The more I've thought about this mod and the future of Melee, the more I believe SD Remix is not a replacement for Melee and that it ought to differentiate itself from vanilla. Melee is not perfect, but SD Remix could theoretically be. Everything that is not good in Melee should be made better and this should primarily done in two main areas:
1.) Improving the esthetics
Face it, Melee is an old game and looks dated compared to Smash 4.
This is bad for Melee in general because esthetics are a large part of what
makes a game spectator-friendly. The ideal graphical design out to be logical, in the sense
that the spectators unaware of the intricacies of the game could understand it regardless.
This could be done in a 20xxesque-way of giving subtle yet visible hints such as flash on successful/unsuccessful l-cancels.
The quickest way to do this, would be to play Melee with hitboxes/hurtboxes visible. Perhaps the damage meter could be even replaced with the characters external appearance deteriorating as their damage builds up.
All that being said, Melee's graphical design could definitely be updated and improved upon - imagine if Melee looked like Smash 4. Animations could be a major area of improvement in general. My personal favourite would be a "Button Display Mode" which would require the controller inputs split into the console and the streaming computer -
in order for the controller inputs to be displayed to the viewers. Just imagine how fast the knowledge of DI would expand if we could see how top players DI - midmatch! It is interesting to consider the fact that Melee has a massive amount of graphical clues but most of them are too fast to be seen clearly, try watching powershielding in slow motion to see what I am talking about.
2.) Increasing content (Competitive aspect)
This can be as extensive as adding new stages (which has been done) or as minor as allowing more space in player tags. The more recent installments of Smash provide a vast amount of examples of the type of content, such as the ability to modify controller setups. The main focus is the community the product is being catered to, in this case it is the
competitive Smash community. So provide all the options other mods like Project M and 20xx Hackpack provide - and more.
I think SD Remix should clearly and visibly differentiate itself from Melee - because that is the only way for this mod to survive and make it big. Reworking the menus would be huge, as well as a new start-screen with the proper SD Remix logo. We are now at a point where there are opportunities for small SD Remix tournaments/weeklies for being organized.
Now to the other viewpoint of this post, which is the future of our community. I believe the original Melee will "die" eventually but the game's concept won't. To put it simply, I am expecting a sequel to Melee at some point in the future. This is assuming that the competitive community will live on for a considerable time to the future. E-sports are already growing fast and Smash has established itself as a competitive franchise to an extent. The sequel of Melee would most likely use the same engine which is a large part of what that makes Melee such an amazing game. The graphics would be on the level of any modern game at the respective time-period, which in our time would mean true HD graphics. As long as there is a demand for gamecube controllers, they will be produced. I am unaware how Melee's metagame will develop but I believe it will stale as a competitive game with it's successor when it comes to versatility in cast. There's a reason why Melee's meta is the way it is today, there are many characters in the game that lessen your chances of winning the moment you let go of the button - this should never be the case in a competitive game and only criteria for a choice ought to be one of mere preference.