Shout Outs
First of all, I lament how I wasn't fully able to enjoy this tournament. I literally was in bed recovering up until everyone arrived. I'm glad I got everything running and even got to play some games with a few of you, but after that I started to feel worse. After I left, I went to bed and slept for 12 hours. XD
Foos - We didn't get to play, but I vaguely remember watching you play in doubles. Your Fox has gotten so much better than the last time I saw it (SF:E Summer). GJ taking 4th, just a little ways now to the top!
Peach Masta - You're improving quickly too. I saw it at SF:E Summer, and again up at Portland Kombat. Hopefully you and Foos will be ranked more appropriately on the PR list after this.
Wikipedia - I was surprised when I heard you were bringing Exodia and Zapdos, but I guess they didn't end up coming anyway. Thanks for representing Salem. Make Doc come to the next one.
Balloon - I'm going to try to transfer what finals matches we got recorded to my computer so I can get them online for you. Congrats on the strong performance.
Juce - Fox is too good. V_V
Climax - Nice meeting you. Thanks for carrying the TV in for a sick guy. Looking forward to The Finger Bang.
debaser - Sorry for being sick, I'm usually a much better host. If I were feeling better I would have introduced you to the other guys. Thanks for coming, it was great meeting you.
OC George + Minh - WoW johns are not acceptable.