I had a lot of fun at this tournament, and I havn't got feedback from t!mmy or t0mmy'z mom to find out if we were ok. I think we had a few really LAAAUUOOOWWWDDD people (cough-duke-a-pedia) I was pretty loud do though, heh. sorry if I forget anyone in shout-outs.
Everyone bring pokemon next time for crying out loud! battle revolutionnnnn!!! WOOO!
shoutout time!
Tudios - ....meh
best shoutout ever
Wiki-wiki-wiki- It was the best with you in our crew. We all laughed when you were playing because it was soooo hilarious. Every time you were in trouble you were falling half-way over your chair and screaming oh god no, don't do it, help me. And even thought I didn't like the trash talking THAT much, it WAS pretty funny. Funny enough for me to brag about our teams trash-talker. Got Duke? take it easy.
t0mmy - I'm VERY proud that you took the game seriously. A lot of people at the tourny were happy that you were fighting them for realzies. You had your eyes on the prize, and you did well against your opponents. See its not THAT hard to be a tourny guy. Really you just gotta show up, and keep your head on strait. don't become depressed and emo like jesse, I mean gosh. (j/k, <3 jesse)
Jesse! --ohhhh I was just taaaaalking about youuuu. -hug- , Dude! how the F*** did you beat me! I almost had you. You and that FREAK andy! GAWSH!! Naah, I was very proud to fight you in the tourny, I always love my matchzies with ya. I'm glad that it came down to (alteast how I felt, and in my mind) luck and situation. I mean, it was stock to stock, either one of us could have gone onto the next one. I'm so glad you like playing footbag, I havn't played it since last tourny! Makes me feel out of shape though, hehe, I don't do much cardiovascularomgdidispellthatright?? stuff. Mainly I walk all about at a big store at my job. Watch out for my Metaknight in brawl -grinz- OMG!! Shins Metaknight combo vid with dany-elfmans Batman theme!! YES!! duh duH-DUH_DUH!!!DUH!!
James- wtf you live in washington son! Nice seeing you on new-years. Stop playing bowser for crying out loud. You start talking to me and I just stare at you and say... I ..don't know what your saying james its all bla bla bla flame-cancel blabla bla whirling-fortress, just stop.
t!mmy - Maaan.. you better get better and go to alteast one more tournament somewhere with your fox and win. You played so well and then you got sick >_< hope you feel better. don't get germs on my shin-chair @_@'
Gage- its funner (haha omg that word doesn't exist, I R the win) to hang out with you than it is to actually play sometimes, heh. I don't even think about it! You should have got in on our Tetris matches! omg, you did very well against barts C-falcon, glad you had fun bro
hope to see you again soon.
Fooz - wow, I owned you at Tetris sooooo bad! oh wait, did we play? I played Tetris with somebody, I think it was the great almighty fro and andy. yea, well, *puffs chest out* my bricks were like, getting laaaaaiiiidd... I totally owned tetris, yes! I always enjoy seeing you at a tourny, why are you so good at that dance dance revolution thing, thats crazy. They really have upgraded that game in complexity. I saw the arrows spirelling one time and just blinked a few times and walked away from it, THATS NUTS. You and jesse both are nuts like that.
OMG! JEsse!! ... James came over for new years and RUINED my RUBIX CUBE!! @_@;' AAAAUGH!!! @^&#$$%%@%#$%# ...now its all fixed
Andy - I'm very very glad you've improved so much as to give me a hard-***** time whenever I fight you whichever character you choose. Your one of the friendliest peole to hang out with, and **** son! ja burp is LAOUWD! Belch for Brawl.
Your Ganunz has improved. oh btw, I used the trick-cancel in a tourny match.. and it WORKED! Best Ganon ever, andy, best ganon ever. You better be playing twilight princess ganon when he comes out, cus you know I wont. one of us has to sport him. take care-
almighty afro - stop spasming! hehe, nice to see you at one of the tournies bro, it was cool playing tetris with ya. Man we almost got your fro to be a cup-holder, that would have worked out so well! see ya later!
those guys that game then left after sheri's - I'm terrible with names, so, forgive me, one of you was scott I think... but I don't REALLY know. I'm glad you guys showed up, you seemed very friendly, and thats IMPORTANT in a tournament setting. I always enjoyed playing any of you guys, next time I force you to play tetris!! so bring your DS's and pokemanz and all that! oh, and one of you plays the piano ...very well.. I actually sat on the couch and listened and it was VERY relaxing and elemental.
Bart - Leading Oregon with one of the most impressive captain falcons i've ever seen. When I fight against you I just know i'm fighting one of the best players in the world. I'm glad to have met you way back when you were a dirty good-for-nothin hippie with long hair, you've matured in skill a lot since then, and i'm proud to see you taking a hand and a part in the tournament base here in Oregon. I appreciate your efforts for Oregon, Bart. I don't know if anyone has told you that or not, but, its gotta be said. I'm glad you care about the game enough to try so hard to improve and help others around you to improve, that is a very selfless and kind act. But your no hero like me HAHAHAH!! /flex YEA-YUHS!!!
<3 - Shin