It's funny how no one ever replied to poor Zodiac, so I don't even think this could even qualify as 'bumping'.
Anyway, the advice:
Mofat vs bobzilla: You need to mixup your game more. Your whole first stock was nothing but dash attacks and fairs. Work on your Shino stall, of course, cuz that cost you a stock. This whole first game, the other Sheik outplayed you simply because he had more variation in his actions, making him more unpredictable and such. Instead of doing aerial needles to dash attack, try aerial needles to grab. It's very good. Also, you need to work on your edgeguarding or at least mixup how you do it. You tried to ledgehop bair gimp him twice in a row and both attempts were poorly executed and ended up w/ him hitting you w/ the Vanish explosion. At various points throughout the match, it looked like you were fishing for fairs w/out spacing them properly and most of your setups into them were w/ the overused ftilt; I saw one dtilt>fair. If you're trying to increase your repertoire of combos that end in fair, then dair is a good move to know. It has a bit of startup, but it pops the enemy up right in place for a fair or uair. It also can't be CC'd past really low %'s. During the second game, your approaches were still fairly linear as opposed to the other Sheik who WD'd around a bit and baited your actions. You don't need to WD to be unpredictable, though. Simple DDing should do it. Use the platforms that are provided for you! Yoshi's is one of Sheik's best stages for a reason. Waveland to gain mobility and you'll be able to travel all over the stage very easily, thus adding to your mixup game. Finally, you need to follow up on your grabs more consistently. Jab interrupts are usually effective for setting up regrabs at the low %'s close to 0. Higher than that and Sheik has a CG on herself. Overall, your biggest problem during this set was your lack of mixups.
Mofat vs Alien: Space yourself against Falcon. It seemed like you got that after your first couple of stocks. You also still suffered from a lack of mixups. Touch up on your edgeguarding, too. I don't think you have to jab Falcon before the regrab. His getup is slow, so I'm pretty sure you can just regularly tech chase him to death. Jabbing him gives him the chance to jab back or roll before you can grab. For this MU, Sheik needs to dominate the field by being devastating w/ her grabs. One thing you are really good with (in both sets) is reverse-needle cancelling. Work on the rest of your edgeguard game and you'll be really good in that aspect. It kinda looks like you started panicking during the 3rd stock of the last game, so you started rolling A LOT. Funnily enough, your spacing really improved your last stock, maybe you didn't want to be next to Falcon anymore so you started to respect the space a bit?

However, don't let fear dictate your actions. That air dodge during your last stock way in the upper blast zone was uncalled for. Falcon was nowhere close to you. Anyway, it was a nice set. Your tech skill is definitely up to par. All you really need are the mixups and the edgeguards.
Now, what happened to all the Sheik vids? I know for a fact that M2K isn't retired yet! >:/