If you decide to throw one on the 26th like you stated i will come to it with my brother.
I should be doing the 26th, I'll be looking for that date soon....so I can get it early B4 the lame Christmas rush
Kay. Sasuke's kinda cheap on wifi. Lag+free teleports=free punish. It makes me sad though because Tenten isn' t good. Neither is Temari T.T Both of which I wanted to main.
EDIT: I just played NUNS for the first time in awhile, I can see it being cometitive but Itachi and Tenten need to be banned before that happens. O:
Sasuke is cheap period....demon form or not lawl...but you want to talk about banning...."F" Itachi....though I can see why since I main him
Garra is the one that should be banned or at least worked on in the sequel.....WAY too many options (and most of them he doesn't even have to move, not even an inch!)
It's not.
Me and Adam are the breaths of fresh, antagonistic air in SC.
Agreed. Mostly Crio. lawl JK
Kack, Naruto is a terrible show. It has nothing to do with the English VA, several of whom are actually vastly superior to their Japanese counterparts. The plot, the obnoxious characters, the glorification of all things emo.
When you get older you will look back with embarassment that you ever liked the show.
Ehhhh, that statement in my mind is debateable.....but I don't feel like it now lol
It's called having your entire lifespan extra to evaluate the world. When I was your age I liked ****ty anime too. Though back when I was your age it was a niche instead of main stream. So alot of it was "i'm in this niche i'm cool" instead of genuine appreciation.
Trust me. The reason your parents don't like the same stuff you do isn't because they don't get it(though some don't) It's because they've been there, done that, got the t-shirt and realized how f*3king stupid it all was.
Or they just generally don't like, my old friends dad..loves Avatar The Last Air Bender and some other things anime, current and past....SPECIFICALLY the ORIGINAL Power Ranger...(So do I...period lol)
Sometimes it's just personal preference
that means that this man is speaking the truth.
Yeah This, lulz!
Adam, u dont post a lot, but when u do, u make it ****in WIN my friend. That's why ur awesome. U keep it real no matter what.
Personally, i DO like Naruto... but i admit its been failing a LOT since the "Shippuden" arcs. But it JUST recently started getting better in the manga. But Bleach has been trailing too, and all the GE crew peeps like Bleach. ichigo is too hax... to much plot protection.. and Aizen is too much a "God" figure in that anime....
Adam, is not afraid to say what he feels, and I respect that, I plan to start doing that as well
Agreed. Yeah This.
if it aint DBZ its done man.
Ehhhhh, also debatable...haha but DBZ is excellent
Whilst I can agree with people saying Naruto isn't very good, I can disagree that "the things we like when we were younger were dumb" kinda ****. If you didn't know what you liked when you were little, or let others decide for you then you were not self aware and just going with the flow. (looking at that classic argument of buying small boys GI Joes and buying girls Hello Kitty Barbie ****, is that what they inherently want or what society deems they should have?)
I for one always made my choices. I loved the children's film Little Nemo (not FINDING Nemo, different movie...) and I still love it. I loved Jurassic Park, Mega Man X games, Star Fox 64. I still love anything I loved then. DragonBallZ.
The people who say they liked stupid stuff as a kid or whatever, or to fit in... Then you were a stupid kid, and hopefully you're more self aware now. There are still plenty of people who don't understand why they like things, or do it to fit in, but lol those people are boring and lack depth imo.
tl;dr if you've always been yourself you'll still like the things you liked when you were young
and I'm a writer. and from a story-teller's standpoint, Naruto isn't very good. Just sayin'
Somethings really were kinda dumb when we were all little, but I agree...most things you like as a kid you would (most likely) like now
So, overall, I Agree.
None of the things you mentioned are ****ty though. Think to all the things that ARE bad that you did like. Not things that are just for a young demographic, or that wouldn't hold up to today's standards.
Things like Twilight, Harry Potter, Boy bands, Mainstreme anime, Halo, are what in a few years people will look back and try to figure out why the hell they ever liked it. Or you can be that guy who clings to the past. Your choice.
Halo, is good **** period, I'm no Halo freak...but I enjoy the game ~ and I' a black man....I NEVER like Boy Bands...lolz
um, i still like harry potter, adam... :[
anyway i need a little help guys.
which would be a cooler title for a brawl+ wolf combo video?
"Teen wolf" or "A series of unfortunate events"
Harry Potter is a like~able thing....at least I like it
And those titles both sound like movies, lulz
The Don has spoken, yet his speech is laced with lies and propaganda....hehe