Budget Player Cadet_
Smash Hero
Natural goals... oh god I just read 11 pages of that crap in the homosexuality thread. Define "natural". Then tell me why I can't define it differently (for example, saying that being hurt while walking is a natural thing and that we should forbid footwear for that reason, or that cancer is our own bodies growing and we should let it happen like old age).I've answered that argument a hundred times.
Technology is fine because it was always natural for humans to develop it.
As long as it doesn't corrupt any natural goals it is fine.
things like cancer corrupt the natural state of health, and since preserving health is a natural good, it is ok to fight cancer.
Now. As far as in-vitro genetic modifications, I would personally think the only issues are:
-Weakening of the gene pool if everyone wants the same thing (this would lead to a very unvaried gene pool, and that NEVER turns out good for a race. Imagine we start doing this, and everyone wants a blonde baby with white skin and blue eyes, and then all of a sudden a certain radiation event starts happening that only affects aryans) (can be circumvented by good regulation)
-Potential consequences that we don't know about (gets less and less likely as research becomes more and more advanced
-Preprogramming a child. This is a biggie. While I would be one of the first to say that I am a morally corrupt person, the thought of shoehorning a child, before he is born, into a certain profession or profession group seems wrong. Ideally, we would make designer babies that are better at everything (literally) than other people; i.e. smarter, stronger, faster, etc. and not just stronger and tougher. However, the idea of supercops with god complexes is very, very scary.
-Knowing how far we are able to go. I think this is less of an issue for me than it is for most, but where do we stop?
Now. As far as arguments for this. I think the key part is being able to genetically enhance the human race. It has come to the point where we as a race are more or less immune to natural selection-anyone with enough luck or money can pass on his/her genes, and in fact women gravitate towards men who are often very poor for a modern society (thugs, for example, have this "bad-boy allure"). There is no more natural selection within the human race, or rather close to none. So what do we do to counteract that? Well, we have the technology to counteract that on our own terms, messing with genes as we please. It makes us, as a species, more powerful, more intelligent, and less likely to die out/end the world as we know it.