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SHOW ME YOUR NEWS! - Gaming News PODCAST (Ep. 76 OUT!, New WEBSITE and iTunes!)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2007
London, England
Forget December 3rd...I can't wait till December 9th - Barbershop Quartet of the Main Theme? WIN!
And I assumed the Evolution Theme would be used for Stage Transformations - similar to egruntz above me.
And loved the Hero of Time Overture - great job as always Youko! And Snackz' BV Ruled - possibilities of character development, twists, branches, Ancient Minister theories!
...Oh and Sariku's Who's In - slightly scared at his...adoration for Krystal...


Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2007
An overall good podcast.

Run Down (4/5) <-- Disappointed in you Diddy :(

- Pit's Decent was Okay the underworld them while he was flying made it sound kind of cheesy

- Mario is moving up the tier list more and more each day he's going to be a beast.

- I'm pretty sure those are air vents not trampolines, oh snap i just realized Skarmory was in the Wind Enviorment i thought he was a windmill, good call

- I agree Diddy Kong's was rather Mediocre, Not what i expected to come from him

- I hope they include the League battle music, those always gets me pumped

Who's in (4/5)

- I really don't care if Ness is replaced but I'll miss him though

- Krystal has a pretty good chance becuase Sakurai said that he wanted more female characters, Wolf would be good too. Andross killed his father, do more research please

- As i said before Sakurai is more of a retro person likes the oldies so I doubt he will give a character space to a totally new character. I know you like the movie and trying not to make your review so opinionated but just becuase Lucario had a good movie dosen't make him a shoe in for brawl. First Gen pwns all Gens of pokemon

Brawl View point (5/5)

- Very well thought out, I totally agree with you.

Easter Eggs (5/5)

- Awesome as always, Looking forward to that last piece on Dec. 9th


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
I REALLY enjoyed this Episode Youko.

The Rundown was amazing, you covered EVERYTHING that anyone could think off PLUS Some. Flawless.

Who's In was the best episode yet, though I remember Wolf Killed SOMEONE related to Fox... his brother maybe?

Brawl Viewpoint? It was alright, didn't "light my fancy" so say, but it was nice. We need more recorded Brawl Viewpoints. -points at BlackAdder-

The easter egg was amazing. Though I'd still like to hear more Confirmed Music samples, OR a complete Original Symphony. It can have a.... Yoshi theme so say, but you MAKE UP all the notes and such. That would be awesome.

--- I posted this in Both Threads, my Tiny Review, lol. ---


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Thanks for your feedback on my BV guys, really appreciate it! oh and Sariku, i would've recorded it, but my mics are at home, and im in college, so i had no choice, sorry :)

Great job Youko! loved the episode, and not just because my BV was on it :p, you give me a reason to look forward to sundays

Aeronite's Kiseki

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2007
Portage, Indiana
Youko...as usual your SMYN is totally awesome and so is Sariku

The updates this week was pretty good

Pit's Descent +
Diddy Kong: Special Moves -
Metaknight =
F.L.U.D.D. +
Pokemon Stadium 2 +
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Theme =
Pokemon Gym/Evolution +
My Music/CD's +

Sariku I really liked your glimpses on characters who can make it

-Lucas replacing Ness seems likely but I hope they keep Ness, he's the original 12!
-Krystal is most likely going to be in and Wolf O'Donnel shall also join her but please don't make him a clone lol
-I was also hoping for Lucario but with PKMN Trainer i have to agree that it's getting slimmer but I want a pokemon from each Generation

I liked the Supspace Emissary look-through...It makes sense to me

Youko....loved the guitar playing...very impressive....Oh...and btw I'm shocked you didn't have anything to say about the "Supposed" Brawl cover


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2006
New Iberia, LA
WOW just awesome music.
i would pay money for this man.(hint hint)
sounds like a good fund raiser for the podcast or what ever.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Youko seems a bit more harsh. :O

Wolf didn't kill Fox's dad, that was Andross, and Wolf appeared in the same amount of games as Krystal. (Neither in the original Star Fox, but Wolf in 64, while Krystal is in Adventures)


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
good podcast youko. very humourous, especially with Meta Knight and the main theme

"I'll beat the noob...i want a cookie!"......priceless

and nice use of Dark World...i love it so much

yeah, sariku, do your research next time. you had so many missed points, and it made you sound lazy not doing any research. wolf appeared in as many games as Krystal and he didn't kill Fox's dad. also, don't sound opinionated. take both sides into account to keep everyone happy, use it for your own vote, then put in a final count.

snakz...i disagree with your "linear" storyline, and you just choose characters at certain points. i honestly think you can pick different characters and you play just thier story. other than that, nice viewpoint. good job on it, and nice ideas.

nice stuff man. you're doing great still youko. cool guitar riffs too. you should make a download or something of it

off-topic, youko, did you get my viewpoint earlier this week?

EDIT: youko, you freakin rock at guitar. you definetely need to have that as a download, just for the zelda fans out there. this is a treat for us


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
HEHE, someone made a vid on youtube translating it [as a joke]. It said Jigglypuff a lot. XD I should find it, and post a link. :)

And December 11th the last podcast. :(

And for Pokémon in the background, Raichu rocks. But if there is a water stage, or for that ice stage, you know who we need=???

That's right, Blastoise. BLASTOISE! That one Pokémon who pwned both the other starters like n00bs. Ya, Blizzard and Ice Beam ftw! :)

Well Sariku.Uchiha, allow me to review:

Ness, strangley enough, never used most of his PK powers he had in Melee in EArthBound [Mother 2]. He all but one of them from Paula, oddly enough if I believe so. And Lucas...if Ness leaves, Nintendo will have Brawl boycott written all over them. They'd be screwing over one of their oldest clut classic fanbases around worse than before. And the EarthBound fanbase is know for getting low-blowed by Nintendo. But if they were to have both, it would make a old fanbase happy, definitely. Lucas could definitely be a good potential original charcter, but more likely then not, he'd be a clone [due to time restraints].

Also, Wolf didn't appear in the original Star Fox, and I'm not sure if we know who killed Fox's father. And if anyone killed him, it's Andross. And in the last Star Fox game [Command]...*spoilers*

Fox had Krystal leave the Star Fox team in the begining of the Command.

Anyways, if it came down to the two, Krstyal wins, and I'm more pro-Wolf than Krystal! XD Anyways, ever thought of 4 SF reps=??? Wolf has good clone marked all over him. :)

LU f***ing CARIO! Place a $50 bet over the SWF that he's in Brawl. Ya, I'm that comfident! :) And don't even mention the pro-Squirtle, anti-Lucario thread, that was all bad. But hey, gotta love the Lucario love!

Anyways, definitely the best one yet.


*hint hint, nudge, nudge...retro characters* Ya, I said it, retro characters. That would be a great ground to cover. From Mach Rider, Balloon Fighter, ROB etc. etc, it is definitely a area worth expanding upon. Definitely. And *cough* Legend of Zelda... ;) Also, if you ever plan on doing a Zelda-based episode, be sure to check out the Final Zelda discussion thread. ;)

Now for Snakz:

Nice commentry, but I think you can choose the character, or you must be forced to start out with them a bit. I agree with you, but I think you could freely change at a poiont. As for the Petey Piranha boss fight, didn't the bomb had a timer=??? So I think you'll have a time limit. And for Solid Snake, it will be like MGS2. You work with him, and then he joins you, or fights you. :)

I agree with the Ancient Minister part, he's probably a pawn, specifically a political pawn even. And Meta Knight, with the last update, I think he could be a good/bad character. Like the update said, he's a mere anti-hero, not a villian. ANd Master and Crazy hand would probably used Giga Bowser, Ganondorf, and Mewtwo to round up more villians, like King Dedede, Ridley, Wolf, etc.

Also, maybe you start and save one, both, or none of the princess' as Kirby, escape or get trapped in subspace, and then it goes to another character [of your picking]. Maybe Petey Piranha is more of a "Save the princess[es], and get away before time runs out" kinda fight. The aspect/clip after Pit's Desent could very well piece it together. Add in the pictures of Link fighting with Yoshi, a Arwing being shot at, Pit fighting through the Under/Overworld, Fox fighting in the new Jungle Japes [Jungle Beat style], ZSS preparing in a space station or technological place of some sort, and you have a classic Sakurai mindgame. More questions then answers. :laugh:

That was definitely great, well done. Few issues, and they were minor [other than lack of mic, but that;s okay].


And we definitely need crawling. Hopefully we see it sometime soon! :)

Whoa, just thought of something random. Wat if there is a stage where you fight underwater=??? Will we need to swim=??? :laugh: Fight on land, air, and water, and crawl, fly, and swim! :laugh: [joke]

And great Legend of Zelda music. No, exellent work. :) You deserve the cookie that Sakurai got [or stole] from the n00bs! :laugh:

And we simply NEED Super Mario Bros. 3 music, as well as a stage. Seriously. Maybe even one from Super Mario Land 1 or 2 as well. Also, Majora's Mask never got a musical score in Melee, just a stage [which played Saria's Song from OOT which was ported to MM, and the LOZ main theme]. And I can't wait to hear the TP score. Hopefully it's like the normal music from the game, but ya know, symphonized. <_<


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
In Akaneia, blasting every castle with a pink Land
Holy God.... YOU MENTIONED ME IN YOUR PODCAST!!!:kirby::kirby::kirby: *Kirby dance*

..."Thanks a lot, man!"........

....but....i am......a...girl........


I'm looking for one of you skilled artists/photoshoppers to make an icon for the Show Me Your News podcast on iTunes ASAP! It should probably be a square and avatar-sized. I'd make one myself, but really, I'm not that good! Please don't have your name on the creation, but I'll definitely give you props in the Shoutout! Thanks a million!
I volunteer to draw one for you, just show me what an iTunes icon look like (i never use\hear iTunes) and i'll try making several ones for you to choose.:)

That extra you added in after the closing theme in ...was amazing. You are my friggin' hero!

(We Zelda fans DEMAND you to put a download version):lick:

Mega Inkydog

Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2002
Spear Pillar
I'd like to see more solid proof that you will not be able to use SD Card for the music because the site update did not actually mention that ONLY the game music library from brawl is selectable. Not saying that SD Card music will be used (doubt it myself), just want to see if it's actually true.

Hopefully the could keep the music volume settings, so I can dub the music perfectly.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
I'll be downloading the cast some time soon Youko.
Now, I see you will be making an appearance at some Tourny soon?

If I may, I just wanna ask everyone:

What do you think Youko looks like?
I know I imagine him with kinda long brown hair (Kinda like a hippie, similar to me) and with a sort of disarming smile, but a kinda pointy nose.

I'm just wondering what ya'll think he looks like?

Does anyone else find that Sakiru.Uchiha is an insufferable noob? I know I do.
Ouch. Sariku, I really think you need to research a little more. Note that he may just me a pricky, I dunno.
But again, you have been met with negative reception.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Ouch. Sariku, I really think you need to research a little more. Note that he may just me a pricky, I dunno.
But again, you have been met with negative reception.
You know, I'm always met with negative reception, but that's fine. Yes, while I should be striving for only positive, negatives will always pop up from someone.

I did do research, that I could do, on this one. For the Wolf Killing James thingy, I own Star Fox 64, And THOUGHT that I heard that Wolf Killed his dad, but it could of been anything. Either or...

For the EarthBound thing, you know, saying EarthBound 3 was cancelled when it was really EarthBound 64(2)... YOU understood what I meant, so thats a good thing. But your right, I should get it completely clear so other poeple don't get confused, thanks for pointing that out.

And for Lucario, yes, now he has a VERY nice chance, yay Muchlax :smash:

Oh, and for what Youko looks like... he sounds like someone with Short Hair, possibly spiky hair... a Gotee maybe... and Glasses. WITH A GUITAR.


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
....but....i am......a...girl........


...SHAME on me...I apologize, truly, but it's not like it's easy to tell from a forum standpoint...

But it's very nice to know I don't only have a legion of fanBOYS, haha (jk though, you guys are awesome).

The doodle rocks though, any contribution from the community makes me smile...:)

Oh, and for what Youko looks like... he sounds like someone with Short Hair, possibly spiky hair... a Gotee maybe... and Glasses. WITH A GUITAR.

Gee, Sariku, I don't know where you could have POSSIBLY gotten that description...>.>


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Wow I'm bored.

...SHAME on me...I apologize, truly, but it's not like it's easy to tell from a forum standpoint...
Well, you could have checked Smashwiki and looked up the R.I.D.L.E.Y crew. It does state clearly there that she is a girl.
For shame.

...I'm sorry, I couldn't resist at all.
Also, Sariku totally spoiled my image of Youko...*Grumble*...AIM pictures...*Mumble*...*Murmer*...spikey hair not cool...

You know, I must be sad. In my "School" diary I have the day the PODbasy ends marked in. It has a little sad man next to it.

So, what do you plan on doing when the cast is over Youko? Will you still contribute to the community in any way like this? I know it's a little early and all, but it's just interesting.
*Mumble*...I hate AIM...*Grumble*


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
It's unfortunate that the SmashWiki has been down FOREVER for me though with a database error...that site's sweet...>.<

I haven't thought about post-podcast SWF life. I'm really actually just looking forward to playing a lot of you in Brawl, assuming the whole online bit happens. And, you know...school...

...Where's that review, Blackadder?? Haha, take your time, man...


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
It's unfortunate that the SmashWiki has been down FOREVER for me though with a database error...that site's sweet...>.<

I haven't thought about post-podcast SWF life. I'm really actually just looking forward to playing a lot of you in Brawl, assuming the whole online bit happens. And, you know...school...

...Where's that review, Blackadder?? Haha, take your time, man...
Actually, good point. I forgot it was down.
I still have hopes that if Brawl is online, it'll let people in the PAL region such as me plan people in the Americas. I'm dying to verse a lot of the people here myself.

With the review, I actually get the cast on monday. I think at about 3 in the morning! I wake up at 7, and then go to school, and sadly come back with a tone of homework, as I tend to be pretty..well, "laid back" with my school responsibilities. I usualy have a monday filled with homework I didn't bother doing the week before. So reviews tend to come tuesdays for me.

But my term holidays come up in 2 weeks, so I'll be delivering quick reviews for the mid-term thingy. The gandue.
So expect a review tommorow! 40+ mins of PODbasy is going to to be interesting, I can feel it! Anyways...I'm tired, and still haven't done my english essay. Parky is gonna kill me..


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
This terms half term (1 week holiday) comes at the end of October... used to live in Australia when i was young... now i live in Britain.

(And if you think us PAL gamers have it bad imagine those Russians or Chinese people who don't even get the console XD) (Don't quote me on that)

And finished reading the Podcast its great work but seriously Sariku when your making a WI just PM for any info you want on a character because apparently you thought Wolf killed James XS

Gotta make an "I read Youko"


Jul 1, 2007
Youko, just a heads-up, as of Episode 11 I'll start posting my reviews in the thread designed in the Smash Blog forum. For organization reasons... but I'm sure you check both this thread, and the Smash Blog threads as well, so no matter. Keep up the p-i-m-p work! ;)


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
WOW,, i can barely understand it!!!! I'm raising my english training YESSSSSSA!!!!!

But i can't understand a lot. Wtf, but great works aniways!

Aeronite's Kiseki

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2007
Portage, Indiana
I'm happy that Nintendo decided to use only nintendo music and the 3rd party's music because I couldn't see myself kicking butt as Ike with Rihanna's "Umbrella" playing in the background of PKMN Stadium 2


Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
I'm happy that Nintendo decided to use only nintendo music and the 3rd party's music because I couldn't see myself kicking butt as Ike with Rihanna's "Umbrella" playing in the background of PKMN Stadium 2

...I don't see myself doing that either...

P.S. I really, really don't like that song...:lick:


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
Great job once more Youko. Great as usual! And Zelda's Lullaby and Gerudo Valley were my two favorite parts of your remix. You are really good at your instrument of choice. Makes me miss my piano and Trombone... I left them at home when I came cross country to college.

Great job this time Sariku! It was quite entertaining. ^_^ You're getting much better.

I'll PM you my biggest hope for Brawl sometime soon.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 9, 2007
Boston - Call me Yoshi
^The advised size for iTunes podcast icons is 300x300, because once you upload it, iTunes can resize it to fit it in other places, ie. menus, thumbnails, etc.

:) thanks
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