Anyways, guys, three very random tidbits of things that were discussed like a week earlier, but I still feel like bringing them up anyways.
1. Regarding the ratings for Shantae's games, (namely Pirate's Curse being rated E10 and Half-Genie Hero being rated T) I'm mostly certain HGH got the Teen rating because of the feature to include fan-art in the game. And fan art of Shantae overall tends to get at least mildly lewd.
Circling back also to the concern of her being playable and the ratings, there should realistically be no real concern, especially since arguably the most sexualized aspects of her game (the appearance designs and jiggle physics) were more prominent in Pirate's Curse, which got the E10 rating. She may or may not get a vest, time will tell, but censorship will not hinder or ban her appearance.
2. Regarding whether or not
Dance Through The Danger will make it in the game, or get cut because it has lyrics, I just wanna throw out that Jump Up, Super Star has lyrics, and that got incorporated in the game as not just a song, but a special song in the New Donk City stage. (plus there's also WarioWare songs, Pikmin songs, the DK Rap... a lot more now that I think about it.) So DTTD probably has just as high of a chance as it would have otherwise.
3. Regarding her moveset, one specific thing I was hoping they'd do is make Pike Ball her neutral aerial. Three pike balls could orbit around her for a short period of time, and it could operate the same way that Palutena's neutral aerial does, with the cluster hits and such. (Maybe when I have more time I'll speculate a full-on moveset.)
This is false. Mobile games have been dominant by a mile worldwide for years, and Japan where mobile is even larger that ratio is worse. Worldwide mobile sales are more than console and PC gaming combined.
Actually, I take back what I said. You're right about mobile sales > other sales. My point was based on something I found a few years ago. XD
Although, I will mention that it wasn't that way 3 years ago. It's only recently become dominant (since 2016 I believe, but could be wrong,) but it'll definitely stay that way for a while. And like Random Cities said, let's end our ultra-mini debate here.