Smash Hero
I'm a bit too uneasy about a protagonist needing to be "rescued" from their primary antagonist that they should be well-experienced in fighting. The most the villains can do is get a temporary upper hand, before the hero gets his second wind on his own, as seen with Bowser Jr. and Ridley. Now, if the antagonist is from a different franchise on the other hand...Ok, guys I have been doing some thinking thanks to some new information so hear me out for a moment.
Now we know about the yet Christina Vee made about wrapping hey work for a game. Not a lot of people dismissed this saying it was probably about the next Fire Emblem game since she is playing the main companion character in the game. So it could be that but here was what I thought.
Now we don't know when There Houses is coming out, just next year (so maybe someone with knowledge on FE release teens could fill me in) now I'd say if the have is releasing between January-March, then it's reasonable that a main character would have all their lives wrapped by now. But if it's a spring, summer or fall release, I find it harder to believe that they would call it a wrap (yes the script would probably be done, but there is the possibility for rewrites and more likely lip syncing for later cut scenes and battle animations) so the later the game gets released, they more likely they would need final touch up work from her before she could call it a wrap and in the can.
Now it could be some other game, however... Just recently it's come to my attention that the voice actress for Medusa had been liking and sharing posts from fans regarding old snake-hairs in Smash (similar to actions from Shulks voice actor last time around.)
So it's possible that voice for Smash are wrapped (or one by one wrapping) and maybe both actresses for Shanta and Medusa are flexing the little freedom they have before official reveals are made.
Pit hasn't shown up in any of the Ultimate character trailers and we know Sakurai loves him. What if a trailer starts with Pit under attack, Medusa reveled as his attacker and a new fighter, and then Shantae springs in to give the angel a helping hand while making a dual reveal?
I've run out of time at this point, in having to use those little wrappers for chewing gum...
If Shantae is to be revealed, it has to be on her terms. Or Risky's.