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Should Metaknight be Banned? **Take 2** (Post-podcast)

Should Metaknight be banned?

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Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
Im neutral in this discussion but Im slowly leaning more to banning him. He IS a stupid character. Hes not even fun to play (Im sorry for everyone who THINKS hes fun but he isnt stop lieing to yourself).
uh, he's an extremely fun character to play, this coming from someone who plays several other characters at a better level than him and voted for the ban, just because he's ban worthy doesn't mean he deserves the hate, at least he's not one of the lamers that depends almost totally on camping.


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
1/30th of a second? The oft-known "ridiculously fast" dsmash hits on frame 4, right? That's 1/15th of a second. 1/30th is jab speed.
I was referring to his dtilt actually which hits on frame 2, dsmash isn't quite as bad but only bad MK's are going to go around spamming it when you're able to block it anyway(and from the front it's punishable even without powershielding)


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Please show my anyone that can do this on multi hit attacks as fast as metaknights consistently. A video of ONE match with consistent powershielding (not random lucky ones).

The reflexes to do that are practically impossible.
Uh, hi? It's not hard.

Is this the culmination of the anti-ban side's research? I thought we already handled this topic...
Nah, it's just my favourite point to make. It's also hilarious when people say MK doesn't lose the match-up and it's funny when people do so because they're usually randoms and then top players like me, Mew2King, Atomsk, and NinjaLink can come in and say otherwise and get ignored despite being billions of times better and more educated on Brawl.

Its been proven already the frames that come after you power shield in order to initiate another are more then in MK moves.
Meaning...MK rapid attacks or just doing another attack will come out faster then yours and the MK is safe to do so.
MK limits everyones options
With proper DI most characters can last awhile but in the end your stuck with 120+ damage as for the MK has maybe 25+
MK is the only character in the game who limits your options so much as to pick the lil ******* up just so you can actually win a match and get far in a tourney
Thats sad because most people want to win, they cant use the characters they want to use because EVERYONE is picking up MK just to win.
But even our top players can agree that he should be banned or is atleast cheap.

Im neutral in this discussion but Im slowly leaning more to banning him. He IS a stupid character. Hes not even fun to play (Im sorry for everyone who THINKS hes fun but he isnt stop lieing to yourself).

If you powershield something, you can act out of your shield without delay, which includes punishing multihit moves. Dedede, for instance, can shieldgrab Marth's f-b during the middle of it and shieldgrab all of MK's multi-hit aerials.

MK only severely limits garbage characters and garbage players. Other top tiers do just fine and skill can overcome the counter match-ups in high tier.

come on powershielding attacks that come out in 1/30th of a second consistently is easy
Yeah, it's not hard to powershield Peach and ZSS's jabs and MK's u-air. The thing is, the motion of the characters, flow of the match, and the known strategies you know are coming will let you know that the move is coming, so you can block it easily.

I was referring to his dtilt actually which hits on frame 2, dsmash isn't quite as bad but only bad MK's are going to go around spamming it when you're able to block it anyway(and from the front it's punishable even without powershielding)


U-air: 2
F-tilt: 3
D-tilt: 3
D-smash: 5
D-air: 4
F-air: 6
N-air: 3
Grab: 6

Str8 frum da moo2king.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Why do you devote a large portion of your posts in these topics to insulting me and arguing with me,
Probably because you act as if your word>everyne else's when this is not true. You rarely support your arguments, you rarely say anything that is actually applicable.

and then even devote your signature to insulting me, and constantly refute and argue with the anti-ban side...and then vote "no" when it comes to the ban?
Insult you? Nay, I am poking fun at you for what you did to yourself.
By no means do I hold a grudge.

If you and a few other anti ban people weren't always saying things that were either refuted, or just not well supported I wouldn't say anything.

This is the same for the pro ban side, and I have repeatedly corrected those who support the ban.
I also made my reasons known in the first tpic that SP made and the first poll that was made.

Do not question me about my position again since you'll just look like a moron.

Anyways, what am I spouting that has been refuted? Snake beats Meta Knight. That's never been actually refuted because tournament data at the highest levels shows that this is true and most good players agree with MK losing to Snake.
Which is why at the highest levels, we also see MK trumping Snake repeatedly.
Again if Snake was an actual cuonter t MK, we would be seeing him do better than he currently is. All that you ever have stated t support your argument is several individual results while ignoring the rest.

"omg if u space the d-tilt frame perfectly and pixel perfectly ull **** snake!1!!!!1"

okay cool and what about what's actually possible and what about other moves which snake *****?????
WOMG If u prfct cmp wih Olimr and snack u'll beet meatknight!

Hypocrite much?
Let alne that much of what has been said has been tested and proven and even if you dont space perfectly, you'll still have a range and speed advantage ver Snake.

Its not my fault the tournament data as a while disagrees with you.

God bless Snake. In Snake we trust. The counter of MK shall end up being his saviour.
translation: inui gives Snake blowsjobs like Hideo gave sakurai.

I am sorry you were just asking for it there XD.
Really Inui I don't dislike you but what I do dislike is your posts.

You've been refuted repeatedly and you just ignore whats been said. You act as if the more you cite Snake as a counter to MK, the more people will believe you.
Sorry dude but that isn't how things work.

Uh, hi? It's not hard.
3 frame moves? yeah. Unless yu predicted it, you're not going to powershield it consistently.

Nah, it's just my favourite point to make. It's also hilarious when people say MK doesn't lose the match-up and it's funny when people do so because they're usually randoms and then top players like Mew2King, Atomsk, and NinjaLink can come in and say otherwise and get ignored despite being billions of times better and more educated on Brawl.
I removed you cause you're not as god as M2K.
Let alone that I don't believe NL has stated anything of the sort.
As for being better? yes you are better.
More educated? Not really. Azen has the best Lucario yet we know that he doesn't know everything about Lucario.

You can be great at a game but not know everything.
So no you're not educated and you're not a top player either dude.
You are a great palyer.

Anyways n one ignored them and they were responded to when they made their argument.
M2k made his argument but it had holes in it since he's not great at debating.


If you powershield something, you can act out of your shield without delay, which includes punishing multihit moves. Dedede, for instance, can shieldgrab Marth's f-b during the middle of it and shieldgrab all of MK's multi-hit aerials.
Captain obvious is obvious.
What we do want is something that is actually, you know, akin to real life. You're acting as if powershield fies everything. Sorry but it doesn't.
MK only severely limits garbage characters and garbage players.
Stupid statement is stupid.
Other top tiers do just fine and skill can overcome the counter match-ups in high tier.
Yet that isn't what anyone cares about. We regard the character not the player as part of the debate.

Yeah, it's not hard to powershield Peach and ZSS's jabs and MK's u-air. The thing is, the motion of the characters, flow of the match, and the known strategies you know are coming will let you know that the move is coming, so you can block it easily.
translation: if you predict really well you can powershield ANYTHING.
I have yet to see anyone consistently powersiheld MK's Dtilt n reaction, or Pech's jabs or ZSS'ss jabs (which are frame 1 btw) or MK's Uair.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
Uh, hi? It's not hard.
I am going to make it big and it will be the last time I say it Vids or it didnt happen

Surely if it is so easy there should be tournament matches of you or whoever else powershielding consistently on metaknight's faster attacks (dtilt dsmash..)
not only that but I want them punishing after. It IS hard.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
This is not an argument based on the CP system.
If you're quoting me, it obviously is, because that is what I was addressing, and you're responding to it.

I'm going to say your list of reasons is not evidence of reasoned arguments from the anti-ban side because it is made up of statements like this that don't really fall into the categories you claimed and tend to be full of opinion and strawmanning. This is not you being anti-ban or neutral, it's you using bad logic to support yourself.
Congrats, you've managed to state (what you believe to be) "what", now please address the "how". You're really making no sense at all.

MK can still break the CP system if he has one bad matchup (And a few neutrals), as long as it isn't bad enough to warrant having to worry about a secondary.
Meta Knight will never have any reason to remove the need for secondaries unless he somehow obtained a 7:3 matchup advantage on the entire cast. Secondaries are meant to deal with bad match ups, or provide beneficial match ups. Even assuming Meta Knight didn't have bad match ups, he isn't the best character to use in every circumstance, both for stages as well as opposing characters.

Also, clearly by your definition, characters such as Fox from Melee or Eddie from GGAC would break the CP system. If we are to argue on the basis that Meta Knight should be banned because he breaks the CP system (I am not saying you are, but it is a common argument, and you may very well agree with it), then that would mean both said characters are warrant for a ban as well.

Since his worst matchup has been judged Snake at 55:45 Snake (Benefit of the doubt) MK is still the best choice for being a CP resistant character, and the best choice to pick initially and when your opponent picks second.
There have been no consistent match up ratios regarding Meta Knight versus Snake from a significant group of credible smashers at all. Everyone has their own minds made up, and very few people can agree appropriately.

Anyway, that aside, I do not know why you're bothering to state how Meta Knight is the most CP resistant character, because he clearly is. No one is arguing that.

The reason he's more able to do it than Marth is because stage CPs don't significantly alter the matchups against him, so he's less CP'able than Marth even if Marth has only neutral matchups on non-CP stages than him.
Again, I don't know why you're stating the obvious. No one with a brain is going to disagree on these particular points.

You have to do more than show he has one disadvantaged matchup to demonstrate that he is not bad for the CP system, you have to show why that one matchup means you're not stupid if you pick someone other than MK to start with (When you don't know who your opponent will pick).
You just went ahead and assumed right off the bat that Snake is his one possible disadvantage, and thus you're argument is valid. Tell me, why is it that Snake is the only possible match up disadvantage in your argument? Why not Falco? Why not Diddy Kong? If Meta Knight only had one disadvantage, there is a slight possibility you might have an argument. Unless you claim that you are knowledgeable enough to know who does and doesn't have an edge against Meta Knight over everyone else, which you clearly are not, you have no grounds at all on this. Snake isn't the only possibility, nor is he generally accepted as the only possibility.


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
I checked the frame rate topic again and I was indeed wrong on that, not sure that one frame makes a huge difference in any case...and as I said, you don't even need to powershield to punish MK a lot of times, he's not unpunishable he's just the hardest character to punish.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Which is why at the highest levels, we also see MK trumping Snake repeatedly.
Again if Snake was an actual cuonter t MK, we would be seeing him do better than he currently is. All that you ever have stated t support your argument is several individual results while ignoring the rest.
Snake wins more than he loses at the highest levels. By "highest levels" I mean known top players, such as Atlantic North players, most notably MD/VA, and not random tournament winner #44 from Oklahoma that gets his results posted.

It's not my fault that Snakes aren't good enough. Meta Knight, being a top tier character, can still win anyways. 60/40 and 55/45 matches are by no means unwinnable, so an MK player can use superior skill, stages, and match-up knowledge to win anyways. It's a close match. Snake's win isn't big enough to just let Snake **** in the match-up 100% of the time and he's nowhere near as popular so he gets significantly less chances to get points.

WOMG If u prfct cmp wih Olimr and snack u'll beet meatknight!

Hypocrite much?
Let alne that much of what has been said has been tested and proven and even if you dont space perfectly, you'll still have a range and speed advantage ver Snake.

Its not my fault the tournament data as a while disagrees with you.
Running away and throwing Pikmin forever and camping grabs is extremely easy to do. Doing anything both frame-perfectly and pixel-perfectly isn't humanly possible. Biiiiiiiiig difference that you refuse to see here.

My bad that tournament data often disagrees. I'm sorry that Mew2King, teh_spamerer, and I are simply superior players to Yes! and Ether and thus beat their Snakes consistently. We'll get right on that losing stuff soon or something. When you take a match like G-regulate vs Forte where the players are basically even, you see G-regulate winning more often. That's what counts the most.

You've been refuted repeatedly and you just ignore whats been said. You act as if the more you cite Snake as a counter to MK, the more people will believe you.
Sorry dude but that isn't how things work.
If by "refuted" you mean "random players have posted incorrect things to say that MK wins" then okay.

I've yet to meet a top player besides chillindude829 that said MK beats Snake. Then chillindude829's MK that just beat Atomsk proceded to lose 2-0 to Mew2King's never-practiced Snake in matches that were not even remotely close.


Again, I shall ask you something. Why do you put so much effort into arguing for the pro-ban side and arguing against anti-ban people when you voted anti-ban? Why not use some of your sarcasm to help the side you actually voted for?

I am going to make it big and it will be the last time I say it Vids or it didnt happen

Surely if it is so easy there should be tournament matches of you or whoever else powershielding consistently on metaknight's faster attacks (dtilt dsmash..)
not only that but I want them punishing after. It IS hard.
I do not find punishing MK to be hard at all and I've yet to meet a top player that thinks it's too hard. Basic Sausage, a Dedede player from NY, thinks punishing MK is easy despite the match being against his character.

Why don't you just go watch match vids between top players to see it? I'm not going to search YouTube to find examples for you when you can just watch high-level matches and see stuff for yourself.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
If you're quoting me, it obviously is, because that is what I was addressing, and you're responding to it.
So if I say "Okay we're talking about rainbow unicorns" and then launch into a discussion about horses, you responding to me would mean we were talking about rainbow unicorns?

Saying what you're talking about does not automatically make the rest of your post about that topic.

Meta Knight will never have any reason to remove the need for secondaries unless he somehow obtained a 7:3 matchup advantage on the entire cast. Secondaries are meant to deal with bad match ups, or provide beneficial match ups. Even assuming Meta Knight didn't have bad match ups, he isn't the best character to use in every circumstance, both for stages as well as opposing characters.

Also, clearly by your definition, characters such as Fox from Melee or Eddie from GGAC would break the CP system. If we are to argue on the basis that Meta Knight should be banned because he breaks the CP system (I am not saying you are, but it is a common argument, and you may very well agree with it), then that would mean both said characters are warrant for a ban as well.
There are major differences. First, MK does not require 7:3 to break the CP system and not require a secondary -- you can use him anytime you're worried about being CP'ed and have at worst a 55:45 against you, and then you can pick a stage you're good at with him for the second round if you lose the first (And then get a 55:45 worst case against you for the last). So just by having at worst an almost-neutral against him, MK can in fact remove the need for a secondary. Will you do better if you CP your opponent on that second round if you lose the first? Sure, unless they pick MK -- then you're pretty much as well off using MK yourself (Or can get a whopping 55:45 against them, with a character that you've spent less time practicing as...).

Second, Fox wasn't the only one with at-worst neutrals (Or 55:45) in Melee, he had other characters that went neutral with him and beat everyone else as well to compete with.
Anyway, that aside, I do not know why you're bothering to state how Meta Knight is the most CP resistant character, because he clearly is. No one is arguing that.
Because that's why he breaks the CP system, a point which you've simply ignored in all your disproving of the claim.

You just went ahead and assumed right off the bat that Snake is his one possible disadvantage, and thus you're argument is valid. Tell me, why is it that Snake is the only possible match up disadvantage in your argument? Why not Falco? Why not Diddy Kong? If Meta Knight only had one disadvantage, there is a slight possibility you might have an argument. Unless you claim that you are knowledgeable enough to know who does and doesn't have an edge against Meta Knight over everyone else, which you clearly are not, you have no grounds at all on this. Snake isn't the only possibility, nor is he generally accepted as the only possibility.
Because none of these other possibilities have proven true in tournament results, or even really looked likely based on them. Like Diddy Kong being used with NL as an example...NL says he beats MK with all the characters he uses, including a couple who are recognized as solidly disadvantaged against him. This means that NL winning with Diddy isn't Diddy > MK, it's NL > MK.

When there's better evidence that anyone other than Snake goes better than even with MK, you may have something. Until then, you're trying to argue for something that has not been seen in the actual results, and you must provide proof that the current results are inaccurate.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
aerial control is also taken into effect, thats why wario, lucario, jiggs (kinda off set by her weight though) and a few others seem to live even longer than expected with DI
I can see that. One of my crew members plays Lucario and when he DIs well it's like 'wtf?'

congrats, the same character has the same strategy for getting around the same problem (in luigis case, fireball camp to help against characters with better range)
I'm saying it's not much of a problem in the first place, especially in Metaknight's case.

@The whole Powershielding thing: Powershielding consistently isn't hard as long as you know what attack is coming. There is a lot of variables when it comes to consistent powershielding. Saying it's easy because the game makes it so doesn't mean that in a realistic setting it can be done reliably when the opponent has many options to be considered.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Because that's why he breaks the CP system, a point which you've simply ignored in all your disproving of the claim.
But Fox had the same advantages as MK in terms of match-ups and stages and nobody cried. :confused:


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
Again, I shall ask you something. Why do you put so much effort into arguing for the pro-ban side and arguing against anti-ban people when you voted anti-ban?
I'm doing the opposite for some reason o_O I somewhat favor a ban because MK will only become more popular and totally inundate everything, but he's not the broken, undefeatable monster people try to make him out to be, the match is very winnable for a decent number of characters. bad arguments are bad arguments regardless of whether or not they support my agenda(although I've admitted to being near neutral)


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2008
Hes a MK player I doubt he can go as far with anyone else lmao =]
N I must be a garbage player for losing to DSF, Plank, and TKD then huh (the only 3 MK able to beat me)
I mean Im only ranked in Cali oh and whaaaaaaat Im not a MK player.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
But the argument is valid because he does break the CP system...
According to you? Who are you again?

It has already been set in stone that MK has no disadvantageous match-ups... what more is there to agree on?
There are plenty of credible people on both the anti and pro ban side that consistently disagree on this account. You're wrong.

MK makes the game unbalanced.
So does King Dedede. What's your point?

Have you ever stopped to consider that the reason why so many people shoot down your claims is because you are the one providing false, ignorant information..?

just sayin...
Really? So me telling you that Marths Fair beats Meta Knights fair is false information because you disagree with me, even though it is clearly the truth? How about Falcos Nair going through Glide Attack?

People consistently disagree with me on a regular basis on things they are not informed on because the human populace mostly consists of stupid people. You pointing out that others do not agree with my claims proves nothing to validate what it is you are saying, because I've proven myself against a majority in the past before.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Hes a MK player I doubt he can go as far with anyone else lmao =]
N I must be a garbage player for losing to DSF, Plank, and TKD then huh (the only 3 MK able to beat me)
I mean Im only ranked in Cali oh and whaaaaaaat Im not a MK player.
Huh? I don't even understand this post at all. I can't tell who you're insulting and if you're pro-ban or anti-ban.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2008
Dont trip
and Im neither
I really dont care if hes banned or not
Honestly heres why...
I think he should be banned just cuz hes a gay character and anyone can use him and doesnt require much skill.
I dont think he should be banned for my own benefits because I play gayer the more MK I play the only MK Ive been able to lose to are ranked and really good.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Who countered Sheik worse than 55:45?

How about Marth?
I think Sheik loses to both Fox and Falco by that much or more(depending on stages) and I think Sheik loses to Ice Climbers, but that's debatable. DK can also do some nasty stuff to Sheik. She also was bottom tier in terms of recovery options.

Marth sucked huuuuuge balls on almost every counterpick stage in the game and he lost to Sheik and had issues with campy-Fox and campy-Falco especially on counterpick stages.

Neither one is like MK, imo. Fox was the character with the best match-ups and best stage advantages.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Oh for heaven's sake. I've posted this already. Fox goes even with Marth, Sheik, and Falco. Marth counters Falco, gets countered by Sheik. Sheik counters Marth, gets countered by Falco. Falco counters Sheik, gets countered by Marth. Four character stable metagame. If Fox countered Marth, Falco, or Sheik, there wouldn't be any reason to play anyone other than Fox. This is the current MK situation.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Snake wins more than he loses at the highest levels. By "highest levels" I mean known top players, such as Atlantic North players, most notably MD/VA, and not random tournament winner #44 from Oklahoma that gets his results posted.[/qute]
Again you quote as if the AN region n its own means something.
here is a news flash. It doesn't.
The same methds used fr proving a subject are the same used in scientific research. If one region is doing something out of the ordinary despite the fact hat all then other regions are attempting the same thing, clearly something is off. 4/5 regions disagree with what yu are stating. Get a new argument.
It's not my fault that Snakes aren't good enough.
Cause surely having over 6 months to develop their metagame against MK means they have no friggin clue on what they are doing.
Maybe, just maybe its because the best players are winning that you are wrong?
That they have reached a high skill level where character advantages/disadvantages are meaningless.

But of course you'll just ignore it as usual.
its not my fault you lack reading Meta Knight, being a top tier character, can still win anyways.
Where do you get this baseless assumption?
Yu're just making yourself look foolish Inui.
60/40 and 55/45 matches are by no means unwinnable, so an MK player can use superior skill, stages, and match-up knowledge to win anyways. It's a close match. Snake's win isn't big enough to just let Snake **** in the match-up 100% of the time and he's nowhere near as popular so he gets significantly less chances to get points.
Where are you getting this actual argument from?
NO ONE has stated MK is unbeatable, so stop trying to refute something that hasn't ever been said.
tl;dr: you are straw manning. Stop

Running away and throwing Pikmin forever and camping grabs is extremely easy to do. Doing anything both frame-perfectly and pixel-perfectly isn't humanly possible. Biiiiiiiiig difference that you refuse to see here.
Cause perfect camping means doing things that are imperfect and rely on the mistakes f the other oppnent.
Whoops i should adjust the definition of perfect.
Let alone that if running away and throwing pikmin and camping grabs worked, peach wouldn't be a hard counter to Olimar.
Its alot more than just lol camp.

My bad that tournament data often disagrees.
So you acknowledge it disagrees.
I'm sorry that Mew2King, teh_spamerer, and I are simply superior players to Yes! and Ether and thus beat their Snakes consistently. We'll get right on that losing stuff soon or something. When you take a match like G-regulate vs Forte where the players are basically even, you see G-regulate winning more often. That's what counts the most.
Then contradict yourself by saying a handful of results>mountain of results.
If by "refuted" you mean "random players have posted incorrect things to say that MK wins" then okay.[/qute]
name the random players who have stated "incorrect" things.
I never knew that we should act as if the arguments of an idiot are representative of the arguments for the logical and intelligent.
I've yet to meet a top player besides chillindude829 that said MK beats Snake. Then chillindude829's MK that just beat Atomsk proceded to lose 2-0 to Mew2King's never-practiced Snake in matches that were not even remotely close.
Who cares? if all the top players agree that doesn't mean they are right dude.
Argument is what matters, not opinion.

Again, I shall ask you something. Why do you put so much effort into arguing for the pro-ban side and arguing against anti-ban people when you voted anti-ban?
Here is an answer.
Read the last post for an answer.

its easy, just scroll up.
No no Inui that's done. I mean up. you know, towards the sky.
I do not find punishing MK to be hard at all and I've yet to meet a top player that thinks it's too hard. Basic Sausage, a Dedede player from NY, thinks punishing MK is easy despite the match being against his character.
I don't care what basic sausage thinks, I don't care about what you think. i don't care about what Adumbrodeus thinks.
What I care about is if they can PROVE what they think.

Why don't you just go watch match vids between top players to see it? I'm not going to search YouTube to find examples for you when you can just watch high-level matches and see stuff for yourself.
Cause in all those high level matches (like m2k vs Fuile) involve alot of powershielding and punishment!

Look at futile vs m2k. Lots f punishment on MK there. I mean he had soo many oppurtunities!

Fox does have matchups equal to Mk's but unlike MK, Fox has exploitable weaknesses.
Oh and there was a different engines too.

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
Inui- It always amuses me when you compare Brawl to Melee in hopes of making valid arguments.

Ulevo- MK DOES break the counterpick system. He's always a safe choice. Why play anyone else? This is the argument we've been making from the start. You can't just disprove it by claiming pros agree with you without naming names and saying "You're wrong".


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
theres the vid of me vs snakeee where i power shield two things in a second

if anyone tries to say powershielding is hard they are just dumb XD


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Fox does have matchups equal to Mk's but unlike MK, Fox has exploitable weaknesses.
How can you possibly vote anti-ban and then say this? Do you actually believe that MK has no weaknesses?

lmao @ people thinking he has no weaknesses

If you're going to just put all of your effort into arguing for the pro-ban side and say dumb things like this, then I'm just going to consider you pro-ban and also stop arguing with you because you're confusing.

You also weigh the opinions of foxandfalcomasta666 equally with Mew2King's, so we have extremely differing opinions when it comes to...opinion, lol. I have absolutely 0 care for what a random player says and only care about the top levels in terms of results and opinions, and that's where I'm seeing that MK loses to Snake. I'm not going to suddenly count the common man's opinion and not be an elitist because you say I should. I'm too stubborn.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
How can you possibly vote anti-ban and then say this? Do you actually believe that MK has no weaknesses?

lmao @ people thinking he has no weaknesses

If you're going to just put all of your effort into arguing for the pro-ban side and say dumb things like this, then I'm just going to consider you pro-ban and also stop arguing with you because you're confusing.
The key word there was "exploitable".

Try reading it again with that in mind.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
theres the vid of me vs snakeee where i power shield two things in a second

if anyone tries to say powershielding is hard they are just dumb XD
Really? So why is it you don't powershield EVERYTHING?
I mean if it soooo easy to do on reaction then we should see alot more powershielding than we do.
Which we don't.
*hits you*

How can you possibly vote anti-ban and then say this? Do you actually believe that MK has no weaknesses?

lmao @ people thinking he has no weaknesses

If you're going to just put all of your effort into arguing for the pro-ban side and say dumb things like this, then I'm just going to consider you pro-ban and also stop arguing with you because you're confusing.
key word is exploitable weaknesses smart one.
If I am confusing its because you lack reading comprehension.
if you consider me pro ban despite me saying otherwise then you are just...stupid.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Really? So why is it you don't powershield EVERYTHING?
I mean if it soooo easy to do on reaction then we should see alot more powershielding than we do.
Which we don't.
*hits you*
-Being perfect isn't humanly possibly.
-Some moves are unblockable, like grabs and command throws.
-Some moves have an extremely high amount of active frames, like Zelda's u-smash and Pit's f-b, so powershielding them is actually bad.

When I play Atomsk, it's common to hear *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* literally like that many times in a row because of how consistently we powershield.

key word is exploitable weaknesses smart one.
If I am confusing its because you lack reading comprehension.
if you consider me pro ban despite me saying otherwise then you are just...stupid.
Meta Knight's low weight is exploitable. Tornado and shuttle loop are also extremely punishable. Basic Sausage explained a lot of things about punishing MK already and I don't feel like repeating all of it.

-I've yet to see you post anything that would benefit the anti-ban side at all.
-You put a lot of effort into assisting the pro-ban side and coming up with points for them.
-You put a lot of effort into debating against anti-ban players.

Why would I consider you anti-ban? Because you clicked "no" on the poll? You've yet to do/say anything that supports your vote.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
Hmmmm... Mk breaking the counterpick system... that makes sense.

He had no bad stages, and it seems as though he has no bad matchups.

I think matchups is where MK will be either banned or kept. If he has no disadvantages against anybody, it doesn't mean that he's unbeatable, but it does mean that no matter what happens, MK has the advantage.

Like, a best of 3 set, right?
Mario vs. Sonic
Mario wins the first two.
Sonic wins the next two.
Mario gets mad, Mario transforms into MK.
MK obviously wins because he has no disadvantages.


Marth vs. Snake.
Marth wins one.
Snake wins two.
Marth wins one more.
Snake turns into MK.
MK wins.

Even worse:

MK(dark) vs. MK(white)
Mk(dark) wins 1
MK(white) wins 1
MK(dark) wins 1
MK (white) wins 1
MK (dark) turns into MK(pink aka gayer).
MK (pink) wins.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
So if I say "Okay we're talking about rainbow unicorns" and then launch into a discussion about horses, you responding to me would mean we were talking about rainbow unicorns?

Saying what you're talking about does not automatically make the rest of your post about that topic.
I was referring to the Counter Picking system, in which the match up ratios are relevant.

There are major differences. First, MK does not require 7:3 to break the CP system and not require a secondary -- you can use him anytime you're worried about being CP'ed and have at worst a 55:45 against you, and then you can pick a stage you're good at with him for the second round if you lose the first (And then get a 55:45 worst case against you for the last). So just by having at worst an almost-neutral against him, MK can in fact remove the need for a secondary. Will you do better if you CP your opponent on that second round if you lose the first? Sure, unless they pick MK -- then you're pretty much as well off using MK yourself (Or can get a whopping 55:45 against them, with a character that you've spent less time practicing as...).
Again, this all comes down to you assume he only has a 55:45 match up in the worse scenario. You're making assumptions to best suit your argument.

Second, Fox wasn't the only one with at-worst neutrals (Or 55:45) in Melee, he had other characters that went neutral with him and beat everyone else as well to compete with.
It still doesn't matter. You are arguing that there is no reason to pick anyone other than Meta Knight. Fox was statistically the best, both in terms of character ability and match ups. Whether or not Marth or Sheik or Falco could compete in this respect isn't the point, they're inferior, meaning you still have no reason to pick anyone other than Fox. I could sit here and argue all day about how x character is perfectly capable of competing with Meta Knight.

Because that's why he breaks the CP system, a point which you've simply ignored in all your disproving of the claim.
Meta Knight being the most CP resistant character doesn't mean he breaks it. If Meta Knight were gone, Marth would clearly be the character with the most CP resistances. He still wouldn't break the CP system though, because he has disadvantages. Meta Knight does too. You're just not in a position to agree with that, so you assume he does break the system based on that, and that alone.

Because none of these other possibilities have proven true in tournament results, or even really looked likely based on them. Like Diddy Kong being used with NL as an example...NL says he beats MK with all the characters he uses, including a couple who are recognized as solidly disadvantaged against him. This means that NL winning with Diddy isn't Diddy > MK, it's NL > MK.
Do you know NinjaLink? Do you know the players that he beats who use Meta Knight, and how good they are in comparison to him? Do you know what stages they played on, or exactly what characters he used to win? No. You're going by word of mouth. Nice evidence you have there.

You're skewing the argument. I can say that about any player or character. It's very easy to do, considering how arbitrary it is. Just because NinjaLink beats Meta Knight on a consistent basis (likely because he's a good player) does not mean the characters, Diddy or not, have an advantage on Meta Knight. But it doesn't disprove it either. Congrats for making a pointless post.

When there's better evidence that anyone other than Snake goes better than even with MK, you may have something. Until then, you're trying to argue for something that has not been seen in the actual results, and you must provide proof that the current results are inaccurate.
Please tell me what the current results are. Who exactly is the credible source you are getting these results from? Link me to these credible sources of yours so I can start correcting, because I would like to see where these results are coming from.

I could sit here and give you some credible references. M2K is one good example, among many. But you'd just "disprove" that because he wins due to how good he is, even when using someone other than Meta Knight. Well than please, if that is an argument you're willing to make as well, tell me what indicates a credible source.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
Atomsk does PS a helluva lot.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
Inui- It always amuses me when you compare Brawl to Melee in hopes of making valid arguments.

Ulevo- MK DOES break the counterpick system. He's always a safe choice. Why play anyone else? This is the argument we've been making from the start. You can't just disprove it by claiming pros agree with you without naming names and saying "You're wrong".
He's a safe choice based on your assumption that he has no disadvantages. Key word here is your "assumption". I


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
I was referring to the Counter Picking system, in which the match up ratios are relevant.
Rainbow unicorns.

Again, this all comes down to you assume he only has a 55:45 match up in the worse scenario. You're making assumptions to best suit your argument.
You're the one making assumptions, I'm going off the current known facts. And that's really all it comes down to for the rest of your points -- I'm basing my arguments off the actual results and how things are happening, you're basing yours off of peoples' opinions and your own beliefs. This is just like when you declared so confidently that Peach was bad on Jungle Japes and you'd stick with that opinion, even after multiple people explained why you were wrong (Including one video of how annoying it was to finish off a Peach on that level). You're mixing your own beliefs into your argument and trying to claim them as facts.

Saying I'm making an assumption that the worst matchup is 55:45 is wrong because it is what is currently proven. To say anything else is true is you making an assumption.

It still doesn't matter. You are arguing that there is no reason to pick anyone other than Meta Knight. Fox was statistically the best, both in terms of character ability and match ups. Whether or not Marth or Sheik or Falco could compete in this respect isn't the point, they're inferior, meaning you still have no reason to pick anyone other than Fox. I could sit here and argue all day about how x character is perfectly capable of competing with Meta Knight.
M2K believes Sheik is the best character in Melee. Fox also took more technical skill to get up to that level than the others -- so if you lacked that, you were in fact better off with a different character. MK does not require more technical ability to raise him above the other characters. In fact, to even come close to even against him many of them must have better technical ability. Fox fails as a direct comparison to MK.

Do you know NinjaLink? Do you know the players that he beats who use Meta Knight, and how good they are in comparison to him? Do you know what stages they played on, or exactly what characters he used to win? No. You're going by word of mouth. Nice evidence you have there.
I'm going by NinjaLink's own words. Who else should I be putting priority for quoting about his performance than himself?

Please tell me what the current results are. Who exactly is the credible source you are getting these results from? Link me to these credible sources of yours so I can start correcting, because I would like to see where these results are coming from.
Tournament results. Go look through all the results and find me multiple examples where all these characters that you claim might be advantaged vs. MK actually are taking down multiple MKs to claim the top position. If they only beat one it's nice but not really proof of it -- an advantage should be allowing them to defeat multiple MKs to claim that top spot. Oh, I can link you to the NinjaLink thing from a credible source, here...
and NO diddy is not a meta knight counter. Btw those 30 wins wasnt all diddy to begin with. Some were ROB and Lucario. I think some were Toon link as well. Not sure. Also those diddy wins were BARELY on FD cause every tourney they ALWAYS ban it against me so in tourney i never get to see FD.

I kno MK inside and out not just with diddy. It as nothin to do with what char im using. I just kno how to punish his moves and if im with said character i'll use a move to punish it. Simple as that.
Tell me, where can I find a more credible source to refer to NL from than this? He hasn't said anything retracting it since he posted this either.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
And exactly how does this prove that he has no disadvantaged match ups?

Marth was clearly the most dominant character in melee in terms of results. Even against Falco, who was the second most dominant character, he won significantly more tournaments. He was still not widely agreed to be better than Fox, or to have less disadvantages than Fox.

Tournament results do not determine anything but tournament results. Congratulations on looking like an idiot though. :ohwell:

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
He's a safe choice based on your assumption that he has no disadvantages. Key word here is your "assumption". I
And exactly how does this prove that he has no disadvantaged match ups?

Marth was clearly the most dominant character in melee in terms of results. Even against Falco, who was the second most dominant character, he won significantly more tournaments. He was still not widely agreed to be better than Fox, or to have less disadvantages than Fox.

Tournament results do not determine anything but tournament results. Congratulations on looking like an idiot though. :ohwell:
And exactly how have you proved that MK does in fact have disadvantaged match- ups?
Where in the world did you guys come from? Just out of the blue when the fervor behind the MK banning became really heated. Hmmmmm...

Okay, I'm not going to mince words here.
Ya know, it's still quite a new argument that Snake or any character can be a counter to MK. It's always been said that MK > everyone else. You, Inui, M2K, and other MK users have made this new argument to challenge the findings that has been in place for several months now- that MK > everyone else.

YOU are the ones making assumptions. Our statements about MK has always been supported by tournament results. Just look above at that link I provided for you.^
What have your statements been supported by? Absolutely NOTHING!


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
-Being perfect isn't humanly possibly.
Then why do you often bring up the perfect camp argument. I ahve heard yu say if Olimar camps perfectly MK can't do anything.
-Some moves are unblockable, like grabs and command throws.
there is a reason we don't go around using throws and command throws all the time dude.
-Some moves have an extremely high amount of active frames, like Zelda's u-smash and Pit's f-b, so powershielding them is actually bad.
Then let me rectify my error. We would powershield things that should be powershielded and not those that shouldn't .
When I play Atomsk, it's common to hear *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* *cling* literally like that many times in a row because of how consistently we powershield.
Videos please?
Though again it may be that you play each other often (as the high level players are want to do) and so you know each others behavior.

but I will think more of what you said.

Meta Knight's low weight is exploitable. Tornado and shuttle loop are also extremely punishable. Basic Sausage explained a lot of things about punishing MK already and I don't feel like repeating all of it.
basic sausage is nt here to make any statements. Thats just word of mouth.
trnado is not punishable unless you stay in place an an idjit with the tornado. it also has very little lag upon ending and has many active frames and high mobility and speed.
punishable in what way?
On the ground it is more easily punished but not when you are in the air.
You would have to be above him which is easily rectified.

Light weight is not exploitable dude.
You can live to 200%.
Uair~jump. You're good to go.

You can survive Snake's Utilt past 180% by doing it.
-I've yet to see you post anything that would benefit the anti-ban side at all.
If I didn't see it, it didn't happen.
since i cannot see the tree falling, it never fell.
Again i told you when i gave my reasons.
-You put a lot of effort into assisting the pro-ban side and coming up with points for them.
Wrong. I put alot of time correcting the errors made on the anti ban side. I have corrected those on the pro ban side when they made an error unless someone was already preoccupied with doing so. (usually)
-You put a lot of effort into debating against anti-ban players.
Probably because they often use bad arguments.
Like yourself.

Why would I consider you anti-ban? Because you clicked "no" on the poll? You've yet to do/say anything that supports your vote.
Like I said I already gave the reasons for why I am against the ban repeatedly.
however since you are so foolish as to not see the part in my post where I said "I made my points in the earlier versions of this topic" then let me list a short version.

1.It is too early to tell.
2. under the current metagame MK is not ban worthy.

if you want me to provide you with more reasons I'll be glad to do so.
However, don't question my position again when I have already stated it repeatedly since it pisses me off when people assume my position for me.

If you still choose to assume I am pro ban then fine, do as you wish. If I find that people are going off of what you say when it comes t my position in the debate, I will be more than a little displeased with you.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
And exactly how does this prove that he has no disadvantaged match ups?
Tell you what Ulevo.

You want to prove something other than 50:50 exists for MK vs. other characters than Snake. You provide the proof of this claim.

You're asking people to disprove something that's never been proven in the first place, and the tournament results do in fact disagree with you (If multiple other characters when played at equal skill were advantaged vs. MK he would not have as many wins as he has compared to them, they'd be able to beat him and claim that top position.) Snake is the only one really supported in them, because his win rate is significantly higher than the other characters -- and even then it only currently supports the 55:45 matchup because if it were a significant advantage more Snakes should be taking down MKs for first place. It could also be echoes of Snake's popularity and MK field clearing to let him get to that final round and have a 50:50 shot at winning too, so even possibly supported the 55:45 is far from proven.

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
What I don't get is, why are Ulevo, Inui, and the like prancing around acting like their words are golden?

It is up to THEM to disprove what has been said since day 1- that MK > the rest of the cast.
They have not been able to disprove that so far. Until tournament results begin to show Snake and MK going even, their views shall remain invalid.
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