year of college), I decided to listen to episodes 1-21 nonstop as I did my homework. Let me just say that I am operating on no sleep right now and have been wide awake for the last 24 hours and so my mind is not in the best state possible. Because of this, I can't get the wide array of sound effects and background themes that you use consistently every episode out of my head. Nor can I get your voice out either (especially the "Show Me Your News", which still cracks me the hell up everytime for some reason).
The good news is you've done a great job from July up until now of delivering radio-like professionalism to a casual podcast. And the manner in which you present yourself is sophiscated, though corny a good percentage of the time, but otherwise very informative. In fact, these podcasts are a better alternative to wandering the threads and potential running into frustrating senseless discussions. Either way, I have great respect for the effort you've put into conducting this project. Sarichu--I-dont-remember-the-rest-of-his-username did an awesome job as well in the earliest season. You and the Panda, keep up the good work.
You've got nothing on me when it comes to Knuckles fandom...
A Christmas edition would be nice....so long as no one does anything stupid....