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See the Bigger Picture [Or the 10,000 words]

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Smash Master
Jul 16, 2001
Okay, there's a lot to tell, really its enough to fill a book, but If I wrote a book on it it would be so close to the truth that no publisher would publish it. This is the first definite aspect of the conspiracy, and the first socio-economic term. Selective Supply. The people don't get what they want but what the producers decide they need. This is exactly why most patriotic Americans are so ardently anti-communist. For the people of our generation, though, selective supply is an inescapable fact.

The majority of Children are conditioned from an early age with a relative need for industrialized entertainment. Now, in theory, this entertainment is not by necessity an industry, but because of the demands for quantity, that is, the number of hours a person would be thinking and thus think themselves into what my Latin teacher callled the "Existential Vacuum," or more simply put, Suicidality at comprehending the true emptiness of any existence but a higher one. Envy is a deadly sin for that reason alone. But for all who are smart enough to see the big picture even when not at a birds-eye view, feel free, because suicide as a mortal sin is just an olde-thyme style of oppression to keep the slave class alive enough to shoulder the burden of an upper class.

With the dawn of our Age though, new techniques have been implemented to this effect. Although it's hardly sensible from my limited point of view. I will, however try to use my inferential power to its fullest, for this end, that is, to illustrate the known possibilities of post-suicide existence, and the reason that upholds them.

Since Adolft Hitler, the brilliant rhetoritician, possibly the most influential man alive, has seized power over, not just Europe, but the entire globe, he ensured that the world would be as perfect as he could envision it. Much can be gathered from the film, "The Empty Mirror."

"But Hitler is dead, certainly he's dead. This man is a madman who speaks to us?". Yes a madman, because Sanity is statistical. And 1984 pretty much went as far at exposing the truth of the Nazi's Simulation Earth as the party would allow. In fact it was probably written by party members, as the scene in the book implies.

I went to college for only one semester, before they realized I wasn't of the right, "alignment" to continue, and I was politely kicked out after suspiciously making Solid A's and the "Dean's List." After I wrote a very revealing Journal during Christmas Break, they decided they knew where I stood and that was opposite them. So by january of 2008, I was already feeling rather unsafe on campus. Not that anyone would hold a school shooting, But there was a Skulls meeting to put all the Freshman in their place. And during it I was aware of plenty of doublethinking and doublespeaking going on, but the problem was in the content. There was only one aspect of the ACTUAL lecture that struck me, between all the recitations of the Phrase, "We have been watching, We have...been watching." Attendance. Well, that always applies to me. But on the second plane of speech where the echoes of an empty church are twisted at the behest of a mind into more or less than a perfect echo, twisted into a second message entirely, there was struck me differently.

I recall distinctly, the word "Panolept." [a definite singling out of myself] echoing from one of the males and another echoing, "This guy...I will stab him." pairing that with one of the other freshmen who, while we were entering said to his fellow, "What are you talking about, we eat bread and wine all the time." It was clear that a nice and unprosecuted dark church murder was about to take place. They might have even had ample time for cleanup and disposal, so I'd be a missing person leaving no stain on the college's reputation, and a free car to dismember. I don't know if the skulls and affiliated societies traditionally practice ritual murder "for our honor" but this one definitely gave off that air.

The point is, heretics will not be tolerated. Humanity's free thinking hasn't actually evolved beyond these shackles of the old Catholic Church. The impression of that is given to the youth so they'll be driven with just enough hope for it to be swiftly and with great pleasure destroyed in the name of "angelic righteuosness." The point is the Grand Conspiracy, because it's built on one simple notion...predacity, will always find enough support because of the nature of human kind.

Even common Murderers are rewarded in their own way for predacity. Free meals and easy reading books until you die. But those who have both intellect and predacity...ahh, they get to bask in the glory, because of the cultural Maxim that is..."Outwit." There's no coincidence in "Survivor" rhyming with" the Bible". This too, this maxim of " Thou shalt outwit" is heavily conditioned and reinforced. The Heroes in all the Disney movies always outwit the villain. But there are so many aspects of Villains that are not reflective of reality. Villains always want power, "Phenomenal Cosmic Power." But in the real world power is a fact of life. Those who haven't it have only to hope for the sanity and mercy of those who do. And in our world today particularly, power is forever left without a balancing force between ideologies. [if my understanding is correct.]

See, the main importance is that Humanity is lazy, myopic, and irresponsible, also biased. And that, should the world end soon, it would not be for the first time. The trends of Western Culture's consumption of planet earth have either to end in another Dark Age, or what we all cross our fingers for, A giant simulation, a perfect world that we can all download ourselves into with a stable regulated outer-world to keep the inner world cranking. There's no perpetual motion machine and computers err too often to be trusted with Humankind's billenia of future generations. So a select few would have to keep track of it. Thus was born the Party, or Betas. But I, apart from the majority, was hoping for a Dark Age. A Post-collapse where people would again begin to evolve with and accept the planet instead of rejecting it.

I've personally had too much happen to me that evinces the Giant Simulation theory. Unless god is such a jerk he'll actively use his powers to convince people he doesn't exist. And another Maxim, "It's a dog eat dog world out there!" becomes even more meaningful if you word it without metaphor which is a form of lying. "It's a man eat man world out there." is what they actually mean. And this takes me back to the lectures of my old American History teacher Jack Reavis, he told me of how they used to scalp people, crucify them, and leave them out in the sun to cook. "Now what does that imply?" he said. "Cannibalism." I attested. And he responded, "That's right...No I'm just joking with ya."

But having reached the ripe old age of twenty. And come into enough insanity or cell-phone exposure to have been flung by the tide of the in-crowd. I can't deny it seems rightly possible, that even if it weren't Hitler in charge of the party who tended the simulation from the outside, there might never be a constitutional amendment declaring it illegal to cannibalize. And when computers had come close enough to emulating a human brain, or the brain could easily be preserved in a jar full of wires. It would only be prudent that the people foresee the possibility of food shortages in the outside world. Which ought to mean food shortages for the inner world. Or else, Abilify is just a terrible drug.

See recently I was made to think that I had been cannibalized. The non-sense part of it, though, was that the reason for the cannibalism was because I had eaten too much in the past and thus was fat on the outside. I weigh less than 120 pounds actually. And ironically it was because I weighed so little that I took to eating so much. I had the metabolism of a God. Buuuut, for some reason all the food you eat on the inside is also eaten on the outside? What is THAT?! That's the non-sense part. If people actually live in a Giant Earth Simulation, why would the external body not be given only a regulated ration of sustenance? Judging by what happened, though, it's obvious. So as to better please the predacious, or Cain faction, upon its destruction or "Abeling"...no that can't be it. Anyway, you ever notice how porkchops look like a slice of human skull...in profile? with the brain removed and the cavity stuffed with meat.

Afterward, they made it clear through telepathic communications that should I spread the word, I had a future of throat cancer to look forward to. Or a Life in prison at the worst circle of hell available on earth. That is, framed...for child molestation. So as you can clearly see, the party institutes policies of terrorism. Indeed they are the only true terrorists left in the world today. It's all in " The Empty Mirror" "for the obdurate, terror is necessary." But I think they wouldn't actually go through with anything but, the cancer, or Isolating the Radical. And giving it all it needs to be pacified with its secrets. I on the other hand, do not have all I need to be pacified. I don't have my private guitar habits. Nor do I think I can talk my demands into being supplied...not in the world of Selective Supply, so Here I am, with their secrets which are no longer my secrets.

I say though, any person or party with a secret is a person or party with guilt. And I don't mean guilt so much in the emotional sens here as the legal sense. But my personal guilt is relieved. Slightly. There's still so much more...regarding the Media and Hypocrisy, and Mathematics. But I promise you. If there's a truth not explicitly stated. And I can think of it in time. I'll bring it to you.

Let the eagle eat so much liver it chokes, or fattens itself till unable to fly.

Until Next Time

[codename: Raiden Two]


And seeing as my last topic was closed without any real reason...the meaning of life compels me to continue.

Yes. The meaning of life. I, as a young boy, had decided what the meaning of life was by the age of twelve. I'd defined it then as...to find the meaning of life. Now a few years older and more experienced, I've come to the conclusion that the universally acceptable meaning of life, to please all men, all gods, and the one true God, is easily found and briefly worded.

The meaning of life is to be born into a world that needs change, and then to fight for that change.

Really it could be anything. But you have to admit, the people who did this the best are the ones life best remembers. Martin Luther. Adolf Hitler. Brutus AND Caesar both. Of course this meaning of life, if believed by all, will have the immediate effect of an increase in conflict between everybody living. Which is no more damage than television has managed to do in sixty years of power, so you can't shoot it down on that mark. And if you want people to get along...well. There's a meaning of life for you too. The very same one I stated above.

And as would be predictable with such, as they call it, "leaks" of this information which is usually kept in such tight control, the Moderator has shut down my operations.

I might sound paranoid if I accuse Azua of being in on the conspiracy. But paranoia is only a condition of awareness. And seeing what happened, it appears all the more likely that she IS a member of that 25% of the human population the Party has inducted into their ranks.
No problem, though. Threats are their best weapon. Threats and threats and I've been inured to them...Oh and in college they tried to poison me. Pretty desperate to suppress someone who only has a message. But if a message widely heard can dismantle their entire system...I say. Let's break it down.

See. The plain truth of the matter is...the Anal Expurgatives have taken over the world. When it comes down to it...that's the pivotal matter that distinguishes the upper class from the lower class. And it's quite simply that. A two class system. Why is it this way? I don't know. I didn't design the system. I was just forced to live in it. But as if humanity's worship of excrement couldn't manifest itself in any better way than the hundred names they already had for it. They made it so that there is a time in every person's life when taking a crap is the most important thing they can ever do. One visit to the toilet decides if you're worthy of Hitler's Beta Heaven, or condemned to a life of slavery and consumption.

It all happens around this thing they call a Panic attack. Or Anxiety Attack. Not just at any panic attack though. The Betas [or Party Memebers] always stage it around asking the question of whether we are really living in the Matrix. They come more often to people on anti-depressants, which are designed really to force the point of decision between Crap, Die, and Ascend to Heaven, or Flee, Live and Descend to Hell. From what I know, a person is only supposed to be given one, in their entire lifetime. I was lucky enough to have two...but neither time did I feel like going to the bathroom. It felt like dying, it didn't feel like Waking up from a dream I'd been struggling against my entire life. And when your put in that position...the circuitry of your brain going haywire, blacking out, receding, the part of it involving your bowels...is a lot more arbitrary.

But not to the Party. The Crapping. That's what matters. THAT's why I say the Anal expurgatives have taken over the world.

Oh and that whole thing about the Mass Media being full of devices designed to twist and contort the human subconcious into the self-destructive, self-denying, asocial, or otherwise negative thoughts and behavior. And the fact that it's definitely NOT by accident. Sure it might make sense that the unconscious mind of the medium-maker's outlet is trying to attack the unconscious minds of others...entirely unconsiously, but the deivces they implement are far too patternized, too organized, and all united with a common goal.

Sometimes it's not just sterilization, mental or physical. But that does seem to be the main thing.

There are also about a hundred measures by which Women appear to be taking revenge on men for...well I guess that 90% of human history where they were the 2nd sex. And other measures of affirmative action.

Do I notice the startling difference between the number of black males coupled with white females, starkly outnumbering the number of white males with black females...Why yes...I do. Do you see it also manifesting itself in Rap videos and Stand-up Comedy...of course. Because as all things in history have taught us...two wrongs DO make more history happen.
The worst part of it though is that it's not just the black people trying put out their own media message and overthrow whitey. All the media targeted at white people is designed to instill every form of mental illness or disorder KNOWN to psychologists. Pretty much it's the selective process, as brought to you by mother nature, only it's gone malignant. Perverted.

And if you want to know the ultimate revenge of the black people on the whites. Just look at Michael Jackson. See here's what it means. Somewhere along the way they decided, how about we give a little black boy the best childhood imaginable, give him everything a boy could want and then let him decide how how we aught to take affirmative action about slavery. So Michael Jackson said...let's pervert all the white boys into paraphilias, let the Media drag them down into homosexuality, Oedipal behavior, and the sweetes of all their revenge-laden fruit...pedophilia. You ever notice that all the flashers and Child molesters in your newspapers are what color...White. Peculiar no?

And at the same era in history, all the Black men are shaped into thinking that the gang life is all they need...They get buff, they get violent, they get in all them crackers' faces, they get actually encouraged into crime by their own media [but I guess for the 75% of the population that's NOT Beta, there is no "thier own media"]. And what happens in prison...where Michael Jackson, by the way, has NEVER been. Well it's obvious. The physically able are doing the ****** and the physically weak are receiving it. Oh and there are still books. Peasant level books like Stephen King, Danielle Steele. All the white people in prison who might happen to be buff...probably weren't big fans of Rock and Roll.

Rap is about the only music with a libido-empowering message. The black men have monopolized it, and there's really nothing the white mediaheads are doing about it. The party's stance is simply put. It's "a difficult problem."

The truth is we're already living in the times of Helter Skelter, race wars and mass hysteria.But war nowadays is all psychological, hence, the mass media and behavioral control. Although they prefer the euphamism, Shaping. I remember one day in high school, I was walking into the Library at lunch-time, because I never ate School lunches...Must be why I'm "********." And as I passed through the library I also walked by this group of some Black Christian organization, singing this song like, "We will march Oooon and Ooooon....to victory." 'Victory?I thought. Well sure, for the civil rights movement that fits but this was 2005. You've all come into a different world. What more victory is there after universal Equality?' The obvious answer came naturally. Dominance. Since then I've never looked at Black entertainment the same way. Really all entertainment though, needs to be met with a deeply scrutinizing eye, if not turned away from entirely for the sheer hideousness of it all.

I say this all openly because no one else will. Most people are supposed to be too stupid or too agreeable to the system to go ratting it out like I do.

I on the other hand feel violated. Violated that from birth I was processed through machinery designed to splice right out of me anything natural that didn't fir their agenda. Libido? Don't need that. Social Skills? Excise. Supportive Family Unit? Dismantle. Wait, is he actually taking joy in food? in his guitar? All this must be stopped at once. Tell him the food is barf processed by the Matrix's machinery. [How else do Cruncheros get their bean flavor?] Tell him Math is Magic and use that as a means of enforcing his inferiority.
Our little monkey 'Bananas' will live how we decree. And tell him, "Have a good time." especially when you know he won't. Now that the band's broken up. I want him to think it was his fault.

Travis get's a special version of 10,000 days. Have Kyle deliver it. And at some point in the time he's there, have him say, "Yeah, I'm Maynard now." and when he's leaving, let it be, "Yeah, you're trapped."

Get Carmen on the underside of Right in Two. Get her to tell him. "Fall in love with me...I don't like you...I do like the smell of piss...Get a cup and take a whiff. Mmmm good isn't it." And other fragmentary things like "Eat poop, Ape." and when it's all too late, then we'll reveal to him just what crap we've injected into his head.

Thank Bananas for his cooperation and send him on his way to Westminster where Derick Dailey will poison him with a cookie, leaving him psychotic, at which time, we begin the rest of the procedure. Basic Paranoid Schizophrenia, we can't have the Police of Paramedics believe his story, because he's got an underlying, previously undiagnosed, mental disorder and then, once he's suspended from college on those grounds, tell him he'll spend the rest of his life in jail because his mother set him up. That way, when he's drawing Disability checks, he'll realize in comparison how good he has it.

Notice how every sentence in those last paragraphs was an imperative? Wow. I surprise myself sometimes. But it's about an accurate representation of a mind that thinks in imperatives.

But that got too personal. Still, aren't the best accounts of the Holocaust the personal ones. Otherwise it's all cold statistics, no Logos, Ethos, or Pathos in that.

Now for the Hypocrisy. or What Pink Floyd called The Wall. Basically it's a facet of our culture where everybody wears at least two faces. One of them smiling, the other baring it's teeth.
And even your own parents won't be frank with you on anything. It's like they're chained to this cultural habit, every American. Even the people who claim to be honest.

The best they do at revealing the real truth is telling you 90% of all communication is non-verbal. What they really mean is non-vocal though. Because if all we had were non-verbal conversations, we'd basically still be cavemen. Even ideas communicated by the environment need a verbal manifestation in the mind before understood. A few exceptions are maybe in Rene Magritte paintings, but that's because he worked at such a goal.

There's a thing called wit where people communicate ideas, sometimes even bend a word or phrase so far it actually ISN'T what it officially is. Such madness is best found in Lyrics, or Supervisors. It's a common practice they call X and Y. But that's commoner level wit. The real wit is even more multifaceted and implicit. The problem being in communication that all facets of a message can only be understood by the person from which it came. In this way most people are actually hoping to have a conversation with themselves, not somebody else. This is really no problem in principle though. In fact the game itself obviously pleases humanity. It's actually why Walt Whitman made that comment about the United Stated themselves being the world's greatest poem.

That's why the United Stated intentionally caused the deaths of Millions of Native American peoples. Because they were a great poem. And really isn't that all art is and has ever been...a warm blanket riddled with smallpox.

As I've learned through my development, the primary use of this so-called wit is hypocrisy. What most people exercise such faculties for is to say something, lie about it, and say something that rhymes to see if you'll believe it. And it doesn't matter how much you fight with them, there's not a drop of honesty to ever be extracted. I haven't believed a single cover since I've noticed it as a part of culture. People claim I have a hearing problem, but really it's just that people have a habit of speaking problems.

It's really a shame I wasn't born alongside Diogenes. He might have died a happy man.

Anyway, to make this an actual topic of discussion. Questions? Comments? Communism?

Certainly I can't be the only one in the world whose noticed these patterns in the Media, in the Education system, in Human Behavior. Maybe I'm just the only one they "oops"ed on so badly.

Well. Hey. Civilization is a house of cards right? And if you don't think a house should be made of cards, build it out of concentrated logic.

Should Humanity come to a point in the course of our existence where we were met with sacrificing privacy, quality of life, and overall enlightenment for the sake of the species survival. Would YOU want them to build a Giant Earth Simulation. Knowing they could potentially cannibalize each and every one of your descendants, after which point all of their memories are downloaded, scrutinized and thrown back in their face, like Judgement Day at the age of 21? Would you want Taking a particular dump to be the decisive factor in who was released from the sim and who was left in.

Or is Barack Obama just going become Hitler II, Enslave all of the Game Designers and fling all the remaining ihabitants of Earth back to Ancient Egypt's era for everyone. Announcedly using John Rawl's theory of Justice, but like any politician, lying to the public, knowing they know he's lying.

Hey! Liberate my Freedom!
The First Amendment says.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
This is either the best fiction I've ever read, or the worst conspiracy theory garbage I've ever read. And I've read alot of conspiracy theory garbage.

The idea that if we stopped watching TV and movies, that we would end up in this "existential vacuum" is beyond absurd. If that's true, why hasn't your Latin teacher killed himself? Why haven't you?

And stop with this, "What is the meaning of life" nonsense. That's a stupid question. The question is, "What is the meaning of MY life?" If you think it's to write conspiracy stuff and fight for change (whatever that means), then you're pretty much all set, I guess.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
This is an AMAZING fiction. Lengthen it with some characters and real life things and try to get it published. It could become the next Da Vinci code. Oh, nad btw, fiction should posted in CM.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
Let's step out of this self-important cube we're always in, and ask the following:

What is the meaning of a random star's life as it spins hopelessly until it collapses on itself? The star has no purpose but a dull cycle that's set in motion as a result of the nebula it was born in.

However, we are a well developed stage(not talking about state) in matter because we are able to think(energy in motion).

So what's the meaning of our lives? Well that depends on what each individual decides to do with his/her life, since we're able to choose. :)


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2001
Actually this is what's been filtered out of the fiction...Most of the fiction is designed to reveal concepts to apply to the truth of life.

Like the DaVinci Code is actually not just about making you feel ignorant and curious. It also has plenty of subtler hints about the Sacred Feminine [duh] and its application to our modern age men. Basically every scene in the book has a female in a dominant role. [okay except with Jaques Sauniere instructing Sohpie.] Sophie Guides Langdon like a lost puppy. The Woman in the sex scene was straddling the man [which I guess helps to psych-filter any idea of Sauniere's Virility]. In the end Langdon falls to his knees before a ginourmous Chalice [PoonTang], which is a gesture of humility and submission seen only in worship, or slavery.

The Wizard of Oz is about the many ways men had to be made sexually reticent after the baby boom. And the Pink Floyd Experience is supposed to Awaken you in your teenage years to the homosexuality that you're supposed to think is natural. As if the Lyrics to Dark Side of the Moon weren't ***goty as is.

Even the Simpsons has some of the strongest expressions of social trends taking place in our world, albeit much exaggerated. But generally it seems like Women are taking more control, first of all by portraying men as slobs and drunks concerned mostly with satisfying their impulses, and showing women as the core of intellect. Not unlike the scene in Shrek or any other Scene where a woman is reading a book in bed while her husband paces back and forth, pushed around by his own emotions and difficulty solving his problems.
Or maybe Homer just drank urine which I've heard makes people sterile and/or ********, possibly responsible for the Simpson gene as they put it.
After all, if you try it, I guarantee, you'll have a moment where your testicles say, "Ow my sperm!"

And at last, the Matrix, designed to both inform and to scare people out of taking the leap to Zion even if they do think, at the Omega point, "Oh woah! So their Bug is rectal, not directly to the brain?" I don't know what happens but from what I gather, it's a better world out there. Thanks to Hitler and Eugenics and open, legal recreational drug use. More like Huxley's Brave New World. Also you can live longer because of advances in Medicine. Hence the high exclusivity and one-shot only nature of the release procedure. Feel free to write this as fiction. Any of you. I'm told if I do, they'll either convince me that the outside, [in which I've already been cannibalized] is my reward and I'll die on the toilet, or they'll find some way to have my IP stolen and copyrighted by someone else.

If you want fiction. There's this Earth-like planet orbiting Rigel where the streets are all painted with Layers of Arrows. [Think F-Zero] And children are taught that their star and Solar system were born when the pilot of a Vessel crashed into the "pontella" of sunfire that was evidently it's propulsion system. Sacrificing himself for the lives of the many. Or maybe it was Sirius since there was some formula about Binary stars, reminiscent of K-Pax. But hey, that was just this dream I had while at a College the practices Hypnopedia.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Are you Christian?

And about the rapists, molesters, etc., you say that most are white?

I don't believe in coincidence, and this is not one. Either black or white people had to have a greater role in this, and it just happened to be that, as you say, more are white.

There shouldn't be any point in that paragraph you wrote.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Hey! Liberate my Freedom!
The First Amendment says.
The Wizard of Oz is about the many ways men had to be made sexually reticent after the baby boom. And the Pink Floyd Experience is supposed to Awaken you in your teenage years to the homosexuality that you're supposed to think is natural. As if the Lyrics to Dark Side of the Moon weren't ***goty as is.
Now then, just because you can write WoTs, it doesn't save you from being a hypocritical *******.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
I have a feeling this thread's going to be closed.

There are already insults flying around, and religion is being brought up(it's never survived in the pool room).

And Crimson King is viewing the thread haha.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I read resting_fox's last huge thread, and I read this one too. Your thought processes are absolutely fascinating; although I really do have trouble believing what you write, its absolutely wonderful to read it.
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