We're doing this again? Okay, fine...
So, I'll update my list here, at least a little bit:
Rottytops (Shantae) (WIP)
Geno (Super Mario RPG)
Elma (Xenoblade Chronicles X)
Bandana Dee (Kirby)
Isaac (Golden Sun)
Reimu Hakurei (Touhou)
Kat & Ana (WarioWare)
Arle Nadja (Puyo Puyo)
KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
Ayumi Tachibana (Famicom Detective Club)
Adeleine (Kirby)
Vaati (The Legend of Zelda)
Neptune (Hyperdimension Neptunia) (She's so cute! <3)
Susie Haltmann (Kirby)
Twili Midna (The Legend of Zelda)
Fjorm (Fire Emblem Heroes)
Lyn (Fire Emblem)
Micaiah (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy 7)
Palla, Catria and Est (Fire Emblem?)
Veronica (Fire Emblem Heroes)
Saber Artoria (Fate/Stay Night)
Toon Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
Tetra (The Legend of Zelda)
Medli (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
Terra Branford (Final Fantasy 6)
Mipha (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Anna (Fire Emblem)
Birdo (Super Mario)
Meloetta (Pokemon)
Goomba (Super Mario)
Tsareena (Pokemon)
2B (NieR: Automata)
Marx (Kirby)
Viridi (Kid Icarus)
Edelgard von Hresvelgr (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Gunvolt (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
Kat (Gravity Rush)
Lana (Hyrule Warriors)
Asuka (Senran Kagura)
Hikari and Donbe (Shin Onigashima)
Marina (Mischief Makers)
Linkle (Hyrule Warriors)
Bub & Bob (Bubble Bobble)
Andy (Advance Wars)
Protector (Etrian Odyssey)
Highlander (Go play Etrian Odyssey)
Cynthia (Pokemon)
Haruka Amami (THE iDOLM@STER) (Shoutouts to Kuon

Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Tron Bonne (The Misadventures of Tron Bonne/Megaman)
Wow, what a list, Dylly! I'll just condense yours into what I would like to see.
1. Shantae, not sure when the heck I started supporting her, but I've played all her games and love the series to pieces. With her hair for standard, the items for Specials in combination with some of her transformations, she's definitely the wish of many fans here on Smashboards. I would love to see some ATS come from here like Bolo, Sky, and Rottytops, (though the latter would definitely be welcome as a secondary rep!) With Daisy and K.Rool in, she's now my number one remaining pick, edging out the next character...
2. Bandana Waddle Dee. This cuddly cutie deserves a chance in the limelight, having been a steadfast supporter of his King Dedede, even when he knows the odds are against him with Kirby Coming at Ya. He's got a self-made moveset thanks to Star Allies, and even before then it was obvious his moveset potential was there. All we need is for Sakurai to acknowledge it.
3/4. Geno/Mallow - Hey, I'll admit it, I like the Prince-raised as the frog just as much as Geno. He starts out as an annoying little fella and you get to see his squishy little self grow and develop into the potential leader of his country over the course of the game. I would accept him as an Assist too. Geno, on the other hand, is just this bad boy of a puppet with a unique style and cool-guy personality. While he doesn't end up saying much, he just oozes personality in his moveset and attacks, which says as much about him as his interactions with the others.
5. Tales of Series Rep - Oof! So many good choices here. Logistically it's going to be Lloyd Irving that takes the spot, and I do like that doofus with a heart of gold. Short attention span, but he sticks to his creed and doesn't back down where it counts and apparently a savant when it comes to fighting, heh. Also dual sword wielder, so there you go. Runner ups I think would be Yuri from Tales of Vesperia, he's quite literally the dark horse protagonist that isn't afraid to dirty his hands when the law is too corrupt to do what they need to. I love this guy because he's just this lone wolf persona that takes no flak from anyone regardless of his station.
6. Dragon Quest Rep - Seriously, we can't have a Final Fantasy rep and NOT have their hugely popular sister franchise be un-noticed! I don't particularly have a preference as far as representative, as all of the protagonists tend to have the Silent Hero Syndrome and occasional be either gender, but they play their parts well as the stoic but oft-times goofy leader of a motley crew. Also of potential is the mascot of the series, the humble slime.
7. Banjo-Kazooie - Surprisingly, I'm NOT as nostalgic for this duo as most people, but I definitely acknowledge him as a memorably part of the N64 Era among the other titans. Would be fun to see his support get Assisted too.
8. Elma - I have the first two and I REALLY need to dig them out of my backlog to play, so I don't actually know her enough, but I feel like she has a lot of potential from what I have heard, so yeah, bring her on!
9. Isaac - Oh boy, this guy used to be higher but I've since had others after getting into the Tales series. Still, this game was definitely a bit of a sleeper hit that I enjoyed once I got my hands on it, what with the Djinns and their natural psychic abilities.
10. Kat & Ana - Okay, Interesting choice, one I hadn't thought of, but honestly? This cute little pair would make for a fantastic entry to the Warioware since Ashley was once again slated for AT (Sadly). Can't say I see a moveset, but for Sakurai, I imagine that's not an issue. Definitely curious to me that their AT has yet to be seen.
11. Arle Nadja - Holy crap, I ain't a fan of the Puyo Puyo series, as it's not something I can do well, but I can easily see how fun she could be with the right moves.
12. KOS-MOS - I never could get into the series, but maybe I'll give it another shot later. Right now, I do acknowledge her popularity and would give her a shot if she got in.
13. Ayumi Tachibana - Oh dear, I am a sucker for mystery games. If getting her in means I get a shot at seeing her games make it over here or a revival? I'm all for it. Let's see if Sakurai does indeed revisit the idea as one of his personal choices.
14. Adeleine - I don't see her getting in, but I do acknowledge she's definitely one of the popular choices for the Kirby Franchise. It would nice to see her get a more active role in the support cast as well.
15. Vaati - Holy--- yes! Minish Cap is one of my more favorite games of the Zelda series, alongside Oracle of Ages/Season. Gimme that arrogant wind mage please as one of the villains!
16. Tifa - Unlikely, but yeow, she would be an interesting fighter to play as with her limits as the specials. I acknowledge her!
17. Tetra - .. Okay let's be honest. Tetra is my absolute BIGGEST want for the Zelda franchise bar none. She's sassy, fun, and easily one of the most personable Zeldas in the timeline. She holds her own even when in a dress and never stops trying. Please please please get her in. As for Toon Zelda, She would be an easy bite, but I honestly think there's someone better in mind right now, I'll get to that one later.
18. Medli - Sadly I don't believe she's likely, but I could definitely see her appearing as an Assist Trophy and backing Toon Link.
19. Terra Branford - Hello there, Cloud MIGHT be the face of Final Fantasy, but for many of the older gamers? THIS green-haired Half-Esper was the face of Final Fantasy and the protagonist of the most loved game of the series. FFVI set a standard that even some of the later games struggled to reach in many player's opinions, I think. If any other FF character gets it, I do believe it would be her over pretty boy Sephiroth, and none of you can tell me otherwise!
20. Marx - Hoo boy. Yeah, he's a popular one and like BWD, his moves write themselves, but I think the spear guy would have to get in before he does. I could be surprised though...
21. Viridi - Okay, who doesn't like snarky goddesses? I do. I'll give a nod to her, but I'm not sure about her chances right now.
22. Lana - Okay, I'll admit a love for Hyrule Warriors and as the face of the series, she'd definitely be the first pick from there, I'm just not sure spin-offs will ever be acknowledged though. However, I would definitely give her a try should she make it in.
23. Marina - Someone else loves this crazy shaker! HA! This one's a pipe dream, but I loved this game, and came one gem short of a clean victory. So that's going to be something that forever haunts me. If she got in, that would be amazing.
24. LInkle - See above for Lana. I could easily see her alongside Lana, and with her own style.
25. Andy - Enjoyable game, definite potential, but I think he's been shoved to the wayside. However, not impossible to see a revival.
26. Chun-Li - If there's any kind of upset in this game, it'd probably this one right here. She's probably THE favorite next to Ryu. Definitely would be a pick for me.
27. Tron Bonne - Oh HECK yes. Mech fighter and all around pain in the ass, but loveable all the same! Not likely, but certainly doable.
My apologies if I ignored some, I don't really know them, or didn't have enough to say.
My mentions that she didn't bring up?
Roll - She's been a playable before in other games and not always a joke. She's surprisingly good at what she does and could easily back Megaman up as a second character to the franchise.
Hilda - The Lorule princess with her dark magic would make for an interesting Echo Fighter for the Princess.
Crash Bandicoot - Hey, this guy's a long shot, but he's been on my pick for some time ever since his revival. I don't think I need to explain any more here.