Hm...let's see...I want to say DotA 2 will be good, because it's made by Valve but I have some doubts. I know for TF2, they basically cut all the corners off of TFC, removed grenades , bhopping, conc jumping, and other exploits that made TFC great.
I don't like their decision of adding hats and new weapons every other patch for two reasons: it clutters the game visually and causes imbalance (though, I miss being able to 1-shot a medic with the Equalizer), but does keep the game fresh and it's great that the developers are giving free content to their player base (unlike IW with CoD. **** paid DLC).
Definitely going to buy it though.
I've never really played DotA so some questions:
1. How does a melee champion lane against a ranged champion in DotA? I know that the developers in LoL removed denying to streamline the game and supposedly reduce the imbalance between melee and ranged champions during laning. The imbalance in LoL is still there, melee champs without the ability to harass will go starved.
2. I suppose. Does DotA have cooldown reduction items? Or champions that don't rely on mana but on other resources like health?
3. No idea about DotA. A lot of items work on multiple champions in LoL.
4. No comment
5&6. Map control or map awareness? It's true that you can't immediately teleport to an allied unit/structure without the use of a summoner spell except for a few global ultimates (Twisted Fate, lolPantheon).
I suppose this is the reason why TF is considered so strong. If he wins his lane his opposing laner loses the safety of the tower, and rest of his opponents are put at risk.
Normally ganks from junglers can be counteracted by warding the river and not overextending, while mid towers are close enough to flash to.
Even if you don't overextend, TF can ult in, stun, and gank you with little to no risk. Past laning phase? He'll just ult and backdoor your tower/inhibitor and use his summoner teleport to get away with no risk as well.
7. I suppose the lower amount of juking in LoL is due to the lack of intricate and impassable terrain. In DotA, I know there are small paths in the trees in which you can run and break line of sight while brush can be freely entered from any part.
Might sound a bit uninformed about both games, but this is definitely more entertaining than studying for finals
1. Laning is much more difficult in DotA than LoL overall. Squishy late game melee carries (like spectre, pa, etc.) need babysitting to gain the experience, last hits, and levels to transition well into late game. Common melee solo laners are doom, clockwerk, dragon knight, kunkka. These heroes often have high hp/armor (doom, dk) or good harassment/farming skills (clock, kunkka). It is definitely harder overall for melee heroes, but it isn't impossible to win your lane with a couple of good ganks or an early tower push from your team.
2. This is a very generalized explanation, but agility + strength heroes have very low mana regeneration and only 1-2 skills that use mana. Agility heroes will typically invest in attack speed items and damage. Strength heroes will invest in armor/tanking/regeneration/spell reduction items. Intelligence heroes will invest in mana capacity and regeneration. Again this is a veryyyyy broad explanation.
Almost all skills require mana with the exception of things like huskar's burning spears and his ultimate...stuff like that. But even in the beginning phases of laning, I feel that you can spam your skills indefinitely to harass the enemy heroes without having to worry about not having enough mana a minute later when youre getting ganked or something...whereas if you're spamming your lvl. 2 stun against someone in your lane constantly to "harass" youre just going to get dominated when a gank comes...even if you're an int hero and have a large mana pool. Often times the mana costs on the spells of int heroes are I guess that's where the mana balance comes in early game.
Cooldowns cannot be reduced unless you have the item "refresher orb" which completely refreshes all your skills ONCE every 210 (I think) seconds. But in general cooldown reduction isn't a game mechanic that's highly implemented in the game. Oh yeah and death prophet's witchcraft reduces all the CD's on her skills...but that's about it.
3. DotA has some flexibility in the builds as well...but investing in a wasteful item in early/mid game can push back your farming for the really crucial items by 5-10 minutes depending on how the game is progressing...In a 50 minute game..this can be huge. On a side note, the item builds can be tailored to your team's strategy as well...If you have a weak late game line up you can go for a game winning 30 minute push and end the game there with the right items.
4. No comment.
5 & 6. Map awareness is the same in both games I would say. Warding is very important in both games as ganks can come from the forest at any point in the game. When heroes are missing from the map it's pretty obvious what they could be doing (healing, buying, jungling, ganking) and wards help with this.
Map CONTROL comes with the mobility of the team and your towers/where your defenses lie. This aspect is clearly lacking in LoL. If I die and buy-back in LoL...wth am I going to do? TP into the fight immediately? I can't do that......In DotA a buyback would be HUGE and potentially game changing because there's always that factor of that really buff medusa that you just took out with all your ults? Guess what? Her farm was so good she's just going to buy back, TP in, and own your faces.
7. Tree eating, fog of war, skills that go through trees, skills that raze trees, the 3 seconds it takes to tp somewhere...So many factors go into juking and I feel like it was all lost in LoL.
That is all. hahahaha