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SaugaThread: Now with 50% less S


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
Would Hype and Shifu be interested in coming down to Brampton - my place - for Brawl casuals?

It would be irregularly, but not necessarily infrequently.

This is basically an invite to make Sauga casuals into .... Brampton casuals, considering one of the small groups would have to make it out to the other's region, and news that the UTM Casuals thread is dead...
Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to put the time into improving anymore. I just play casually. I'm still gonna go to tourneys, but not put in the practice.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
You haven't done the research to back this statement.

I've been to as many tournaments as I could by now. It's five or six.

But just playing bracket matches isn't enough for me to learn anything. They're over so fast, and there hasn't been time for friendlies except at two of those events, one of them being Tin Man and Alvin's great one last month.

Even said friendlies aren't against people who talk to me at all. They just play the match. I watch the back and forth, and theory between friendlies of other people, and why doesn't anyone see what I have to offer? Why doesn't anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong; they just win. And they don't win by abusing any habits, no they "just" win, making me wonder if it was close.

Gi, commenting that you're annoyed offhand like that is disrespectful to me. If you have something you want to tell me, please just tell me.
I've already scrubbed out and you know I've scrubbed out. But I've put in as much effort as anyone else. It hasn't amounted because that effort has to just go into playing the game itself.

You just saw: I make my very home open to people who want to play, but I can't get anyone to take me up on it.
You'd think I could whine about how unfair it is, but I just want to keep looking for where my sob story turns around, because I **** want to get better at this game now, please.

And I play this game to get better. I like getting better at things.
Why does anyone do anything? At the end of the day, you got **** you like to do. I like to keep mentally stimulated with this game, from a competitive standpoint.

I wanted to figure out how to play this game. I had to wait a year to have an event that showed me how to figure out how to play this game. And I don't mean this to be disrespectful, but this is just a fact: It wasn't thanks to playing any match against a person.

But now I do know how to think about the game. So now I've got to play people, to learn how to play the game. If that doesn't work out, maybe I'll eventually figure out how to play the game myself too, after having figured out how to figure out how to play the game by myself.
But I'd rather actually spend this time with other people. Hype and Shifu sound to be in a crappy situation like me, although I know Hype is already very good. Don't know who Shifu is.

These people are lucky. I want to get better, I'm trying in every way I can possibly give effort to this, and Gi goes Troll on me, and not even his top tier Trolling like he can do.

Let me play this game, guys. Ffs, what is this game to you? It's so bad to try and have one more guy over at casuals, see what he can do to make your tourney events more lively later, because he'll actually learn something?

SHOW ME WHAT I HAVE TO DO not to be a joke. And this isn't because I was Ganon either. I've showed people other characters. I even fancy Falco and Marth, from LBT1, and still do. Doc showed me, however briefly, a G&W platform trick. Sure it was obvious and I knew it, but thanks Doc.
Show me some ****, yes, take the risk I'll actually win money from you in actually teaching me something, but put one more person in our region who can create a heart-pumping moment like Iliad v Swordgard, or GUARD v Minus.

Looks like I don't really know how to end this post but I'll just ask again: I've got all the time in the world to do what I gotta to excel at this game. Why won't you give me a chance?
just ask ppl like when u asked me at lbt1 for falco advice

but yeah, i didnt miss the point of the post just sayin


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
It's really tough to say, if you do not improve and get to even 13th pace at a tourney nowadays, just quit, cause you'll be one of those people like me who will suck forever. Try a character change, like if you say you dropped ganon for falco as an example, good move.

People are not going to go to Brampton, sorry man, only like 2-3 drivers in all of smash community and one of them is lazy as **** (ambrose), sauga quit why the **** would they waste time going somewhere for brawl, and i don't know what decoy has been up to in terms of this game. So yeah...you're screwed. I understand that there are like 2 other brawl players in brampton but that is a start. From what i got pho and srtm were the only two playing it in guelph and they got pretty good off each other.

And one last thing, go to a tournament because that is best to improve, you gotta be more aggressive. Wghen I want to play, I PLAY. I get the **** in there and say I'm next. I went to my first ssfiv casual a while back and i was not shy at all to call a turn and **** I got to get a good amount of matches in. So don't cower behind people watching a match and expect someone to turn around and say "you wanna play?" Cause it ain't going to happen. Be like "Alright I'm next in".

Also, wifi, it helps some people dramatically, while others don't get much off of it. Take a hance and see if you are one of those lucky ones.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
wow, this thread is still alive o.o


btw i didn't "quit" brawl. everyone around me did haha ie. my training partner, dimmy
i still love to play the game (because i dont complain about mks, and nor do i play mk) so casuals/tourneys i'll still go to, but many a times i am busy with work and such, but send me an invite and i'll try my best to make it, worst case, i'll make it late =P

and yes, i DID pick up ssf4, but that's because i'm a sf fan


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
It's really tough to say, if you do not improve and get to even 13th pace at a tourney nowadays, just quit, cause you'll be one of those people like me who will suck forever. Try a character change, like if you say you dropped ganon for falco as an example, good move.
Ganon is top tier for sure. Also zed f u are like 2 years late. Brawl is dead man

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
wow, this thread is still alive o.o


btw i didn't "quit" brawl. everyone around me did haha ie. my training partner, dimmy
i still love to play the game (because i dont complain about mks, and nor do i play mk) so casuals/tourneys i'll still go to, but many a times i am busy with work and such, but send me an invite and i'll try my best to make it, worst case, i'll make it late =P

and yes, i DID pick up ssf4, but that's because i'm a sf fan



Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
you can make subscriptions not go to your inbox. and then you just check the subscription page. yeah. just saying.
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