you ideally want to close the space and shield right when the laser is gunna hit, not shield early and drain your shield
if he does laser approaches don't wavedash towards him or u will probaby eat a shine and get pooped on
wavedash the other way maybe lol
in terms of recovery, it's pretty much 50/50 unless the falco is god awful
double jump grabbing the edge is really good until falcos do run off double jump d-air to cover the edge option, if they do this you gotta pull back a little to not get spiked. Reaction/prediction helps
if they grab edge and cover your double jump sweetspot i'd airdodge up-towards the stage after double jumping towards the edge, probably gunna get hit, probably living though. Not sure because i'm not some frame data *** face but if they try to shine you when your double jump would sweetspot the edge it would miss
going high when possible is almost always the best option because you can do falcon tricks, which is the pullback when up-b ing and edge cancelling plats or simply falling through plats
falco's uptilt you can punish if they use it retardedly. It's safe if it hits your shield though and you really have no way of punishing it once it hits you other than getting away. i love spacing d-airs on up-tilts so that it looks like you are supposed to get hit but you barely dodge up-tilt by 1 pixel. Great on bad falcos who snap up-tilt after a tech/ roll/etc
short-hop b-air is stupid as hell
d-air is ghey but not as ghey as it could be because full-hop d-air is tradable with up-air. A trick I use is to trade and tech in place right away and follow up. Trading is GREAT vs falco because 12%~ of falco = 30% of falcon (IMO)
d-air unspaced/ not fast-falled and/or not late = shield grab. I find that more and more people are going back towards shield grabbing when it will most likely work and its something you should try to learn in your gameplay. Shield grabbing is no longer n00b (unless u miss horribly)
Laser is extremely homoe but it's really up to the falco that you play.Some camp excessively and play ultra defensive, others rush down. If you look at an old crappy match of me vs zhu at dgdtj2, I got pissed off enough that I literally stand still and take 8 shots to the face
overall, falco is a ghey peice of krap. Every move he has *****. A tiny falcon misstep is all it takes to eat a combo while falco's can minimize damage moreso than falcon by simply crouch cancelling/ mixing-up techs. It's a good thing that most falcos still suck weiners but its disheartening when you still have close matches vs. mediocre falcos.
falcon vs falco is my favorite matchup though, really rewarding and ****ing up noobs is very fun still
To win you gotta be (significantly) better or really lucky
mango says that falco is easier than fox when you minimize spacing errors and don't get 0 to almost dead comboed, tough to say though for the rest of the world