Well I sure have been gone for a while...
In honor of the Smash Direct happening in just under eight hours, here is the most far-fetched, wishful-thinking conspiracy theory that Shantae is going to be announced for Smash. Break out your tin foil hats because this one is a bit of a leap.
WayForward randomly dropped the Jammies Mode DLC for Half Genie Hero just a few days ago. Incidentally, that's also just a few days before the Smash Direct. Unlike previous DLC campaigns, this one was not a backer goal, it had no prior announcement, and they gave it to us for free, as a "thank you" to all their backers and fans.
Since it was free and all, I decided to play through Jammies Mode the other day on a whim. Here's a playthrough on YouTube if you want to check some of the details I reference yourself:
The plot of Jammies Mode is that Shantae is organizing the "ULTIMATE SLEEPOVER PARTY", as thanks to everyone who helped her through her recent adventures. And yes, she consistently refers to it that way, all caps and everything. What makes it the "ultimate" sleepover party? Everyone is invited. Friends and foes alike. So, she goes through all of the levels delivering invitations to everyone.
This paragraph contains spoilers for the ending of Jammies Mode (as if there is really much of a plot to spoil) After Shantae finishes inviting everyone, she has an extended dialogue with Uncle Mimic. At one point he just says, "...". Shantae asks him, what is it? Oh, nothing, he replies. He's just very proud of her. Towards the end of the conversation, Uncle Mimic warns her that she should make sure she is well-rested for tomorrow. She asks why, what's happening tomorrow? To which Uncle Mimic simply replies, who knows? Every day is a new adventure.
Now, look at all of that and tell me you don't see the parallels. An "Ultimate" party, which is special because everyone is invited? Sound familiar? Not to mention Shantae delivers invitations to all the characters, just as the characters in Smash famously receive invitations to join. And in her conversation with Uncle Mimic, it really sounds to me like he knows about something Shantae doesn't, which he is very proud of her for, but which he wants to make sure she is rested for and ready for.
What if the Jammies Mode DLC is WayForward's way of celebrating Shantae's inclusion in Smash? The timing certainly fits, and the parallels between this campaign and Smash Ultimate are exactly the sort of subtle hints you would expect WF to put in if this were the case - anything more would be a problem with their NDA. And it would explain why this DLC doesn't fit the pattern of their other Half Genie Hero DLC.
Now, this
could all just be coincidence..... I guess.... buuuut, you gotta admit, it's a little fishy, right? Right????