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Sexy Sweet Snacking Stadium Serious Stuff Results (LA, CA) feat. Westballz, s2j, etc!


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Sexy Sweet Snacking Stadium Serious Stuff
@ Occidental College, hosted by Sung666, DendyPretendy, & TheCrimsonBlur
April 29, 2012

Doubles (12 teams)

1: s2j+lovage
2: Fly Amanita+Baka4moe
3: Alex Hitchinson + Albert Brennamen (stabbed + hyprid)
4: likewise+westballz
5: Manatee+Peligro
5: Sung+Dendy
7: wha?+tapez
9. thecrimsonblur+squid
9: Harry Nipples+Scott Pilgrim
9: Baka's fangirl+Nardis
9: commonyoshi+a rookie

Singles (34 entrants)

1: Westballz :falcomelee: :falconmelee:
2: s2j :falconmelee:
3: Fly Amanita :icsmelee: :sheikmelee:
4: Baka4moe :peachmelee:
5: Hyprid :marthmelee:
5: Lovage :foxmelee:
7: stabbedbyanipple :falcomelee:
7: Sung :falcomelee:
9: Hairy Nips :falconmelee:
9: KFC :marthmelee: :foxmelee:
9: Likewise :foxmelee:
9: DendyPretendy :jigglypuffmelee:
13: Sniper :foxmelee:
13: Manatee :jigglypuffmelee:
13: A rookie :mariomelee:
13: Signia :marthmelee:
--pools cutoff--

Pool 1

Pool 2

Pool 3

Pool 4

1: s2j
1: KFC
1: Lovage
1: Fly Amanita
5: Sung
5: Westballz
5: stabbedbyanipple
5: Baka4moe
9: Likewise
9: Hyprid
9: Hairy Nips
9: A rookie
13: Manatee
13: Signia
13: Sniper
13: DendyPretendy
17: Wha
17: Tapez
17: Peligro
17: Squid
21: Scott Pilgrim
21: TheCrimsonBlur
21: RabidJackal
21: Dr. Awesome
25: Dudewhut
25: Commonyoshi
25: Nardis
25: QZZY
29: Stud Muffin
29: Rex
29: ZeroTolerance
29: blindhobo
33: Jocelyn
33: Read

Will be uploading results to The Smash Player Database soon. Vids will be posted on stab's youtube channel.

Hope you all had fun! :)


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Please correct me on characters. I didn't watch every set so I had to make some guesses. In particular I bet Wes, Likewise, and Sung probably used other characters but I didn't want to write it down unless I was sure.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX

1: Westballz :falcomelee: :falconmelee: - dude wes ur getting so good man good **** im really happy for you. we shud team more bro and be a real good established team ;)
2: s2j :falconmelee: - ggs johnny, thanks for the advice. despite getting completely destroyed, in retrospect i wish our set was recorded, it wouldve helped me a lot
3: Fly Amanita :icsmelee: :sheikmelee: - hey fly thanks for teaming with me i had a lot of fun. ggs in pools and bracket. i really think you should try to work on your ICs-peach mu though imo for when u play the really good peaches! ur an ic main at heart and it seems off to me that u have to switch chars! (ofc, mad respect for ur shiek, it knows that one mu well haha)
4: Baka4moe :peachmelee: - eh gotta looong way to go still, in due time i hope
5: Hyprid :marthmelee: - nice job against kfc kevin, it was def nice seeing u again. best marth in socal!?
5: Lovage :foxmelee: - ggs oscar, dont have much to say tho even when u werent playing ur best at all u made me look really stupid. i hope to see u at more tournaments, ur fox has always been my favorite to watch. cant wait to see u perform at sb
7: stabbedbyanipple :falcomelee: - hey matt we didnt get to play but nice job getting revenge on a rookie, and thanks
7: Sung :falcomelee: - ur right dude our next set wont even be close, ill get u real good ;). but seriously tho ur the falco i dont like playing the most, ggs and lets get better together. i feel like we have a healthy rivalry going. thanks for hosting and please keep it up, ur passion for this game is really something!
9: Hairy Nips :falconmelee: - jake dude ur the best thanks for cheering for me and for actually coming to tournaments loool. nice job beating peligro and stab in pools, def surprised me. please keep coming to tourneys! ggs in bracket too, really bummed that it actually wasnt recorded. (tho we have commentary lol; sung has just the audio file)
9: KFC :marthmelee: :foxmelee: - KFC it was nice seeing u again after 1.5+ years. i was scared/excited to play ur marth but it never happened. next time tho, hope u come out to more tournaments. ur really good and itd be nice to show us newbschoolers how to play
9: Likewise :foxmelee: - adam it was nice to finally play u, both doubles and singles. ur a lot cooler in person than online hahaha im sure ppl have told u that before tho. i admire ur straightforwardness and (newfound?) passion for this game as well, ggs.
9: DendyPretendy :jigglypuffmelee: - mr pretendy ggs in pools. u have definitely gotten better since we've played, keep it up. ur match with kfc hnnnggg
13: Sniper :foxmelee: - david it was nice seeing u again, nice job beating peligro. hope u and ur crew will come out more as well.
13: Manatee :jigglypuffmelee: - martin i had a fun time hanging out after the tournament and i hope u did too. dude u looked so red i dont understand hahahaha
13: A rookie :mariomelee: - albert i give u mad props for sticking with mario all the way, its very impressive. its nice seeing u be more active in the scene and hope u can continue to be so. thanks for cheering for me as well dude, it really means alot :)
13: Signia :marthmelee: - yo we didnt get to play but gj making it out of pools
17: Wha - Hector why u so sensitive!? nah but i heard u beat scott pilgrim and are switching back to sheik? if so good **** dude keep at it
17: Tapez - mr dan we didnt talk at this tourney but nice job taking a game of hyprid. cant believe u lost to signia tho aaagh so close to making bracket
17: Peligro - chris! ur pool def looked pretty hard 3rd and 4th was b/t u jake and sniper. work on those fast faller matchups my fellow peach main :). didnt get to talk much but thanks for hanging out with us caltech peeps, always a pleasure
17: Squid - jeremy LOL u r so right dude, u were THE 2nd person i played in socal, 1st being hugq. its nice to see u going to more tournaments, please keep going. ur a really nice guy i like talking to u alot and thanks for cheering me on man
21: Scott Pilgrim - ben ggs in teams dude, ive got to come over to 909 sometime i hear ur smashfest are something else. nice seeing u again
21: TheCrimsonBlur - arian, didnt talk too much, but no joke u are one of my favorite people in the socal melee community. so friendly and i love ur commentary during hype matches. thanks for hosting and running the tournament, u seem to have a genuine desire to keep the community strong and growing. glad u got to find a teammate in time lol :) hope to see u at grev
21: RabidJackal - hey iirc we played like half a friendly lol gg, its nice to see u and ur crew come to these, keep at it man
21: Dr. Awesome - david ggs in pools man u came just as we were about to start lol talk about perfect timing. come over to caltech more often, def nice to see u again tho
25: Dudewhut - i thiiiink ur the guy that looks like sfat, if so it was nice meeting u, we never got to play tho :(. hope to see u at more of these
25: Commonyoshi - vincent nice seeing u as always, ur a really cool dude. come over whenever ur down lets train u up some more!
25: Nardis - jon dunno if ur gonna read this lol but i hope u had a good time. nice to see uve decided on a main, as long as u have fun. big thanks to u and lillian for coming, ur support means a whole bunch. hopefully u and dan will both come to the next tourney and yall can take down team ds again ;)
25: QZZY - yo iirc u were in sniper's crew. lol just realized what is it with yall and 4-capitalized letter names? hahaha ggs in pools tho bro, keep working on that peach
29: Stud Muffin - ah i dont think we met...
29: Rex - didnt really talk much, i think we played one friendly tho so ggs haha. ur bowser *****
29: ZeroTolerance - dont think i met u either...
29: blindhobo - ggs in pools man, its nice to see new people come out to these tournaments, its really motivating. hope u come to more!
33: Jocelyn - hey we didnt really talk this time, but thanks for coming out. hope to see u and ben in the future again
33: Read - hey ggs in pools dude, i think we've met before actually?
Boris - if u read this i dont understand why u didnt come :(. also jon wanted to team lol
Lillian - u prob wont read this but thanks for joining us, it really means a lot and makes my tournament experience so much better when u guys come too. hope u enjoyed urself

i had a really fun time at this, and i hope everyone else did too. only thing is hopefully next time the tourney will finish a bit sooner like last time. normally i dont write shoutouts cuz it takes forever lol but i hope i covered everyone. thanks again to tcb/sung/dendy for hosting! :)

shadrach kabango

Banned via Warnings
Dec 8, 2011
Please correct me on characters. I didn't watch every set so I had to make some guesses. In particular I bet Wes, Likewise, and Sung probably used other characters but I didn't want to write it down unless I was sure.
i was 100% fox except for match 5 v hyprid/matt in teams where i was sheik

(poor decision)

hey arian, did you see this?


fwiw wages of wins was one of the few places that had mia/dal as a toss-up in last year's finals

the top 6 accounting for 99% of playoff wins was really interesting to me


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Westballz: good job winning. hope you had fun bro.
s2j: gj you were playing on point; really entertaining to watch
Fly Amanita: you are one of the most mentally in tune players I have ever seen. I've yet to see you flustered. You never choke. Its really impressive. Teach me your ways zen master :o
Baka4moe: 4th? Well done in tourney homie. always fun to see you & the rest of caltech; feels like its been a while. I should smash with you guys sometime soon
Hyprid: watching your marth always inspires me <3
Lovage: thx for coming out. you da bess
stabbedbyanipple: we already got game 1 baby! i'm so happy i didnt spoil myself of the okc-dal game haha. cya @ GREV
Sung: we know what we have to do. sorry i wasn't in the mood/mental state to really play. i'll be better at GREV
Hairy Nips: def opened some eyes. really impressive showing
KFC: finally met you! watching your marth always gets me going. Sorry I had to cheer against you v dendy but hes my training partner. you know how it is.
Likewise: adaaam! omg your fox movement was so ON POINT! I was really impressed. Really fun chilling with you as always; ur the best
DendyPretendy: i know you don't check smashboards but you played really well. your performance was something to be proud of
Sniper: SNPRFOX! everyone was raving about how good you are. impressive stuff
Manatee: the softest hands on the planet.
A rookie: so fun chillin and playing with you the day before the tourney. ggsssss
Dr Awesome: omg stop exposing me and sung. you ***** us in teams
commonyoshi: ur vending machine tricks are top notch. you know, except the part where it made me lose a dollar. I knew the risks, but i believed in you! smh. never again :x
SQUID: thx for teaming bro youre an awesome/funny guy. cant wait to see you again, you def make things more fun
Nardis/Lilian: You guys don't even check smashboards but baka should tell you that i'm really happy ya'll made it out
Rex/RabidJackal: You guys are getting better, its so scary. I swear you guys will shock the world one day. Gotta play other people in friendlies tho my dudes
Jocelyn: keep at it. those dtilttssss
Scott Pilgrim: always fun to have you around. see you next time!
Tapez: where did you come from? Sooo good
ZeroTolerance: I feel honored that I helped make your smash tag. KFC is a great mentor, you'll learn quick
blindhobo: omg fun friendlies on friday. your hatred of the spurs puts fire in my belly to beat you next time we are matched up again tho! watch out!
Peligro: PELIGROOSOOO. You'll gettem next time
Signia: so smart! I had no chance. you're calm and collected. its impressive
Stud Muffin: youre improving, I can see it! Good **** bro

i was 100% fox except for match 5 v hyprid/matt in teams where i was sheik

(poor decision)
aight i'll keep it as fox then

hey arian, did you see this?


fwiw wages of wins was one of the few places that had mia/dal as a toss-up in last year's finals

the top 6 accounting for 99% of playoff wins was really interesting to me
Yeah, this year is really top heavy so I expect that trend to continue too.

I'm pretty proud of myself for picking the Hawks over Boston tho. Anto would be happy lol

(interesting article btw. even tho i dont agree with some of it; i think the 7th guy off the bench is still valuable in the playoffs. everything after the 8th or so guy is probably meaningless tho. & picking DEN over LAL seems like a silly pick to me when DEN has to play McGee to match size. Javale McGee.)


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
off topic but wages of wins is a joke lol

edit: like it is the worst of the advanced metrics. has the most bizarre results (go back through the years and look at its top players lol) and is the least predictive (in large part b/c it counts possessions in a nonsensical way, but also b/c he places 0 value on shot creation). if you bet using wow you'd go broke in a hurry

socal is crazy

edit: was teams recorded?


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
Quick shout-outs:

1: Westballz- Congrats on the win and your recent great performances in general.
2: s2j- Too good as always. Back to the drawing board for me.
4: Baka4moe- I generally do use ICs a decent bit against Peaches nowadays, but I fall back on secondaries when things don't work out as I hope they would; I lost on FD with ICs, although that's one of my favorite stages in the match-up, so I went back to Sheik for the rest of the set.
5: Hyprid- You played well throughout the losers bracket. Good stuff.
5: Lovage- I'm not sure what got into you, but I hope to see you playing up to your usual standards again soon.
7: stabbedbyanipple- Nice job in tourney and thanks for the ride.
7: Sung- I'm probably better against Marth than I am against Falco (although I think I'm reasonably good at both of those MUs), so trying that wasn't in your best interest.
9: Hairy Nips- Really good showing for an inexperienced player. Keep up the good work.
9: KFC- It's awesome actually seeing you at tourneys again. It looked like you were a little off and making some weird decisions when I saw you play in bracket, but you're better than that and can hopefully step up the consistency soon enough.
9: Likewise- Yeah, I don't play friendlies often; just ask me to and I will, unless it's right after the tourney, in which case I usually don't want to.
9: DendyPretendy- Good job making bracket and good stuff taking a game off KFC.
13: Sniper- It's nice actually seeing you at tourneys again.
13: Manatee- You have some really weird habits, but are pretty good.
13: A rookie- Nice seeing you again, and I enjoyed your vending machine antics.
13: Signia- Nice talk on the rides to and from the tourney, and nice job making bracket.
17: Peligro- Fun double Peach team friendlies.
17: Squid- Fun talking to you and playing you. You're still pretty good in spite of having been out of the scene forever.
21: TheCrimsonBlur- Maintaining composure is hard. I was really bad at it for a long time and still occasionally am, but I just try to keep emotions at bay since they never do any good.
25: Commonyoshi- The state that we left the vending machine in was amusing.
25: QZZY- I think going Sheik against ICs unless you have a lot of experience in the MU is questionable since you really need to know how to avoid weird grabs to stand a chance. Then again, doing well against ICs in general without a lot of experience against them is hard.

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Good job Westballz for winning!

Great job Baka for beating Lovage! Love seeing Peach players do well. <3


Smash Apprentice
Aug 23, 2007
Stab: I thought you did better than I did in teams, but somehow it mostly worked out. Also, for some reason I played well against you in singles.

Squid: Always a pleasure to talk with you, especially when it involves calling Terran OP. :p I'm glad to see you get back into Melee.

Sung: You kept living in our singles set, and you're Falco. You definitely made it hard for me to finish off your stocks. After the tournament, I really enjoyed the car ride.

Dendy: We can do much better in teams friendlies next time.

Baka: Great job at this tournament. You might be making a breakthrough in your improvement.

Wes: My god I stand no chance against you.

Fly: Same with Wes. I don't know how you can win nearly every single game against me with such consistency.

Tapez: Our set in pools what quite the challenge. Keep it up.

Peligro and Manatee: Every tournament ever. Also Manatee, please refrain from killing me efficiently so often.

Commonyoshi: I enjoy play friendlies with you. I don't like getting shine spiked though.

Crimson: Glad I can be an inspiration to somebody despite how much better other players are. Hopefully I'll be a better inspiration in the future.

Likewise: Earlier in our friendlies, I tried to go crazy with my Dtilit approaches, but you kept stuffing them with aerials. So I thought, "what if I just wait a at varying increments then approach to be less predictable?" Sometimes "camping" works out I guess. It was a good learning experience.

KFC: Sorry to hear that you were feeling down in bracket. It happens to everyone sometimes. From my experience at the tournament, I am still convinced that you are a better player than me.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
All you people who doubt my vending machine-stealing-skills suck. You guys messed with the formula!

Hyprid, I'm sure 99% of my kills against you were shine spikes. :awesome:
And KFC, if you actually came to more tournaments we might start cheering for you, haha. You're really good.

Damn, I hate shout outs so no more.

shadrach kabango

Banned via Warnings
Dec 8, 2011
hate to bug you two days after the tourny but

when will vids be up?

thanks for recording

any commentary? i heard u mention u cant record sound?
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