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Should Metaknight be Banned? **Take 2** (Post-podcast)

Should Metaknight be banned?

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Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
ITT: Lol, being a top player doesn't make you knowledgeable at all! It just means you're good!
ITT: I spend all day on the forum arguing theory, so my arguments MUST be educated!
ITT: Communicating and agreeing with top players at all means you have an 'appeal to authority' complex! Debating on the forum with random, non-good people is obviously the best way to analyze the game!
ITT: I main a garbage character, plz ban MK so I can place one spot higher in tourneys!


Seriously though, all this arguing is a waste of time. Go play, learn and improve. I would bet significant sums of money that the vast majority of people arguing in these threads, have a lot of improving to do, including myself.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Why? I'm just calling you out on making assumptions, which you are. Why do I have to take up the responsibility for your short comings? I have yet to say "Snake goes 7:3 on Meta Knight" or "Peach goes 6:4 on Meta Knight". I haven't said anything of the sort. I'm not the one making claims other than the fact that you are wrong in stating that Meta Knight breaks the CP system based on your assumptions. I asked you to provide, and you point me to Ankokus thread, which clearly proves nothing more than how dominant Meta Knight is. I ask you again, and you attempt to turn the blame. Support your **** argument or don't open your mouth.
...I don't really have a response to this.

What assumption did I make that goes against the current consensus on matchups? Tell me please, I'm dying to know. All I'm assuming is that I'm not arrogant enough to say a bunch of "might be counters" are counters when they're unproven and every unproven one in the past has turned out to be false so far.

You still haven't told me where this whole 55:45 stuff is even coming from. Snakes winnings support what? A match up ratio that came out of no where? Thanks for ignoring my request for a reference yet again.
Inui. M2K. Jesiah. I'm in fact giving them the benefit of an unproven matchup when I do that as well, the common view is that MK vs. Snake is 50:50 and no worse than that for MK. How much of this thread have you been skimming to not know where that comes from?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
1. last time I checked, samurai panda had made a thread showing that marth won more than 50% of every tourney that had more than 100 attendees.

2. dude, are you blind? he using inuis argument. he comes in here all the time talking about snake having a 55-45 on MK. he doesnt even believe that but for the sake of debate hes giving inuis argument the benefit of the doubt...

just correcting some misteaks up in this thread

1: Um... That proves my point... Unless you're agreeing with me?

2: It's nice for you to help him out like that and point a finger in Inui's direction, but if he were really referencing Inui, he should have just stated so himself.

So Inui is the only individual to reference for this information, right? No threads, no extensive quotes on data, anything? Just Inui? Wow, that's quite impressive.

If someone came in here and said "Hey Ulevo, why don't you prove to me that Marth vs Meta Knight is 6:4 in Meta Knights favour" (for arguments sake), I would reference them to multiple guides, quotes, discussion threads, the works. I would prove that Marth vs Meta Knight is 6:4 if that was what it was I was personally claiming. Why? Because the **** has been discussed thoroughly and agreed upon.

I wouldn't say "because this person said so."

Edit: In a funny way, I'm not even saying what it is he's said so far is completely wrong. I'm just pointing out that nothing he's said has really been backed up by anything of significance.


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
He should be banned.
It seems like most metagame will revolve on how do I counter Meta, what to do to counter Meta, etc.
Even the most inexperienced players can pick Meta and win spamming random aerials, etc.
No. This argument is stupid. Stop making it.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Edit: In a funny way, I'm not even saying what it is he's said so far is completely wrong. I'm just pointing out that nothing he's said has really been backed up by anything of significance.
And even more amusingly, I'm just pointing out you're using made-up claims to try to disprove my statements.

How about that.

Tell me, oh great debater (Who calls people idiots when he can't disagree any other way), where should people get matchup data to utilize?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
...I don't really have a response to this.

What assumption did I make that goes against the current consensus on matchups? Tell me please, I'm dying to know. All I'm assuming is that I'm not arrogant enough to say a bunch of "might be counters" are counters when they're unproven and every unproven one in the past has turned out to be false so far.
And how have they been proven to be false? Hm? Again with this hear say argument. What happened? Did a bunch of random people start an argument in a "Meta Knight needs to be banned" thread and a conclusion out of the mess came to be that no one "counters" Meta Knight? You don't even have a reliable match up discussion thread to point me to that isn't full of ridiculous claims like Fox or Zelda going even with Meta Knight.

Inui. M2K. Jesiah. I'm in fact giving them the benefit of an unproven matchup when I do that as well, the common view is that MK vs. Snake is 50:50 and no worse than that for MK. How much of this thread have you been skimming to not know where that comes from?
A lot of people used to say Sheik should have been banned. That was the "common view" back in the day of Melee. It didn't constructively mean in any logical way that Sheik should be banned. I see plenty of users coming into this thread and others throwing off random numbers like 5:5 for Snake and Meta Knight. Do they say why though? They sure don't. They don't know what they're talking about. They're not out there, winning tournaments, testing things, contributing to discussions intelligently stating why what they're saying is a possibility. I could probably read this thread from top to bottom and provide you a lengthy list of how many times the match up has been referred to as 55:45, and it might even be a decent number.

That doesn't mean a **** thing. Go to the Marth boards. They have an index sticky of every character in the roster, which leads to individual threads discussing in complete detail exactly why each character does fantastic, alright, or poorly against Marth, from both users like you and me to top players like Neo. Conclusions are made, progress is made, match ups are made.

If you can't provide me anything less than that, you can never argue to me as to why your opinion that supports a ban on a character is even remotely correct, even if you are indeed right.

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
That doesn't mean a **** thing. Go to the Marth boards. They have an index sticky of every character in the roster, which leads to individual threads discussing in complete detail exactly why each character does fantastic, alright, or poorly against Marth, from both users like you and me to top players like Neo. Conclusions are made, progress is made, match ups are made.

If you can't provide me anything less than that, you can never argue to me as to why your opinion that supports a ban on a character is even remotely correct, even if you are indeed right.
You do realize the vast majority of characters boards are nowhere near on par with the general accuracy of the Marth boards, correct? Just because you can consult the Marth boards for solid information, doesn't mean you can do the same for every character board.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
And even more amusingly, I'm just pointing out you're using made-up claims to try to disprove my statements.

How about that.
Sure. :lick:

Tell me, oh great debater (Who calls people idiots when he can't disagree any other way), where should people get matchup data to utilize?
I actually call people idiots when I am sincerely frustrated with the what it is they do or say. I hate to judge, slander or name call. I can't stand it. I'm simply tired of reading this day in an day out when it's a topic that isn't really that complicated. But you probably don't care anyway. :p

And you made the claims about Meta Knight match ups, or how the "counters" people have mentioned in the past were "proven false". I would have thought you knew where the resources were to refer to so that when I said "Hey, you're wrong." you could be all "No, I'm not. Here's why I'm right. [insert link(s) here]." I guess not, huh?


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
The most important thing to discuss is what characteristics makes a ban worthy character.

Since the SBR never clearly laid this out; there is too much left for interpretation.

Thats why this process keeps running in circles.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
If you can't provide me anything less than that, you can never argue to me as to why your opinion that supports a ban on a character is even remotely correct, even if you are indeed right.

It's a good thing I don't really care about convincing you, isn't it. Since somehow me going off the status quo and best understanding of the game isn't enough for you, and your opinion that characters counter MK and we somehow haven't found them is more valid and doesn't need backing up. See, you're the one saying that things may not be as they appear to be. That means you're the one with the unproven point and you're the one making assumptions. Mine are based on what everyone has found thus far, and that includes that every character has been tried against MK and none have been brought forward as even strong possibilities of counters except one: Snake. And he's 55:45. If you want to say I'm assuming, find where I've made an error in this, find where there's anything supporting the common consensus being incorrect: If you wish to stand against the status quo, you must have the evidence that it's wrong.

Look through all the matchup discussions, find one that goes in depth and comes up to a character countering MK. Do you expect me to link you to 34 threads, just because you're refusing to admit you've already looked and found nothing that disagrees with what I've been saying? You know there's no well supported threads out there that have a consensus where MK fares worse than even against anyone other than Snake, and even that's unlikely to be found in a well thought out thread because it's highly debated. Go on, find anything that proves I've made an incorrect assumption on these matchups based on what's currently known, because you're the accuser so you better have proof. If something does change, I'll consider it then -- but nothing has appeared so far.

Have a good discussion, Ulevo. You're not getting anything more from me.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
You do realize the vast majority of characters boards are nowhere near on par with the general accuracy of the Marth boards, correct? Just because you can consult the Marth boards for solid information, doesn't mean you can do the same for every character board.
I am perfectly aware of that fact. It doesn't make my point any less valid. We're on the topic of banning a character here. Regardless of what the reasons are for the other character boards not having valid information pertaining to their match ups, including those with Meta Knight, it still holds fact that if we can't even properly decide what the match ups are for Meta Knight, we shouldn't even be arguing how he "breaks" the Counter Pick system.

Before you debate, you do your research, or you don't debate at all.

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
I am perfectly aware of that fact. It doesn't make my point any less valid. We're on the topic of banning a character here. Regardless of what the reasons are for the other character boards not having valid information pertaining to their match ups, including those with Meta Knight, it still holds fact that if we can't even properly decide what the match ups are for Meta Knight, we shouldn't even be arguing how he "breaks" the Counter Pick system.

Before you debate, you do your research, or you don't debate at all.
I agree 100%.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
Mine are based on what everyone has found thus far
And yet you can't even point me in the proper direction to prove to me what "everyone" has agreed upon.

It doesn't matter how displeased with you are with me, the fact is that if you can't provide anything more than what you have, which thus far, has been Ankoku's thread, and telling me that M2K, Jesiah and Inui believe the match up is 55:45 Snake, then you really have nothing to go by. You can't reliably sit here and tell me Meta Knight breaks the system. To break the system, you need to know the match up ratios to determine if whether or not he truly doesn't have a sufficient amount of counters. You failed to deliver. And it isn't even your fault, it's just a reality. Smashboards hasn't come to the proper conclusive evidence to ban Meta Knight effectively yet, or decide not to even. But don't make claims without backing them up properly.

Anyway, I'm not continuing this anymore.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2004
What I don't get is, why are Ulevo, Inui, and the like prancing around acting like their words are golden?

It is up to THEM to disprove what has been said since day 1- that MK > the rest of the cast.
They have not been able to disprove that so far. Until tournament results begin to show Snake and MK going even, their views shall remain invalid.
It does not matter if a character is the best; there will always be a "best" character in any fighting game. There's no need to disprove that MK is the best in order to prove he's not ban-worthy. So what if he is? It is tangential at best to the argument at hand, and does nothing but distract people from getting to rationalized arguments. You are basically setting up a straw man argument that makes it easier for you to be right on an issue that is inconsequential to the actual argument.

MK hasn't dominated the WC, EC, or Midwest, and specifically MD/VA, where the top MKs in the region fail to outplace the known top players in the region. Until I see a change in this I vote no, and suggest you just improve as a player.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
The most important thing to discuss is what characteristics makes a ban worthy character.

Since the SBR never clearly laid this out; there is too much left for interpretation.

Thats why this process keeps running in circles.

but the thing is that, since everyone disagrees on what the criteria should be since this game is so different than anyother game. the two sides cant agree on a set llist of criteria.



Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Hey, we've made some progress: Ulevo has demonstrated the anti-ban side can't claim MK has any counter because there is no proof for it anywhere.

That pretty much destroys all the anti-ban side's reasons for saying he shouldn't be banned, and when we discard worrying about it from the pro-ban side it leaves tournament attendance numbers as the deciding factor (Something that can be measured over time). So one way or another, we can see how it goes and be done with it if we just watch for a while.

Anyone who's saying tournament attendance doesn't matter is blind to the entire point of Brawl being a competitive game - you need big tournaments or it starts to be not worth bothering going, and then Brawl will die competitively. Since the people who feel it is better off dead than with a character banned are all anti-ban, I have the perfect suggestion: You can quit playing Brawl because with MK banned it will be dead to you just the way you want it to be due to how uncompetitive it is, the remaining players can ban MK, and everyone will be happy.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
Hey, we've made some progress: Ulevo has demonstrated the anti-ban side can't claim MK has any counter because there is no proof for it anywhere.

That pretty much destroys all the anti-ban side's reasons for saying he shouldn't be banned, and when we discard worrying about it from the pro-ban side it leaves tournament attendance numbers as the deciding factor (Something that can be measured over time). So one way or another, we can see how it goes and be done with it if we just watch for a while.

Anyone who's saying tournament attendance doesn't matter is blind to the entire point of Brawl being a competitive game - you need big tournaments or it starts to be not worth bothering going, and then Brawl will die competitively. Since the people who feel it is better off dead than with a character banned are all anti-ban, I have the perfect suggestion: You can quit playing Brawl because with MK banned it will be dead to you just the way you want it to be due to how uncompetitive it is, the remaining players can ban MK, and everyone will be happy.
Have you ever attended a Brawl tournament? Like, a significant one? :laugh:

And just to correct you, I proved that the community in general has proven nothing about whether Meta Knight does or doesn't have counters, therefor the criteria for a proper decision on a ban can't unfold. Nice try though. Next time try saying something makes sense rather than changing the meaning of words, you might be constructive. :chuckle:


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Have you ever attended a Brawl tournament? Like, a significant one? :laugh:

And just to correct you, I proved that the community in general has proven nothing about whether Meta Knight does or doesn't have counters, therefor the criteria for a proper decision on a ban can't unfold. Nice try though. Next time try saying something makes sense rather than changing the meaning of words, you might be constructive. :chuckle:

What if we prove MK having counters is irrelavent to him being banned?


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Anyone who's saying tournament attendance doesn't matter is blind to the entire point of Brawl being a competitive game - you need big tournaments or it starts to be not worth bothering going, and then Brawl will die competitively. Since the people who feel it is better off dead than with a character banned are all anti-ban, I have the perfect suggestion: You can quit playing Brawl because with MK banned it will be dead to you just the way you want it to be due to how uncompetitive it is, the remaining players can ban MK, and everyone will be happy.
And of course, you will claim that a correlation between MK being present and low tourney attendance is the only viable correlation that can be put forth. What you're going on about will be much harder to prove than what Ulevo is asking of you.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Your statement would be true if it applies for all cases, but it doesn't.
Azen once said that Luigi can approach with his side B.
guess what they did? They would side B like idiots until he finally said "I was joking".
let alone that when we look at Azen's Lucario, its the best but doesn't make use of some of the more useful aspects of the character.
Being good doesn't mean you are knowledgeable.

Tell me, if Einstein states 1+1=2
and I say 1+1=2
What makes what Einstein says greater than my own?
Just because he is Einstein?
Thats an appeal to authority and it is faulty logic .


Hmmm, I want to see where this leads actually.

A.) Atlantic North. I live in the same borough as NinjaLink (I am too to really ask if I could play him sometime)
B.) That depends what game. I haven't played in any brawl tournaments and I stopped playing in melee tournaments since the end of 2005. School >me
C.) I don't recall any sorry. I know for sure though I was average. I know for a fact that Inui would probably wreck me if we played. maybe I'll try to enter a tournament before the year ends and see how things turn out.

Now I have a question for you. Do you believe that any of my posts are less true or logical based upon my answers? Sort of like before and after.
LMAO @ your Enstein reference. Let me put it in smash terms for u.

People on Smashboards say MK beats Snake. Good, high level players say Snake beats MK.

Now, the difference is the people on Smashboards don't go to high level tournaments as frequently as the top level players, and they don't place as well. This is because they aren't as good players obviously, and they can't think of as good strategies or implement them as well.

So, when M2K or Inui or Atomsk or any high level player says Snake beats MK, they are saying this because they've been in the position as MK or Snake and have concluded data from their experiences. You, as in Shadowlink, have no idea what it's like as Meta Knight to try and get inside of a Snake that limits what you can do using grenades and tilts you with precise timing and accuracy every time you get close. You really can't comment accurately on the matchup, because you don't know it as well as other high level players.

In addition, every matchup characteristic in MK's advantage that the people that think MK beats Snake refer to all the time, the good players that know the matchup have experienced it all. Yes we all know MK ***** Snake in the air. Yes we all know MK edgeguards Snake really well. We take that into account when determining the matchup also.

It's really frustrating for people who have put a ton of time and effort into the game, spent a lot of money travelling and gone through a lot in general to get to where we are today, only to have people that post on Smashboards tell us we are wrong and use silly Einstein references to back up what they say. We know what we're talking about, we've been through everything that we are arguing for. Yes what we say is opinion. but it's backed by a lot of experience and research, the kind that's impossible to duplicate by reading character boards.

Also, you really can't use Azen for any arguments really. We all know he's unorthodox. Not to mention, the kids that were trying to use Side B to approach probably were terrible or had little tournament experience. I can tell you right now if Azen told me to approach with Side B as Luigi, I would first laugh, then tell him to pick Luigi and try it on me. I would then proceed to **** him really really badly as he tried to approach with Side B. This is because I'm not an idiot, and there are a lot of other players like me out there who aren't idiots and wouldn't do that anyways.

In response to your answers.

A.) You should really ask NL to play. He's awesome and you'd get real good.
B.) Ok, so you really have no Brawl experience at all. Thanks for at least being honest.
C.) Same as B pretty much.

To answer your question, I don't think your logic is worse, I just think it holds less value. Like, everything you are saying makes sense for the most part, only it's not true. For example, when you say good players aren't always knowledgeable and that everyone's opinion holds the same weight... I see where you're coming from and it makes sense...Only it's not true. As much as people hate to admit it, Inui's opinion does indeed hold more weight than yours. He's SEEN first hand the things he's talking about, he's experienced it. If he thinks Snake beats MK, it's obviously because he's been on the Snake side and beaten MK, he's been on the MK side and lost to Snakes, he's SEEN other good players on either side lose or win in the matchup. He's talked with other high level players about it. Players that have thought of strategies on both sides, and have determined using their own intelligence and thinking and testing that Snake wins.

Sucks for Inui after all of the time he's put into the game, all of the tournaments he's hosted, all of the matches he's been through and all of the people he's spoken with, he shares what he's learned and people come in and say, " The character boards determined this. I'd rather believe them than your opinion which is no better than anyone's."

Here's a fact: Some people's opinions do indeed hold more value than other people's. Character boards can only be used as good references if there are players there that have been to tournaments, worked hard to study everything they've learned, and contributed to the boards. Marth boards are really reliable because Emblem Lord contributed all of his knowledge to it. Snake boards are not that reliable because there are just a bunch of people there who don't really know what they are talking about. Now let's say DSF came in and started sharing with them everything. They'd be IDIOTS to say to him, "Your opinion holds no more value than anyone else's here!"

Essentially that's what you are doing as well as others. It just doesn't make sense.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works

What if we prove MK having counters is irrelavent to him being banned?
It isn't irrelevant since the game revolves around Counter Picking.

However I feel the idea of Meta Knight not having a "counter" is not as big of a deal as it's made out to be anyway, as I there are plenty of characters able to compete with him. That's my thoughts on the matter though.

u forget


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
And of course, you will claim that a correlation between MK being present and low tourney attendance is the only viable correlation that can be put forth. What you're going on about will be much harder to prove than what Ulevo is asking of you.
Ulevo is asking something of me that is proven through nobody finding it: For months now, MK has been dominating. If someone active on Smashboards had found a character that reliably let them beat an equally-skilled MK, we would have heard about it. Since we have heard of no such character, it is far more likely it has not been found. Now it's your turn to prove something doesn't exist: Why hasn't someone brought this character forward if they have been located? All the "close" matchups have been heavily evaluated and the matchups for those are known, so the reasonable argument is that any matchups that have not been heavily analyzed have been left alone because there's no doubt that MK wins them. Prove me wrong.

If Ulevo wants me to really care about proving there are no counters for MK, he must first demonstrate why it's likely there is one that we don't know about. Lack of an official thread on each board does not constitute lack of the matchup being tested.

Also, if his argument is true (whether he intended it to or not) it cuts both ways and utterly ruins every anti-ban argument that's based on MK's matchups and him being beatable (Which is all of them). They have no proof of their claims either, and the tournament results threads further support MK having the favorable matchups -- so after Ulevo was done with them the anti-ban side has even less evidence than the pro-ban side.

Finally, until someone can find why people are leaving Brawl in greater numbers than reports we've had from TOs and tournament attendees about why they stopped which cite MK, yes I will say dropping tournament attendance is based on his existance. The one major tournament where he was banned at, everyone had a lot of fun. I went through the entire results thread looking for anyone saying they hadn't enjoyed it, and there wasn't a single post wishing MK had been unbanned for that tournament. Again, find me other reasons why people are leaving and find me evidence that more are doing it for those reasons than for MK -- there have been posts from both TOs and players saying they're not attending tournaments due to MK being everywhere at them.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
LMAO @ your Enstein reference. Let me put it in smash terms for u.

People on Smashboards say MK beats Snake. Good, high level players say Snake beats MK.

Now, the difference is the people on Smashboards don't go to high level tournaments as frequently as the top level players, and they don't place as well. This is because they aren't as good players obviously, and they can't think of as good strategies or implement them as well.

So, when M2K or Inui or Atomsk or any high level player says Snake beats MK, they are saying this because they've been in the position as MK or Snake and have concluded data from their experiences. You, as in Shadowlink, have no idea what it's like as Meta Knight to try and get inside of a Snake that limits what you can do using grenades and tilts you with precise timing and accuracy every time you get close. You really can't comment accurately on the matchup, because you don't know it as well as other high level players.

In addition, every matchup characteristic in MK's advantage that the people that think MK beats Snake refer to all the time, the good players that know the matchup have experienced it all. Yes we all know MK ***** Snake in the air. Yes we all know MK edgeguards Snake really well. We take that into account when determining the matchup also.

It's really frustrating for people who have put a ton of time and effort into the game, spent a lot of money travelling and gone through a lot in general to get to where we are today, only to have people that post on Smashboards tell us we are wrong and use silly Einstein references to back up what they say. We know what we're talking about, we've been through everything that we are arguing for. Yes what we say is opinion. but it's backed by a lot of experience and research, the kind that's impossible to duplicate by reading character boards.

Also, you really can't use Azen for any arguments really. We all know he's unorthodox. Not to mention, the kids that were trying to use Side B to approach probably were terrible or had little tournament experience. I can tell you right now if Azen told me to approach with Side B as Luigi, I would first laugh, then tell him to pick Luigi and try it on me. I would then proceed to **** him really really badly as he tried to approach with Side B. This is because I'm not an idiot, and there are a lot of other players like me out there who aren't idiots and wouldn't do that anyways.

In response to your answers.

A.) You should really ask NL to play. He's awesome and you'd get real good.
B.) Ok, so you really have no Brawl experience at all. Thanks for at least being honest.
C.) Same as B pretty much.

To answer your question, I don't think your logic is worse, I just think it holds less value. Like, everything you are saying makes sense for the most part, only it's not true. For example, when you say good players aren't always knowledgeable and that everyone's opinion holds the same weight... I see where you're coming from and it makes sense...Only it's not true. As much as people hate to admit it, Inui's opinion does indeed hold more weight than yours. He's SEEN first hand the things he's talking about, he's experienced it. If he thinks Snake beats MK, it's obviously because he's been on the Snake side and beaten MK, he's been on the MK side and lost to Snakes, he's SEEN other good players on either side lose or win in the matchup. He's talked with other high level players about it. Players that have thought of strategies on both sides, and have determined using their own intelligence and thinking and testing that Snake wins.

Sucks for Inui after all of the time he's put into the game, all of the tournaments he's hosted, all of the matches he's been through and all of the people he's spoken with, he shares what he's learned and people come in and say, " The character boards determined this. I'd rather believe them than your opinion which is no better than anyone's."

Here's a fact: Some people's opinions do indeed hold more value than other people's. Character boards can only be used as good references if there are players there that have been to tournaments, worked hard to study everything they've learned, and contributed to the boards. Marth boards are really reliable because Emblem Lord contributed all of his knowledge to it. Snake boards are not that reliable because there are just a bunch of people there who don't really know what they are talking about. Now let's say DSF came in and started sharing with them everything. They'd be IDIOTS to say to him, "Your opinion holds no more value than anyone else's here!"

Essentially that's what you are doing as well as others. It just doesn't make sense.
You forgot that experience is not the only factor that can make one's experience "hold more value".

Neutrality is important too, if they're only using their own (potentially twisted) experience, since (greedy) MKs wouldn't give evidence that could ban him, and (prideful) Snakes want to make Snake look good.

Snakes have been OK but some (pro) MKs have been known to try to manipulate their info.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
This really makes me appreciate you Jesiah. It's rather frustrating to watch a player such as M2K be discredited for all his experience when sharing his opinion, simply because he can't argue or communicate effectively in debates, when he likely knows more knowledge then most people on these boards. It's good someone laid it out in a sensible manner.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
All the "close" matchups have been heavily evaluated

You still don't get it. Let me lay it out for you.

Pro Ban: Wants Meta Knight banned.

Anti Ban: Doesn't want Meta Knight banned.

In order to ban Meta Knight, we need the proper proof and evidence to support the need for the ban. We don't go banning things because we dislike them. Meta Knights tournament results are not sufficient data to conclude he needs to be exiled because Marth had the same effect on Melee; he simply dominated tournaments. That alone is not enough to warrant a ban, all it concludes is that Meta Knight is obviously a good character, and in this case very good.

You can't point me to anything indicating that "All the "close" matchups have been heavily evaluated" because you were just spewing garbage out of your mouth without thinking, and there simply isn't any significant evaluation on these boards by good, experience players with intelligent discussion on the majority of boards. Without that, we cannot conclude that he even breaks the counter picking system. That alone is not warrant enough for a ban, granted, and there may be other reasons for him to leave the scene, but it is still an essential aspect we have no conclusion to.

If we cannot come to the proper decisions on what's what from players who know what it is they're talking about, we can't even remotely think of a ban. Therefor, Meta Knight doesn't get banned.

Despite how childish you might want to be, we don't just let you and others in the community decide randomly that Meta Knight has to go, and then tell us to provide evidence on why we should keep him. This is a character in the roster, a serious matter. Unless it's blatantly obvious, and no one is beating Meta Knight (which isn't the case), it is your obligation to follow through with reasons as to why he has to go.

You're some kind of funny. :laugh:


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Sucks for Inui after all of the time he's put into the game, all of the tournaments he's hosted, all of the matches he's been through and all of the people he's spoken with, he shares what he's learned and people come in and say, " The character boards determined this. I'd rather believe them than your opinion which is no better than anyone's."
You must really pay no attention to the way he comes off and presents himself in front of the community, lol :D~ Otherwise, sexy post.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
You can't point me to anything indicating that "All the "close" matchups have been heavily evaluated" because you were just spewing garbage out of your mouth without thinking, and there simply isn't any significant evaluation on these boards by good, experience players with intelligent discussion on the majority of boards.
To be honest, the only one I see spouting garbage without thinking lately is you (And to an extent Inui), clinging to opinions and waving them around as facts.

The matchups between MK and Diddy, ZSS, Lucario, Snake, ROB, DK, Yoshi, etc. have all been discussed during these threads about MK by people such as Atomsk, M2K, Edrees, Overswarm, NL, Inui, etc. Generally intelligent, experienced people who know what they've been talking about. I've seen them all go by -- every matchup that has been found to be even close to neutral. Who should I be listening to other than the people who are best with these characters and have been taking part in these conversations?

Am I going to take the time to go through the thread and pull them up because you're too lazy to find them yourself? No, I'm not doing your work for you, but nothing I'm saying has come out of nowhere. If you wish to prove anything, prove why the matchups not being posted on their boards means that they haven't been analyzed and found simply to be in favor of MK -- and thus not worth taking apart in high detail when everyone is primarily focused on characters that outright can counter MK.

You have yet to prove that lack of in depth matchup threads means they aren't known, you've just repeated yourself over, and over (and over...) that the threads don't exist as if that means something for your point. All it means is nobody's bothered to evaluate exactly how badly all those characters lose to MK.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
It's pretty hillarious when people say "I'm done here!" and then three posts later they keep right on truckin'.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
It's pretty hillarious when people say "I'm done here!" and then three posts later they keep right on truckin'.
I actually said Ulevo wasn't getting anything more from me, and considering all I was doing was repeating myself to him technically he didn't...(I never said I was done in the whole thread)

But you're right, I will resume ignoring his posts until he actually says something that has a point worth responding to (Which pretty much will have to be a new topic, because the one he's on goes nowhere - he can't prove the matchups are unknown).


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
The matchups between MK and Diddy, ZSS, Lucario, Snake, ROB, DK, Yoshi, etc. have all been discussed during these threads about MK by people such as Atomsk, M2K, Edrees, Overswarm, NL, Inui, etc. Generally intelligent, experienced people who know what they've been talking about. I've seen them all go by -- every matchup that has been found to be even close to neutral. Who should I be listening to other than the people who are best with these characters and have been taking part in these conversations?
Just want to mention that you might want to leave out M2K, OS, and Inui since they can be quite biased at times.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
salaboB, you aren't considering a lot of things. Here's a claim I'm going to make:

For most characters, NO ONE is as good at using that character as the top players are at using Meta Knight.

What does this mean? It means that saying "an equally skilled X against Meta Knight at the highest level" is, in fact, a non-statement because there is no one playing that character at that high of a level. Yoshi is a good case. We can argue about Yoshi until our faces turn blue (either of the lovely shades of blue Yoshi could be found in even), but let's be realists here. Is there anyone who is as good with Yoshi as Mew2King is with Meta Knight? Sure there are impressive Yoshi players, but could we call them truly the highest level players? If they fight the best Meta Knights, do we say it's a match between players of equal skill? I assert no. In fact, I don't think we can reasonably say a whole lot about that matchup beyond "no one uses Yoshi".

Even ignoring Yoshi, look at other characters. We are "sure" Ganon loses badly to Meta Knight, but where are the Ganons at the top of the game to give us data just how badly he loses? In the abstract, he gets really low percent kills and has release grab nonsense. Yes, we know Ganon sucks, and we know Meta Knight is really good. However, what do we REALLY know about the Ganon v Meta Knight matchup? Is there ANY top level data to guide us here? We can theory craft is, but that's all it is, theorycraft. Things like "Yoshi is a threat to Meta Knight" are easy to dismiss as "theorycraft", but do remember things like "Meta Knight beats Ganon" are just as much theorycraft.

Even at the top, we're wanting for data. Our sample size of good Meta Knights and Snakes is high, but how big are our sample sizes for Mr. Game & Watch or the Ice Climbers? How many Olimars do we have who could call themselves truly at the absolute highest level? Yeah, we aren't going to be answering "zero" here unless we're hyper-exclusive to what we define as the top, but we aren't going to be answering numbers that are really all that big either. We "know" the matchups in the sense that we have some data to guide us (as opposed to none), but what we have is definitely very limited, and it's extremely plausible that new players who use characters such as those are going to change how we look at those matchups. It may or may not actually end with Meta Knight having more bad matchups... we just don't know.

This is why "give it time" is so supported. We really don't know nearly as much about this game as so many of you like to claim. We have a good understanding of the basics of how the game works, and we know a lot of the stuff that wins and loses. However, our understanding is FAR from exhaustive; I doubt you could compile an accurate matchup chart that included so few as 1/5 of the possible matchups in the game. It is true we'll never know anything, and being rational some of the low tiers will really never get anyone to show us what that character can do at the highest levels. However, our knowledge will be far more complete, and we'll be able to make a far more informed decision in the future.

However, maybe you want to disagree, and maybe you think we know Meta Knight far better than I say. Fine. I have a challenge for you. Post Meta Knight's full matchups. Don't post jokes like Meta Knight v R.O.B. 10-0; give real numbers in all of them. I'll even save you some typing; feel free to copy and paste and fill this out:

Meta Knight 50-50
King Dedede
Mr. Game & Watch
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Ice Climbers
Toon Link
Zero Suit Samus
Pokemon Trainer
Captain Falcon

Fill it out; I dare you.


Smash Ace
Oct 17, 2007
Jesiah you claim that high level players (specifically MK mains, coincidentally) say that Metaknight gets beaten by Snake. What about all of the other players who DON'T agree with that? What about Overswarm, or Chillin, or Chu?


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Just want to mention that you might want to leave out M2K, OS, and Inui since they can be quite biased at times.
They're experienced players who have not shown signs of exaggerating matchups heavily -- they haven't made any extremely outlandish claims that I've ever seen, at worst pushing it 5 points in any direction from what everyone else accepts.

If I can't use their reasoning for at least part of the basis of a matchup, who exactly should I be listening to?

@Amazing Ampharos - After I just get through saying there is no consolidated list of matchups because many are unknown except that MK wins them (And everyone is hunting for the people who can beat MK so aren't sinking their time into figuring out how much MK wins by) what would possess you to think I'd fill in a list of matchups for you? What gives you the idea I even have most of those numbers? I can tell you who's close, but even there nobody has suggested anyone but Snake does better than 50:50 and those matchups are being tested in the AN heavily against the best MKs known in the world. (Assuming M2K is the best, and I've yet to see that debated)

Daring me to do something I just said can't be done because nobody's bothered to fill it out simply indicates you failed to read what I was saying. Good job on that one. Most of the "HE BEATS MKS" ended up 60:40 MK's favor (I believe DK and Lucario both ended up there when heavy testing was applied to them -- soft countered by MK. Only Olimar and Snake have held up better than that under tournament conditions.)


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
To be honest, the only one I see spouting garbage without thinking lately is you (And to an extent Inui), clinging to opinions and waving them around as facts.
I don't have to provide any facts. All I'm doing is proving you wrong. I wasn't the one who blindly decide to make claims that couldn't be properly backed up. :laugh:

The matchups between MK and Diddy, ZSS, Lucario, Snake, ROB, DK, Yoshi, etc. have all been discussed during these threads about MK by people such as Atomsk, M2K, Edrees, Overswarm, NL, Inui, etc. Generally intelligent, experienced people who know what they've been talking about.
Overswarm generally just complains, and I haven't found much of what he says to be of much value when pertaining to Meta Knight. The rest are fine. Anyway. Do you think you're the only one lurking in this thread? Or the one before? I know as well as you do that no thorough discussion pertaining to single characters has ever developed in a constructive and systematic way in which a solid conclusion has come to pass. Don't try to bull **** me unless you can prove otherwise, I frequent these boards too.

I've seen them all go by -- every matchup that has been found to be even close to neutral. Who should I be listening to other than the people who are best with these characters and have been taking part in these conversations?
Hm, that's kind of funny.

You mentioned above that Diddy, ZSS, Lucario, Snake, ROB, DK, Yoshi, "etc." were all discussed, and you also claime they have "been found to be even close to neutral". That's a lot of characters that go even or close to even with Meta Knight. Ironically, Fox was the best in Melee and if I do recall, there were other characters that went close to even with him too. Peach, Marth, Jiggs, Falcon, Sheik, Falco, you know, Top/High Tiers. This sounds pretty similar if you ask me.

And you claim Meta Knight breaks the system huh? Why is it such a big deal if all these characters can compete?

Am I going to take the time to go through the thread and pull them up because you're too lazy to find them yourself? No,
Then don't run your mouth off claiming a mere theory when you have nothing to show for it, or if you're not willing to pull up the information to support yourself. It makes you look stupid, and wastes peoples time debating with you.

I'm not doing your work for you, but nothing I'm saying has come out of nowhere. If you wish to prove anything, prove why the matchups not being posted on their boards means that they haven't been analyzed and found simply to be in favor of MK -- and thus not worth taking apart in high detail when everyone is primarily focused on characters that outright can counter MK.
Nice choice of words there. Almost sounds like you're trying to suit your cause again. Tsk.

You have yet to prove that lack of in depth matchup threads means they aren't known,
How are they known if they haven't been discussed? Are people psychic on smashboards? Christ.

you've just repeated yourself over, and over (and over...)
That tends to happen when someone tries to elaborate Super Theory Bros. Brawl on here over, and over, and over.

that the threads don't exist as if that means something for your point. All it means is nobody's bothered to evaluate exactly how badly all those characters lose to MK.
Or how they might actually be able to win? Or how there might be specific strategies to win? Again with the twisting of meanings. You're getting good at that. :lick:
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