At this point in time, there's no reason for either JeXs or Full Metal Lynch to be alive. For Full Metal Lynch, I could go back, quote a bunch of his posts, and point out my problems with his play, but THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR BOTHERS ME THE MOST.
They just... they just don't answer the question. "TEMPTED TO NOT ANSWER THIS QUESITON"???? NAH, YOU'RE JUST STrAIGHT UP NOT ANSWERING THE QUESTION. This is one of the most anti-town things a person can do. It's not like I was about to get lynched or anything when he said that. I asked a legitimate question regarding an (AS FAR AS I CAN TELL) illegitimate accusation, and he straight up doesn't answer. He just rolls with JeXs, giving me no explanation.
Before I move onto JeXs, I want to point out that (and if you guys actually turn out to be town I AM SORRY

but this seems very scummy to me) we've never stopped seeing.. I believe you call it... "armchair criticism" from this slot. This was worst on day two.
OH AND FINALLY. If someone tries to use my noobyness to read me ONE MORE TIME
i will be.. bothered. Is this really his only reason for wanting to vote me? I've had like 3 people vouch for me on my anti-newblyness, and this still happens? If you had OTHER reasons for wanting to lynch me, I could see you throwing this on top of them, because I am technically new, but you have been told be 3 people not to write me off as a noob. One of them is a confirmed townie.