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Shantae, the Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town! (A Switch To A New WayForward)

Do you think shantae can make it?

  • Yes, as a fighter

  • Yes, as a assist trophy

  • No, not as a assist trophy

  • No, not at all

Results are only viewable after voting.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
There's also that strange object that some speculated to look like a skull. However, I think it could be a gravy boat (with the handle pointing towards or away from the camera). Most gravy boats are shaped like a genie lamp when viewed from the side.

I swear if Shantae's revealed next and Sakurai has conspicuous blue, yellow, and a tad of red in the next shot...
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Boo Jr.

Smash Journeyman
Nov 20, 2014
Right here
So, if this tweet is accurate, that's the Smash community as a whole been consitently wrong about who they think is next as a whole.

1st was Waluigi
2nd was Ashley
And now Skull Kid.

Strange to say this but now I hope the whole community doesn't get behind supporting Shantae.
I'm probably going to sound like a complete a**hole here, but truth be told Smash community as a whole is usually wrong about EVERYTHING.

During Smash 4 DLC era alone I've seen the following:
- King K. Rool, Bandana Dee and Wolf are shoo-in for DLC
- Ryu will never be in Smash, it doesn't fit/there are other Capcom franchises before him, like Resident Evil/he wouldn't be an interesting fighter
- Roy cannot be a DLC, there is another character named Roy (the koopaling)
- Roy won't be a DLC, he was low tier in melee
- Roy won't be a DLC, because Marth have a Roy palette
- Fox have a Wolf palette, so Wolf is coming guys!

Then, mere hours after the Smash direct in June (the one who added Lucas, Ryu and Roy), smashboards user were adamant that during the E3 Nintendo was going to announce King K. Rool, Bandana Dee and Wolf as DLC, even if the Smash direct was aired specifically to unload all smash news before the E3 presentation.
And to be clear, all the above happened within three months.

But we can also talk about Smash Ultimate, who can forget:
- there's going to be a Smash direct in April/May, there is no way they are going to let us wait in the dark until E3 for news (this was right after the smash teaser up until late May)
- Waluigi is next Mario rep, granteed (AT for third time)
- Captain Toad is garanteed, he's huge now and there's no way Sakurai will let him out (background element, and I'm not even touching the "can't jump" argument)
- Spring Man or Ribbon Girl? Which one is going to be in? (neither, apparently...)
- Rex&Pyra are sure in, Xenoblade is the new Fire Emblem! (basically deconfirmed)
- Mimikyu is the most popular pokemon nowadays, he will be the next pokemon rep without any doubt (now in a pokeball)
- Takamaru is the next retro rep, he won't stay an AT any longer boys (...nnnope)
- Alph will now be a character, semiclone of Olimar

And that was just for newcomers, because on the Official Smash Ultimate Discussion thread you can still find:
- the game is a port. Period.
- there will be cuts, for sure
- Snake is never coming back
- Pichu and Young Link are never coming back (we need room for Mimikyu and Waluigi after all)
- Roy will be cut, Lyn is a shoo-in (*coff coff* AT *coff*)
- Cloud will be cut, it was cleary a one time deal
- Dr. Mario, Lucina and Dark Pit will be cut for sure, they are just glorified palette swap (now everyone is losing their mind for the next clone character, or "Echo" like kids nowadays call them)
And one of my favourite:
- "it will have a Melee mode"

I can go on and tell how, after the E3 direct, people discussed that Ashley AT was missing because she's playable, because popularity/moveset potential/mii costume/look at this Wario reference and so on, but by now you should have get the point.

Now, be honest for a moment and tell me, how many times this site alone got something right as opposed as all the times it turned out to be polar opposite wrong?
Speculation and discussions can be fun, but honestly speaking Smash speculation is hilarious (or borderline insane) when looked from outside. I mean, people are debating that the color of two chairs in the background are hinting a character...


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
There's also that strange object that some speculated to look like a skull. However, I think it could be a gravy boat (with the handle pointing towards or away from the camera). Most gravy boats are shaped like a genie lamp when viewed from the side.

I swear if Shantae's revelaed next and Sakurai has conspicuous blue, yellow, and a tad of red in the next shot...
Are you talking about the item's on the shelf? It's very blurry, but considering the fact that they would want to go for a welcoming nature for these directs at least, I doubt they would put a skull like object there, even if it would be hard to see. Also, can we identify any of the book's, or at least the one with the visible cover?


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Unfortunately if Skull Kid is deconfirmed as a boss the community will turn to either Rayman or Shantae as the next target for the Ikea furniture conspiracy.
Rayman is someone I have been warming up to as of late. Nintendo and Ubisoft are SUPER close now, and Rayman got added as an normal trophy. I can see him being added... however I worry who I need to cut from my want list for him to make it in.

My want/likely list, if I am thinking 6 more newcomers, are Shantae, A retro, Elma, Banjo+Kazooie OR Issac, a Pokemon, and Geno.

Shantae is not getting removed. End of story. Too many things are hinting/pointing at her so I think she is a shoe in for an indie rep for this game. A retro I really think is quite likely, as Sakurai has done it for every game, would be odd for him not to throw in a retro he wants. Banjo or Issac, I am leaning towards Banjo but either are likely, as both are top Ballot picks, but Banjo is someone Sakurai wanted back for Melee. A pokemon just seems like a safe bet as every game has gotten one, and Geno would be the last big blowout fan request, also someone Sakurai wanted in brawl.

That Leaves Elma... I really want her, but if Rayman is in I would sub her out for him. Just seems likely.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Yeah, I also have to agree that the whole "chairs" theory is pretty tinfoil hat-y. I would need to see more characters confirmed before I think there's any stock to it. And besides that, I do think that it matches Rayman far better than it matches Shantae since, let's be honest here, red is more of a primary color in Shantae's palette than yellow is (yellow is an accent; red and purple are her primaries). It makes more sense if it's Rayman and he scored high in online polling as well.

Question for all of you guys personally.

Who are all your current mains?

Second Question.

Are you a casual player or a competitive player? And if you're a competitive, would you consider taking Shantae to tournaments if she's mid to high tier?
Unfortunately, I always show up when a topic dies but...

Who are all your current mains?

I'll list the ones from Smash 4: Rosalina is my main with Little Mac and Ike in my rotation. For Smash 4, I'd call myself a casual.

Are you a casual player or a competitive player? And if you're a competitive, would you consider taking Shantae to tournaments if she's mid to high tier?

I'm a pro-level and competitive Smash 64 player.

That said, I didn't care for Brawl or Sm4sh's mechanics or meta so I ended up giving up on them. I actually entered the Smash series with Melee and got pretty good at that before giving 64 a chance and moving my concentration over to it. It's highly unlikely that I'll stop being competitive with Smash 64 or pick Melee back up.

That said, I'll wait and see with Ultimate. If Shantae is in the game, I'm maining her. Period. I said the same thing with Rosalina in Sm4sh and stayed true to that. Luckily she ended up a high tier. If I like the mechanics/meta of Ultimate then who knows? I might force myself to be the best Shantae possible irrespective of her tier placement or I'll keep her in my rotation and let someone like Rosie do the heavy lifting.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
This can be avoided if they deconfirm Skull Kid and confirm Shantae at the same time!
We can only hope.

Personally I'd like them both in but Shantae is a much higher priority.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2018
but why Issac?
The sword / magic concept has been done with Robin, so it would be done again and again with Isaac and Sable, though they do use different magics so it would be feasible. However the outcry for "Jrpg swordsman" would occur, if two reveals were just that.

And I doubt if Prince is in it hurts Shantae's.
Maybe not from a character perspective, but from a labor perspective it would. Each character requires a lot of work since the amount of content for each is big. There is also a lot of detail per character. Bayonetta's guns make different sounds depending on which set you use, and Young and Old Ike have slightly different voices.

I think there are 5 Retro Characters that have the highest chance of getting in (And I am sure we are getting a retro, Sakurai always puts one in.) Those are

1. Lip
2. Mach Rider
3. Ayumi
4. Prince Sable
5. Donbe and Hikari
I don't think the world needs Mach Rider when we have Falcon and Wario. Ayumi was considered by Sakurai at some point, but dismissed due to lack of overseas recognition, though I think she was considered more strongly than Mach Rider.

https://sourcegaming.info/2016/04/29/duflupdate/ (Fascinating information. The link contains reasoning behind each of these choices.)

Considering playable Reggie but not playable Sakurai? For shame.
…Huh? You haven’t heard of “Jojo Poses?” Then I’ll just have to demonstrate for you. Here goes — Zugyuuuuun!

I think Shantae's biggest competition for indie is Travis Touchdown because the developer knows Sakurai personally.

That depends though if we have an indie quota of 1 character. However, Travis makes an interesting comparison point according to NDA theory. The interview for mid 2017 and the developer is pretty Vocal about adding Travis into the mix. Which might be a deconfirm (for travis). To be honest Suda51 in the interview seems how like Wayforward would act if they weren't under NDA in regards to Shantae.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2018
Western Australia
Travis also feels like he's in a weird place between indie and not, though. Like Travis Strikes Again is Indie but the others don't feel as much. I guess.

But Travis is #4 on my most wanted. Rather have Shantae tho!

I do agree he wouldn't really feel like a good indie rep. Buuut I wouldn't mind him, at least on an aesthetic level, 'cause he's got a modern design and he'd at least feel different from other sword characters. Anyway, I'd feel like Shantae would be the best indie rep, but maybe that's just a personal bias.
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Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Since Shovel Knight is out, Shantae is really the only other indie that did well on the ballot (as far as we know). I feel like adding Sable Prince or a different indie rep as some dumb attempt at a compromise would be a slap in the face to ballot voters. It's better to not include any indies as playable at all than to choose someone over Shantae.

You could make arguments for other indies but the polling data we have doesn't corroborate anyone else's popularity.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
I don't feel that Travis would be a good indie rep either. Shantae is much more fitting with this direction.

I also don't think he's as popular or as requested as Shantae is.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2018
I also don't think he's as popular or as requested as Shantae is.
You could make arguments for other indies but the polling data we have doesn't corroborate anyone else's popularity.

It's more like Travis has the connections to have a decent shot. Sorta like how Hideo Kojima begged Snake to be in Smash.

I feel like adding Sable Prince or a different indie rep as some dumb attempt at a compromise would be a slap in the face to ballot voters. It's better to not include any indies as playable at all than to choose someone over Shantae.
The data gives Shantae da power in this one lol. She might get priority big time because I honestly think Sakurai would use the ballot as the main criteria.

Though I thiink Travis could be DLC if Suda pushes enough.
PushDustIn: You’ve also been quite vocal about Travis Touchdown in Smash. If he was to get in, how do you think he would play? What kind of character do you think he would be comparable to?

There are a lot of characters in Smash that already use things like swords, so I think Travis would be a character that uses pro-wrestling moves. There aren’t really any characters in Smash right now who use those kinds of moves, so that’s something I really want to see happen if Travis gets in.

Eigotaku: It would be incredible to see Travis go up against Bayonetta or Ryu.

I definitely want to see that too. Tell everybody that and we’ll get him in! I think Sakurai-san is ready to put Travis in.

Eigotaku: What I find incredible is that you can just talk to Sakurai and say “this can now happen.” In the music business, it would be like two icons getting together and saying “let’s do a project”, or something like that. I think that’s really interesting.

PushDustIn: You’ve known Sakurai for a long time, as you both live in Tokyo.

We’re always saying “let’s meet for dinner”, but we haven’t got around to it lately. Someday soon, we hopefully will.
So I think I'll put him at OK chance for base roster and decent chance for DLC.
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Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Hey, people are calling bull on LeakyPanda. Apparently he does not have a good track record with this sort of thing, but I don't have a good idea exactly what he has predicted, so what has he succeeded and failed in?


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
Hey, people are calling bull on LeakyPanda. Apparently he does not have a good track record with this sort of thing, but I don't have a good idea exactly what he has predicted, so what has he succeeded and failed in?
Leakypandy has always been rather vague. Mostly getting dates and timeframes correct. One thing I've noticed about them since they took the LeakyPandy name was that they always state how reliable information they receive is. This is the first time I've seen them take a firm stance on anything.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
Leakypandy has always been rather vague. Mostly getting dates and timeframes correct. One thing I've noticed about them since they took the LeakyPandy name was that they always state how reliable information they receive is. This is the first time I've seen them take a firm stance on anything.
So they note when info comes from a shaky source?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Hey, people are calling bull on LeakyPanda. Apparently he does not have a good track record with this sort of thing, but I don't have a good idea exactly what he has predicted, so what has he succeeded and failed in?
From what I am guessing, the DK reps. Thats all I mainly know so far. He was the leaker that gave Vergeben that idea. But Vergeben dismissed it, not reaply believeing it, and proven wrong. I'm not sure what else.

You know, with this whole chair and pillow thing, it all is supported by the fact that E3's room had a interesting DK like theme. As in the whole room. About everything in the E3 room contributed to that theme(The wood texture, the plant, the barrel, how the book's looked, the rope ladder, etc), so wouldn't the direct room do the same rather than having just 2 or 3 items hint at something? What does the room as whole reference?
I'm guessing an Arabic scene, though its subtle. Idk, I have to go back and see what I can find if you guys really want me to look.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
So they note when info comes from a shaky source?
I suppose I'll rephrase a bit. They use a lot of "may" "could" expect" type language. The kind you use when you aren't exactly sure if the information is correct or not. Here's an example: https://twitter.com/i/moments/1031570203786833920

Those should be chronological.

As I said, this is the first time I've seen them outright sure of anything they've said.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
If the next direct shows the new mode, and boss rush mode, then we'll most likely get some stuff confirmed and disconfirmed from that. And really it'll be time to reveal the new modes. So I think we're not that far off from some key info. maybe :)

I was wondering if I'd committ to maining Shantae or not in ultimate, But really in the end my love of characters doesn't mean I'll always put aside how they feel being played, so I can't be sure of that yet, but she'll definitely be something like a secondary for sure, since I'd use her a lot :)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
I was wondering if I'd committ to maining Shantae or not in ultimate, But really in the end my love of characters doesn't mean I'll always put aside how they feel being played, so I can't be sure of that yet, but she'll definitely be something like a secondary for sure, since I'd use her a lot :)
Depends, tbh. Its like Jigglypuff. If she's even usuable, that'd be great, but everyone knows how Nintendo can be when it comes to buffs and nerfs. It can be straight up weird sometimes, and not neccessary. I am a Pichu Main, but would certainly pick up Shantae, but if I can't confirm any stocks, Or get punished for punishing someone else, would good would it do?

I hope I'm not to negative. I just do not want the same thing to happen to Shantae like Jigglypuff or Greninja. Zero buffs, or a bunch of Greninja nerfs.


Aug 20, 2018
The Twilight Realm
Switch FC
In this tweet we're talking about, they say that they are certain about this "to the extent that we're willing to be judged on it"

They also dont seem to want to hide their past faults from people and are understanding of peoples skepticism. They genuinely seem to want to be known as a reputable source after they've "rebranded". Just go look at their twitter.
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Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
I trust Panda far more than I trust Vergaben, who is much more shady.

But I do think that we're all probably taking the interior decoration of Sakurai's office a little too seriously.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Depends, tbh. Its like Jigglypuff. If she's even usuable, that'd be great, but everyone knows how Nintendo can be when it comes to buffs and nerfs. It can be straight up weird sometimes, and not neccessary. I am a Pichu Main, but would certainly pick up Shantae, but if I can't confirm any stocks, Or get punished for punishing someone else, would good would it do?

I hope I'm not to negative. I just do not want the same thing to happen to Shantae like Jigglypuff or Greninja. Zero buffs, or a bunch of Greninja nerfs.
For me there's 2 criteria to main a character; Do I like them as characters? and Do I like how they feel and play in the game?

They're going to balance characters better this time around, so I'm not too concerned about that. I also think Pichu's going to be decent this time around :)


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
In this tweet we're talking about, they say that they are certain about this "to the extent that we're willing to be judged on it"

They also dont seem to want to hide their past faults from people and are understanding of peoples skepticism. They genuinely seem to want to be known as a reputable source after they've "rebranded". Just go look at their twitter.
That they are saying they are staking their reputation on this seems to be something. Also seems like the skullkid thread has just excepted this as false.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2018
I'm all for Skull Kid being left out of the playable ground because it's simply one more competitor down for Shantae's great ascension


Aug 20, 2018
The Twilight Realm
Switch FC
That they are saying they are staking their reputation on this seems to be something. Also seems like the skullkid thread has just excepted this as false.
Well of course they have; it's a direct threat to their entire existence.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
For me, the difference is that Panda isn't doing this for fame which I think is the case for the Smash leakers. Vergaben gets a couple of lucky guesses and now everyone is taking his word as gospel. Whereas Pandy seems be someone who just wants to get the information out there. I've heard GameXplain mention him a couple of times in their videos, and GX aren't the type of people who would discuss any random leaker's information.

If Skull Kid is a boss, then I agree that it's one less popular character Shantae has to contend with to be playable.
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Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
I think it also says something about a leaker when they willingly put out there track record on this sort of thing. I can't see it(I have no need for a Twitter account), but I trust that it is accurate. Maybe someone can show it here.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
For me there's 2 criteria to main a character; Do I like them as characters? and Do I like how they feel and play in the game?

They're going to balance characters better this time around, so I'm not too concerned about that. I also think Pichu's going to be decent this time around :)
Understanable! Thats how it usually goes anyway, but I can completely understand.

Plus, I'm maining Pichu whether he is F or S tier. Fun lil fact, I was bullied a lot, and I relate a lot to Pichu, since he's classes as a joke, and so was I at the time. I love him to death. Pichu's my boy. Or girl. I'm sticking thick and through.

In this tweet we're talking about, they say that they are certain about this "to the extent that we're willing to be judged on it"

They also dont seem to want to hide their past faults from people and are understanding of peoples skepticism. They genuinely seem to want to be known as a reputable source after they've "rebranded". Just go look at their twitter.
Thats BALLSY. I Honestly don't know. I want Skull Kid in, because he seems to be interesting, but I never saw him anything more than a boss character. Thats really interesting. We'll see soon.

I'm all for Skull Kid being left out of the playable ground because it's simply one more competitor down for Shantae's great ascension
None shall stand in our way of our REDEMPTION.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2018
Gotham City
Switch FC
Maybe the leaker is just doing it for the good of everyone, because what if Skull Kid actualy ends up being a boss fight? All the Skull Kid fans are going to go harass Sakurai just like Waluigi fans did.


Aug 20, 2018
The Twilight Realm
Switch FC
I think it also says something about a leaker when they willingly put out there track record on this sort of thing. I can't see it(I have no need for a Twitter account), but I trust that it is accurate. Maybe someone can show it here.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
But we have done nothing wrong, so...
Not yet no. On the battlefield, however...

That's deep man...
Its was when I was a kid. Its okay. I'm sticking thin and through. No matter what happens to Pichu. I'ma show everyone that Pichu isn't bottom tier, but a force to be reckoned with. Thats why I named my username after him.

Oh wow. They're really trying to get on everyones good side. Alrighty...I'll put a little faith on them, but I'm still being weary.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
I don't think I've ever read their full apology. There is a direct contrast between what they said and how Vergeben acts. Vergeben (after stating false info) essentially pushes blame "It was my source, don't blame me" while LeakyPandy said "Our source was wrong so we were wrong". That is owning up to your mistakes, one that makes LeakyPandy have some semblance responsibility.


Smash Ace
May 5, 2006
I have nothing against Skull Kid, but he never struck me as the most likely Zelda newcomer. I think the highest chance for a Zelda newcomer is Impa as a Sheik echo, she's a much more recurring character and Sheik's moveset could be easily passed to her (Bonus if they use her Warriors design).


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
I don't think I've ever read their full apology. There is a direct contrast between what they said and how Vergeben acts. Vergeben (after stating false info) essentially pushes blame "It was my source, don't blame me" while LeakyPandy said "Our source was wrong so we were wrong". That is owning up to your mistakes, one that makes LeakyPandy have some semblance responsibility.
And this is why Pandy has far more credibility than Vergaben in my books. Pandy at least owns up to their mistakes while Verg passes the buck to his "source". Pandy is willing to stake his reputation on this - Verg has no reputation to lose.
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