Hey Colbusman, if it makes you feel any better, the first episode I ever listened to was the one with you on it. So I thought that you were on all the time, until I listened to the next episode and you weren't there. I thought you did a good job.
There was only one guest I didn't like especially, and that was only because they weren't very talkative. For the life of me though, I don't remember who it was.
As for today's update, I think I liked it for one reason. After weeks about joking about it on the podcast (see I related to the actual topic!), we finally got the day it happened.
"This is the main menu!"
I about died laughing. We all knew it was going to happen, but it finally did. So Thanks for that.
And there is entirely to much pink/purple in the game. My hope is that since the sound test is there from the beginning, you will be able to unlock "Color changes" in the game, to change the main menu and what not. I mean I know the Wii is white and all, but this is getting ridiculous.
And I was so busy last week that I never saw the trails for who would be the guest. Where was that? I know I stand next to no chance of making it on the show, but I sure would love to. Though if I could just find that darn microphone, I'd do a viewpoint...